
Monday, September 14, 2020


COVID-19 notes:



Wall Street Explains Why Despite A "Second Wave" In COVID Cases, Deaths Have Barely Budged


How the Coronavirus Attacks the Brain


Ed Yong: America Is Trapped in a Pandemic Spiral

As the U.S. heads toward the winter, the country is going round in circles, making the same conceptual errors that have plagued it since spring.


The Pandemic’s Most Treacherous Phase



Regular Related Fare:


NPR Poll: Financial Pain From Coronavirus Pandemic 'Much, Much Worse' Than Expected


The coming wave of defaults


EPI: A huge jobs deficit remains, by any measure


JOLTed: US Hiring Unexpectedly Plunges By Most On Record Despite Surge In Job Openings

The good news: 

the bad news: 

the worse news:

What is remarkable is that even as the number of job openings surged by more than 600K, there was an unexpectedly plunge in hiring, and after the BLS reported of 7 million hires in June, in July this number unexpectedly plunged by a record 1.183 million to just 5.787 million in July, the lowest since April. This suggest that an odd bifurcation has opened up in the US labor market, where hiring is tumbling even as the number of job openings reverts slowly to pre-crisis levels.


This chart shows the one-month flows of temporary layoff workers. Between June and July, the combined flow to permanent layoff and out of the labor force was larger than the flow to employment.


Opportunity Insights: Track the Recovery.


OECD Exposes 15 Trillion Reasons Why US Schools Need To Open Now!

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is out with a dire prediction, saying that America's economy is facing down a $15 trillion hit.


Some random charts courtesy of SoberLook

Oil Market Buckles Under Pressure of Pandemic’s Second Wave


Regular Fare:

Stabilization to Accommodation, Brainard's Policy Transition

With the culmination of their strategic review, the Fed showed the interesting duality they find themselves in. On the one hand, it is clear the Fed will not be preemptively hiking rates in this new framework, something we have known since they initiated this review in 2019.

The Fed wants to allow the economy to recover and accentuate that recovery by remaining accommodative for longer than it traditionally has. That is of course dovish. And despite some missteps in the communique with regard to what exactly inflation overshoots will look like, the bigger message should not get lost, they will be allowing inflation overshoots and FAIT is the end of the “bygone” era.

However, this sets up two camps for the Fed going into the post covid recovery.

On the one hand, if this Fed backdrop is accompanied by a continued substantial fiscal response and an inevitable vaccine, it is rocket fuel for risk assets. As we saw in Brainard's July speech, the Fed's degree of monetary accommodation will expand with the recovery. That is when forward guidance is so powerful.

On the other hand, a problem the Fed has right now is especially in regard to this framework, they are fiscal dependent in terms of creating the conditions they desire in an outcome sense. By itself, despite opening up policy space with the balance sheet and forward guidance, the Fed will struggle to generate "good" economic outcomes on their own given the lower bound constraint. As Brainard effectively put it in her July speech, the Fed is very capable in preventing left tail outcomes via their balance sheet, however in terms of "accommodation" that will largely come in a pro-cyclical fashion given the lower bound constraint.

One of the things that Bernanke noted in his January AEA speech, L4L (lower for longer) policies can only do so much if neutral rates are below 2%. And this is where the Fed likely finds themselves.

“if the nominal neutral rate is much lower than 2%, then model simulations imply that new monetary tools while still providing valuable policy space can no longer fully compensate for the effects of the lower bound.”

If neutral rates are too low, L4L can't overcome ELB by itself most of the time.


Bubble Fare

This US Stock Bubble "Could Rank Among Biggest In History"

Just as soaring price-to-book ratios signalled massive speculative risk in Japan in the late 1980s, where assets were all the rage, so today in the US insanely high price-to-sales ratios highlight the total lack of realism embedded in the hottest growth stocks.

The point is that price-to-sales ratios in the stratosphere do not stay there, any more than a tulip bulb in 17th-century Holland was able to maintain a price of $100,000. This gets at the troubling thing about bubbles. They do not simply undergo smooth and endogenous shrinkage until they disappear. Instead, they continue to expand until they burst. This is why their bursting is more often than not shocking, spectacular and disorderly.


