
Wednesday, August 25, 2021


Regular Fare:

Quantifying the Impact of Vaccine Failure on Earnings Per Share

In a post last week, I raised the possibility that the vaccines might not get the virus under control this winter. Since the markets still seem to be pricing in vaccine success, this could have implications for investors. How might we think this through in more depth?

GMO: Part 1: Inflation – Tall Tales and True Causes (Much Ado About Nothing)

James Montier and Philip Pilkington

Inflation is often a poorly understood concept, with monotheistic explanations abounding. Money supply or fiscal deficits are oft-blamed suspects in the conventional wisdom. In reality, history teaches us that inflation is frequently more complex than such simple-minded explanations allow. Inflation is invariably, as Wicksell put it, a “cumulative process” in that it involves a feedback loop between prices and costs. Labour costs are particularly important in the production process, and thus a sustained inflation requires wages to rise significantly faster than productivity (as we have noted before, we have actually been witnessing the opposite situation for a long period of time now – a phenomenon known as wage repression). Without a radical shift in labour’s bargaining power (of which there is yet no sign) it is unlikely that inflation will be able to embed itself in the system. Thus, we believe the upsurge in inflationary angst is likely much ado about nothing.

The Jackson Hole dilemma

Let me repeat yet again the words of Michael Pettis, a firm Keynesian economist: “the bottom line is this: if the government can spend additional funds in ways that make GDP grow faster than debt, politicians don’t have to worry about runaway inflation or the piling up of debt. But if this money isn’t used productively, the opposite is true.” That’s because “creating or borrowing money does not increase a country’s wealth unless doing so results directly or indirectly in an increase in productive investment…If US companies are reluctant to invest not because the cost of capital is high but rather because expected profitability is low, they are unlikely to respond ….by investing more.”

Profitability in the productive sectors of the major economies was near an all-time low before the pandemic struck. The pandemic slump took profitability down further and no doubt it is recovering fast right now. But will profitability get up to levels that will sustain productivity-enhancing investment in the next few years, especially if wage rises start to squeeze profit margins?


Let me state categorically that we should have gone home from Afghanistan long ago. What started as a mission to track down Osama bin Laden, morphed into an impossible adventure with nebulous goals, many of which were unobtainable and quite ludicrous. That said, four Presidents and countless generals all had time to strategize and plan our exit. This weekend’s events were truly a colossal klusterfuk of the highest order, overseen by the most senior leadership of our nation. Despite two decades to strategize and war-game this inevitable event, these assholes literally had no plan to extract our people and send them home safely. It seems that our leadership was as baffled and mesmerized by the events as I was.

Of course, no one can conceive of an event where the Fed is forced to step away. That outcome seems so far outside of our recent experience, that it is assumed to be impossible. What if it isn’t? Just because the Fed has been there for the past two decades, roughly the same period overlapping with our occupation of Afghanistan, doesn’t mean that it will be there for the next two decades.

One of the scariest market-related black swans I can think of, is a situation where the Fed cannot intervene—especially as everyone assiduously expects that the Fed will always be there. Am I crazy to think that as inflation accelerates, the Fed will increasingly be boxed into a corner? The Fed has never really been independent of political action. What if the voters begin to complain about their cost of living? Do you not expect for the politicians to step in and demand a fix? What if the Fed suddenly needs to show a backbone and pretend to tame inflation for political reasons? Is anyone positioned for that? I know I’m not. Instead, I’m positioned for them simply ignoring the accelerating inflation that they’re causing.

I’m not here making a market call—I’m actually quite long a bunch of inflation assets. Rather, I’m pointing out that unstable things can go bad in a hurry. If the Fed were ever forced to step back, even for a moment, it would be cataclysmic for the markets—much like the US military stepping back in Afghanistan. Unstable situations inevitably implode—they can only be propped up for so long. Sometimes, we grow numb to something that’s unstable and assume that since it’s gone on for a long time, it will continue.

Other Charts:

Bubble Fare:

GMO: Bubble Signs – Stock Issuance

Double Bubble Trouble

It is hard to come to any conclusion other than that, if I am right about the bubbles, the economy could be under more threat from a financial crisis-cum-deep recession than at any time since the Great Depression.

When you make a claim as large as this and you’re not a permadoomer, it’s usually good to ask the question: what would it take for me to be wrong? So far as I can tell we would need to assume the following for my thesis to be incorrect. …

Richard Werner: QE Infinity

“Ultimately there’s no natural income streams to be able to service and repay loans. What you have is capital gains which are contingent on the game continuing. So it’s a Ponzi scheme. Now we’re in a situation where the bubble has not burst yet. And looking at credit creation of central banks and banks across the globe, the scenario is still very bullish for asset markets”

Fool Me All The Time, Shame On Me

Blogging in a denialistic society is like pounding sand up your ass. These people are on permanent mental vacation. They have outsourced all thinking to their trusted psychopaths. Millennials at least have an excuse for not seeing this coming, this will be their first margin call of a lifetime. Very exciting. The rest of this society has made a way of life out of ignoring risk and central banks have ensured they are highly incentivized to do so

COVID-19 notes:

Confronting Our Next National Health Disaster — Long-Haul Covid.

Why we petitioned the FDA to refrain from fully approving any covid-19 vaccine this year

We are part of a group of clinicians, scientists, and patient advocates who have lodged a formal “Citizen Petition” with the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), asking the agency to delay any consideration of a “full approval” of a covid-19 vaccine. The message of our petition is “slow down and get the science right—there is no legitimate reason to hurry to grant a license to a coronavirus vaccine.” We believe the existing evidence base—both pre- and post-authorization—is simply not mature enough at this point to adequately judge whether clinical benefits outweigh the risks in all populations.

The covid-19 vaccines in widespread use have emergency authorizations (EUA), not actual approvals, a crucial regulatory distinction that reflects major differences in the level of regulatory scrutiny and certainty about the risk-benefit balance.

Our petition doesn’t argue that risks outweigh benefits—or that benefits outweigh risks. Rather, we focus on methods and processes, outlining the many remaining unknowns about safety and effectiveness—and suggest the kinds of studies needed to address the open questions.

… We also call on FDA to require a more thorough assessment of spike proteins produced in-situ by the body following vaccination—including studies on their full biodistribution, pharmacokinetics, and tissue-specific toxicities. … These are several of our major requests.

Ed Yong: How The Pandemic Now Ends

This new surge brings a jarring sense of déjà vu. America has fallen prey to many of the same self-destructive but alluring instincts that I identified last year. It went all in on one countermeasure—vaccines—and traded it off against masks and other protective measures. It succumbed to magical thinking by acting as if a variant that had ravaged India would spare a country where half the population still hadn’t been vaccinated. It stumbled into the normality trap, craving a return to the carefree days of 2019; in May, after the CDC ended indoor masking for vaccinated people, President Joe Biden gave a speech that felt like a declaration of victory. Three months later, cases and hospitalizations are rising, indoor masking is back, and schools and universities are opening uneasily—again. “It’s the eighth month of 2021, and I can’t believe we’re still having these conversations,” Jessica Malaty Rivera, an epidemiologist at Boston Children’s Hospital, told me.

