
Monday, August 22, 2022

Sunday, August 21, 2022


*** denotes well-worth reading in full at source (even if excerpted extensively here)

Economic and Market Fare:

I cannot remember a time when I’ve had so many interesting discussions with so many smart people where there is so little overall agreement. We all agree on some things and are in complete disagreement on other things. That in itself is unusual, as narratives are generally more coherent and consistent than that. Even stranger is that what we agree and disagree on is all over the map. It’s like a bad Rorschach Test.

Not only am I trying to refine and update my view (as well as second guess myself on all of my views), but I’m also really trying to figure out how so many people that I respect and listen to are so all over the map.

Which brings me to the “Town Car vs NYC Cab” analogy. ...

***** Roberts: Will global inflation subside?

Is the global inflationary spiral peaking?  And if it is and inflation is set to fall over the next year, then has the inflation scare been just a momentary blip and now things will start to turn back to the previously low pace of inflation in the prices of goods and services?

That seems to the view of investors in financial assets in the US, where the stock market has rallied by as much as 20% from lows in mid-June; and both government and corporate bond yields have steadied.  Markets seem to believe in what is called the ‘Fed pivot’, where the US Federal Reserve, having hiked its policy rate aggressively since April, will now start to end its hikes going into 2023 as inflation subsides.

Certainly, there is some evidence of peaking inflation in the US where the consumer price inflation (CPI) rate slowed more than expected in July to 8.5% year over year from a 40-year high of 9.1% in June.  But looking beneath the headline rate, it is less convincing that US inflation is heading downwards, at least at any significant pace.  ...

........ So the second reason for not expecting a sharp fall in inflation rates is that productivity growth has slowed so much that the supply-side cannot respond adequately to the recovery in demand for goods and services as economies came out of the COVID slump.  For example, US productivity of labour (output per employee) has taken a huge tumble in the first half of 2022, down 3% over two quarters, the biggest half-yearly fall since records began. 

..... As the IMF puts it, “The global outlook has already darkened significantly since April. The world may soon be teetering on the edge of a global recession, only two years after the last one.” says the IMF in its latest economic forecast. ....

Real home prices are going to fall, and it’s going to cause a massive negative wealth effect.

Many investors like to use price-to-earnings ratios as a short-hand valuation tool for both individual equities and the broad stock market. Most of the time this can be useful but there are also times when it can be very misleading. Typically, those times are at the top or the bottom of the earnings cycle.

When earnings are unduly depressed due to recession or are over-inflated due to opposite economic circumstances, the denominator in the ratio is no longer representative of sustainable earnings potential. As a result the metric itself appears dramatically elevated at the bottom of the cycle or somewhat depressed at the top of the cycle, sending a false signal regarding value. 

Today, the S&P 500 Index sports a price-to-earnings ratio of 21 on trailing 12-months’ operating earnings and 18 on analyst estimates of operating earnings over the next 12 months. Relative to the past five years, these levels are about average, leading many investors to the conclusion that stocks, after their decline so far this year, are now fairly valued.

However, it’s crucial to note that the profit margins underlying those earnings currently sit at their highest levels in decades (if not in history).

Those price-to-earnings ratios then are only valuable to the extent that extremely elevated profit margins are sustainable.

Because if profit margins fall, it will quickly become apparent that earnings were over-inflated and thus price-to-earnings ratios were misleadingly low.

As my friend John Hussman points out (and small businesses have been suggesting for months now) there is a compelling case to be made that this is precisely the case.

Half Of Companies Planning Layoffs Or Hiring Freezes: Survey

More than half are freezing hiring, others rescinding offers
Contradictions abound, with pay hikes and remote work for some

..................... The message is that these companies don’t want to pay inflation matching pay rises because they’re not interested in employees, the future of their companies, their sales or keeping anyone happy so long as they can by financial engineering keep turning borrowings into profits. .......

Wondering why productivity is down? Think about the new phenomenon called quiet quitting.

....... Yet, in many ways it seems all so understandable. The average person making the average wage cannot afford the average house. 

Marriage, kids, houses, who can afford them? 

Is it strange then that priorities have shifted from getting ahead to free time? 

With that attitude shift, comes declining productivity. 

Tweets & Quotes of the Week:

Mac: The Fed needs markets to capitulate to get to neutral, but markets are anticipating neutral so they never capitulate. In the meantime rates keep climbing...

... It's totally asinine to believe that a 1.5% interest reduction during the pandemic caused a 9% inflation rate and yet that's exactly what the majority of pundits currently believe.

(not just) for the ESG crowd:

What do The Dark Knight Rises, Back to the Future, Oblivion, and Interstellar all have in common? They are sci-fi blockbusters that showcase a technology that scientists consider to be the Holy Grail of Energy: Nuclear fusion. Theoretically, two lone nuclear reactors running on small pellets could power the entire planet, safely and cleanly. That’s the promise of nuclear fusion. So, why are we still relying on fossil fuels? What’s stopping us from building these reactors everywhere? ...

.... But why have scientists so far failed at replicating a natural process that powers the stars in our universe?

Extreme Challenge
Turns out that the conditions necessary for nuclear fusion to take place present an extreme challenge for us earthlings. 

Fusion works on the basic concept of forging lighter elements into heavier ones. When two hydrogen atoms are smashed together hard enough, they fuse to form helium. The new atom is less massive than the sum of its parts, with the balance converted to energy in the E=MC2 mass-energy equivalence.

Ok, that’s a bit simplistic since hydrogen atoms do not fuse together directly but rather in a multi-step reaction. Anyway, the long and short of it is that nuclear fusion produces net energy only at extreme temperatures - in the order of hundreds of millions of degrees celsius. That’s hotter than the sun’s core and far too hot for any known material on earth to withstand. ...

  • China should shore up its supply chains in essential resources as the US seeks to cut dependence, experts suggest
  • Washington has long been aware of its vulnerabilities but Beijing has not come up with a way to assess supply risks

Bees Increasingly Stressed by Climate Change Over the Past 100 Years - Study

Other Fare:

Some scientists believe the ‘free energy principle’ can explain the behaviour of all living things.

.......... So the free energy principle is a “theory of everything” spanning neuroscience, psychology and biology! But not everyone is convinced it’s a useful idea.

Some of the skepticism concerns whether or not the theory is true. An even bigger concern is that, even if it is true, it may not be very useful.

The Sandstorms in Beijing

... China has been combating desertification for more than four decades. Since 1978 the National Forestry and Grasslands Administration has been planting poplars across a vast area of the Northwest, North and Northeast to hold back the encroaching Gobi.

