
Monday, June 7, 2021


Regular Fare:


A Future of Secular Stagnation.

One critique of President Biden’s historic spending blowout is that it steals economic growth from the future in return for a temporary surge in the next two years. Imagine our surprise to see the White House confirm this criticism in its own budget proposal.


Larry Fink: Inflation Will Be A "Pretty Big Shock"

"Most people haven’t had a forty-plus year career, and they’ve only seen declining inflation over the last 30-plus years. So this is going to be a pretty big shock", Fink said, his warning falling on deaf ears.


James K. Galbraith: The Deeper Anxieties of the Inflation Hawks

Following an increase in consumer prices during the first quarter of the year, commentators who were already wringing their hands about inflation have now doubled down on their position. But the economic arguments used to justify such fears simply do not stand up to scrutiny.


IceCap Asset Management: The Story Of The Year

… Yet, a casual view of this US inflation chart clearly shows how from the late 1980s to present day, inflation has never been a challenge. And perhaps more importantly (or embarrassing for the inflation purists), inflation has not once jumped out from around any corner. Absolutely there were times when inflation was maybe about to become a concern – but those concerns were quickly swished away, not by the magical, deep thinking, parlor smoking, cognac drinking central bank economists - but instead simply by the explosion of the global economy. Yes, the great equalizer to any inflation concerns was globalization.

… Yes, all of these highly respected leaders of the central banks for USA, Japan, Eurozone, Canada, and Britain all failed to produce the 2% target rate of inflation. And just as these past central bankers failed with their primary objectives, it is highly likely their successors will also face an F on grading day. The reason for our confidence is rather simple - in the eyes of these past (and now current) central bankers, the reason for this complete lack of monetary success was due to one thing - our central bankers simply didn’t cut enough rates or print enough money.

Yes, this is the point where Einstein would make a casual observation. In our minds, the IceCap observation is rather obvious - the reason inflation hasn’t soared to the moon is due to all of this central stimulus actually creating the opposite effect than what was intended.

Instead of historic stimulus resulting in companies and households going on historical spending and buying sprees, it has had the opposite effect - larger amounts of private capital has decided to not participate in the economy. The irony of central banks inability to generate inflation lies in their solutions to generate inflation.


Prices -> An uncertain future

In a super complex system like the economy, forecasting variables such as inflation with precision can be a quixotic undertaking in relatively normal conditions, let alone in the wild circumstances shaped by the pandemic. I tend to fade—based I think on good reason—the calls made with complete conviction that a bout of soaring inflation will soon overtake us, but I think the most intellectually honest view involves acknowledging that inflation could very well stay high for longer than expected. I would argue that no one really knows for sure.

Check out the blog for cool animated GIFs:

 Jobs -> A look at the 2021 trend

What if it’s not a labor shortage, but just the return of tipping customers driving wage growth in restaurants?

The sharp wage acceleration in the L&H sector attracted much attention during last month’s jobs report discussions. It was taken as a sign of an unambiguous labor shortage, and some feared a spillover into other sectors and an imminent “overheating” of the economy.These claims were always overblown. But one more reason why this wage acceleration is unlikely to spill over into other sectors is that it has almost surely not been driven by employers gouging deep into their own profit margins to increase base pay, but instead by a restoration of tip income as restaurants get closer to their pre-COVID capacities.


Canada’s Housing Market Is Out of Control


Other Charts:

Liberals insist that capitalism lifts all boats. It doesn’t, certainly not in the U.S. Since 1880, ‘real’ total returns on the S&P 500 rose, on an annual average, 4.6% faster than U.S. ‘real’ wages. The total returns/wage ratio today is 1,166 greater than in 1880.


Global Economy Will Still Be 23 Million Jobs Short Next Year

Overvalued and Overconfident


Bubble Fare:

Exponentiality Leads To Finality



COVID-19 notes:


(not just) for the ESG crowd:


Can Elites Start the Climate Revolution?

Financial capital and the courts are quietly creating the conditions to stop global warming—if politics does its part, too.

But are the breakthroughs we are currently seeing enough? Do we have enough time? And once the adjustment really begins to bite and demands sacrifices, will it be sustained? For all the excitement in the current moment, there is reason to be cautious.

The Biden administration came in promising that climate was key to its entire agenda. But the one big spending plan it has actually delivered, the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan, contained next to nothing on climate. The much-hailed infrastructure program is struggling in the U.S. Congress.


Climate tipping points could topple like dominoes, warn scientists

Analysis shows significant risk of cascading events even at 2C of heating, with severe long-term effects


Wolfgang Knorr: Trickery in Climate Neutrality – How Net Zero is Secretly Being Redefined.

