
Monday, December 8, 2008


Welcome to From Debt to Dust

I'll admit right off the bat that the blog name is a bit much.

I might have preferred something simpler, like calculated risk, or the big picture, or naked capitalism, which are the names of three of my favourite blogs.

But, quite frankly, those types of names aren't suggestive enough of the sense of impending potential doom I wanted to convey.

But, even more frankly, the creation of this blog was a spur of the moment thing, so I didn't invest a lot of thought into it.

We'll just have to see how this little experiment goes. I hope it will someday become a useful resource for my colleagues. For now though, its simply going to be a personal journal of sorts, to log my evolving thought process on the economic mess we're in and its implications, in particular serving as a rolling reference list to noteworthy news and analysis elsewhere in the blogosphere and web media.



p.s. I have, over the last 18-24 months, fallen at times into a state of low-grade depression and insomnia, alternating between rage at Bush and his cronies; to disgust at the extent of commercialism, consumerism and wastefulness in our lives; to despondency over the economic mess we've created for ourselves for the next decade (if not more); to despair over the oil-depleted, species-deprived, polluted planet I fear my children will live the bulk of their lives on --- and then I try to pull myself out of it by living life.

So, in that vein, though I usually recognize the absurdity of giving a damn about who won or lost this weekend, don't be surprised to see a post or two about sports; it was once a passion of mine, and though I like to think I've since evolved, its nice once in awhile to pull out that safety blanket and pretend that things are normal.

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