Pics of the Week:


Contrarian Perspectives

Extra [i.e. Controversial] Fare:

*** denotes well-worth reading in full at source (even if excerpted extensively here)

Regular Fare:

In the name of sanctions, geopolitical interests or the so-called “rules-based order”, colonial powers do what they do best – plunder those they see as weak and insubordinate

There is an old joke which still has resonance. A child asks his parent, “Why are there pyramids in Egypt?” The parent answers, “Because they were too big to take to Britain.” Of course, many a true word is spoken in jest. Indeed, there is an apocryphal story that back in the day when Vladimir Lenin was in exile in London, he would enjoy taking friends to the British Museum and explaining to them how and from what far-flung lands all the antiquities there were stolen. One might have thought that these days of colonial plunder had ended, but one would be very wrong. Current examples abound. A notable one is, of course, the freezing by the US of $7 billion from the Afghanistan treasury – monies the US continues to hold even as it watches Afghans begin to die from starvation.

Apparently, the US believes that, after laying waste to Afghanistan through 20 years of war and, even before that by supporting the mujahideen terrorists, it is entitled to some compensation. This upside-down type of reasoning abounds in the minds of those in the West who simply believe they can take whatever they wish. Similarly, the US is now plundering Syria – another country utterly devastated in no small part by Washington-backed militants in a campaign to overthrow the elected president – of most of its oil, even as Syria suffers from severe energy blackouts. Thus, according to the Syrian Oil Ministry, “US occupation forces and their mercenaries,” referring to the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), “steal up to 66,000 barrels every single day from the fields occupied in the eastern region,” amounting to around 83 percent of Syria’s daily oil production. ...

The European Union Was Built on a Rejection of Democracy
The EU’s handling of recent crises has shown its lack of respect for democratic choice. This isn’t just a problem of having to take emergency measures: it’s the result of a decades-old project to remove economic decisions from popular control.

Victoria Jane Nuland was born in 1961 to Sherwin Nudelman, the son of Ukrainian Jewish immigrants, and a British-born mother, Rhona Goulston. Already in his teens Nudelman had changed his name to Nuland in order to carve out a career. With the British-named Victoria, an Anglo-Zionist was clearly in the making. Indeed, she duly studied at an elite private boarding school in Connecticut, whose alumni include many US politicians. Then she went to Brown University, where she studied Russian literature, political science and history. She married Robert Kagan, the future leading Jewish neocon. Her worldview relects exactly the folly of the US since 1990 under the influence of the neo-imperialist neocons and Blairite-Clintonian ‘liberal interventionists’.

This has resulted in mass poverty in the USA, as well as 9/11, and millions of deaths in wars and tensions outside the US with the Islamic world, Iran, Russia, China and anyone else that resists US imperialism. ...

Turley: Tribe: The Criminal Case Against Trump Is Another "Slam Dunk"

In past columns, we have discussed the litany of “slam dunk” crimes that Harvard Law professor Laurence Tribe has declared as established against former President Donald Trump, none of which have been actually charged.

Indeed, Tribe appears intent upon running through the entire criminal code. ...

..... Tribe has, of course, never lacked confidence that his lengthening list of crimes have been proven “without any doubt, beyond a reasonable doubt, beyond any doubt.” He is not alone in such hair-triggered analysis.

It has been the signature of much of the legal analysis in the last six years. Yet, it would be useful. . .  just once . . . if only for appearances . . . to start with the release of actual evidence before discussing slam dunk convictions.

I think a lot of us on the “smart guy” Right have struggled since November 2020 to put into words our rationale for believing the last US presidential election was fraudulent. Leftists gobble on about the “Big Lie” and point up the insane conspiracy theories peddled by Lin Wood and Sidney Powell (who were probably Regime plants, in my not-so-humble opinion) as a way to distract from the perfectly sensible observation that the election looked extremely sketchy — but it’s hard to really explain why it’s so obvious to us that the election was a travesty.

Fortunately other people are better than me at expressing these kinds of things.

..... I encourage you to read the whole thing; it’s not long and it says many things I would have written if I wasn’t such a scatterbrained science sperg: ...

Tucker Carlson devoted seven minutes of airtime to reading it. Donald Trump heaped praise on it. Why did this Twitter analysis resonate so widely on the right?

NOTE FROM GLENN GREENWALD: On Friday, a relatively obscure Twitter user with fewer than 7,000 followers — posting under the pseudonym MartyrMade — posted one of the most mega-viral threads of the year. Over the course of thirty-five tweets, the writer, a podcast host whose real name is Darryl Cooper, set out to explain the mindset that has led so many Trump supporters to believe that the 2020 election was fraudulent and, more generally, to lose faith and trust in most U.S. institutions of authority.

Numerous journalists, including me, promoted the thread as one of the most insightful analyses yet published explaining the animating convictions underlying the MAGA movement. That night, Fox News host Tucker Carlson devoted a seven-minute segment to doing nothing more than reading Cooper’s thread. At the CPAC conference on Sunday, former President Donald Trump explicitly recommended the thread using Cooper’s name. In the last four days, Cooper’s Twitter account has gained more than 70,000 followers. Clearly, this thread resonated strongly with that political faction as a true and important explanation of how many MAGA voters have come to understand the world.

For our Outside Voices freelance section, we asked Cooper to elaborate on his influential thread, with a focus on what led him to these observations about prevailing MAGA sentiments and why he believes they are important for people to understand. As Cooper notes, he does not share all of the perceptions and beliefs he is conveying, although he shares many of them. Instead, based on the recognition that most media outlets are incapable of understanding let alone accurately describing the views of a group of people they view with little more than unmitigated contempt, condescension and scorn, he believes it is imperative that people understand the actual reality of what is motivating so many Trump voters in their views, perceptions and beliefs — regardless of whether each particular belief is accurate or not.

We also believe this understanding is vital, which is why we are happy to publish Cooper’s essay. It should go without saying that, as it true of all of our articles published on Outside Voices -- which we treat as an op-ed page -- our publishing of this article does not signify agreement with all of its claims, but only our belief that it is a viewpoint worth airing.


Unsustainability / Climate Fare:


............. We aren’t just going to be changing sub-ideologies and swapping hegemonic powers and dealing with an enviro-collapse; we are going to be changing how we fundamentally run our societies, because it almost certain that you can’t be capitalist and really fix the environment, and in any case, again, capitalism will totally be discredited by all the deaths and catastrophes during this era. ..........

........ The people in charge now are radically incompetent at everything except internal power games. They are good at accumulating money and staying in charge and bad at everything else. They cannot fix any problems, at best they mitigate, and their mitigations (such as central banks printing money in response to the 2008 financial crisis) make underlying problems worse. On top of simple mechanical incompetence, they are also unimaginative: they cannot conceive of different ways of running society. ...

So this is where we are: the end of an ideological era; the end of a hegemonic era and a huge environmental crisis, all of which can’t be handled without fundamental ideological and leadership changes and which an reasonably be expected to kill billions of people while we “figure” or “fumble” it out.

Welcome to the fin de siecle. More than one. Enjoy the fruits of decadence while they still last.