The crux is that corporations and governments will leave out no tricks and lies to give the impression that we are well on our way to halting climate change, while doing too little or nothing. The contradiction between propaganda and fact will become ever larger.


Do Energy Efficiency Improvements Reduce Energy Use? Empirical Evidence on the Economy-Wide Rebound Effect in Europe and the US

We estimate the effect of an energy efficiency shock on the use of energy. Initially, energy use falls, but we found using U.S. data that it then ends up bouncing back to almost where it started. This means that the rebound effect is around 100%. Energy efficiency improvements don't end up saving energy in the long run.


An Inconvenient Truth: EVs May Offer A "Negligible" CO2 Difference From ICE Vehicles

Their analysis "details the tremendous amount of energy (and by extension CO2) needed to manufacture a lithium-ion battery." Because a typical EV is on average 50% heavier than a similar internal combustion engine, the analysis notes that the “embedded carbon” in an EV (i.e., when it rolls off the lot) is therefore 20–50% more than an internal combustion engine.


Oil to $300?

Society might hate fossil fuels, it might even hate them for very good reasons, but society is trapped in its need for fossil fuels, at least for the time being. We can’t escape fossil fuels without significantly higher prices.


Pics of the Week:

A rendering of the collision between two neutron stars, observed by researchers working with the LIGO and Virgo gravitational wave detectors, 2017



EXTRA [controversial or non-market-related] FARE:


Regular Fare:


The Next Decade Could Be Even Worse

A historian, [Peter Turchin] believes he has discovered iron laws that predict the rise and fall of societies. He has bad news.

He has been warning for a decade that a few key social and political trends portend an “age of discord,” civil unrest and carnage worse than most Americans have experienced. In 2010, he predicted that the unrest would get serious around 2020, and that it wouldn’t let up until those social and political trends reversed. Havoc at the level of the late 1960s and early ’70s is the best-case scenario; all-out civil war is the worst.

The fundamental problems, he says, are a dark triad of social maladies: a bloated elite class, with too few elite jobs to go around; declining living standards among the general population; and a government that can’t cover its financial positions. His models, which track these factors in other societies across history, are too complicated to explain in a nontechnical publication. But they’ve succeeded in impressing writers for nontechnical publications


Chris Hedges: “Dying for an iPhone”

The suffering of the working class, within and outside the United States, is ignored by our corporatized media, and yet, it is one of the most important human rights issues of our era.



Climate Tweets of the Week:


Paul Maidowski:. Not to scare anyone, but we really really don’t want 550 ppm to happen:

I favor realism (even if I just wrote a sentence on 350 ppm): there is no way to reduce CO2 levels yet. Best we can do is stabilize ASAP; but this also means that we’re on track for unsurvivable Miocene climates. >Hence the need for #MEER, without adaptive mitigation we’re toast<.



Big Thoughts:

What Happens When Doctors Can't Tell the Truth?





“It’s all Bullsh*t” – 3 Leaks that Sink the Covid Narrative

The science of the coronavirus is not disputed. It is well documented and openly admitted:

·         Most people won’t get the virus.

·         Most of the people who get it won’t display symptoms.

·         Most of the people who display symptoms will only be mildly sick.

·         Most of the people with severe symptoms will never be critically ill.

·         And most of the people who get critically ill will survive.

This is borne out by the numerous serological studies which show, again and again, that the infection fatality ratio is on par with flu. There is no science – and increasingly little rational discussion – to justify the lockdown measures and overall sense of global panic. Nevertheless, it’s always good to get official acknowledgement of the truth, even if it has to be leaked. Here are three leaks showing that those in power know that the coronavirus poses no threat, and in no way justifies the lockdown that is going to destroy the livelihoods of so many....


Lockdown 'had no effect' on coronavirus pandemic in Germany


COVID deaths plunge after major world city introduces ivermectin [in Mexico]

Authorities create home-treatment-kit for 22 million-strong population

In February, a peer-reviewed study found that invermectin reduces coronavirus infections, hospitalizations and deaths by about 75%.

Ivermectin, in more than 30 trials around the world, causes "repeated, consistent, large magnitude improvements in clinical outcomes’ at all stages of the disease," according to the study, which was published in the U.S. American Journal of Therapeutics.