Bruising stock selloff underscores market risk during coronavirus turbulence

“The premiums being paid, the volumes that we've been looking at, they've taken out the insanity of the tech bubble of 2000,” said Jim Bianco


A Permanent Shift in Valuations?

During extended bull markets, rationalization becomes commonplace to justify overpaying for value. One such rationalization is the permanent shift in valuations higher due to changes in accounting rules, share buybacks, and greater adoption by the public of investing (aka ETFs.)

1)        The “median” CAPE ratio is 15.24 times earnings from 1871-1980.

2)        The long-term “median” CAPE is 16.52 times earnings from 1871-Present (all-years)

3)        The “median” CAPE is 22.91 times earnings from 1980-Present.

There are two critical things to consider concerning [this].

1)        The shift higher in MEDIAN valuations was a function of falling economic growth and deflationary pressures; and,

2)        Increasing levels of leverage and debt, which eroded economic growth, facilitated higher prices.

… [as per Ed Easterling of Crestmont Research:] “Therefore, since future economic growth is expected to be slower, it is only consistent that the future average for the market P/E will be lower. The new normal growth rate (i.e., slower) for the economy will drive slower overall earnings growth. Such slower growth will drive market P/E lower, just as previously higher growth supported the market’s P/E at a higher level.”


Jesse Felder: Master The Art Of Doing Nothing

… Right now, due to the extraordinary circumstances in the world, politics, the economy, monetary policy and more, the urge to do something is even greater than normal. However, the opportunity to put money to work is simply not there. At least not yet. But it’s coming. And until it does, the most proactive thing an investor can do is simply commit to doing nothing, understanding that that is not a passive decision but a very proactive one, indeed.



(not just) for the ESG crowd:

Federal Report Warns of Financial Havoc From Climate Change

A report commissioned by President Trump’s Commodity Futures Trading Commission issued dire warnings about climate change’s impact on financial markets.


Oh Crap, Major UN Climate Study Finds  Transformational Action Needed for Paris Agreement Targets - United in Science Report


Emissions Are Already Heading Back to Pre-Pandemic Levels


It’s a Race Against Heat, and Humanity Is Losing


Past world economic production constrains current energy demands: Persistent scaling with implications for economic growth and climate change mitigation


Ocean salinity: Climate change is also changing water cycle

This result has important implications for future climate. This sensitivity to global warming implies an amplification by 4~8% in a world warmed by +2°C. This amplification will be even stronger if the aerosol impacts are smaller in the future than today (i.e. if the air pollution can be controlled). Consequently, there will be stronger evaporation: the drier regions will get even drier and further increase the odds of worsening drought.


Ice Sheet Melting Is Perfectly in Line With Our Worst-Case Scenario, Scientists Warn

"We need to come up with a new worst-case scenario for the ice sheets because they are already melting at a rate in line with our current one"


Mammal Extinctions Are Speeding to an Unprecedented 'Second Wave', Scientists Warn


More than 1 billion people face displacement by 2050: report


LA Times: California Wildfires Map


Not just south of the border:

Wildfire burning 'out of control' at Vancouver Island ecological reserve


Brazil's Amazon fires worsen in September, threaten virgin forests


Charting the Flows of Energy Consumption by Source and Country (1969-2018). interactive version


Comparing CMIP5 & observations


Earth barreling toward 'Hothouse' state not seen in 50 million years, epic new climate record shows

Fun Fare:

The evolution of NBA playoff scoring:



Quotes of the Week:

From start of 1999 through NASDAQ’s March 2000 peak, there were no fewer than FIVE separate 10% pullbacks, all of which were followed by new all-time high”

Adam Tooze, re world’s central banks: “a hybrid assemblage that combines market mechanisms with massive intervention & limitless credit. Its Frankenstein quality is undeniable, but what kind of monster it is, remains to be seen.”


Tweets of the Week:

For all of us bears out there, who need to keep our eyes covered…

In other news, a bear with a box on his head managed to sneak into one of the Turkish military bases and climb onto the tower.


After taking a vacation for a month, Senate Republicans released a "skinny relief" bill that provides:

$0 for rent

$0 for mortgages

$0 for food

$0 for hazard pay

$0 for healthcare

$0 for transportation

$0 to prevent mass layoffs

$161,000,000 in corporate welfare for big coal


For Halloween I’m going to go as a normal person with no mask since that seems to scare the shit out of everyone.