... The quick takeaway: if this discovery can scale quickly enough, ancient indigenous technology might just save us from near-term human extinction. ....

... According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), about 7.6 billion metric tons (or gigatons) need to be eliminated from present emissions each year-about a fifth of current fossil pollution- to get us to net zero by 2050. That is the glide path we need to get on. We can do that by switching to renewables, right?

No. And it’s likely the IEA is wrong in its numbers.

Given the speed of climate change, climate scientists say, 7.6 GtCO2e/y would be too little, too late. They say that depending on how fast we accelerate to net-zero, we still need to draw down between 100 billion tons of CO2 by 2050 and 1 trillion tons by 2100. That last figure would mean sucking up all the carbon that has been emitted this century, and then some, but because the ocean has been banking carbon for 200 years and will give it back with only a small interest deduction as we make withdrawals, we actually need to remove 2 or more times one trillion tons to recover the comfortable Holocene that humans evolved in. ...

.... The drawdown darling of the IPCC reports is not DAC but Biomass Energy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS). BECCS, however, is a technology besieged by goblins, trolls, and highwaymen. In the BECCS scheme, plantations of row mono-crops, which can be trees as well as GMO seed grains and grasses, are machine harvested and fed into steam plants to make electricity, reducing the biomass to ash and capturing smokestack emissions in much the same way DAC works. Liquid CO2 is then pumped down an old oil well or mine in the forlorn hope that it will never escape. Studies have shown that putting CCS on smokestacks raises the cost of electricity by over 40% and diminishes output by 28–31%, hazarding the UK and Europe’s already fragile winter energy supply. The world’s largest BECCS operator, Drax, has been booted from an investment index of clean energy companies as doubts within the financial sector mount over the sustainability of its wood-burning power plants. Nonetheless, the UK government is paying Drax over £1bn every year to burn the world’s forests and replace them with mono-crop plantations, with IPCC approval. .... 

Enter Biochar .....

... Following the same formula as above, that translates to 32 GtCO2e/y-80 percent of all anthropogenic emissions combined. If we could pour that much new plastic/biochar highway for the rest of this century, along with all the other measures we will be taking to reduce our carbon footprint, we could theoretically return the atmosphere to the pre-industrial greenhouse gas composition it had in 1750. Of course, we can’t ramp up a new industry that quickly, nor is it likely biochar would take over 100% of road building despite being less expensive and a superior product in every way. There are many unknowns about arresting climate change at this late stage. Still, it is probably the best news to come out of the carbon dioxide removal sector in a long time. ...


Sasja: Can a concrete block swim? It’s like asking if our current political and business leaders are able to transform into something at least a bit more sustainable. Concrete blocks sink, and so do we.

Endemic Fare:

I've continued to come across too much excellent COVID-related content (with contrarian evidence-based points-of-view!!) to link to it all
Read everything by eugyppiusel gato maloMathew CrawfordSteve KirschJessica Rose!
Paul AlexanderBerensonChudovLyons-WeilerToby Rogers are also go-to mainstays; a list to which I have added Andreas OehlerJoey Smalley (aka Metatron) and, Julius Ruechel; Denninger worth staying on top of too for his insights, and especially his colorful language; and Norman FentonMarc Girardot; plus Walter Chesnut (on twitter); new additions: Sheldon Yakiwchuk and Aaron Kheriarty; I will of course continue to post links to key Peter McCullough material, and Geert Vanden Bossche, and Robert Malone, and Martin Kulldorff, and Jay Bhattacharya, and
 Sucharit Bhakdi, and Pierre Kory, and Harvey Risch, and Michael Yeadon, and John Ioannidis, and Paul Marik, and Tess Lawrie, and Zelenko, and Dolores Cahill, and [local prof] Byram Bridle, and Ryan Cole, and…
but going forward, my linking to material by those mainstays mentioned above will be reduced to key excerpts and/or essential posts

********** Ethical Skeptic: Houston, We Have a Problem (Part 1 of 3)

Seven of the major eleven International Classification of Diseases codes tracked by the US National Center for Health Statistics exhibit stark increase trends beginning in the first week of April 2021 – featuring exceptional growth more robust than during even the Covid-19 pandemic time frame. This date of inception is no coincidence, in that it also happens to coincide with a key inflection point regarding a specific body-system intervention in most of the US population. These seven pronounced increases in mortality alarmingly persist even now.

The following work is the result of thousands of hours of dynamic data tracking and research on the part of its author. The reader should anticipate herein, a journey which will take them through the methods and metrics which serve to identify this problem, along with a deductive assessment of the candidate causal mechanisms behind it. Alternatives as to cause which include one mechanism in particular, that is embargoed from being allowed as an explanation, nor even mere mention in some forums.

At the end of this process, we will be left with one inescapable conclusion. One which threatens the very fabric and future of health policy in the US for decades to come.

Storm Warnings

On March 21st 2021, a longtime mentor, friend, and business partner of mine, an otherwise healthy 68 year old male, unexpectedly suffered an autoimmune cascade which ended up shutting down his pancreas, liver, kidneys, and finally heart. He had just received his second dose of the Pfizer vaccine on that Thursday prior. Carl quickly descended into a coma, and then died on March 26th.1

On May 29th 2021, a rather odd signal began to develop in my regular Covid-19 tracking models. The change which alerted me resided inside the magnitude of the ‘Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified (R00-R99)’ ICD death code group (see chart in Exhibit D and also by clicking here). About this time and as a result of this observation, I began to track R00-R99 deaths, along with eleven other ICD-10 death codes, non-natural cause deaths (suicide, overdose, assault, etc.), and finally a statistic called ‘Excess Non-Covid Natural Cause Deaths’. As the reader reviews the calculated trends featured inside each of these death categorizations, they should note that this was indeed both a prescient and sound decision. ................................


and we're running out of excuses to deflect blame

....... we are, however, still mired in ideas of “unexplained” which feels like a bit of a figleaf and media and state alike are grasping around for “reasons” that are not too damaging for narrative. and easy early one onto which to latch is “lockdowns did this” and treating it as some sort of hangover effect.

.... you can certainly increase deaths by swamping care and preventing early detection of risks, but it does not generate this kind of rise in overall mortality. these claims are associative, but lack any clear linkage.

........ these deaths look concentrated in cancers and heart conditions. both are known side effects of the covid vaccines. both were warned against endlessly but these warnings were ignored.

... this is the beginning of the acceptance of policy culpability and that’s a very meaningful change.

"The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance—it is the illusion of knowledge." Daniel Boorstin
If you are interested in how vaccine trials can be manipulated, you're going to want to read this article through completely. .....

... I believe that our observations led to something that vaccine experts likely knew from the start: the trials were designed so that the results are functionally meaningless, but serve as procedural illusions. ....

The Spike Protein’s interactions with the endothelium are the driving force behind COVID pathology

...........You begin to see my point.