But something is different now—the virus. “The models in late spring were pretty consistent that we were going to have a ‘normal’ summer,” Samuel Scarpino of the Rockefeller Foundation, who studies infectious-disease dynamics, told me. “Obviously, that’s not where we are.” In part, he says, people underestimated how transmissible Delta is, or what that would mean. The original SARS-CoV-2 virus had a basic reproduction number, or R0, of 2 to 3, meaning that each infected person spreads it to two or three people. Those are average figures: In practice, the virus spread in uneven bursts, with relatively few people infecting large clusters in super-spreading events. But the CDC estimates that Delta’s R0 lies between 5 and 9, which “is shockingly high,” Eleanor Murray, an epidemiologist at Boston University, told me. At that level, “its reliance on super-spreading events basically goes away,” Scarpino said.

The eradication of COVID-19 is the only way to stop the pandemic

All over the world, COVID-19 infections, hospitalizations and deaths are again on the rise. The United States is again at the epicenter of the pandemic, with over 155,000 COVID-19 cases and 967 deaths officially reported Thursday. The number of breakthrough cases among fully vaccinated people rises each day, underscoring the dangers posed by new variants of SARS-CoV-2.

Falsely downplayed as a disease of the elderly, the virus is increasingly infecting young adults and unvaccinated children. In the second week of August, over 121,000 children tested positive for the virus and a record of over 1,900 were hospitalized in the US alone, figures which are set to skyrocket in the coming weeks amid the full reopening of schools.

At this critical juncture, how is the pandemic to be dealt with?

The battle lines in this global struggle have been clearly drawn. Three basic strategies for approaching the virus have emerged: 1) “herd immunity”; 2) mitigation; and 3) eradication. The global spread of the highly infectious Delta variant and the drive to fully reopen schools worldwide, despite the well-known risks to children, have sharpened the antagonisms between these three positions and made clear that global eradication is the only scientifically grounded and effective strategy.

“Herd Immunity”—the bogus claim that the rapid spread of the virus among the younger and hardier sections of the population will create a human shield around the most vulnerable—is not a strategy for fighting the virus and saving lives. It is, rather, a cold-blooded policy aimed at protecting the financial, business and geopolitical interests of the ruling elites, whatever the cost in human lives.

The second strategic approach towards the pandemic is so-called “mitigation,” an amorphous collection of measures that tries to negotiate between the realities of the virus and the financial interests of the ruling elites. This strategy amounts to the epidemiology of the golden mean.

There is a broad spectrum of mitigation measures that limit the spread of COVID-19, including masking, social distancing, testing, contact tracing, isolation of infected patients, ventilation, vaccinations, and others. Such measures have a role to play in reducing the velocity of viral transmission. But they do not lead to the effective containment of the virus and, in the absence of a strategy to sever the chain of viral transmission, can actually become counterproductive.

The two major elements advocated by proponents of the mitigation strategy are vaccinations and masking. Extraordinary claims have been made by the Biden administration in the US, Trudeau in Canada and many others worldwide that the simple combination of these measures will bring an end to the pandemic. These claims are based on a gross distortion of the character of the Delta variant.

Mitigation is to epidemiology what reformism is to capitalist politics. Just as the reformist harbors the hope that gradual and piecemeal reforms will, over time, lessen and ameliorate the evils of the profit system, the mitigationists nourish the delusion that COVID-19 will eventually evolve into something no more harmful than the common cold. This is a pipe dream totally divorced from the science of the pandemic.

Therefore, the only viable strategy is eradication, based on the policies advanced by the foremost epidemiologists, virologists and other scientists throughout the pandemic. Eradication entails the universal deployment of every weapon in the arsenal of measures to combat COVID-19, coordinated on a global scale, to stamp out the virus once and for all.

The key elements of containing and ultimately eradicating the pandemic are universal testing, contact tracing, the safe isolation of infected patients, the imposition of strict travel restrictions, and the shutdown of all schools and nonessential workplaces.

Undoubtedly, the eradication strategy is difficult. But every correct policy imposes a social cost. The necessary lockdown measures need only last for a few weeks or months … Only a handful of countries have pursued the elimination strategy, including China, New Zealand, and some others, all of which must be studied carefully. However, recent outbreaks in each of these countries, as well as major surges in Australia, Vietnam and other countries that had almost entirely suppressed viral transmission, underscore that the eradication strategy must be global in scope and that no single country can defeat the pandemic alone.

The Coming School Opening Covid Train Wreck

Parents Are Not Okay: We’re not even at a breaking point anymore. We’re broken.

(not just) for the ESG crowd:

Kim Stanley Robinson: A Climate Plan For A World In Flames

What does it feel like to live on the brink of a vast historical change? It feels like now.

Of course that sounds hyperbolic, and maybe even panicky, but I think we’re there. Not that a science fiction writer can see the future any better than anyone else; very often worse. But between the pandemic, the accelerating drumbeat of extreme weather events and the accumulations of data and analysis from the scientific community, it’s become an easy call.

Economic impacts of tipping points in the climate system

The IPCC considers degrowth to be key to mitigating climate change

1st leak: “Life on Earth can recover from major climate change by evolving into new species and creating new ecosystems. Not humanity”

2nd leak: “It would be necessary for CO2 emissions to reach their maximum before 2025 and to reach net zero between 2050 and 2075". This implies greater ambition in the short and medium term, and accelerating actions and effective implementation, which are running up against political, economic and social obstacles. What may be more efficient from an economic point of view may be politically unfeasible or ethically unacceptable.”

And: “The technological change implemented so far at a global level is not enough to achieve the climate or development objectives”

.. so: “Global warming associated with the various published emission scenarios ranges from less than 1.5ºC to more than 5ºC by 2100 compared to pre-industrial levels. The baseline scenarios without new climate policies lead to an average global warming of between 3.3ºC and 5.4ºC”

Other Fare:

'Hell on earth': Lebanon unlivable as crisis deepens.

Tweet of the Week:

JUST CHILLING: Rescue workers attempted to recover a reported dead body from the Arkansas River in in Tulsa, Oklahoma, only to find the man alive and well.

“Please stay safe and find alternate ways to stay cool,” the fire department urged.

EXTRA [controversial or non-market-related] FARE:

Climate Collapse Fare:

IPCC Report: Happily Ever After or Miserable Ever More?

There are five SSPs, but Figure 1 includes only three: S1, S2 and S5. S5 (aka SSP5) is the “Fossil Fueled Development” scenario, and S2 is the “Middle of the Road” scenario. But what caught my eye is S1 (aka SSP1), the “Sustainable Development” pathway.

In the bottom left graph, final energy demand in the S1 scenario flattens, then decreases slightly towards the end of the century. This makes sense with sustainability. In the S1 scenario of the top right graph, Gross World Product increases roughly fourfold over the next 80 years. The question then becomes: Is this even possible? Is it possible to dramatically increase the value of the goods and services on Earth without increasing energy use? To answer that, we need to get into the weeds of the IPCC’s Sustainable Development Pathways.

The goal of the SSP1 model is to present a best-case scenario. Of course, it isn’t phrased that way in the report, but that’s what it is. It assumes low population growth, divergence from resource-intensive lifestyles, and a rapid shift towards renewable energy.