Ivermectin for COVID-19 in Peru: 14-fold reduction in nationwide excess deaths, p<0.002 for effect by state, then 13-fold increase after ivermectin use restricted


Global trends in clinical studies of ivermectin in COVID-19 (PDF)

The effective concentration of ivermectin against SARS-CoV-2 in an in vitro experiment by Caly et al. is as high as 2 μM; in clinical practice, it is necessary to administer tens of times the normal dose in order to obtain such a blood concentration. Therefore, there are opinions from the IDSA98) and others that the therapeutic effect of COVID-19 cannot be expected by the administration of the normal dose of ivermectin. However, in actual medical practice, there are many study reports demonstrating that the administration of a normal dose does indeed show a clinical response. As of the 27th of February 2021, the results of 42 clinical studies worldwide have undergone meta-analysis and concluded that ivermectin is effective in the treatment and prevention of COVID-19. In the UK, a consensus-based recommendation by 75 healthcare professionals from 17 countries around the world has been carried out and submitted to the WHO to further encourage the issuance of guidelines for the use of ivermectin in the treatment and prevention of COVID-19. We must consider why such a discrepancy is occurring.


‘We Made a Big Mistake’ — COVID Vaccine Spike Protein Travels From Injection Site, Can Cause Organ Damage

Research obtained by a group of scientists shows the COVID vaccine spike protein can travel from the injection site and accumulate in organs and tissues including the spleen, bone marrow, the liver, adrenal glands and in “quite high concentrations” in the ovaries.

COVID vaccine researchers had previously assumed mRNA COVID vaccines would behave like traditional vaccines. The vaccine’s spike protein — responsible for infection and its most severe symptoms — would remain mostly in the injection site at the shoulder muscle or local lymph nodes.

But new research obtained by a group of scientists contradicts that theory, a Canadian cancer vaccine researcher said last week.

“We made a big mistake. We didn’t realize it until now,” said Byram Bridle, a viral immunologist and associate professor at University of Guelph, Ontario. “We thought the spike protein was a great target antigen, we never knew the spike protein itself was a toxin and was a pathogenic protein. So by vaccinating people we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin.


Denninger: What Did I Say?

On 12/7/2020 I put forward that we had scientific evidence on how to slam the door on Covid-19’s transmission. We knew in October from the study I cited that there was a simple and near-zero cost way to do it. In mid-October the death count in the US stood at about 200,000. We did nothing. Why did we do nothing? Because if we admitted to the existence of this study, which was registered formally on the government’s clinical trial site, and followed what it told us to do, there would be no EUAs for vaccines. They would have been illegal. The FDA knew this, the NIH knew this and the CDC knew this since the trial database in question is run by the US Government. All three were fully-aware that there was a cheap, easy and immediate way to slam the door on transmission of Covid-19 and had been tested in a health-care setting – that is, where people are around folks who are known infectious all the time.

Our government, medical and political systems deliberately ignored the scientific evidence and a formal clinical trial which our government had registered and for which results posted in October of 2020. We did this and as a direct result more than 300,000 additional people died. We now know they died and the virus spread as a direct result of that willful and intentional act. We know this because now there is a further study that proves not only did the drug work to cut fatalities it also cuts off viral transmission dramatically and almost-immediately when used, which means had we used it the case rate would have never surged in the winter at all and a huge percentage of the people who died would have never got the virus at all.


Offering Ivermectin to all who tested positive and everyone in their household would have slammed the door instantly on forward transmission and ended the pandemic in the United States before the winter surge occurred. We now know this at a scientific level of certainty. [..] We killed 300,000 Americans for the express purpose of getting EUAs issued for vaccines. Leaving aside whether the vaccines are safe, and giving them full credit for being effective the fact still remains that our government and health care system killed 300,000 people by refusing to follow the science, that refusal was intentional and undertaken for financial reasons, and as a direct result a genocide-level manslaughter took place.


“We usually don’t use vaccines with lethal side effects”


Israel sees probable link between Pfizer vaccine and myocarditis cases



COVID Conspiracy Fare:


Ok, Now We're Done

So what do we now know?

·         China's military was in fact involved at the Wuhan lab.  It was not just a civilian operation.  This, by the way, has been repeatedly denied over the last year and change.

·         The lab's scientists knew not only the sequencing of the virus but in addition had a patentable way to create an alleged vaccine before the pandemic was public.  It takes time to draft patents and figure them out.  Quite a lot of time, in fact -- not a couple weeks or months.

·         The PLA, China's military, did file said patent with Zhou's name on it.

·         It takes time to prove up patent material, including in the case of a vaccine.  To patent something you must be able to demonstrate it; you cannot patent ideas, only embodiments of ideas.  In that case you would have to prove immunogenicity which isn't instantaneous; it takes weeks or even months to get through original science on this with animals and then humans, which means the date of knowledge was not February 24th it was months or even further before that.