Pics of the Week:

NASA Wildfires Map



Other Fare:

Notes on good judgement and how to develop it.

The Plot Against Libya. An Obama-Biden-Clinton Criminal Conspiracy

The scorching desert sun streams through narrow slats in the tiny window. A mouse scurries across the cracked concrete floor, the scuttling of its tiny feet drowned out by the sound of distant voices speaking in Arabic. Their chatter is in a western Libyan dialect distinctive from the eastern dialect favored in Benghazi. Somewhere off in the distance, beyond the shimmering desert horizon, is Tripoli, the jewel of Africa now reduced to perpetual war.

But here, in this cell in a dank old warehouse in Bani Walid, there are no smugglers, no rapists, no thieves or murderers. There are simply Africans captured by traffickers as they made their way from Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad, Eritrea, or other disparate parts of the continent seeking a life free of war and poverty, the rotten fruit of Anglo-American and European colonialism. The cattle brands on their faces tell a story more tragic than anything produced by Hollywood.

These are slaves: human beings bought and sold for their labor. Some are bound for construction sites while others for the fields. All face the certainty of forced servitude, a waking nightmare that has become their daily reality.

This is Libya, the real Libya. The Libya that has been constructed from the ashes of the US-NATO war that deposed Muammar Gaddafi and the government of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. The Libya now fractured into warring factions, each backed by a variety of international actors whose interest in the country is anything but humanitarian.

But this Libya was built not by Donald Trump and his gang of degenerate fascist ghouls. No, it was the great humanitarian Barack Obama, along with Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Susan Rice, Samantha Power and their harmonious peace circle of liberal interventionists who wrought this devastation. With bright-eyed speeches about freedom and self-determination, the First Black President, along with his NATO comrades in France and Britain, unleashed the dogs of war on an African nation seen by much of the world as a paragon of economic and social development.



Other (KDJ-inspired) Fare:

Politics and Violence Go Hand in Hand

Question: has power corrupted politicians? Or did those politicians seek and obtain power because they were corrupt?


Scott Adams: Trump Is The Most Successful Stand-Up Comic Ever; Democrats Want To Burn Down The Country Because They Don't Get The Joke

According to Adams, the common thread between why so many people believe these claims to be true without any evidence (or even in the face of

counterevidence) could be that they simply have no sense of humor. … “he is the most successful stand-up comedian in the history of humanity. His rallies with gigantic audiences are literally stand-up comedy. He does it to entertain. He literally says funny things and his audience laughs. And they go because he will say funny things that will make them laugh. He's literally the most successful stand-up comedian in the history of civilization if you look at the numbers of people who go in person”


Let’s Give Trump Some Credit—On Labor Day He Threw Down the Gauntlet to the Corrupt Military Brass

Trump said that the Pentagon brass don’t love him, “because they want to do nothing but fight wars so that all of those wonderful companies that make the bombs and make the planes and make eveything else stay happy.”

President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by the military/security complex for making the same point. The US military/security complex has had its crosshairs on Trump since his first presidential campaign when he said that he was going to normalize relations with Russia.  I don’t think Trump realized what a massive NO-NO this is.  Trump was telling the military-security complex that he was going to take away their concocted enemy that justifies the lucrative $1,000 billion annual budget paid by American taxpayers. 

This enormous sum enriches a large number of companies along with the CIA’s power and budget. To tell a powerful institutionalized force that you are going to take away their justification for diverting increasingly scarce American resources into their bank accounts is to ask for assassination. President Trump is in the process of being assassinated, but it is not by bullets. Not even dumbshit Americans will believe another “lone assassin” story.  Trump is being assassinated with a coup. The military/security complex responded to Trump’s policy of normalizing relations with Russia with “Russiagate,” an orchestration initiated by CIA director John Brennan and FBI director Comey.  The CIA has had the media in its pocket since Operation Mockingbird dating back to 1950. The CIA’s “Russiagate” attack on President Trump served the interests of Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Party.  The corrupt Democrats quickly joined forces with the CIA and the CIA’s media whores.  The attack on Trump was underway and has not stopped since. …. The Atlantic is part of the CIA’s media assets. … The purpose of the CIA story handed to Goldberg is to discredit Trump with his patriotic supporters, those who wave the flag, and especially the retired military. … Goldberg’s sources, he says, are anonymous. But they are not.  His “sources” are his military/security masters.  Goldberg knows who they are.  Remember, the entire four-year long attack on Trump has relied on anonymous sources.  With anonymous sources, you can make up anything. There is no one to confirm, deny, or to hold accountable.  It is fake news.