What is most disturbing is that this has most likely been going on from the beginning of the pandemic – and the beginning of mandated Spike Protein exposures. And, of course, it would NOT have been noticed. Why? Microvascular disease is disease in the small blood vessels, less than half a millimeter across and therefore too small to be detected using standard tests.


Yet, we also have the presence of Antiphospholipid Antibodies to deal with. These have a fascinating interplay with microvascular disease, leading one to the conclusion that the Spike Protein assaults the microvasculature directly (in its presence) and continually (by the induction of Antiphospholipid Syndrome). ...

Study out of Israel analyzes relationship between vaccines & heart complications, and compares association with infections.

... Since then, the pro- and anti-vaccine crowd have taken turns blaming COVID-19 and the vaccines for causing heart complications like myocarditis.

The problem is that there is now ample evidence to suggest that the product of the vaccine gene-sequence (Spike Protein) deposits in several organs (including the heart) and causes associated inflammatory complications - like myocarditis. ...

Coquin de Chien: Preview - EXHIBIT F
C19 vaccine caused deaths

It’s been a while since I wrote an article or posted data analyses. But busy have I been, though, compiling evidence. Big news next week.

Thus far, Coquin de Chien “CdC” showed that 2020 was a year of respiratory deaths and 2021 was a year of circulatory system deaths. What happened as of January 2021 that caused so many heart attacks, brain and GI hemorrhages, strokes, clots, sudden kidney failure, new cancers, and accelerated tumor growth? Got any idea? 

“CdC” showed fraud in many deaths such as fentanyl overdoses and blunt force trauma deaths being labeled “COVID-19” by Massachusetts medical examiners. Even more insidious is the absolute refusal of medical examiners to blame the C19 vaccine as a cause of death even when the onset of symptoms was minutes after the injection and death took a few weeks to slowly degrade a human being in pain, then coma, then forever gone from Earth. ....

Around two months ago I talked with Brook Jackson one night after I'd noticed that her interviews only seemed to have gathered a modest five-digit number of views. Her whistleblower story is one of the most monumental in whistleblower history given the speed, scale, and other facets of the experimental mass quasi-vaccination program. How could it be that after most of a year since Paul Thacker's article in the BMJ, barely anyone had heard her tell her story?

........ This case presents something that has been developing in the corporate-government relationship for some time, which is the evolution of institutions as narcissistic organizations whose existence is the projection of the image of a mission, but without the mission. So much space gets created between the regulatory bodies and the corporations—due to actions orchestrated from both ends—that their energy gets spent not on providing value, but in engineering the illusion of value. It's no wonder ROI and GDP growth have been tanking for decades. The American system has been hijacked to a high degree to raise children to become highly educated scam artists instead of inventors of value in the grand national or international community. ...

1st shortage of staff, now flooded with patients. Of course, the climate change is to blame.

The trend continues uninterrupted...

....Six-fold increase in 80+’s death rate in the summer lull period so far? Does not bode well for a more vigorous “vaccination” campaign in the fall, does it?

******* Radagast: The next wave

.................. And so we’re essentially back to square one now, with new Omicron variants that are just as nasty as the pre-Omicron variants, but now constantly infecting vast swathes of the population instead of a small fraction. When you look at the excess mortality we’re dealing with here in Europe, this becomes immediately apparent. Excess mortality is higher in Europe so far than it was in 2020 and 2021 at this point in time.

The question worth asking is: Why is this virus so nasty? Why doesn’t it just behave like a common cold virus? The answer to that question mostly seems to come down to that massive change in its genome that sets it apart from all of its close relatives: The furin cleavage site. Experimental loss of this furin cleavage site attenuates the disease, but it won’t lose the furin cleavage site, as any variant that loses it also incurs a massive hit to its transmission ability.

Unfortunately, as I’ve also noted a few times, the general pattern is that it continues to adapt to preferentially replicate in the bodies of those people who ended up with a very similar immune response based on neutralizing antibodies against the Wuhan spike protein: ..........

Over the last two years we have been under tremendous sociopolitical pressure to comply with masking to 'slow the spread.'

... Over the last two years we have been under tremendous sociopolitical pressure to comply with masking to 'slow the spread.'

First, we were told masks don’t work. Then, that they work. Then, they only work if all parties involved wear masks. Then, to double-mask. And so on, and so forth.

More recently, even the 'experts' have been coming around to what has been known for decades. Literally, decades. We have known forever that surgical masks (and definitely 'cloth' masks) do not work to stop the spread of respiratory contagion. 

I’m sure you can think of some blogs that have pointed out that BA.5 really overwhelmingly tends to affect the vaccinated. Well, with everything we know we can expect that this pattern will just get worse for the foreseeable future. ...

... Of course they were wrong. And the consequences are there for you to see: 2022 has been the deadliest year of the pandemic so far in Europe, cumulative excess mortality so far is higher right now than it was in the previous two years. The Omicron era is an extension of the pandemic, caused by mass vaccination: ....

... However, what it does mean is that we’re now more than half a year into a prolongation of this pandemic, caused by the administration of vaccines that increase our susceptibility to new variants. This constant mass infection with all sorts of Omicron variants in turn is damaging our immune systems, making us vulnerable to further variants, as well as other pathogens, like monkeypox.

And for this winter, this means we’re going to get another wave from a variant with the BA.2.75 framework, with whatever additional Spike mutations piled on that it needs to avoid the neutralizing antibodies induced by the vaccines. 

... If we delay that whole process of shutting down these waves by a year, because our original immune response was wrong, that means the virus has had more time to give rise to new variants and our immune systems have had to deal with more cumulative damage.

Similarly, the apparent success that countries like Taiwan, Australia and New Zealand have had in keeping this virus out for a long time, means they will inevitably take longer to build up the trained immunity necessary to stop transmission. You can see the consequences this has in Scandinavia too, where excess mortality has continued to climb during the past half year in all the countries that kept transmission low before the vaccination campaign, but not in Sweden: ...

... What do I mean with catastrophe? At the time I made the graph, I meant a wave of excess mortality far beyond anything we’ve seen so far. I still expect that’s what’s in store for us this coming winter. ..

When the vaccines first rolled out, I was blown away by how well received they were by my colleagues. It is one thing for the scared and unaware public, whose lives have been disrupted to no end, to enthusiastically anticipate the arrival of 'life-saving' new interventions - but, doctors?

Could they be captive to the same psychological stranglehold of the global fear campaign?

The events preceding the rollout of the vaccines did not sit will with me, already. Now, I was hesitant for multiple reasons. ...

............ So, I shared my concerns & findings with them - with direct reference to the actual article & its supplementary materials.

No acknowledgement. No response. Nothing.

No one seemed to care. The doctors who pride themselves on practicing evidence-based medicine, and who cannot stop talking about ‘systems-based’ decision-making had failed to consider: current context, historical precedence, and the ‘systems’ which make up the medical industry.