SSP1 often accompanies another set of numbers such as “SSP1-1.9.” The 1.9 following SSP1 means that climate change is limited to 1.9 watts/m2 of radiative forcing, keeping temperatures near the Paris Agreement limits. Similarly, SSP1-2.6 also follows the SSP1 pathway, but with temperature creeping a bit higher with 2.6 watts/m2 of forcing and around 2°C of temperature increase.

For now, let’s look exclusively at the SSP1-1.9 scenario. According to the IPCC, that’s the only one in which we all live happily ever after.

When you do consider the trophic structure of the economy, you begin to understand the profundity of the challenges we face. The challenges go beyond emissions, too. Conserving biodiversity, avoiding supply shocks, maintaining peace among neighboring nations; all such goals must be squared with the trophic realities of economic structure.

That said, the decline in emissions per dollar is impressive, dropping globally from 0.7 kg per dollar in 1990 to 0.26 kg per dollar less than 30 years later. Even for a Hobbesian pessimist like myself, this is good news. It suggests we might buy some additional time before worst-case scenarios unfold.

The IPCC is no Hobbes, though. According to SSP1-1.9, the emissions intensity of the global economy reaches zero by 2050, then becomes negative (due to carbon sequestration). This allows for a thorough decoupling of economic growth from emissions, and then some!

I believe the IPCC’s best-case scenario is too good to be true. Specifically, I don’t think Earth is big enough to produce all the food and bioenergy the model requires, especially with the trophic context in mind.

In sum, the IPCC’s SS1-1.9 models are highly unlikely; indeed scarcely plausible.

Ugo Bardi: Climate Change: What is the Worst that can Happen?

As it should have been predictable, the IPCC 6th assessment report, sank to the bottom of the memesphere like a dead weight after just a few days of presence in the news. Put simply, nobody is interested in sacrificing anything to reverse the warming trend and, most likely, nothing will be done. So, we have to accept that we are in free fall toward an unknown world.

So, what's going to happen? The question can be frame as "what's the worst thing that can happen?" Here, we enter a domain where models can't help us too much. Complex systems -- and Earth's climate is one -- tend to be stable, but they change rapidly and unpredictably when they are not stable anymore. So, the best we can do is to imagine scenarios based on what we know, using the past as a guide. Scenarios are possibilities, don't take them as predictions.

Let's assume that humans keep burning fossil fuels for a few more decades, maybe slowing down, but still bent at burning everything burnable. The atmosphere keeps warming, the ocean does that, too. Then, at some point, the whole system goes kinetic and undergoes a rapid transition to a condition compatible with the new temperatures. It moves back to a state that might be similar to what the Ecosystem was 50 million years ago, during the Eocene. At that time, the average Earth temperature was about 10-12 degrees C higher than the current one. It was hot, but life thrived and Earth was a luxuriant, forested planet. In principle, humans could live in an Eocene-like climate. The problem is that getting there could be a rough ride, to say the least.

Climate Tweets of the Week:

Paul Maidowski: Incredible that we have to waste time, trying to get scientists to Admit In Public what Everyone Knows In Private. The future won't look kindly on our failure. This is getting ridiculous, in 2021. It's all in the public domain anyway. Grow a spine and take responsibility, please.

Mark Cranfield: There are a lot of scientists, hundreds or thousands of them, who have been literally brainwashed by years of IPCC dogma and false narratives. It would take months of intense deprogramming to put them in a position to understand real-world climate change.

Eliot Jacobson: I just discovered a draft of the IPCC AR6 WG1 introduction that hasn't been previously seen:


Crawford: Arguments Against Vaccine-Induced Mortality: Wrong Answers Only

Since my articles (here and here) on vaccine-induced mortality made the rounds, and a bounty was placed on my head, some interesting things have occurred and not occurred. What has occurred is that I was put in touch with a number of academics, including some at top-five ranked research universities, making similar observations. In some cases, they are working toward publication, which is great, though the experimental vaccines face potential approval at the end of this month while our regulatory agencies seem content to pretend there are no safety signals and dodge all questions about why they're suppressing autopsies.

In some cases, research indicating vaccine-induced mortality and low-to-negative risk-benefit has been suppressed (here and here). Some very famous researchers feel under threat of physical harm for themselves and their families, with mentions of specific threats made. Such threats were made against Professor Didier Raoult last year, though U.S. researchers may have reason to take such threats even more seriously.

What hasn't happened is any serious kind of challenge to the data arguments themselves.

We have suffered through 18 months of Pandemonium during which all manner of absurdities have been thrust upon us. Two of those that stand out include, (1) the use of PCR testing at such high cycles that exponentially scale up tiny mistakes in sequence-matching to detect other genetic sequences, and (2) almost no autopsies have been performed. Thinking about (2) is actually quite chilling. It makes no sense, whatsoever.

It is time that the U.S. regulatory agencies (CDC and FDA) come to the table for real discussion, or that we write them off as corrupt, extralegal organizations. What other choice do we have?

Meanwhile, your moment of Zen: There is no [significant] correlation between rates of COVID cases in U.S. counties and vaccination rates

Dr. Robert Malone and Peter Navarro: Biden Team’s Misguided And Deadly Covid-19 Vaccine Strategy

The Biden administration’s strategy to universally vaccinate in the middle of the pandemic is bad science and badly needs a reboot. This strategy will likely prolong the most dangerous phase of the worst pandemic since 1918 and almost assuredly cause more harm than good – even as it undermines faith in the entire public health system. Four flawed assumptions drive the Biden strategy. 

The first is that universal vaccination can eradicate the virus and secure economic recovery by achieving herd immunity throughout the country (and the world). However, the virus is now so deeply embedded in the world population that, unlike polio and smallpox, eradication is unachievable. SARS-CoV-2 and its myriad mutations will likely continually circulate, much like the common cold and influenza.

The second assumption is that the vaccines are (near) perfectly effective. However, our currently available vaccines are quite “leaky.” While good at preventing severe disease and death, they only reduce, not eliminate, the risk of infection, replication, and transmission. As a slide deck from the Centers for Disease Control has revealed, even 100% acceptance of the current leaky vaccines combined with strict mask compliance will not stop the highly contagious Delta variant from spreading. 

The third assumption is that the vaccines are safe. Yet scientists, physicians, and public health officials now recognize risks that are rare but by no means trivial. Known side effects include serious cardiac and thrombotic conditions, menstrual cycle disruptions, Bell’s Palsy, Guillain Barre syndrome, and anaphylaxis.

Unknown side effects which virologists fear may emerge include existential reproductive risks, additional autoimmune conditions, and various forms of disease enhancement, i.e., the vaccines can make people more vulnerable to reinfection by SARS-CoV-2 or reactivation of latent viral infections and associated diseases such as shingles. With good reason, the FDA has yet to approve the vaccines now administered under Emergency Use Authorization. 

The failure of the fourth “durability” assumption is the most alarming and perplexing. It now appears our current vaccines are likely to offer a mere 180-day window of protection – a decided lack of durability underscored by scientific evidence from Israel and confirmed by Pfizer, the Department of Health and Human Services, and other countries.

Fear porn incorporated

… Let's start with this mostly unacknowledged problem: the vaccinated have had the rug pulled right out from under their feet. They were secure in the knowledge that they did the right thing. They dutifully rolled up their sleeves, problem solved, COVID could no longer touch them. Oops!

Cue the needle screeching across the record, painfully.

The fact that the "vaccine" is not a vaccine is becoming obvious.