Why A Biden Presidency Will Disappoint Progressive Democrats

By making promises to the more progressive parts of the Democrats while secretly pledging different policies to the rich Joe Biden is following the 'flexibility' of Barack Obama. … At the same time Biden's foreign policy team is filling up with liberal interventionists from the Obama era and with neoconservatives. …. Sure, the policies of a Biden presidency would look more polished and presentable than the boorish ways in which Trump acts. That is the main reason why the Washington establishment rejects Trump and supports Biden. But we can certainly expect that a Biden presidency, won in the election or through the Democrats well planned color revolution scheme, will be to the right of the center-right policies Barack Obama implemented. This will hold for domestic policies issues as well as with regards to foreign policy


The Trojan Donkey

Joe Biden, by any measure, is a poor candidate for the office. After almost half a century in politics, he’s had a career mostly as a political hack who would support any issue that seemed popular at the time. Similarly, his voting record in the Senate has been that of a man who supported whatever bill would please his peers and further his career. Seemingly, he either has no inner core of belief, or he’s been willing to sacrifice it at a moment’s notice, if it might help his next election. After forty-seven years of elected office, he’s not regarded as having a commitment to… well, anything. And yet he became the choice of the Democratic party as one candidate after another dropped out of the presidential race. Clearly this was a party that was not only leaderless, but couldn’t even seem to invent a leader for the sake of the election.

Kamala Harris, his presumptive vice president, dropped out of the presidential race in December 2019, when her popularity amongst democrats dropped to 3.4%. Since democrats make up roughly half of the population, this means that less than 2% of Americans would have wanted her as their president.

And yet, as stated above, candidate Biden announces, “Look, I view myself as a bridge, not as anything else.” That’s quite curious. He apparently is stating that his only purpose is to win the election, then pass the baton to the next leader. Presumably, his vice president.

… And that leads us to the possibility that the deal has already been brokered – that Mr. Biden would win the election, then have, let’s say, a “medical emergency,” at which point he would pass the reins to the new president – Kamala Harris. Clearly, Ms. Harris could not have been elected on her own merit, as even democrats found her to be fundamentally lacking last December. Even the more radical elements of the party have sensed that she is untrustworthy and even dangerous.

At this point in America’s history, there’s much debate as to whether the president is the supreme leader, or whether he or she is merely the face presented by the Deep State, who run the country from the background and give the president his marching orders. Either way, this eventuality would not bode well for the US.


Edward Curtin: From Terrorists to Viruses: Dystopian Progress



Quotes of the Week:

Glenn Greenwald: “In 2016, Americans got to choose as President between the two most unpopular candidates in modern US history.

In 2020, they get to choose between two candidates believed by a majority to be “mentally unfit.” Why do so many Americans choose not to vote? A huge mystery.”


W.J. Astore: “There is a unique ideology to our fourth world country. Our two main parties, the Democrats and Republicans, agree that to invest in society is socialism, but to “invest” in weaponry and wars is the height of prudence and sanity. I know: a few Democrats like Bernie Sanders and AOC make noises, more or less sincere, about helping workers and investing in people, but they are shunted aside by the corporate Democrats whose main job it is to keep “socialists” like Bernie out of power. It’s the one thing they’re good at, led as they are by those icons of charisma and homespun goodness, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.”


Johnstone: “We are ruled by monsters.”



UnEthical (sick-to-my-stomach…-and-brain) Fare:

This should be required viewing (and listening!) for anyone who eats meat.

And this.

And this.

And this.

And this.

And this.

And, yes, this too.

As well as this.

And this.

All of those videos are examples of why govts feel the need to enact laws aiming to hide animal abuse on farms and by BigAg.

Ontario law banning activists from interfering with livestock trucks takes effect



Major shift to plant-based food could offset years of CO2 emissions


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