They had not just failed to consider it...they had willfully ignored the information presented to them.

It appeared that they were completely at ease parroting headlines, abstracts, and whatever they had heard from the ‘news.’ 

Disappointing is an understatement. ....

... There are psychological safeguards that will keep people from approaching an idea that would risk shaking the foundations of their worldview.

Doctors would like to excuse themselves of the moral responsibility to their patients, profession & colleagues - justified by the plight of their sustained lifestyles

If that doesn’t work out for them, then the surrounding system will provide them with the 'information' necessary to assuage their cognitive dissonance.

Most doctors do not practice Medicine

Most are automatons - and to some extent, the way we have been treated over the last two years is a perfect reflection of how our industry views our role in the care of patients.

.... As time went on, the vaccine mandates soon became booster mandates. One by one, my colleagues started turning.

Suddenly, the outcast had become the advisor. People started to see that it wasn’t going to stop at "just a vaccine." The hesitation was particularly pronounced with the women in my department who did not appreciate the coercion (my body my rights).

The first time round, they were so frightened they wanted the shot - by now, reality had started to settle in. Now, they were concerned with bodily autonomy, coercion, and experimentation.

Everyone has their threshold - and the institution had just crossed it.

What came next was nothing short of amazing.


Dear Colleagues,

It is hard to imagine that things would have gotten this scandalous if you had just said no.

If you stood by the ideals you claim to uphold. If you had set your emotions aside, and thought critically.

It is time for reflection. It is time for courage. It is time to take back your profession from the clutches of corporate influence and regulatory capture.

The CDC seems to think nobody will notice its crimes, and the crimes of its sister agencies, FDA, NIAID, NIH, (and the White House Task Force) if it strolls jauntily into the fall season whistling a happy a tune: Nevermind Covid anymore, la la la…. Did I say crimes? Yes, I did. As in gross violations of the law and the basic social contract. 

They lied about their roles in the nefarious origins of SARS CoV-2. They conjured up — already had waiting, actually — dangerous genetic treatments masquerading as “vaccines” and then they faked the safety trials to rush them into use. They denied people proper, effective treatments with inexpensive drugs and killed them with ventilators and remdesivir — solely to maintain a fraudulent emergency use authorization (EUA) that shielded “vaccine” companies from lawsuits.

Once the “vaccines’ were widely distributed — and forced upon many people with mandates — they confabulated and hid information about adverse reactions and deaths. They destroyed countless small businesses, livelihoods, households, and hindered children’s development with lockdowns. And they used both social and news media to censor their critics in direct violation of the first amendment. That’s all. Oh, one more thing: they destroyed modern medicine. They will probably assist in the destruction of law, too, because the legal system will never be able to handle the volume of lawsuits against all parties involved in the Covid “vaccine” mass slaughter — including the corporations that forced their employees to get vaxxed and the pharma companies themselves, who will lose their EUA protections once their fraud is proven. ....

... Former Wall Street analyst Edward Dowd said yesterday (Aug 18) that a Society of Actuaries report just made public shows that a 20 percent uptick in excess deaths among working age people, which began with vaxx mandates in the fall of 2021, continued into the second quarter of 2022

Virus moron Eric Topol and snakeoil saleswoman Akiko Iwasaki plug mRNA nasal spray hocus pocus, demand a second Operation Warp Speed to further tinker with billions of human immune systems

If you took 100% of the vaccines they want you to take, you're about 10X more likely to have medical issues. That's not a typo: 10X, not 10%!

Tweets & Quotes of the Week:

Crawford: Most of the time it is best to remain calm, and keep learning. We should certainly at times express our genuine outrage. We should also keep our outrage on a leash that doesn't interfere with the process of self-correction. No one of us has been right about everything going on during the pandemic, but it's important to remain open and be able to discuss matters with people who are ready to discuss.


CO-VIDs of the Week:


News of (what would seem to be) NON-fatal consequences of the jab, from the US and Canada, the UK, Sweden, Portugal, Spain, Italy (where there have been a LOT of them, as usual) and India

Pushback Fare:

********** Vera Sharav “Unless All of Us Resist, Never Again is Now” – Full Speech – Nuremberg, August 20, 2022

..... The Holocaust did not begin in the gas chambers of Auschwitz and Treblinka.
The Holocaust was preceded by 9 years of incremental restrictions on personal freedom, & the suspension of legal rights and civil rights.

The stage was set by fear-mongering & hate-mongering propaganda.

A series of humiliating discriminatory government edicts demonized Jews as “spreaders of disease.”  ...

... In 1933, the primary target for discrimination were Jews; today, the target is people who refuse to be injected with experimental, genetically engineered vaccines. Then and now, government dictates were crafted to eliminate segments of the population.

In 2020, government dictates forbade hospitals from treating the elderly in nursing homes. The result was mass murder.
Government decrees continue to forbid doctors to prescribe life-saving, FDA approved medicines; government-dictated protocols continue to kill.

The media is silent – as it was then.
The media broadcasts a single, government-dictated narrative – just as it had under the Nazis. Strict censorship silences opposing views.
In Nazi Germany few individuals objected; those who did were imprisoned in concentration camps.

Today, doctors & scientists who challenge the approved narrative are maligned; their reputations trashed. They risk losing their license to practice as well as having their homes & workplace raided by SWAT teams. ...

... The moral significance of the Nuremberg Code cannot be overstated:

The Nuremberg Code is the most authoritative, internationally recognized document in the history of medical ethics.

This landmark document was formulated in response to the evidence of medical atrocities committed by Nazi physicians and scientists.

The Code sets forth moral boundaries for research involving human beings.

... The objective of the Nuremberg Code is to ensure that medicine, never again deviates from the precautionary ethical principle, “First, do no harm.”

... “The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential”.

“This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force… constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge & comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This… requires that before the acceptance… of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject… [he] should be [informed of] the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences & hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment. ..

... The genocidal culture that permeated the Nazi regime did not end in 1945. It metastasized in the United States.

... Humanity is currently under siege by the global heirs of the Nazis.

COVID Corporatocracy Fare:

Kory: Massive Miscarriage Rates Among Vaccinated Pregnant Women Found Buried In The Pfizer Documents
The pharmaceutical industry has committed crimes for decades, paying $30 billion in civil and criminal fines since 2000. The Pfizer documents reveal their latest criminal assault on our health.

Let’s start with the fact the PFDA (the P is not a typo) asked a federal court for 75 years to make public the many thousands of pages of data submitted to them by Pfizer to support the EUA they (the PFDA) issued.

One interpretation of this action is that they wanted the data to stay hidden for a long time to hide fraud and/or criminality (same thing). The other is that they only had enough staff to complete this task within 75 years. Let’s ignore the 2nd one as absurd on its face (especially since they seem to be pouring out documents monthly after the judge ordered them to). Where there is a will there is a way apparently.