The fear is palpable. No matter how high they hastily build their wall against information contrary to the narrative, that wall is crumbling. Reports from other countries, and from our own hospital nurses, are that wards are filled with sick, vaccinated people.

There are ample reports that the vaccinated are in fact themselves spreading delta and therefore responsible for the variant's mayhem. This may be because their infections are often symptom-free, due to the effects of the vaccine. Then there are the terrifying reports that the vaccinated have compromised their immune systems. Nobody wants to mention any of these possibilities, because they would interfere with the program to get everyone vaccinated. With good reason!

Why, then, is government coming down on the unvaccinated so hard? What's to be gained by the heavy-handed approach?

Those of us who decided not to get the shot are the lucky ones. If we get COVID, we'll know, and if we're smart, we will have arranged in advance to get treatment immediately. In Florida, Ron DeSantis is setting up clinics for monoclonal antibody infusions. They're desperate to shut him down. Treating people for the infection in a forthright, obvious manner means it will no longer have the power to terrify us all into getting the lucrative jabs. We won't all end up in the hospital; we won't be dying. Between the antibody treatments, and ivermectin and its cohort of zinc, Vitamin D, etc., the death toll from the virus should be demonstrably minuscule among the otherwise healthy.

I have to add my own honest feelings about this. I am not scared of getting the delta variant. From all accounts, it will confer great antibody protection from future infections. It's not that bad in the healthy, and I'm healthy. I've arranged treatment if I get it. And I would be making my contribution to herd immunity. I also think if the kids get delta, it would be far better than subjecting them to the experimental, and likely harmful in the long term, "vaccine." Especially since the vaccine has killed 9,000+ Americans and injured countless others with myocarditis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, and potentially (we just don't really know yet!) more.

Two Top Virologists’ Frightening Warnings About COVID Injections: Ignored by Government and Big Media

When two great minds come to similar conclusions about the current global push to vaccinate everyone with the COVID experimental vaccines, we should pay close attention. Both highly experienced scientists have a totally negative view of the vaccination effort. Worse than being ineffective, they point to negative health outcomes for the global population. These two truth-telling acclaimed medical researchers make Fauci look as inept, deceitful and dangerous as he is.

The point made in this article is not only has Fauci pushed the wrong potentially disastrous pandemic solution, he has blocked the right one.

Much of what the two virologists say is very technical in nature. This article simplifies their controversial messages without losing their essential meanings. The public needs to understand their warnings that refute all the propaganda pushing vaccines from government and public health agencies as well as big media.

First considered is the thinking of Dr. Luc Montagnier,…

The stark views of Montagnier have been shared by the esteemed Belgium virologist Dr. Vanden Bossche. He too has considerable credentials that make his views worth consideration….

Leaky Vaccines, Super-spreads, And Variant Acceleration

The rule of evolution is simple: make a copy of me and pass it on. Any species still around to notice is very, very good at this. That’s the test and it’s as simple as it is daunting. This evolutionary selector creates pressures and these pressures shape evolution. Useful traits are conserved, traits that work against replication and propagation are selected against. This creates a simple evolutionary gradient for viruses: become more contagious, spread further, infect more hosts. Many viruses and bacteria are incredibly good at this. The good news is that harming the host is maladaptive. It’s like burning down your own house and your car with it. You soon have nowhere to live and no way to move around easily. So the selection process drives viruses away from being deadly. Ebola is a fearsome virus, but poorly evolved. It kills too quickly and spreads too slowly. That’s why outbreaks are small, rare, and (relatively) easy to manage.

People who feel sick stay home, they stop mingling and carrying the virus to where others are. It’s a built in societal and species level trait to mitigate pandemic. But what if you could break that trait? What if you could prevent a carrier from realizing it was infected? Well, then you’d spread virus far more effectively, wouldn’t you? You could do a lot of damage and the natural brake on the spread, harm, and lethality of a viral evolutionary vector would be removed. You’d supercharge a pandemic. This is a long discussed and hypothesized problem with “leaky” vaccines. A leaky vaccine is one that lacks sterilizing immunity. It prevents severe infection and perhaps death, but it does not stop infection and colonization by virus. So, the vaccinated become a carrier but remain unaware of it. This is a massive accelerator of disease spread and possibly/probably of overall fatality rates.

Stop for a minute and absorb what this means. By turning the vaccinated into essentially perfect carriers of virus, it transformed them into a set of plague rats to infect the rest. A disease so deadly it would burn itself out rapidly becomes one capable of endemic spread so long at there are more vaccinated carriers around. ““Previously, a hot strain was so nasty, it wiped itself out. Now, you keep its host alive with a vaccine, then it can transmit and spread in the world,” Read said. “So it’s got an evolutionary future, which it didn’t have before.

Journal of Infection: Infection-enhancing anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies recognize both the original Wuhan/D614G strain and Delta variants. A potential risk for mass vaccination?

Current Covid-19 vaccines (either mRNA or viral vectors) are based on the original Wuhan spike sequence. Inasmuch as neutralizing antibodies overwhelm facilitating antibodies, ADE is not a concern. However, the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 variants may tip the scales in favor of infection enhancement. Our structural and modeling data suggest that it might be indeed the case for Delta variants.

McCullough: Fully Vaccinated Healthcare Workers Carry 251 Times Viral Load

A groundbreaking preprint paper by the prestigious Oxford University Clinical Research Group, published Aug. 10 in The Lancet, includes alarming findings devastating to the COVID vaccine rollout. The study found vaccinated individuals carry 251 times the load of COVID-19 viruses in their nostrils compared to the unvaccinated. While moderating the symptoms of infection, the jab allows vaccinated individuals to carry unusually high viral loads without becoming ill at first, potentially transforming them into presymptomatic superspreaders. This phenomenon may be the source of the shocking post-vaccination surges in heavily vaccinated populations globally.

… The conclusions of the Chau paper support the warnings by leading medical experts that the partial, non-sterilizing immunity from the three notoriously “leaky” COVID-19 vaccines allow carriage of 251 times the viral load of SARS-CoV-2 as compared to samples from the pre-vaccination era in 2020. Thus, we have a key piece to the puzzle explaining why the Delta outbreak is so formidable — fully vaccinated are participating as COVID-19 patients and acting as powerful Typhoid Mary-style super-spreaders of the infection.

The CDC Only Tracks a Fraction of Breakthrough COVID-19 Infections, Even as Cases Surge

A May 1 decision by the CDC to only track breakthrough infections that lead to hospitalization or death has left the nation with a muddled understanding of COVID-19's impact on the vaccinated.

Crawford: Defining Away Vaccine Safety Signals, Part 3

The CDC and associated regulatory agencies seem to be intentionally hiding signals of dramatic vaccine risk, then reporting numbers on two sides of risk-benefit analyses that are tallied by extremely different criteria to engineer an impression that the COVID-19 vaccines are "safe and effective". This alone should be reason enough to halt and re-evaluate the mass vaccination program using experimental vaccine technologies.

