
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Worthwhile Reading - April 21

*** Quarterly Review and Outlook -- First Quarter 2009: Inflation/Deflation. Van Hoisington and Dr. Lacy Hunt, Hoisington Investment Management Co.

Global Financial Stability Report: Responding to the Financial Crisis and Measuring Systemic Risks. IMF.
IMF boosts global loss estimate to $4.1T ($2.7T in U.S., $1.2T in Europe, $150B in Japan) by the end of 2010

The prophets of doom. Andrew Leonard, Salon. I read 8 of these 14 "prophets" regularly --- none of those 8 are picking on the Obama administration; they (a) have simply been the realists who have seen the problems coming down the pipe, (b) had hoped the new administration would do things better then the old, and (c) have been disappointed that there hasn't been a fundamental enough shift from the old to the new administration's approach at fixing the economy, such that (d) the policies are not sufficient to deal with the problems. In any case, their Cassandra-like prophesying did not begin Jan. 20, but much longer than that. (p.s.
I find it odd that neither Joe Stiglitz nor Ken Rogoff are on the list, particularly the former).

Update: From Barry Ritholtz, one of the 14 on the list above:
"My big criticism of Obama is not his policies, but his appointments of Larry Summers and Tim Geithner. These two may end up being the Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld of the Obama administration."

I think I get what Ritholtz is saying, but if Summers and Geithner are problems, its because of the policies they've been given the scope to run with, and, by giving them that authority, they've become Obama's policies too.

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