
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

February 1

The 5 Black Swans That Keep Dylan Grice Up At Night... And How To Hedge Against Them All. Dylan Grice via zerohedge.

Why credit deflation is more likely than mass inflation - an Austrian perspective. Pragmatic Capitalist.

The financial crisis of 2015: an avoidable crisis. Oliver Wyman.

Estimating the Macroeconomic Effects of the Fed's Asset Purchases. FRB San Fran.
long on modeling and simulations, short on facts; they concluded that QE is helpful, based on the assumption that credit costs have come down, but since QE2 has started, US 10s and bonds are up about 100bp each and the average 30-year mortgage rate also spiked 100bp, though has since come down somewhat, but is still up 60bp since autumn. In other words, nice P.R., but a little soft on real research

other fare:
Egypt and Obama. self-evident.

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