The safety signal analysis employed by the CDC, VSD, and associated regulatory agencies uses methods that are not simply ill-suited to the task, but mask substantial indications that large numbers of people are being injured, often seriously, or even killed by the COVID-19 vaccines currently in use. The inequivalent definitions used in mortality calculations results in inexcusably rigged risk-benefit analyses, and the lack of investigation into causes of mortality (both for the COVID-19 disease and also for the COVID-19 vaccines) stands out as historically monumental malpractice and dereliction of duty. The mass vaccination program should be halted while true risk-benefits of the vaccines are assessed, and regulatory agencies fully investigated for conflicts of interest and intention to defraud the public of its opportunity for informed consent.

Letter to NEJM: Myocarditis after Covid-19 mRNA Vaccination

Ground-breaking autopsy report shows the vaccinated had toxic spike proteins all over the body

This post-mortem study only confirms our worst fears that the Covid-injections cause more harm than good, and may actually even speed up the spread of the virus.

According to the report, researchers found that the patient’s entire body had become overrun with high viral RNA loads, also known as vaccine-induced spike proteins. This has been reported by many investigators and even further research on what really is in the vaccine. [Read Covid vaccines not as effective as you think to learn more].

This indicates two things.

1. The mRNA from the vaccine is not localized to the injection site where it’s supposed to be but spread on other organs. [Read New evidence explains how mRNA vaccines cause organ damage to see the evidence.]

2. We know the decedent was exposed to Covid-19. The virus was in every organ in his body. Based on what we know about coronavirus vaccines in the past, this could be seen as a signal of antibody-dependent enhancement

CDC Buries Study Finding That Student Masking Has 'No Statistically Significant Benefit'

Distancing, hybrid models, classroom barriers, HEPA filters, and, most notably, requiring student masking were each found to not have a statistically significant benefit. In other words, these measures could not be said to be effective.

… But it’s not just this CDC study. There are no studies that Zwieg — or anyone — can find that “show conclusively that kids wearing masks in schools has any effect on their own morbidity or mortality or on hospitalization or death rate in the community around them”

… Meanwhile, as we've noted a few times in the past week, there are plenty of studies which conclude that masks provide minimal to no protection.

The More Masks Fail, The More We Need Them...

Testing, inescapable media panic, and the incompetence of public health officials results in an unending pandemic, under current definitions. The CDC’s devotion to pseudoscience and the organization’s apparent predisposition to irrational fear, impossibly poor risk analysis, and their recent expressions of doubt on the long-term efficacy of the vaccines have made it abundantly clear that they have no end game for COVID.

Their decision to return to recommending mask mandates for all, the death of science, as it were, has been followed by many corporations, cities and several states. And there is no vaccine on the horizon to provide an easy way out.

The complete context of cases in these three states clearly showcases the futility of masks and their associated policies, does it not? They’ve had nearly identical curves for the entirety of the pandemic, regardless of mask policy or timing. Cases go up and down at identical intervals, despite the states removing their mandates at wildly different times. It’s the same story that plays out everywhere. Masks go in, masks go off, cases rise and fall regardless, government, experts and media ignore it.

What Does the Absurd Tell Us About the Pandemic? Part 1

Mask Research and It's Portrayal (Absurdity Score: 9.8/10)

Despite surgeons routinely pointing out that they don't wear masks to stop the spread of viruses, masks were not simply encouraged, but often mandated by laws and institutions during the pandemic. Amazingly, all this happened during a time when health authorities weren't certain (so far as we know) how aerosolized the SARS-CoV-2 virus is---and didn't seem particularly interested in finding out.

Denninger: Simply Put: **** YOU*

Now the CDC wants everyone to line up for a third round of clot-shot lottery.

Note carefully: The Israel data says this will fail and kill lots of people.

Aran’s message for the United States and other wealthier nations considering boosters is stark: “Do not think that the boosters are the solution.”

That's right. They're not.

Delta may be more-transmissible but if you're immune it does not matter how transmissible a virus is. You either can or cannot be infected. It's binary. If you're immune then you're immune. If you're not then you're not. If you have had Chicken Pox (I have) you'd look at anyone telling you to take a chicken pox shot as if they had six heads because such a suggestion is flat-out bat****-crazy-level insanity.

The idea that somehow Delta "can" break through immunity because it is more transmissible is flat-out scientific fraud and everyone who says that and has any knowledge of viruses and immunity knows it. They're lying, on purpose, and every one of them deserves to be locked up in GITMO as a ****ing terrorist and waterboarded to within an inch of their lives.

The reason Delta is "breaking through" is either due to OAS or the fact that the vaccines never did work worth a crap in the first place to prevent you from getting infected. Their "efficacy" was a lie but whether its due to mutational reality or the fact that we claimed "effectiveness" simply due to herd effects with the existing circulating strains at the time does not matter.

My suspicion is that there is a blend of both going on here and there is science to back that up; the mutational pattern that we have seen and the science behind it says that evasion is happening. The "wild coding" used originally and to this day for the jabs is long-extinct; there is basically zero of that circulating anymore in the population. It has all been subsumed by ordinary mutational process and we had every reason to believe this would happen when Covid-19 first showed up because it has happened with every other coronavirus we have studied through history -- including the closest analog SARS-1 which mutated itself out of transmission and being a threat to people.

We lied about the effectiveness by taking advantage of a peak in infections for the circulating strains last winter that was already in the past. It was a knowing, intentional lie used to get 150+ million Americans to do something with waning toward worthless effectiveness but with 100x higher risk than the ordinary flu shot or, for that matter, any other vaccine in history.

The match has continued to degrade; it is biologically impossible to win that "arms race" as the virus will continue to change, and attempting to jab people with repeat inoculations as the match gets worse and worse over time simply adds to the risk of serious adverse events including clotting, strokes and heart damage. Note that despite knowing this there has been no change made to the formulations. What are you going to do -- throw all the existing doses and pipeline for them in the trash every time a new mutation shows up?

What we did was fight a war that cannot be won by the means employed and any honest person knows it. The entire ****ing government and medical apparatus knew this, lied about it and continues to lie today. All of them.

They KNOW they're full of ****.

This is not true for any of the vaccines, it was a critical error in what we did and it is why we are now seeing escape. It is not breakthrough folks, it is escape due to mismatch between the coded antibodies and circulating virus and it will both continue and accelerate as the match inexorably continues to degrade between what circulates and the original “wild type” out of Wuhan, which is what’s coded in ALL the jabs and which is long extinct. What’s worse is that if OAS or ADE really come out to play on top of it then if you have not been naturally infected and have been jabbed you are in for a world of **** if you get challenged by the virus in the wild. Even very, very small enhancement percentages from ADE-style reactions can completely overwhelm any sort of treatment possibility at all.

We’ve Never Seen Vaccine Injuries on This Scale — Why Are Regulatory Agencies Hiding COVID Vaccine Safety Signals?

Statistical tricks (and conflicts of interest) are not new to the vaccine or pharmaceutical industries, which have used them for decades to successfully mask the “chasm between vaccine rhetoric and reality.” Even when drug warning systems seem to “work,” the lag time between reports of harm and regulatory action is, on average, 20 years. In that light — with FDA speeding toward full approval of the Pfizer injection, Moderna gaining fast-track designation to test other experimental mRNA vaccines in children and adults and CDC benignly maintaining that the results of COVID vaccine safety monitoring are “reassuring” — it is not hard to be discouraged about the agencies’ continued ability to get away with misusing and abusing safety data from VAERS and other sources.