Now why would they want to keep the data hidden? What lies within the realm of possibilities is that at the time they went to court, they knew the EUA and the resulting massive national and global vaccine campaign were pre-determined and independent of whatever “science” emerged to support or not support the campaign. Unfortunately for them, the “science” was not supportive. At all. So they tried to suppress the serious troubling toxicity and lack of efficacy data contained within those documents. 

Well the court ordered them to make public thousands of pages of documents each month. My hypothesis above seems to be validated by the uncovering of what is not just troubling, but absolutely terrifying data on the lack of safety in pregnancy. .....

Back to Non-Pandemic Fare:

GeoPolitical Fare:

Shrugging off western obstacles, Eurasia's ambitious connectivity projects helmed by China and Russia are now progressing deep into Asia's Heartland

.......... Over the last few days it has been shelled and some fear a second Chernobyl or worse. Now, despite Kiev regime lies, even some non-geniuses among the Western public (though not a single one among the Western politicians) have realised that it cannot be Russians who are firing shells at themselves. Therefore, it must be Kiev that is shelling the largest nuclear power station in Europe and bringing Europe close to nuclear Armageddon. Kiev wishes to cause a provocation and then blame it on Russia. This would be the Bucha false flag operation multiplied by one million. .........

The Future and a Nuland-Free ‘Ukraine’

In 1990 the very prosperous Soviet Ukraine had a population of 51.5 million. Today its population is just 30 million. What catastrophe happened? Quite simply: Who wants to live or give birth to children in a country which has been mismanaged for 30 years, its infrastructure collapsing, its riches sucked out to New York, London and Tel Aviv by corrupt feudal oligarchs and the US government, a country which is now poorer than several African countries, a country which has no future, its greatest export its women, ‘Russian Brides’, in fact Ukrainian Brides, fleeing from poverty? .......

Conclusion: Nuland’s Nightmare

In June 1944 the USA began its occupation of Continental Europe (Its occupation of the UK by 2 million US troops had already begun in 1942). The US occupation meant that World War II never really finished and neither therefore did its denazification. For only the local brutal German form of the Western ideology of Nazism ended, not its far more cunning, subtle, insidious and triumphant Anglo-American form, which was everywhere imposed, by political, economic and soft (Hollywood; Levis; Disney; MacDonalds; Lady Gaga etc) power, after the eradication of the German form. Indeed, in 1945 most German Nazis converted overnight to the Anglo-American form. Therefore, ending World War II today means deamericanising Europe, which means deNATOising it, that is, demilitarising it. This will provide the subsequent opportunity for Europe to retrieve its natural, geographical, social, political and economic historic destiny – as the north-western peninsula of Eurasia, which it can then at last reintegrate, protected and supplied by Russia.

The same revolutionary right of self-determination as in the Crimea could be spread from the deamericanised, that is, demilitarised and denazified, Ukraine all over Europe. Here is the transfiguration of Europe. Within Europe, the EU would collapse like the house of cards it is, if its peoples had for the first time in history the freedom by referendum to choose their country. ... 

A few days ago, the most widely read journal of international politics in the United States, Foreign Affairs published an article by University of Chicago professor John Mearsheimer entitled “Playing with Fire in Ukraine: the Underappreciated Risks of Catastrophic Escalation.” The online version is accessible here –

This publication was a major event in itself given FA’s orthodox spin on everything to do with Russia and the challenges to the Washington narrative made by Mearsheimer ever since  his article “Why the Ukraine Crisis is the West’s Fault” appeared in the autumn 2014 issue of Foreign Affairs. At the time,  that article prompted a paroxysm of rage among the hardliners who form the majority of the American foreign policy community and of the journal’s readers.

 The video of a speech on the same subject which Mearsheimer made in 2014 shortly after the article came out has been viewed by more than 12 million visitors to the  site.  An updated version of the same speech presented on youtube during this spring has attracted more than 1.6 million viewers.  It is safe to say that John Mearsheimer is the most widely seen and listened to academic disputing the conventional wisdom on the Ukraine war today.

I freely acknowledge the merit of Mearsheimer’s new article: to warn how the conflict in Ukraine could easily spin out of control and escalate to a nuclear war. The White House team of inexperienced and ignorant advisers must be shaken from their complacency and anything published in Foreign Affairs will necessarily be brought to their attention, whereas a piece published by, for example, will be burned before reading.

However, this does not excuse Mearsheimer from basing himself on the same restricted and distorted sources of information as are used by mainstream media and mainstream academics, while ignoring other sources of information that would give greater depth to his analysis and possibly change his conclusions substantially. To be explicit, I believe he has been listening too closely to Washington and Kiev’s rosy forecasts of a counter-offensive that will result in a stalemate, possibly in a Russian defeat, and he is not listening to Russian reporting on the progress of their campaign on the ground, which points to a slow and steady grinding down of all in their path to conquest of the Donetsk oblast, meaning the capture of the entire Donbas. ...

.............. Now let me turn attention to the nuclear risk that Mearsheimer identifies in the article. He has taken up exactly the same argument as mainstream commentators in the United States, namely that Russia might resort to nuclear weapons in case the campaign turns against them due to higher levels of Western intervention including troops on the ground.  We all know that troops are already on the ground, namely the ‘instructors’ who are directing fire for HIMARS. We know that senior American and other Western officers liaising with their Ukrainian counterparts were recently blown to bits by the Russian rocket attack on Vinnitsa. That was all hushed up and the only tip-off of this disaster for Washington was the firing of the Ukrainian intelligence leadership the next day.

Of course, no one knows what might yet force an escalation. But there again, Mearsheimer misses some important considerations. Why does he assume the Russians must escalate to nuclear options and why those options would be directed against Kiev and not, for example, against London?  More to the point, he is missing the fact that the Russians have hardly begun to fight, as Putin recently said publicly.  They have not mobilized and put out draft notices, they have not put the economy on a war footing. And they have not deployed their most consequential weaponry. Instead, they have held it back, ready for use if necessary in a direct war with NATO. This is massively destructive conventional payloads carried by hypersonic rockets and similar.

Then there is another dimension to the conflict which Mearsheimer does not address in his article though it will exert a decisive influence on whether Washington or Moscow wins the tug of war: the economic damage from sanctions on Europe through blow-back that is about to become politically unsustainable as the fall and winter heating season arrives. The Baltics and Poland are and will remain immune to reason, led as they are by delusional Russophobes. However, when the inevitable street demonstrations come in France, the most volatile of the major EU states, followed by Eastern Germany and even by Belgium, a more passive country, as I hear from the local elites I talk to, then the politicians of Europe will head off in contradictory directions and unity will collapse. The Russians are sure to win this psychological war despite all the efforts of EU state media to put a lid on it. The day when Scholz gives the go-ahead to opening Nord Stream II will mark the Russian victory and put an end to US-driven suicidal decision making here in Europe.