·         That means they were working on this even before that time because to work on a vaccine you have to know you must or would want to work on it in the first place.  This in turn means they knew damn well there was a virulent virus in the wild prior to that date, or they released it or intended to release it into the wild on purpose.  Nobody comes up with a vaccine for a virus you intend to and have confined entirely within a laboratory in animal or cell culture testing; that's worthless.  Without an isolate to create a vaccine for and a virus outside of a lab environment where vaccination becomes a "thing" that might be required and thus have value why would you do the work to create one?

What's the timeline on all this?  Many, many months or even a couple of years.

That means either the virus was "out" for many months to a couple of years before February of 2020 (not a month or two) or the Chinese intended to release it in the fall of 2019.  In either case the evidence is now overwhelming that this was not a virus that "magically appeared" one fine day in late December having come naturally from bats and perhaps pangolins. That is not just improbable anymore -- it is now, on the manifest weight of the evidence, impossible.

Further, the person who filed the patent died under "mysterious circumstances."  Gee, I wonder why? Let me guess -- did he shoot himself in the back of the head twice?


Cook: Was there a Wuhan lab leak? An inquiry won’t dig out the truth. It will deepen the deception

The only thing we can state with certainty is this: our understanding of the origins of Covid has been narratively managed over the past 15 months and is still being narratively managed. We are being told only what suits powerful political, scientific and commercial interests.

No one in power truly wants to get to the bottom of this story. In fact, quite the reverse. Were we to truly understand its implications, this story might have the potential not only to hugely discredit western political, media and scientific elites but even to challenge the whole ideological basis on which their power rests. Which is why what we are seeing is not an effort to grapple with the truth of the past year, but a desperate bid by those same elites to continue controlling our understanding of it. Western publics are being subjected to a continuous psy-op by their own officials.

Which is why no meaningful lessons will be learnt about what really happened in Wuhan. Maintaining the illusion of truth will continue to take precedence over uncovering the truth. And for that reason we are doomed to keep making the same screw-ups. As the next pandemic will doubtless attest.


There Are No Solutions, Part 2

The boldness and extremeness of their actions since the Fall of 2019 seem out of character with their usual shrouded machinations behind the scenes, where the public is ignorant of their actions. Something broke within the debt saturated financial system and Powell was ordered to restart QE and start reducing interest rates to fend off disaster. In a fascinating coincidence, Event 201, a pandemic simulation, was conducted on October 18 in New York City, jointly run by The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, World Economic Forum, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The four-year coup attempt by the Deep State against Trump was floundering, with their pathetic last gasp impeachment farce in January 2020.

The weaponization of the Chinese bio-weapon lab virus into a global pandemic narrative accomplished numerous objectives for the Deep State. It provided cover for the Federal Reserve to funnel trillions into the pockets of the criminal Wall Street cabal and their billionaire clientele. It provided the means for Democrat governors and mayors to use it as an excuse to allow mass mail-in voting in order to fraudulently steal the election. Destroying the economy through unnecessary worthless lockdowns and blaming it on Trump gave the Democrats a further impetus to steal the election.

Convincing the entire nation masking and lockdowns stopped the spread (they did not) allowed the ruling class to exercise tyrannical authoritarian un-Constitutional mandates with little to no push back from the masses – giving them the confidence to push further. Cases and deaths were plummeting before vaccines were rolled out in any quantity, but the media mouthpieces and lying politicians will credit the jab for decline.

The immune systems of all but the sickliest are sufficient to fight off this virus and cheap, effective, and safe treatments like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine have been scientifically proven to successfully defeat this virus. Watching scientists and doctors declare these treatments dangerous and ineffective, with Big Tech censoring anyone dissenting from this narrative, tells you how corrupted the medical and media industries have become. Science is never settled.

Again, following the money leads to the most likely reason for this totalitarian insistence on everyone on earth be inoculated with a substance that has not been thoroughly tested or vetted over the long term. Demanding mass vaccination as the only way life can return to normal has generated tens of billions in profits for Big Pharma and the medical industrial complex administering the jabs. Scientists and medical professionals have been bought off to sway their research and opinions. Do No Harm has been replaced by How Much Will You Pay Me to endorse your unproven drug.

Our political leaders are selected, not elected, as we have seen with Dementia Joe and his cackling vacuous VP. Hoping for the next election to go your way and your favorite candidate to win is nothing but false hope. The system is rigged, and they do not care what you think. We need to cast aside childish thoughts and deal with the harsh reality of being pawns in a game we do not control. Quigley described the two-party farce five decades ago, and it has only gotten worse since.