Leaked report reveals Moderna knows their Covid-19 injection has caused over 300,000 injuries and they have hidden them from health authorities

How Little Clerks Become Mass Murderers

Look, we get it. The people working at institutions such as the FDA and CDC were anonymous nobodies with science degrees for as long as they can remember, just following protocols written by others, and getting relatively well paid. And then Covid came, and everyone looked at them to save the nation. Especially the government and the pharmaceutical industry. And they exert a lot of pressure.

Pressure to ditch established protocols in particular. Because those stand between them and enormous amounts of profits and political power. So, yeah, we get that part. But these little clerks and their little managers are the last bastion to keep Americans safe from dangerous abuses from the nation’s chemical giants, so there can be huge amounts of American lives at stake. So ditching protocols and good practice is never really an option. You would think. Until now.

[note study completion date… and yet…]

Which leads to the somewhat bizarre paradoxical conclusion that as the FDA declares the vaccine “Safe”, at the same time it declares the opposite. Because there has been no time for the study of medium- to long term effects of the substance; they just skipped over those entirely.

Which in turn, given the questions raised by many medical professionals about such issues as antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) and OAS (immune priming), is equally bizarre. At the very least, the forces in the government and the pharmaceutical industry, and now the regulatory agencies too, know there are very realistic risk factors related to the “vaccine”. And they just turn a blind eye.

… The FDA has strayed so far from its protocols and practices it’s hard to believe. A vaccine that killed more than 25-50 people in a trial would always be cut short. Now, at 35,000+ deaths, its crickets. And not just crickets, but an upcoming full approval. Someone should seriously look at taking the little clerks and their little managers to court for murder. Pfizer may have gotten full immunity, but perhaps they have not. And as of August 25, they will be just as guilty.

Denninger: FDA Ignores Both Science and Law

So the FDA has “fully approved” the Pfizer jab for Covid. In doing so standing alone they have broken the law and thus have irrevocably destroyed their authority and any reason for anyone to ever do anything based on them ever again. Let me explain. Under black letter law an EUA is illegal if there is an alternative that is considered safe, effective and available. This was the reason the FDA did not (for 18 months!) run the studies and evaluate them on other early-intervention drugs for Covid-19. We all know what they are. I’m living proof they work too, as are millions of others worldwide. But, more-importantly, this “full approval” voids all other vaccine EUAs for Covid-19. That is, under the law the Moderna and J&J instantly became illegal to offer or use within the United States.

The makers can apply for full authorization, of course, but the EUAs are void as of this morning and under black letter law cannot be administered to anyone in the United States as they are now unlicensed and unlawful products in human beings until and unless they are given full approval themselves. No medical provider can offer or administer any other than the Pfizer Covid-19 shot in the United States as of the moment of that approval. You can bet the law will be ignored; note MRNAs stock price this morning. It should have instantly been cut in half. In addition the FDA broke the law itself when it issued the “approval.” The law requires a full hearing and the data from the full set of trials; the trials are not capable of being completed until early 2022 by the original submissions and they deliberately did not hold the hearing. This is a black letter violation of the law as well, but nobody cares.

The Lies Must Stop

The FDA, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, announced on Monday that it gave full approval to a vaccine. But it didn’t. Or rather, it did, but the approval is for a vaccine that doesn’t exist. Or rather, it exists, but it’s not being produced. Or rather, it’s being produced, but under different names and with different legal statuses.

The FDA is playing a game with Americans, in order to get them to submit to being vaccinated. And this has to stop. No more. The role of the FDA is to protect people, not cajole them into politically desired but illegal actions. Below are 3 -bullet points of- articles about the (non-) approval. One from Peter Doshi, senior editor at The BMJ, and a powerful foe to the FDA, one from Robert Kennedy jr, and one from Jill Malone, wife of Dr. Robert Malone.

Statistical Fraud in the FDA Vaccine Approval Process

There are several systems for reporting vaccine reactions, including deaths, but the only one available to the public is VAERS. It is incomplete, because it relies on voluntary reporting, there is no incentive to report to VAERS, and it is a cumbersome process. We may compare reports of the COVID vaccines to past years, when there were also hundreds of millions of vaccinations, including annual flu shots and childhood vaccine schedules. The comparison is dramatic. There were more than twice as many deaths related to the COVID vaccines this year as the sum total of all vaccine deaths in the 30-year history of VAERS. Given this safety record, how is there any possibility of approval? Here is where the statistical fraud comes in. [I am grateful to have been alerted to this situation by Matthew Crawford]

The real scandal is that PRR is blind to the absolute risk numbers. PRR is defined in such a way as to look for unusual PATTERNS of adverse events, but it is completely insensitive to unusual RATES of adverse events. Of course, it is the rates and not the patterns that are of primary concern, and the PRR is designed NOT to reflect that.

For example, suppose we have 2 vaccines:

Vaccine A has 1 reported death per million vaccinations, 3 reported heart attacks per million, and 20 reported headaches per million.

Vaccine B has 1 reported death per hundred vaccinations, 3 reported heart attacks per hundred, and 20 reported headaches per hundred.

Vaccine A is quite safe, and vaccine B is extremely dangerous. And yet the formula for PRR will produce the same result for vaccine A and B!

Clearly, PRR is not an appropriate criterion for evaluating safety of any particular vaccine. Someone has arranged to cook the books.

“Are vaccines becoming less effective at preventing Covid infection?”

Forgive me if I take a small victory lap on behalf of our Covid brain trust and Lambert for yet again delivering on the NakedCapitalism aspiration of being early and accurate. The headline above is from a Financial Times story, based on a spate of recent research showing waning efficacy of the Covid 19 vaccines, particularly Pfizer, from a variety of sources:…

Early COVID-19 therapy with azithromycin plus nitazoxanide, ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine in outpatient settings significantly improved COVID-19 outcomes compared to known outcomes in untreated patients

Subjects with early COVID-19 treated with two-to-four drug combinations showed overwhelming improvements compared to untreated patients.

Improvements remained massive even when underestimating benefits of proposed treatments and underestimating risks of non-treated COVID-19.

Director Of Yale University Research Center About Ivermectin [via google translate by Ilargi]

Ivermectin has more than one potentially effective mechanism of action against Covid 19. A major one is its ability to adhere to the Coronavirus Spike1 protein at various strategic points used by the virus to bind and enter our cells. For this reason, unlike monoclonal antibodies, it can act against all variants. By doing so, you prevent the virus from attaching itself to ACE2, which is the main gateway for the virus to enter our cells, and this allows it to reduce the virus’s ability to enter our body. If Covid stays outside of our cells, it becomes easy prey for our immune system, which can get rid of it much more easily.

One of the fundamental mechanisms by which ivermectin acts in patients is because it “puts a wall” (a shield) between our body (red blood cells, platelets and vessels) and the virus, and therefore no longer allows it to latch on in our cells. thus facilitating the flow of red blood cells that carry oxygen in the blood vessels. Ivermectin appears to be able to quickly break the link between the virus (Spike’s key) and its receptors (the ACE2 gate, sialic acids, the CD147 receptor, and a7nAChr), so patients miraculously begin to breathe and oxygenate properly again normally within 24- 48 hours. This is also what happens in the rest of the microcirculation of the whole body and leads to the rapid improvement of the functionality of the various organs.

I wouldn’t have thought this possible to assess for such young ages:

Covid-19: Children born during the pandemic score lower on cognitive tests, study finds

In a longitudinal study of 672 children from Rhode Island that has run since 2011, those born after the pandemic began showed results on the Mullen scales of early learning that corresponded to an average IQ score of 78, a drop of 22 points from the average of previous cohorts.

… The researchers have largely ruled out a direct effect of the virus, as mothers or children with a history of testing positive for covid-19 were excluded from the analysis. Instead, the authors say, reduced interaction with parents and less outdoor exercise are likely culprits, along with effects that occurred during pregnancy.

… Scores among children born during the pandemic began to decline in 2020 in an early learning composite that measured fine and gross motor control, visual reception, and expressive and receptive language. But it was in 2021 that the developmental deficit became significant (P<0.001). The effect was larger in boys than in girls.

Vaccine Mandate Protest Letter

No authorship claim or copyright asserted…this letter just came to me in a bottle, and I have no idea who might have penned it, nor can I possibly vouch for it, and what you fine folks do with it is entirely in your own hands, as the Gentlemen of the Bar remind me I can proffer no general legal advice in the matter, and must officially disclaim proffering any such advice here…edit and excise as you see fit, amend and append as you desire, and claim authorship or anonymity as may best befit you…as always, as you wish…

Dear Boss,

Compelling any employee to take any current Covid-19 vaccine violates federal and state law, and subjects the employer to substantial liability risk, including liability for any injury the employee may suffer from the vaccine. Many employers have reconsidered issuing such a mandate after more fruitful review with legal counsel, insurance providers, and public opinion advisors of the desires of employees and the consuming public. Even the Kaiser Foundation warned of the legal risk in this respect.

Three key concerns: first, while the vaccine remains unapproved by the FDA and authorized only for emergency use, federal law forbids mandating it, in accordance with the Nuremberg Code of 1947; second, the Americans with Disabilities Act proscribes, punishes and penalizes employers who invasively inquire into their employees’ medical status and then treat those employees differently based on their medical status, as the many AIDS related cases of decades ago fully attest; and third, international law, Constitutional law, specific statutes and the common law of torts all forbid conditioning access to employment upon coerced, invasive medical examinations and treatment, unless the employer can fully provide objective, scientifically validated evidence of the threat from the employee and how no practicable alternative could possible suffice to mitigate such supposed public health threat and still perform the necessary essentials of employment.

At the outset, consider the “problem” being “solved” by vaccination mandates. The previously infected are better protected than the vaccinated, so why aren’t they exempted? Equally, the symptomatic can be self-isolated. Hence, requiring vaccinations only addresses one risk: dangerous or deadly transmission, by the asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic employee, in the employment setting. Yet even government official Mr. Fauci admits, as scientific studies affirm, asymptomatic transmission is exceedingly and “very rare.” Indeed, initial data suggests the vaccinated are just as, or even much more, likely to transmit the virus as the asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic. Hence, the vaccine solves nothing.

COVID Pics of the Week:

COVID Tweet Thread of the Week:

For the past 20 months, experts in Aerosol transmission of respiratory viruses have been conducting studies that prove #COVIDisAirborne. These experts have called for Airborne mitigations (ventilation, filtration and respirators), but we have not heeded their calls. Why?

The ID/PH Evidence-Based Medicine gatekeepers, driven by biased #DropletDogma groupthink, and sunk cost fallacy, smugly dismissed these studies. They threw rocks at the conclusions, and perpetually raised the bar of evidence to accept and mitigate Airborne Transmission.

The criticisms from these self-anointed gatekeepers were ripe with logical fallacies, and they never bothered to offer a plausible alternate explanation for the undeniable indoor superspreader events. Just baseless declarations that COVID is NOT Airborne.


… Viral RNA was detected in respiratory aerosols. Fine aerosols (NOT DROPLETS) constituted 85% of the viral load detected in the study.

CO-VID of the Week:

Everything You Need to Know About Informed Consent – ‘It’s Your Right’

In Canada, informed consent to medical interventions – including vaccines – is the law. The same is true in the US, UK, EU, Australia, and New Zealand. But these governments, along with corrupt drug regulators, are now running roughshod over what were once sacrosanct laws prohibiting misleading and coercive medical procedures, and instead have unleashed a multibillion dollar media campaign of fear and mass-panic designed to pave-over the right to informed consent.

The Canadian Covid Care Alliance supports Informed Consent. Here is what you need to know. Watch.

COVID Conspiracy Fare:

Could It Be a Population Reduction Plot After All?

Last year once I realized that the Covid campaign was a fear campaign and not a scientific or medical campaign, I understood that the operating agenda was not a public health agenda. It became clear that there was a profit agenda and also a control agenda in which civil liberties and their legal and constitutional protections were being cast aside.

… Experiencing the Covid Deception, I am alarmed that today evidence itself has lost its authority. Throughout the Western World, agendas take precedence over truth. This is most certainly the case with Covid-19.

We are living under a Covid policy that has no evidence whatsoever in its support. Lacking any evidence for the ruling policy, suppression of the actual facts is the operating principle. The utterly corrupt public health authorities, dumbshit ignorant politicians, and scum presstitutes repeat lies over and over, relying on constant repetition to turn the lie into truth. The vast bulk of the world’s population, lacking the education and energy to think for itself, is satisfied to have the media tell them what to think.

The public health authorities, dumbshit politicians, and scum presstitutes censor the scientists and doctors who actually understand the health challenge and know what to do to get it under control, thus preventing information other than the controlled narrative from reaching the public.

Here is the known information that is suppressed:

· The Covid vaccine does not protect against acquiring Covid, nor does it prevent vaccinated people from spreading the virus.

· The Covid Vaccine has massive adverse effects and is on course to cause more illnesses and deaths than Covid. Among the adverse effects are infertility and spontaneous abortion.

· The vaccine trains the virus to evolve variants that escape the immune response.

· The lethality of the Covid virus has been massively overstated.

· The number of Covid cases were massively overstated by a defective PCR test.

· The outbreak of new cases ascribed to the Delta variant are worst in the countries with the most heavily vaccinated populations.

· Known cures such as HCQ and Ivermectin are intentionally blocked from use by official protocol.

· Large numbers of top level scientists and doctors are calling for a halt to Covid vaccination. These calls are suppressed by the scum presstitutes and ignored by official authorities.

Why? Is it just profit? Is it just control? Or is there a darker agenda? …

Recommends watching:

Video: Dr. Simone Gold – The Truth About the COVID-19 Vaccine

GeoPolitical Fare:

For Many Afghans, the US Occupation Was Just as Bad as the Taliban

Pointing to Taliban human rights violations, war hawks wish US troops were back in Afghanistan. Somehow they’ve already forgotten that the recklessness and sadism of those troops is why the Taliban came roaring back in the first place.

Assange Described A Decade Ago How 'Endless' Afghan War Was Engineered By "Transnational Security Elite”

As the hawks who have been lying about the US invasion and occupation of Afghanistan for two decades continue to peddle fantasies in the midst of a Taliban takeover and American evacuation of Kabul, progressive critics on Tuesday reminded the world who has benefited from the "endless war." "Entrenching U.S. forces in Afghanistan was the military-industrial complex’s business plan for 20+ years," declared the Washington, D.C.-based advocacy group Public Citizen.

Tariq Ali: Debacle in Afghanistan

The twentieth anniversary of the ‘War on Terror’ thus ended in predictable and predicted defeat for the US, NATO and others who clambered on the bandwagon. However one regards the Taliban’s policies – I have been a stern critic for many years – their achievement cannot be denied. In a period when the US has wrecked one Arab country after another, no resistance that could challenge the occupiers ever emerged. This defeat may well be a turning point. That is why European politicians are whinging. They backed the US unconditionally in Afghanistan, and they too have suffered a humiliation – none more so than Britain.

Bombs Away, Applebaum!

There’s no war so badly lost, it seems, that someone can’t be found to say that it was all a good idea and the problem was not that the war was fought but that it wasn’t fought hard enough. This was once perhaps the purview of conservatively-minded national security types. But since the end of the Cold War it’s been increasingly the opinion of the keyboard warriors in the democracy-promoting intelligentsia who want nothing more than the bomb the world into oblivion for the sake of liberalism and human rights.

… Simply put, Applebaum is talking out of her hat.

But on she goes. …

Orwellian Fare:

The Authoritarian Takeover of Australia

People who once thought they’d won the lottery of life by being born in Australia now wake in fright every day to the sudden realisation that they are living in a 21st-century penal colony. The country they once loved has been replaced by something they barely recognise. The restrictions imposed in response to the pandemic are just the start of it. People have been confined to their houses, prevented from going to school or work, denied the freedom to cross state borders even to see a dying relative, and coerced to take a vaccine in order hopefully to regain the freedoms that were once their birthright. Worse, these restrictions are being imposed by authoritarians who have seemingly come from nowhere and now dominate all of Australia’s positions of power, from the government to big business.

More on Apple’s iPhone Backdoor.

CaitOz Fare:

Experts are worried the Afghanistan withdrawal may lead to the spread of global terrorism now that the terrorists are no longer tied up with the task of occupying Afghanistan.

Bush-Era War Criminals Are Louder Than Ever Because They’ve Lost The Argument

After the US troop withdrawal established conclusively that the Afghan “government” they’d spent twenty years pretending to nation build with was essentially a work of fiction, thus proving to the world that they’ve been lying to us this entire time about the facts on the ground in Afghanistan, you might expect those who helped pave the way for that disastrous occupation to be very quiet at this point in history. But, far from being silent and slithering under a rock to wait for the sweet embrace of death, these creatures have instead been loudly and shamelessly outspoken

The mainstream media always cheerlead a US president’s foreign policy when it involves mass murder on an unthinkable scale and always criticize a US president when he tries to stop doing this. That’s all you really need to know about the trustworthiness of the mainstream media. … Corporate media is mind control at mass scale. People who identify as smart, independent thinkers have their minds altered by it every day, and they believe they came to those opinions on their own. Until this problem is addressed, none of our other major problems are going away.

The Oligarchic Empire Is Actually Simple And Easy To Understand

The systems of capitalism are very complex by design, and a tremendous amount of thievery happens in those mysterious knowledge gaps on financial and economic matters where only the cleverest manipulators understand what’s going on. But the basics of our problem are quite simple: money rewards and uplifts sociopathy. The more willing you are to do whatever it takes to become wealthy, the wealthier you will be. Those who rise to the top are those who are sufficiently lacking in human empathy to step on whoever they need to step on to get ahead.

As a result we’ve had many generations of wealthy sociopaths using their fortunes and clout to influence governmental, media, financial and economic systems in a way that advantages them more and more with each passing year. This is why we are ruled by sociopaths who understand that money is power and power is relative, which means the less money everyone else has the more power they get to have over everyone else. They’ve been widening the wealth gap further and further over the years, a trend they seek to continue with the so-called “Great Reset” you’ve been hearing so much about lately.

You can spend the rest of your life learning to follow the money, studying the dynamics of currency, banking and economics, but what you’ll be learning is more and more details about the way the dynamic I just described is taking place.

Sociopaths rise to the top, the most powerful of whom understand that things like money, governments and the lines drawn between nations are all collective narrative constructs which can be altered in whatever way benefits them and ignored whenever it’s convenient. For this reason controlling the stories the public tell themselves about what’s going on in their world is of paramount importance, which is why so much wealth gets poured into buying up media and media influence in the form of advertising, funding think tanks and NGOs, and buying up politicians with campaign contributions and corporate lobbying.

These powerful sociopaths tend to form loose alliances with each other and with the heads of government agencies as often as possible since it’s always easier to move with power than against it. So what you get is an alliance of depraved oligarchs with no loyalty to any nation using powerful governments as tools to bomb, bully and plunder the rest of the world for their own power and profit, and using mass-scale media psyops to keep the public from rising up and stopping them.

And that’s it, really. So simple it can be summed up in a few paragraphs.

Other Quotes of the Week:

Taibbi: If Obama had tried to keep his promises and failed due to GOP obstinacy his early followers would have understood. The record is different - he bailed on promises and executed crooked deals like the PhRMA giveaway and the Citi bailout before Republicans even entered the picture.

Coyne: The other day I dissected Ross Douthat’s long-form NYT essay, “A guide to finding faith.” In short, it was dire, but no worse than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. His thesis was that, in this age of science, empiricism gives us more reason than ever to believe in God, especially Douthat’s Catholic God. It still baffles me why the NYT would publish such tripe, but the proportion of tripeish material in the paper is approaching that of a bistro in Normandy.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: Dr. Fauci has done little to earn the sobriquet “America’s Doctor.” Instead, he has survived 50 years .. by consistently prioritizing Big Pharma profits over the welfare of his countrymen, and through mercenary homage to the chemical and agricultural industry, the military industrial complex, the intelligence apparatus and all the other pushers of pills, potions, powders, poisons, pricks and the police state.

Satirical Fare:


The Covid Coyote Conspiracy Theory

My town has a rat infestation problem and though some suggested rat traps the mayor (who owns a coyote pelt farm) decided to address this by introducing coyotes. This had some unforeseen consequences. The coyotes also ate peoples’ pets and chickens and were a danger to toddlers. The rats mutated to a strain that many coyotes wouldn’t eat (the so called Sigma Rats). Now there is a new problem: Coyotes kill other animals (like racoons) and the rats feed on the carcasses and their population explodes (this is known as Coyote Dependent Enhancement).

Many people with pets, chickens and toddlers distrust coyotes and fenced off their yards and started using rat traps. They claimed traps worked well but the mayor brought in an expert that claimed that traps don’t work as well as coyotes and that traps can be dangerous to the user so the city outlawed the sale of rat traps. The mayor’s expert also did a study that showed that 93% of the rats were now coming from fenced yards and that Sigma Rats were breeding and mutating there. In desperation some anti-coyotes started buying gopher traps and trying to use these to catch rats.

One woman injured her finger in a gopher trap. Her trip to the emergency room was front page news. People complained that news of their pets that were eaten were never covered by the paper. This was dismissed as an anti-coyote conspiracy theory. Pro-coyotes are saying those with fences don’t care about their neighbors, should be ostracized, lose their jobs and they are threatening to forcibly tear down all coyote proof fences in town. The mayor is consulting with the city lawyer to see if these things are legal.

Gen. Milley regrets not including Vietnam War history book on reading list

Pics of the Week:

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