For all of the above reasons, I urge professor Mearsheimer and his followers to pay closer attention to what the Russians are saying and less attention to the hot air coming out of Washington.

These operations have been going on for 15 years straight — so long that mainstream media barely finds the energy to report on it.

Margolis: The Great Million-Man Swim

They used to call it `the million-man swim.’ That was the US Navy’s sneering dismissal of any Chinese attempt to seize the island of Taiwan by a massive amphibious invasion.

The US Navy’s strike carriers, submarines and surface combatants, backed by the Marines and Army in Japan, Okinawa, South Korea and Guam, would tear to shreds any Chinese invasion force. That, at least, was a decade ago.

Today things look very differently....




Kill Me Now Fare:

Media and the war in Ukraine.

......................... I simply cannot recognize the profession I had made mine, back when it was worthy of the effort, dedication, occasional heartache, and all the rest it required of those in it.  ...

... They walked to and fro behind and along front lines, these people. They got dirt under their fingernails. They showed us maps with lots of arrows on them. They reported the daily progress of the war with the names of unfamiliar towns in their pieces. 

We get none of this from the mainstream correspondents in Ukraine. Why?

It would be easy to say they have no guts and no commitment to the profession. This may be the case among some or many or all of them. Here is my more salient answer: They are not allowed to cover this conflict at close range. Their foreign editors do not want them to and the Ukrainians will not let them. ...

Declinism in the United States and UK

In the United States, the political baptism of the non-elites to the hegemonic mission happened in the years between 1920 and 1960. Mass culture in those crucial years paved the way for a patriotic politics built around U.S. military prowess, massive expansion of literacy and lifestyle, the phobias of the Red Scare and Jim Crow, and commercial success across the globe. By the midcentury, anti-communism produced a coordinated ideological effort at cohesion. Elites recruited the political aspirations of working-class and middle-class voters into the cause of American supremacy, framing the export of American consumer capitalism as the triple gift of sacred freedom, true democracy, and general prosperity. The Hollywood studio system picked up the plots of late-Victorian adventure genres, adapting them to the worldview of U.S. supremacy and global centrality.

The concept of “wealth hoarding” has gained traction in the wake of the Occupy movement and the Bernie Sanders presidential campaigns, the idea being that billionaires are amassing treasure like mythical dragons in the same way someone with a hoarding disorder amasses newspapers or clothes.

It’s an understandable way of looking at the problem. The capitalist class is indeed grabbing up a greater and greater percentage of the wealth that’s being generated by the working class, and it just doesn’t make sense that someone would need billions of dollars when you can only drive one car at a time, wear one pair of pants at a time, eat one meal at a time, etc.

For normal people, the idea of wealth is associated with security, so once your family’s needs are met and their future is secure it’s hard to understand the impulse to keep amassing wealth far beyond that point without it being driven by some kind of compulsive neurosis. The fact that they pour so much money and energy into manipulating political systems to ensure they aren’t forced by taxation to share more of their wealth with the public makes them look even more like compulsive hoarders.

But this notion of vast wealth as a hoarding behavior misses the mark. And no, it isn’t because billionaires are awesome beneficent job creators whose wealth is being used by banks to grant people loans for homes and businesses and making the world a wonderful place to live.

It doesn’t work to think of the very rich as wealth hoarders because what they are doing has very little in common with the behavior of a compulsive hoarder. A compulsive hoarder gains nothing from their behavior, which generally ends up being self-destructive and socially alienating. It costs them everything, and gives them nothing. Their behavior is born of neurosis, and is entirely irrational.

The so-called wealth hoarders are not amassing wealth at the expense of others out of neurosis, and the motives driving their behavior are perfectly rational. They’re just a lot more depraved and a lot more uncomfortable to think about.

The ruling class continually extracts wealth from the public not so that they can become wealthier than they already are, but to keep the public from having that wealth. They’re not worried that they’ll be unable to support their needs in the future if they don’t extract another billion dollars, they just understand that the wealthier everyone else gets, the less their own wealth matters. They’re not wealth-hoarding, they’re wealth-obstructing.  ...

... Rulers do not historically give up their rule voluntarily, so we can expect this continual pattern of wealth obstruction via wealth extraction to continue until people get tired of being kept poor and powerless by those who benefit from their poverty and disempowerment and use the strength of their numbers to force the emergence of a more equitable system. We can also expect our rulers to do everything in their power to prevent this from happening, including propagandizing the public into accepting the status quo and believing that anything better is impossible.

Drastic change in the not-too-distant future does seem to be inevitable, though, if only because we’re headed toward environmental collapse or nuclear winter if we don’t rise to the revolutionary occasion first. Humanity’s self-destructive patterning is in a race with our better angels, and right now it’s anybody’s race.

They lie to us all our lives about what soldiers do,
about what cops do,
about what journalists do,
about what presidents do.

They lie to us all our lives about how laws are made,
about how kings are made,
about how culture is made,
about how norms are made.


***** They Demolished The Left And Burned The Blueprint: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

Whenever I say the US is quantifiably the most murderous and tyrannical regime on earth, I always get a deluge of replies saying “Yeah well I’d rather live there than China!” Like where you live is the only issue that matters, not mass military slaughter. And I think that just says so much.

It genuinely never occurs to them that the people dying from military explosives being dropped on their homes and starving to death from economic sanctions are real human beings whose lives matter. All they can think of is what country they’d rather be using their smartphones in.

The fact that the US happens to export most (though certainly not all) of its murderousness and tyranny overseas does not make it less murderous or tyrannical than the governments the media have trained you to hate. The people it kills and terrorizes are just as human as you.

It says so much about how propaganda-addled that population is that the lives of foreigners don’t even register in their assessments of a government’s murderousness and brutality ....

Rigger-ous Fare:

.... Is this, then, the level of pathetic, simpering, snivelling, cowardly, whining wretches we have become? That we should be prevented from the calling out of people doing things we disagree with just in case, possibly, one day, somewhere, perhaps on a Tuesday at 3.47pm or then again perhaps closer to midnight, as long as it’s a dry day in November, in a leap year, maybe, in a town, perchance with the letter ‘T’ in its name, there could be some, wholly unspecified, potentially violent act committed by someone who may, or may not, have read or heard our criticism?

All this sounds a bit like a visit to your local palm-reader to have your fortune read, and I would suggest the term ‘stochastic terrorism’ has an equal degree of validity. ...

......... So how is this asinine phrase being used?

It has been widely applied to Libs of TikTok. I’m sure you’re all aware of this person, but just in case you don’t know, LoTT essentially just re-posts other people’s content. Sometimes with a minor comment, sometimes not. That’s it. She takes the videos produced by other people and simply reposts them. In other words, she takes something that was freely available for everyone to see and posts it again for everyone to see.

What a fucking terrorist, eh?

She has had her Facebook account permanently suspended for doing this.