NoVaxx Rebellion: Resist, Refuse, Reject

Have you given any thought to the strange events of the last 15 months? Have you wondered why so many countries adopted the same policies that had never been used before and had no scientific foundation? Have you wondered why effective ‘life-saving’ medications and therapies were actively and aggressively suppressed? Have you wondered why world-renowned scientists, virologists and epidemiologists were banned on Twitter and removed from Facebook? .. It’s very hard to look back on the events of the last 15 months and not suspect that there is more to this Covid story than meets the eye; that while the infection does, in fact, kill mostly older people with multiple underlying conditions, that, perhaps, the virus has been used to promote a political agenda of which we know very little. Even so, there are things of which we can be reasonably certain, such as, that all of the fear-mongering and hysteria has been suspiciously manipulated to promote universal vaccination. That seems fairly obvious. In fact, managers of this Covid operation have stated quite openly that their goal is to inoculate “all 7 billion people” on planet earth. Wow. There’s not alot of gray-area in that comment, is there? And, if that’s the case, we can safely assume that much of the hysteria was exaggerated to achieve the stated goal.


COVID Quotes of the Week:

Michael Yeadon, former CSO of Pfizer: “Ivermectin is an off-patent drug that is one of the most widely used drugs in the world, and we know it is able to reduce Covid-19 symptoms at any stage of the disease by about 90%, so there is no need for vaccines.


CO-VID of the Week:

Alexandra Henrion Caude, French geneticist


COVID Conspiracy Fare:


COVID, Learned Helplessness, and Control

Americans are not comfortable accepting their lives being manipulated at this level, the way for example many Russians assume it to be so. We tend to dismiss such things as conspiracy theories and make an Oliver Stone joke. … Nothing here is to say vaccines don’t work, or are themselves dangerous. That’s another debate. This is about the politics of mass control. Add up the “doesn’t really make sense but we do it anyway” COVID rules and try to make sense of them.


Edward Curtin: The Etymological Animal Must Slip Out of the Cage of Habit to Grasp Truth

It is obvious that since September 11, 2001, and more so since the corona virus lockdowns and the World Economic Forum’s push for a Fourth industrial Revolution that will lead to the marriage of artificial intelligence, cyborgs, digital technology, and biology, that the USA and other countries have been slipping into a new form of fascist control.  Or at least it should be obvious, especially since this push has been accompanied by massive censorship by technology companies of dissenting voices and government crackdowns on what they term “domestic terrorists.”  Dissent has become unpatriotic and worse – treasonous.


Ilargi: Let’s Save Some Lives

When George Orwell wrote “1984” in 1948, not only did he foresee where advanced technology would bring society, he also foresaw that such technology would become available. At that time, this meant two enormous insights in one. A Big Brother may arise among power hungry forces, but it can do nothing without the technology to control and trace people. And 73 years ago, it wasn’t obvious that this would ever be reality.

But today it is here. If there’s anything the Covid era -virustime- teaches us, it is that. We are now all required to think the same, and act the same, as everyone else, and as scripted by powers that -more than ever- oversee our every move. What 1984 should have taught us, but didn’t, is that once you allow such powers to acquire such oversight, they will never let go. You need to stop them beforehand.

Seldom should any substances have been subjected to more rigorous research than mRNA vaccines, and seldom have any been subjected to less. So the problems should not be a surprise to anyone.

Yes, the vaccines are completely unnecessary. Michael Yeadon, former Chief Scientific Officer of Pfizer put it like this: “Ivermectin is an off-patent drug that is one of the most widely used drugs in the world, and we know it is able to reduce Covid-19 symptoms at any stage of the disease by about 90%, so there is no need for vaccines.”

A 90% reduction of symptoms means no need for vaccines OR facemasks OR lockdowns. That’s ostensibly better than any of the vaccines can achieve. And this could have started at least 6 months ago (I’m thinking of Pierre Kory’s Dec. 8 Senate testimony here, conveniently killed off by YouTube), and after 6 months of a 90% reduction, there is no danger left at all. Dr. Pierre Kory said if you take ivermectin, you won’t get sick (and it’s safer than Tylenol).

In “1984”, the idea is that everybody must do the same thing, and think the same thing. In 2021, they do. Nothing good can come from that.



GeoPolitical Fare:


“The Rrrrussians come again.”

As to Putin, the Russian president surely understands by now that Biden’s claim to foreign policy expertise is sheer posture and that he is in the presence not of a statesman but of a logrolling pol whose primary concern is whether one or another pose will play in Peoria, as the Nixonians used to say. In deference to Biden’s age and—what to say here?—his fragile faculties, Putin will be courteous so as not to make a fool of his counterpart but altogether firm in his defense of Russian interests.

… The above thoughts on Putin’s likely approach in Geneva are conjecture. My thoughts on Biden are more or less certain. This is so for one simple reason.

… Readers who think I am suggesting a discernible pattern here have it exactly right.

… More recently we have had the fraudulent case of Alexei Navalny, just in time to stir up arguments against German cooperation on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. Thank goodness this and the Bountygate nonsense failed to achieve the objectives of those behind them.

… While Bountygate and the Navalny silliness proved flops, on the broader question of U.S. policy toward Russia one must conclude this pattern has been effective. This implies something awful: We must ask whether better relations with the Russian Federation have effectively been rendered impossible.


"Flying blind."

The frightening part is this: Biden and the amateurs he has named as statesmen and stateswomen do not have an inconsistent foreign policy, or a miscalculated foreign policy, or a confused foreign policy. Such shortcomings and weaknesses might be repaired. This flummoxed bunch does not have a foreign policy. And the world’s most powerful, most heavily armed, most determinedly righteous nation shows little sign of figuring one out : Readers may perhaps join me in finding this very frightening.

I do not traffic in hyperbole, favored as this is among our poseur pundits, mostly liberals and “progressives,” who are little Potemkin villages all by themselves. It is simply time to state the obvious but unsayable, to run our palms over the rough skin of the elephant in our living room. The American empire no longer knows what to do in the world. It is lost in the 21st century forest, ever more alone.

Biden is one of those senators who come along in each cohort to claim foreign policy expertise as a signifier of intellect and worldly sophistication. Two points to be made here. One, this has always been a pose on Biden’s part, given his very poor record in this regard. Two, most of his foreign policy positions, if not all of the major ones, reflect domestic political considerations rather than an understanding of this or that set of on-the-ground circumstances. Error is therefore more or less inevitable.

Macron’s topic was always the U.S. and turned on his Gaullist desire to advance beyond Washington’s Cold War binary. “With Russia, the policy of progressive sanctions on frozen situations is no longer an effective policy,” Macron said last week. “We are at a moment of truth in our relationship with Russia, which should lead us to rethink the terms of the tension that we decide to put in place.” Do Biden or any of his people have the sophistication and gravitas to respond effectively to these profoundly challenging statements? It seems almost silly to ask.


Astore: America Doesn’t Have A Foreign Policy, It Has A Business Plan

America doesn’t have a foreign policy, it has a business plan, and it’s business as usual in the Biden administration. Joe Biden promised his donors that nothing would fundamentally change in his administration. Kamala Harris said her agenda wasn’t about substantive change. So what we’re getting under the Biden/Harris team is eminently predictable

… In Joe Biden, America has a fading and flailing man to lead a fading and flailing empire. In Kamala Harris, America has an example of old wine in new packaging. She’s a woman, she’s Black, she’s South Asian — and she thinks like Hillary Clinton and Henry Kissinger.

And thus it’s business as usual in Washington, which is exactly what Biden/Harris were hired for.







You may have noticed that Joe Biden, after signaling left (or at least perceived by his tailgating fans to be signaling left) has suddenly swerved sharply to the right. And what do you know - he's ended up precisely where's he's been stolidly parked for the entire half-century journey of his long political career: deep in the heart of Neoliberalville. His oft-quoted campaign promise last year to a group of wealthy donors ("Nothing will fundamentally change") has been proven more correct with every passing day.

... His pulsating left-turn blinker light had way too many of these same progressives pretty much blinkered for the first hundred or so days of his administration. The narrative that Biden is the best thing to come along since FDR is getting increasingly frayed, if not yet completely tattered. He rips the rosy media narrative a new one practically every single day

… Biden's left turn signal was either draining all the energy and confidence from the oligarchic battery of overlords, or he himself was just getting tired of the relentlessly tinny refrain of Happy Days Are Here Again. It was finally time to disabuse his newfound acolytes of the notion and the narrative  that he was a blind St. Paul who'd seen the social democratic light and finally come to progressive Jesus in his enlightened dotage.

So it sadly turns out it was the liberal/progressive class that's been blinkered or blinded by media hype this whole time. Biden's sudden right turn to Republican appeasement cut his followers right off. They're still so stunned by the ensuing pileup of about-faces and disappointments that they can't even believe that they're trapped in the wreckage. The adrenaline rush of the new UFO craze and the frenzied finger-pointing debates over that alleged Wuhan lab leak are, as the manufacturers of consent seem to hope, at least temporarily masking the pain of no minimum wage increase, no single payer health coverage, no new or recurring stimulus checks, no federal guaranteed jobs program, no student debt forgiveness.



Orwellian Fare:


A Few Bananas Short of a Bunch

The bad news was I had no effective way to filter out the propaganda, lies and distortions. One simply cannot fully discern truth without recognizing the lie for what it is and vice versa. It’s the contrast between the two that fully illuminates both.

Expert behavioral conditioning is not only designed to be easily swallowed, but any contrary information must be immediately vomited up, spat upon and thoroughly rejected. Experiencing a cognitive dissonance can be emotionally disturbing and quite unsettling, compelling most people to do just about anything to make the pain go away. Triggering, combined with righteous indignation, usually fits the bill.

So why did we the people, both back during the late 1930’s as well as over the last 10 to 15 years, not see or do anything about the abject insanity quickly rising amongst themselves?

The answer, of course, is that we live in an insane asylum. Which by extension, means we are all verifiably insane.

The bottom line is any Empire, any culture, any collective will create a shared reality by first creating narrative. And the primary directive of any narrative is to be self-affirming, at least to those within its embrace. Amateurs create narrative and shove it down our throats. Experts create narrative so compelling, interlocked and seemingly self-supporting, that we not only embrace it but ask for more.

The thing about information warfare, aka propaganda, is the really good stuff, while walking, talking and acting like obvious propaganda to an outsider, is accepted as pretty much the truth (more or less) by the target.

From the perspective of properly conditioned people, the only question that really counts is whether others are part of our ideological tribe or not. Either my cognitive gear set properly meshes with yours or it does not. When resources are plentiful, we collectively and individually can afford to be tolerant of deviants. When not, we are not. Guess which direction we’re headed these days.

Our cultural conditioning system goes so much deeper than ‘just’ government schools, social media, instant messaging and the 24/7/365 ‘news’ cycle. It’s composed of deeply embedded beliefs considered fundamental and static, handed down from generation to generation. After hundreds of iterations, and thousands of years of constant social, intellectual, political and religious conditioning, how could the end product be anything other than completely bonkers.


Covid, Cybernetics, And The New Normal.

In light of the political and economic developments which have transpired since Covid-19 was first declared a pandemic, it is becoming clearer by the day how this public health crisis is being exploited to usher in a new global system of technocratic population control and compliance.

We must wake from our stupor and identify what is shaping up to be an incredibly dystopian reality.

I invite everyone to consider how in one fell swoop, this pandemic has served as a catalyst for the following:

·         Entrusting stakeholder capitalists with managing debt operations and pandemic relief packages as part of an unprecedented fiscal shock therapy, where entire nations risk being hollowed out of sovereignty through global ‘structural adjustment’

·         Exploiting global poverty by shifting the mandate on eminent domain, resulting in the mass confiscation of private property and thus reversing the democratization of home and land ownership

·         Precipitating the greatest transfer of wealth in history, with corporations eliminating competition and aggregating the market share of many unviable small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) which have been driven into bankruptcy

·         Squeezing the property-owning middle classes who will have little choice but to settle for debt release in exchange for total asset forfeiture in the years ahead


·         Amplifying the lingering threat of deadly variants to justify unfettered access to our bodies through intrusive pharmaceutical interventions, such as wirelessly networked medication consisting of wearable, implantable and ingestible technologies in “smart” environments, eventually integrating humans into the Internet of Bodies in a biosecurity surveillance state

·         Holding freedom and liberty to ransom by making our inalienable rights including property ownership, education, banking, work, travel, housing and special movement and access privileges conditional on the acceptance of medical interventions with potentially devastating consequences for our health, personal agency and bodily autonomy

·         Loosening the statutory constraints on state surveillance activities, thus encouraging the normalisation of authoritarian public measures and the return of ‘Big Government’ in the absence of any executive accountability


·         Advancing agendas like the New Deal for Nature in the name of biodiversity, to move rural inhabitants into mega housing complexes, vacant office spaces, abandoned retail floors and devalued properties all of which have been induced by lockdowns , as part of an urban densification strategy to integrate the masses into algorithm driven public spaces and controlled habitation zones in future smart cities for full spectrum surveillance, resulting in the mass land theft of original inhabitants

·         Incentivising agribusiness and tech giants to transform and privatise the global food supply system and push plant based synthetic meats as part of the ‘green farming’ agenda pursued by climate cultists, which will decimate regenerative meat and dairy farming practices and displace entire livestock farming communities

·         Ushering the growth of a digital ‘platform economy’ where tech titans are the primary beneficiaries of the seismic changes and disruptions to the way we trade, work and socialise


·         Acclimatising the global population for the cybernetic mediation of social and professional relationships and an inevitable progression towards transhumanism by depersonalising, disconnecting and alienating individuals from free and spontaneous social interactions due to social distancing

·         Ushering the dawn of the most dangerous juncture in humanity where technologies will be gradually harnessed to eventually transcend our biological limitations to trigger the singularity

·         Going by the footprint of this virus, it dovetails so neatly with the globalist aspiration for full spectrum dominance and is the perfect smokescreen for The Fourth Industrial Revolution, a.k.a. The Great Reset



Orwellian Asimovian Fare:

We might have AI-powered murder drones to worry about now, a U.N. report suggests



CaitOz Quotes of the Week:


In 2016 the most corrupt and murderous government on earth dealt with public discontent by selling a sociopathic billionaire as the anti-establishment presidential candidate, then in 2020 sold a lifelong empire lackey as the revolutionary people’s uprising against that candidate.

·         Set up an imperialist oligarchy which rules as tyrannically as any monarch.

·         Remain hidden and unaccountable.

·         Propagandize people into thinking they’re free.

·         Whenever there’s unrest due to systemic injustices, let them elect one of your employees who promises to change things.


The fact that there can be that drastic of a shift from something no pundit or politician may say to something they’re encouraged to talk about all the time—all at once, at the drop of a hat—says so much about what the political/media class is and how it works in our society. How utterly uninterested in truth and facts it is. How arbitrary its dictates are. How completely made-up its ongoing story of the world is. It just says what’s convenient for the powerful, and when that’s not convenient anymore it switches to something else.


So in case you haven’t been keeping up it’s been pretty thoroughly confirmed that the US government’s highly anticipated UFO report due this month won’t contain any significant revelations and certainly won’t verify anyone’s ideas about these phenomena being extraterrestrial in origin, but it absolutely will contain fearmongering that UFOs could be evidence that the US has fallen dangerously behind Russian and Chinese technological development in the cold war arms race. … If there are indeed extraterrestrials and they are indeed flying around our world in strange aircraft, we are more likely to get the truth about this from the extraterrestrials themselves than from the US military. The war machine only does killing and destruction; it’s not going to suddenly develop an interest in truth and transparency. The sooner UFO enthusiasts realize this the better.


Other Quotes of the Week:


Kunstler: The downfall of Dr. Fauci is a watershed moment. There were so many more authorities caught lying over the past five years, but who got off scot-free — Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, James Comey (actually, the whole FBI and DOJ E-suites), John Brennan, James Clapper, Robert Mueller, Andrew Weissman, Adam Schiff, and the editors and producers of the news media, plus the execs of social media — who not only disabled the truth at every opportunity, but just about destroyed the public’s grip on reality. The result has been an utter collapse of authority in this land, so that now nobody who runs anything is credible, from the current pitiful president of the USA, to most elected and appointed officials, judges, corporate CEOs, college deans and presidents, and now “The Science” itself…. If a growing number of Americans come to believe that the pandemic was a number run on them by the authorities, they may be more disposed to going forward with election audits in several states. And what happens if solid evidence is discovered and fraud is proven? Whu-oh…!


Nathan J. Robinson: Many of us on the left have long been skeptical of Joe Biden, to say the least. This is because during Biden’s political career, he has consistently opposed the progressive wing of the Democratic party, from proudly boasting of being “one of the most conservative Democrats” in the Senate to using his presidential campaign to criticize left policy priorities like Medicare For All and the Green New Deal.


“We need to recognize that we are the aliens.”


“Of course. We humans. Today, the United States and China – the entire world – share a common enemy. It’s the very thing you write about: a human-created degenerative economic system that’s causing climate change, income inequality, resource depletion, species extinctions, ecological collapse, and just about all our other crises.”


The only inflation is in hyperbolic bullshit. Which is now half the economy... … This bubble is running solely upon asshole inflation. And despite their overwhelming superiority in numbers, they are going up against hardcore reality.


I’m blessed and cursed with a deep love of formal logic and deductive reasoning. Blessed because it comes naturally to me, and cursed because I’m also moderately (ok, fine, substantially) paranoid. The combination of the two makes for a suboptimal daily existence. Most times, I react to ghosts. Other times, I’m far ahead of the crowd on something important and handsomely rewarded because of it. Usually, there’s just enough of the latter to justify the regular embarrassment of the former, and so it goes.



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