Her recent ‘crime’ is to re-post the already publicly available videos from Boston’s Children’s Hospital which focus on their approach to the treatment of transgender children. This, the whiny woke wankers suggest, is stochastic terrorism. By bringing these videos to a potentially wider audience she is exposing the staff at the hospital to potential violence. She is even inciting violence apparently. .....

... All LoTT is doing is to let people ‘demonize’ themselves.

But the alleged ‘demonization’ that LoTT has indulged in is, to use the terminology of the delightful Sam Harris, “infinitesimal compared to” the demonization that a certain orange-hued individual suffered and still suffers. But more on Sam “I don’t care about the corpses of children as long as Trump suffers” Harris, in a moment.

I’m not in the US and so I’m witnessing things ‘from afar’, so to speak. The Orange Man might be as corrupt and evil and despicable as they say he is. And, fuck me, have they said this time and time and time again - they’ve shouted it, they’ve screamed it, they’ve wailed it to the heavens in the media and on social media. So much so that the phrase “Orange Man Bad” became a pretty much accurate summary of 90% of the news articles I was reading.

He might be as bad as they say. What I haven’t seen, yet, is any compelling evidence that he is any of the things he is accused of being. What I have seen is the most extraordinary level of bare-faced misrepresentation of and lying about the Orange Man.

If this isn’t a clear case of stochastic terrorism then I don’t know what is. But, as they say, if some people didn’t have double standards they would have no standards at all. Take the 2016 and 2020 US elections. Trump ‘stole’ it, apparently, it wasn’t legitimate. All fine and dandy to make this claim. Wind forward to 2020 and criticizing THIS election has been likened to domestic terrorism (that word ‘terrorism’ again) and said to be undermining democracy.

And I do have some very serious criticisms of the 2020 election. .....

... And the derangement is very evident. In a recent interview on Triggernometry, Sam Harris essentially said that Trump was sooooooooooooooo bad that almost any measure was justified in order to undermine his election, or re-election. He really isn’t a normal human being in these people’s eyes, he’s like some fucking Darth Orange.

In Harris’ view, then, undermining a democratic election is OK to preserve democracy, if you’re undermining democracy to protect yourself from Darth Orange. You can see a clip here, but it’s probably worth watching the whole dumpster fire of an interview on the Triggernometry channel on YouTube.

Just to underline how deranged Sam appears to be, how about one of his statements made during the interview?

“Hunter Biden literally could have had the corpses of children in his basement. I would not have cared” (Sam Harris, 2022)

Here he was expressing the view that whatever Hunter may have done, it paled in comparison to the task of getting rid of Trump.

Stochastic terrorism is, clearly, uni-directional. Only one side of the ideological divide can actually do it. The other side is just too good, too morally justified, too pure, too wondrously angelic, to ever be thought of as stochastic terrorists.

The senseless shite that is “stochastic terrorism” is just another weapon in the ever-growing war on the freedom of expression and the right of dissent.

Other Quotes of the Week:

Crooke: “Yes, the Western sphere has become so prone to a ‘head-spinning’ disorientation (as was intended), through the constant rain of disinformation labels, stuck haphazardly across anything critical of the ‘uniform messaging,’ and by outrageous, obvious lying, that a majority in the Western world has begun to question their own and surrounding levels of sanity.”

Tweet Vids:

Long Reads / Big Thoughts:

Drowning in Magic

................................ A key point to bear in mind is that the elites have been practising a form of Magic that had been accidentally discovered through Freudian psychology. But they don’t call it Magic. They call is marketing or public relations or spin or nudge units or whatever. The typical conspiracy theorist explanation is that they are all psychopaths who are using manipulative tactics to confuse and deceive the public. No doubt some of them are psychopaths. But if we think about this in Magical terms and we assume none of them know what they are doing when it comes to Magic, then another possibility opens up: they are possessed by their own Magic.

The robotic hypnosis of a Justin Trudeau with his ever-perfect, so serious, speech intonation or a Jacinda Ardern with her automatic “smile” or here in Victoria with our very own political terminator, Dictator Dan Andrews, betray all the hallmarks of Magical possession. Modern politics has become based almost entirely on Magic to the exclusion of reason and logic. Why else would politicians continually back projects that have no chance of working (like stopping a respiratory virus with an experimental vaccine). This would make them not just psychopaths, but imbeciles too.

[Edit: since writing this I’ve realised I need to distinguish between two definitions of “psychopath”. The one I used in the above paragraph is the standard definition in our culture: the calculating but morally reprehensible person who feels no empathy. The second definition is the one I am implying in this article in general: a person overtaken by magic and therefore not operating either at the level of soul (psyche+pathology) or reason (Mental Consciousness). I probably should have called this post “Redefining Psychopathy” as that would fit with the redefinition of psychology].

Politics is now nothing more than a power game and Magic is power. But when you practice politics as nothing more than a power game, when you are willing to say anything, absolutely anything, to hold onto power, you must give up any last vestige of the Mental Consciousness, which is to say any last grasp you might have on reason, logic and law. That seems to me to be a pretty good description of where the leaders of most western nations are right now.

Thus, we have one form of Magic which is the top-down Magic of the elites channelled mostly through the mainstream media which is now owned by the state, the corporations and the billionaires, the only entities in society who still pay for its services. The other primary form of Magic rests with the public via the internet. 

Comedy is truly one of the greatest art forms. Laughing makes you feel good, obviously—but it can be so much more than that. Good comedy can be powerful. It can challenge bad ideas in a way that other forms of discourse can’t even hope to match.

If you can make a good argument, that’s great. But if you can make a good argument AND be funny with it—well, then that’s the equivalent of a nuclear bomb in the battle of ideas. ...

........ With this particular joke, Ricky does exactly what he’s always done. He goes for bad ideology, zealots, pseudoscience and dogmas. Fundamentalist religion again, basically. You can see this penchant for poking fun at ‘unquestionable truths’ in every other special he has released. Also, the very scenario at the centre of this gag is one that will be familiar to the many women that have stuck their head above the parapet on this issue.

So why was the reaction to his latest special different from all the others? It was different because he dared to poke fun at the new godless religion in our midst: that of gendered souls and self-identification. It’s always at this point one is required to differentiate this from (and affirm their commitment to) trans rights. As though doing so would make any sort of difference in the mind of those determined to paint everything a shade of bigot.

..... Anyone not of Ricky Gervais’s stature would find it very difficult to survive the level of defamation and scorn from mainstream media outlets that followed after a few gags at the expense of gender ideologues. If you want to speak truth to power, then it’s difficult to find a better way of doing so than being vocally honest about biology and women’s rights in 2022.

.... I could go on forever.

This is the “current climate” Ricky Gervais is making his jokes in. This is the reality that his jokes are taking aim at, not trans people. And this is clear to see for anyone that has actually been living in “the current climate”.

[Not] Satirical Fare:

Pics of the Week: