Not sure I agree with some of his disagreements, but, fwiw:
Why I Don't Buy Demographic Interest Rate Stories
China and common prosperity
According to China ‘experts’ in the West, this crackdown on finance, property and private tech is suicidal to China’s growth. These experts reckon that China cannot sustain its previous growth miracle based on state ownership, planning and investment and instead must let the markets dominate economic policy and investment. The World Bank has been a leader in promoting this strategy for China for decades. The then-World Bank President Robert Zoellick told a press conference in Beijing. “As China’s leaders know, the country’s current growth model is unsustainable.” The so-called middle-income trap describes how economies tend to stall and stagnate at a certain level of development, once wages have risen and productivity growth becomes harder. In early 2012, the World Bank and the Development Research Center, a think tank under China’s State Council, released a 473-page report that spelled out the reforms the country would need to undertake to avoid the “middle-income trap” and ascend to the ranks of high-income nations: ie let market forces rip.
The reason that the NY Fed as well as many Keynesian and other critics of the Chinese ‘miracle’ are so sceptical is that they are seeped in a different economic model for growth. They are convinced that China can only be ‘successful’ (like the economies of the G7!) if its economy depends on profitable investment by privately-owned companies in a ‘free market’. And yet the evidence of the last 40 and even 70 years is that a state-led, planning economic model that is China’s has been way more successful than its ‘market economy’ peers
TED Talk: Stephanie Kelton: The big myth of government deficits
Government deficits have gotten a bad rap, says economist Stephanie Kelton. In this groundbreaking talk, she makes the case to stop looking at government spending as a path towards frightening piles of debt, but rather as a financial contribution to the things that matter -- like health care, education, infrastructure and beyond. "We have the resources we need to begin repairing our broken systems," Kelton says. "But we have to believe it's possible."
Quotes of the Week:
Harley Bassman: Why do rates have to go up? The Fed can keep them down. They kept them down post-World War II. Maybe that is what the plan is. They will just buy like Japan. They’ll just buy the bonds and balance sheet them and keep rates at one, one and a half. Even if we have 4% inflation, you’ll have a massive negative rate. That’s really the question here is that once you break the linkage of inflation to rates, a whole lot of things are possible. Now, the answer I think is this. Let’s say they have the three or four-handle inflation. Let’s say the Fed or the government or someone, I mean the government could do it by demanding that banks buy treasuries. They could force banks to do that because they’re regulated entities. So there’s a whole lot of ways for the government to keep rates at the current levels, if they want to.
Michael Pettis: Another large Chinese conglomerate is facing a debt crisis. Few economists, especially those focusing on the Chinese economy, understand how financial distress behavior is set off and how it systematically forces worse outcomes than expected. … The point is that as the perceived risk of insolvency at a company like Baoneng begins to rise, and as cashflow becomes tighter, what started off as a linear process of credit deterioration at some stage becomes non-linear as credit deterioration suddenly accelerates.
Bubble Fare:
The Six Largest Wall Street Banks Issue Market Red Alerts
Morgan Stanley, Bank of America, Deutsche Bank, Citigroup, Credit Suisse And Goldman Sachs.
These are some of the biggest Wall Street banks that have issued "red alert" warnings on the US stock market in just the past few days, with some expecting an imminent correction of 10-20%, while others expect a slow burning drift lower over the next few months. Below we summarize the highlights of their surprisingly downbeat views.
Why One Bank Is Warning Its Clients Of An Imminent "Hard Correction"
Starting at the top, Chadha lays out what everyone - even the NY Fed president - is aware of, namely that equity market valuations are "historically extreme" on almost any metric: "trailing and forward price to earnings (P/E), enterprise value to EBIT, EBITDA or operating cash flow are all well into the 90s in percentile terms. High valuations are broad based across sectors and median company valuations are high." … the cyclically adjusted P/E at 26.2x is well outside its historical 10-20x range "and easily the highest outside of the Tech bubble. … BofA sees fair value of 17x. That leaves a 6.1 multiple point gap (36%) between the current P/E at 23.1x and fair value of 17x.
Ok fine, everything is expensive, but if the Fed continues to inject liquidity there is no reason why stocks can't get even more expensive as every single dip is bought? In his response to this key question, Chadha asks rhetorically "why are valuations high" and debunks one by one all the widely circulated, popular narratives why the S&P is trading at 4,500. As the DB strategist writes, "extreme valuations are naturally fertile ground for new narratives and the list is long."
… in the current context, rates are low because real rates are low, while breakeven inflation rates look in line with history. Low real rates argue for lower not the high multiples currently prevailing, as do inflation risks
Hussman: Maladaptive Beliefs
Among the most persistent questions I hear is why we don’t just adapt to the reality that the Federal Reserve will never again “allow” the market to experience a serious decline. The problem with this view is that it rests on the premise that Federal Reserve policy supports the market in a clear-cut and mechanical way, when its effectiveness actually relies on the speculative psychology of investors.
We can certainly concede, and indeed must concede, that replacing a mountain of interest-bearing Treasury bonds with a mountain of zero-interest base money can both manipulate and disfigure investor psychology. It’s a simple fact that once a dollar of base money has been created, someone in the economy must hold it at every moment in time, in the form of base money, until that base money is retired. Provided investors are inclined to speculate (so that they rule out the potential for meaningful capital losses), the discomfort with zero-interest base money encourages each successive holder to chase riskier securities that they imagine will provide them with a positive and higher return.
Each time a buyer puts the base money “into” the stock market, a seller takes it right back “out” – just like a hot potato. The zero-return base money has simply changed hands. The thing that “holds the stock market up” isn’t zero-interest liquidity, at least not in any mechanical way. It’s a particularly warped form of speculative psychology that rules out the possibility of loss, regardless of how extreme valuations have become. We’ve never seen this much zero-interest base money before, but we certainly have seen the speculative psychology it relies on, and it has always ended in tears.
It’s terribly dangerous to assume that the prevailing extreme of speculative psychology is permanent. In our work, the most reliable gauge of whether investors lean toward speculation or risk aversion is the uniformity of market internals across thousands of stocks, industries, sectors, and security types, including debt securities of varying creditworthiness. When investors are inclined to speculate, they tend to be indiscriminate about it. Across a century of market cycles, including the peak-to-peak market cycle from 2007 to the recent market highs, the entire gain of the S&P 500 in excess of Treasury bills has occurred in periods when our primary gauge of market internals has been favorable, while the deepest market losses, including those in the recent market cycle, have occurred when they were not.
Amid the most extreme valuations in history, we’ve observed gradual deterioration in our measures of internals in recent months, with breakdowns among individual stocks in the broad market accelerating in recent weeks. For that reason, our present investment outlook can be classified as clearly defensive.
(not just) for the ESG crowd:
Stanford Study: Earth on Its Way to Warmest Temperatures in More Than 120,000 Years
Big oil’s ‘wokewashing’ is the new climate science denialism.
In a paper published in the journal Global Sustainability last July, economist William Lamb and nearly a dozen co-authors catalogued the most common messaging from those who would prefer to see inaction on climate for as long as possible. According to Lamb’s team, the industry’s “discourses of delay” fall into four buckets: redirect responsibility (consumers are also to blame for fossil fuel emissions), push non-transformative solutions (disruptive change is not necessary), emphasize the downside of action (change will be disruptive), and surrender (it’s not possible to mitigate climate change).
EU To Propose Exempting "Green" Bonds From Deficit And Debt Limit Calculations
Other Fare:
Peter Boghossian hangs it up at Portland State
Natalie Edwards Was Imprisoned this Month by the U.S. for Blowing the Whistle on Wall Street Banks’ Laundering of Dirty Money
EXTRA [controversial or non-market-related] FARE:
Regular Fare:
The Collapse Of Complex Societies
Hubris in the West today means we think that we’re so advanced we can escape the collapse of complex societies. Our recent history has cemented an air of invincibility. But if you look closely, all the signs are present that the empire is far more vulnerable than we think. So is our societal decline preordained or will we be the first civilisation to cheat the inevitable? Host, Ross Ashcroft met up with Anthropologist and Historian, Joseph Tainter, to discuss.
“I used to think that innovation was the key to seeing us through this. I’m no longer sure that it is. I like to say that we are a species that muddles through. That’s all we’ve ever done and I think all we ever will do. I’m not sure that we can actually plan the future in any precise way.”
… “Other than cockroaches, we’re the most adaptable species on earth. We will muddle through. But I don’t know if we will muddle through with the same standard of living that we have today.”
Ian Welsh: The Simplest Explanation For Western Decline
… If we want to fix our society we have to get rid of this admin bloat, along with the cluelessness it represent.
But what usually happens, instead, is some form of societal collapse, which strips out administrators in a more brutal and effective fashion.
That’s what we’re headed for.
Climate Crisis Fare:
Eliot Jacobson: Doomerism 101: The Aerosol Masking Effect
One of the biggest surprises of the last 20 years to those studying climate change has been the realization that there is a counter-effect of cooling going on that is also caused by anthropogenic pollution. In simple terms, stuff we burn in industrial processes, agriculture and transportation emits lots of aerosolized crap into the atmosphere that blocks or reflects incoming solar radiation. Most notable among the cooling aerosols are sulphates, which are primarily emitted by burning fossil fuels. While the planet’s atmosphere gets thick with CO2, methane and other greenhouse gasses, the expected warming of the planet has been offset a substantial amount by these aerosols.
… Unlike CO2, which can last centuries in the atmosphere, and methane, which can last decades, these aerosols are much heavier and fall out of the atmosphere in a matter of days to weeks. Without the continual replenishment of aerosols, the planet would undergo a rapid acceleration in warming, beginning regionally where the sulphates are thickest, with the heat quickly spreading globally.
… According to the latest IPCC report (SPM, AR6 WG1), the net cooling from sulphates is 0.5c, with an error bar from 0.1c to 0.9c. Other recent work gives ranges up to 1.1c in cooling. If we take all anthropogenic aerosols into consideration, including organic carbon, ammonia, nitrogen oxide and others, the total cooling effect could be as much as 1.5c. What this means in practice is that if we humans stop burning fossil fuels and move to clean energy for industry, agriculture and transportation, then we should expect to see a civilization-ending rise in global temperatures if nothing else is done to mitigate the aerosol masking effect. That is, the full steam ahead immediate civilization ending “solution” of stopping anthropogenic CO2 through solar, wind, hydro, nuclear, EVs and battery storage is much worse than the problem of continuing to spew these fossil fuel driven pollutants and facing gradual civilization-ending warming.
Eliot Jacobson: The Methane Monster Cometh
One thing is for sure, even though atmospheric methane is short-lived, if huge and ever-increasing amounts of methane continue to make it into our atmosphere, what ever planning we were doing for offsetting and mitigating CO2 emissions is going to become irrelevant — we are going to boil.
Eliot Jacobson: On Being a “Doomer”
Let’s start with the obvious. The word “doomer” is a word with horribly dark connotations. The obvious interpretation is that a doomer believes life is hopeless, they might as well give up trying; there is no value in being alive. But that is emphatically not the doomer’s perspective. Doomers understand that life is a terminal disease for all of us, that any objective examination of one’s life should include the inevitability of death. Yet, even with this universal existential dilemma, doomers still enjoy sunsets and friends, they work towards goals, they have families, they celebrate births and mourn deaths, and they struggle on. Most of all, doomers recognize that humanity has a collective terminal illness here and now, not at some unimagined future time.
Doomers do not believe climate change is going to end well for the natural world or for humanity. Doomers are saddened by the innumerable losses that are taking place in the natural world, including plants, animals, oceans, ice and ancient physical processes. Doomers are saddened by losing all the achievements of humanity, including art, literature, science and philosophy – the totality of humanity’s legacy. Doomers are saddened by the human suffering already taking place and the massive suffering of all species, plant and animal, that lies ahead. Doomers are saddened by the prospect of losing friends and family, what’s going to happen to those they work with, those they play with and those they love. And doomers are saddened by the shortening of their own lives, the fear that comes with having an unexpected terminal illness. In short, doomers are saddened by their profound understanding that it’s the near-term loss of everything.
Climate Tweets of the Week:
Dr. Aaron Thierry: Is climate change going to be worse than expected?
Have scientists been systematically underestimating the impacts?
And if so how should we as science communicators convey this to the public & policy makers?
I delve into this unsettling topic in this Thread 1/n
Mathew Crawford: The San Juan Declaration and a New Media
The Medical Avengers Justice League University
Dr. Robert Malone really is the Professor Xavier of this moment. From the late 80s to the early 90s, Dr. Malone pioneered the techniques of genetic vaccination, but that hardly explains his breadth of medical knowledge, including his understanding of all the institutions and politics. His brilliance is matched by his calm, and if that's not enough, I'm pretty sure his wife (a policy specialist herself) watches over everything with her own complementary set of superpowers. Dr. Malone doesn't always get publicly involved in pandemic policy, but when he does, it's because the authorities are drunk at the wheel.
… Dr. Richard Urso… Dr. Pierre Kory… Dr. Ryan Cole… Dr. Brian Tyson… Dr. Heather Gessling… Dr. Mark McDonald…
The San Juan Declaration
It's not for me to share the statement, yet---not that I even have a copy to distribute at this moment. But it's coming, and it cannot come soon enough.
Critics Assail Widely Touted Study On Mask Effectiveness
An acclaimed study on the effectiveness of masks in reducing symptomatic COVID-19 has been widely mischaracterized and suffers from serious design flaws, according to critics. They include Harvard Medical School epidemiologist Martin Kulldorff, who was suspended from Twitter for a month for questioning the protective power of masks for unvaccinated elderly people
… “Based on the 95% confidence intervals, we do not even know if surgical mask efficacy is more than 0%.”
Analysis of the Effects of COVID-19 Mask Mandates on Hospital Resource Consumption and Mortality at the County Level
There was no reduction in per-population daily mortality, hospital bed, ICU bed, or ventilator occupancy of COVID-19-positive patients attributable to the implementation of a mask-wearing mandate.
Are We Wearing the Wrong Masks?
The primary findings include:
· Cloth masks had no advantage over the control arm (no intervention), but surgical masks showed a modest, statistically significant benefit
· The surgical mask intervention reduced symptomatic seroprevalence by 11.2%; the endpoint -- COVID-19 symptoms followed by a positive COVID-19 test -- occurred in 0.76% of people in the control group compared to 0.67% for those assigned to surgical mask villages
Why Isn't Anyone Talking About Natural Immunity?
The Question Isn’t Why I’m Vaccine Hesitant; The Question Is Why Aren’t You?
My fear is that if people were going to wake up to the lies (have their red-pill moment, as it were), they would have done so by now. The fact that so many people continue to fear Covid and push vaccines doesn’t bode well for society.
Joseph Mercola: Long-Term Dangers of Experimental mRNA Shots
The spike protein is the toxic part of the virus responsible for the most unique effects of the virus, such as the blood clotting disorders, neurological problems and heart damage. To expect the COVID shot to not produce these kinds of effects would be rather naïve. A (adenine) and U (uracil) in the third position are rare, and the COVID shots replace these A’s and U’s with G’s (guanine) or C’s (cytosine). According to Seneff, this switch results in a 1,000-fold greater amount of spike protein compared to being infected with the actual virus. What could go wrong? Well, just about anything. Again, the shot induces spike protein at levels unheard of in nature (even if SARS-CoV-2 is a “souped up” manmade concoction), and the spike protein is the toxic part of the virus responsible for the most unique effects of the virus, such as the blood clotting disorders, neurological problems and heart damage.
So, to expect the COVID shot to not produce these kinds of effects would be rather naïve. The codon switches might also result in protein misfolding, which is equally bad news. As explained by Seneff in our previous interview: “The spike proteins that these mRNA vaccines are producing … aren’t able to go into the membrane, which I think is going to encourage it to become a problematic prion protein. Then, when you have inflammation, it upregulates alpha-synuclein [a neuronal protein that regulates synaptic traffic and neurotransmitter release]. So, you’re going to get alpha-synuclein drawn into misfolded spike proteins, turning into a mess inside the dendritic cells in the germinal centers in the spleen. And they’re going to package up all this crud into exosomes and release them. They’re then going to travel along the vagus nerve to the brainstem and cause things like Parkinson’s disease.
So, I think this is a complete setup for Parkinson’s disease … It’s going to push forward the date at which someone who has a propensity towards Parkinson’s is going to get it. And it’s probably going to cause people to get Parkinson’s who never would have gotten it in the first place — especially if they keep getting the vaccine every year. Every year you do a booster, you bring the date that you’re going to get Parkinson’s ever closer.”
More long term, Seneff believes we’ll see a significant rise in cancer, accelerated Parkinson’s-like diseases, Huntington’s disease, and all types of autoimmune diseases and neurodegenerative disorders.
Moving target
The end of Covid is nigh, thanks to the miracle of vaccines. Just ask Dr. Anthony Fauci. Then ask him again. And again. And...
The CDC Just Made an Orwellian Change to the Definition of ‘Vaccine’ and ‘Vaccination'
Here’s the “Definition of Terms” for Immunization as captured on August 26, 2021. I’ve highlighted the key points.
Here’s the “Definition of Terms” for immunizations now, which was updated on September 1, 2021, with changes highlighted.
So in a week, a vaccine went from being something that “produces immunity to a specific disease” to something that merely “stimulates the body’s immune response against diseases,” and a vaccination no longer “produces immunity” to a disease, just “protection” from a disease.
Vaccinated Account For 70% Of UK Covid-19 Deaths Since February
Because of the threats now being made to give an experimental Covid-19 injection to children against the advice of the JCVI, and the confirmation that vaccine passports will be introduced in the United Kingdom from October, you’re probably not aware that Public Health England have released a report at precisely the same time which reveals 70% of Covid-19 deaths since February are people who had been vaccinated. The report titled ‘SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation in England’, is the 22nd technical briefing on alleged variants of concern in the United Kingdom and makes for extremely interesting reading once you realise what the statistics are actually telling us.
High Death Rate Among Vaccinated Brings Vaccine Dystopia Into View
A new report with detailed data from Public Health England provides some startling numbers. For the period of February 1 through August 2 there were COVID Delta variant cases for 47,000 people who had received 2 vaccine doses, and for 151,054 people who were unvaccinated. In the first group of vaccinated people, there were a total of 402 deaths. In the second much larger group with more than three times unvaccinated people, there were just 253 deaths. In other words, of the total COVID deaths 61 percent were in fully vaccinated people.
To get the death rate you divide the number of deaths by the total number of infection cases. That gives a death rate of .86 percent among the vaccinated and .17 percent among the unvaccinated. That is an amazing difference. … So, why are vaccinated people dying more frequently than the unvaccinated? Here are some plausible explanations.
First, there is something very dangerous and unsafe in the COVID vaccines associated with spike proteins that are causing people to die at a higher rate.
Denninger: It Is Time To STRIKE
The CDC ITSELF has published their own data that if infected while vaccinated you are equally contagious to someone who was not vaccinated. Further, contrary to the original claims of the CDC and vaccine makers that the vaccines reduce or eliminate symptomatic infections in virtually every case (95% of the time) they found that 79% of vaccinated people who got infected were symptomatic. This is statistically identical to unvaccinated persons who sometimes have fully-asymptomatic infections. If you are vaccinated and get infected you are just as likely to infect (and potentially sicken or kill) another person, vaccinated or not, as someone who is not vaccinated. This is formally-admissible evidence in court as it is a direct publication of the CDC! The CDC has admitted, in print, that there is no public-health benefit from the vaccines.
Denninger: The Lie Of 'All Unvaccinated'
You were told to roll up your sleeve and take the risk of clotting disorders, heart damage, heart attacks, strokes and other serious, even life-threatening adverse reactions based on the lie that doing so would (1) prevent you from getting Covid, (2) prevent you from infecting others with Covid, and (3) keep you from having a symptomatic and potentially-serious outcome if exposed to Covid. All three were LIES and are being repeated to this day by Biden, Fauci, the CDC and your local and State Health Departments. Any “mandate” predicated on these lies was and is in fact a felony assault with a reasonable expectation of serious bodily harm or death to your person and should have been, and should be today, met with whatever level of force is necessary to cause the person issuing said mandate to STOP on an immediate basis. THE VACCINES DO NOT PREVENT INFECTION, TRANSMISSION OR THE RISK OF SEVERE OUTCOMES. ENOUGH!
PS: Before you do something stupid like get a “booster” answer this — why would you believe the third jab will work when you were told the other two would — and the people doing so lied? When, in addition, there is evidence that the manufacturers knew this would happen and rigged the trials to conceal it? What data do you have (none!) on whether the risk of serious adverse events rises with each successive injection, and why would you be so stupid as to believe a single thing these people say after being screwed by the very same people? I remind you: Never in the past has there been a successful vaccine for coronaviruses. All previous attempts have failed during trials, which took years to discover, either by mutational escape or worse, enhancement in those who got the injection(s).
VanDen Bossche: The Last Post
Because of the disastrous consequences the current mass vaccination campaign will entail, I cannot imagine that the word ‘vaccine’ will continue to persist in the medical vade-mecum. In order to highlight the short-comings of all vaccines eliciting conventional B- or T cell-centered immune responses I propose to coin a new term for these vaccines and refer to them as ‘conditionally immune protection-inducing formulations’ (CIPIFs).
While the word ‘vaccine’ may be banned, the word ‘fact checker’ will only gain traction as a general term used for any scientifically illiterate person who uses arrogance to vilify those who speak the truth and promotes – in exchange for dirty money – a narrative and groupthink mentality that are merely inspired by the interests of the stakeholders they blindly support.
Open Letter to the Unvaccinated
You are not alone! As of 28 July 2021, 29% of Canadians have not received a COVID-19 vaccine, and an additional 14% have received one shot. In the US and in the European Union, less than half the population is fully vaccinated, and even in Israel, the “world’s lab” according to Pfizer, one third of people remain completely unvaccinated. Politicians and the media have taken a uniform view, scapegoating the unvaccinated for the troubles that have ensued after eighteen months of fearmongering and lockdowns. It’s time to set the record straight. It is entirely reasonable and legitimate to say ‘no’ to insufficiently tested vaccines for which there is no reliable science. You have a right to assert guardianship of your body and to refuse medical treatments if you see fit. You are right to say ‘no’ to a violation of your dignity, your integrity and your bodily autonomy.
It is your body, and you have the right to choose. You are right to fight for your children against their mass vaccination in school. You are right to question whether free and informed consent is at all possible under present circumstances. Long-term effects are unknown. Transgenerational effects are unknown. Vaccine-induced deregulation of natural immunity is unknown. Potential harm is unknown as the adverse event reporting is delayed, incomplete and inconsistent between jurisdictions. …
Hat-tip: naked capitalism
Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Monoclonal Antibodies.
“Preliminary data suggest that monoclonal antibodies may play a role in preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection in household contacts of infected patients2 and during skilled nursing and assisted living facility outbreaks…. Three anti-SARS-CoV-2 monoclonal antibody products currently have Emergency Use Authorizations (EUAs) from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of mild to moderate COVID-19 in nonhospitalized patients with laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection who are at high risk for progressing to severe disease and/or hospitalization.”
Current status of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies against SARS-CoV-2
“The mAb biotherapeutics are a promising strategy for immediate treatment/prophylaxis or in situations where vaccines are less effective—such as in immunocompromised individuals, young, elderly, and vaccine-hesitant individuals. MAbs can also be rapidly tailored, selected, or mined towards new variants.
Grotesque conflicts of interest on NIH ivermectin non-recommendation
Ol’ White Joe was back on TV yesterday issuing threats to his countrypersons. We are in thrall to a pandemic disease, you understand, this organism called Covid-19 and some 80-million of us have not availed ourselves of the magical vaccine required to prevent the transmission of said organism. We must take the vaccine in order to protect the people who already got the vax — many of them more than one shot — from catching Covid-19.
Hold on now… you say they got multiple doses of the vax but they can still catch the disease? Yes, they can, evidently. Okay… well… what kind of vax is it that doesn’t keep you from catching the disease? Oh, a most excellent vax! And you must take it, or lose your income, forfeit your useful position in this economy, give up all the normal routines of existing in a free society.
… Most adults of moderate intelligence understand that developing blood clots in vital organs is not a good thing. Many such adults in moderately good health might prefer taking their chances of getting Covid-19, wrassling their way through it, and coming out with full-fledged natural immunity, superior to the iffy immunity the vaxes confer (combined with those bonus blood clots).
COVID Quotes of the Week:
If the vaccines are in fact vaccines and work then... what protection do those who choose to get them need? None!
But if they don't work - if you get vaccinated and are still at risk - then why would someone take one?
It's stupid to take a jab that doesn't actually protect you.
Ilargi: That the vaccinated are doing much better than the unvaccinated, either in infections or in transmission, is a long dead mantra. But the idea that the vaccines prevent severe disease or death, is also rapidly vanishing. You’ve been spritzed with something that will be a threat for the rest of your life, and your best defense is to get fit and spruce up your immune system as best you can. Take vit. D, zinc and ivermectin, if you can still get it.
What remains is the deceit, from 9/11 to Covid, the government lies that by now should be expected, and the media lies that.. well, should also. Maybe that’s why we have the interwebs, so we can go out and find a kernel of truth in between the deceit. Even if 95% of people use it to do the exact opposite.
Eric Clapton: "I felt so alone," he says. He adds that it seems like his family has been "brainwashed."
CO-VIDs of the Week:
An Articulate Nurse Dealing With COVID Hospitalization Gives Honest Insight About What Really is Happening
“The majority of patients in your hospital are not Covid patients, they are vaccine-injured people.”
“the Delta variant IS the vaccine injuries”
“It’s a nightmare; we just know it is an unwritten rule, you can’t talk about it… and they are pushing it a level I’ve never seen; and the administration is pushing it on the staff;… none of this makes sense… and the staff that’s awake, we see; none of us are going to take these; we see what it is doing to patients”
Gerald Celente
COVID Tweets of the Week:
This is — without a doubt — the best articulation as to the ethical problem posed by mandatory vaccines or vaccine passports.
Dr. Julie Ponesse explains the dilemma in a persuasive manner.
Watch the whole 4 minute video, split across 3 segments in this thread
Aaron Kheriaty, MD: Last year the doctors and nurses in my hospital were hailed as heroes worthy of a parade. Now, those of us who had Covid & point out that our infection-induced immunity is superior to vaccine-induced immunity are accused of being a menace to society.
Fortune is fickle.
Richard Ebright: “The materials confirm the grants supported the construction—in Wuhan—of novel chimeric SARS-related coronaviruses that combined a spike gene from one coronavirus with genetic information from another coronavirus, and confirmed the resulting viruses could infect human cells…. The documents make it clear that assertions by the NIH Director, Francis Collins, and the NIAID Director, Anthony Fauci, that the NIH did not support gain-of-function research or potential pandemic pathogen enhancement at WIV are untruthful.”
I subtitled the EXPLOSIVE interview by French microbiologist Luc Montagnier, discoverer of HIV-1:
"Coronavirus is meticulously engineered by a craftsman."
Pro tip: stop being wrong. No variant showed up until vaccine testing started, and then only in those locations.
Ezra Levant: This shows the number of hospital patients, and intensive care (ICU) patients in Saskatchewan, month by month, for the past two years.
Every single month during the pandemic, both total hospitalizations and ICU admissions are lower than pre-pandemic.
COVID Conspiracy Fare:
Where Are The Handcuffs?
It appears, does it not, that Fauci lied. Both he and his wife, Christine Grady, who chairs bioethics at the NIH and who “conveniently” has been ignored by the media and everyone else, and who, it must be presumed, any grant proposals would have to go through and be approved by, ought to be in irons right now. And by the way, exactly how does it happen that in a federal agency a person’s wife winds up in a position to review and formally approve her husband’s work?
Cover-up: Why the 'experts' want to eliminate the COVID control group
Injection mandate seeks to remove accountability from the equation.
Cover-up: “an attempt, whether successful or not, to conceal evidence of wrongdoing, error, incompetence or other embarrassing information.”
Over the course of the last 18 months, our ruling class and their go-to “pubilc health experts” have uncloaked themselves as nothing more than power-hungry charlatans who believe that they have something resembling a God-given right to manage and control entire populations of people. They’ve done nothing but add more problems to our lives on top of a virus problem, and they’d prefer that you never find out about the damage done by “trusting the experts.”
When it comes to evaluating the merits of our “War on COVID-19,” there’s a massive, ongoing cover-up operation being waged by the “elites,” with the goal of eliminating contradictory information that shines a light on their 18 months of incompetence, neglect, and massively deceiving the public.
GeoPolitical Fare:
Escobar: 9/9 and 9/11, 20 years later
As many of us established over the years after 9/11, everything was about the US imposing itself as the undisputed ruler of the New Great Game in Central Asia. Peter Dale Scott now notes, “the two US invasions of Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq in 2003 were both grounded in pretexts that were doubtful to begin with and more discredited as years go by.
Roberts: 9/11 After 20 Years
It has been 20 years since three World Trade Center skyscrapers designed to withstand airliner collision were destroyed. Building 7 was brought down by controlled demolition as its collapse at free fall acceleration proves conclusively. The destruction of the twin towers was accompanied by a series of explosions, and these buildings also fell into their own footprints at essentially free fall acceleration. The US government’s official coverup story has been totally demolished by authors such as David Ray Griffin, by scholarly conferences, university investigations, expert reports, and by Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth. The great mass of evidence that has been accumulated proves that the official narrative is false, but it doesn’t say who was responsible for the attack. …Circumstantial evidence suggests that 9/11 was a scheme of George W. Bush regime neoconservative officials allied with vice president Dick Cheney and Israel to create a “new Pearl Harbor” that would generate support on the part of the American people and Washington’s European allies for a Middle Eastern “war on terror”
9/11: A U.S. Deep State Insider Speaks …
Old school. Top clearance. Extremely discreet. Attended secret Deep State meetings on 9-11. Tired of all the lies. The following is what’s fit to print without being redacted.
Part 1 THE PHONE CALL. Up next.
“An emergency phone conference was held in the early afternoon of 9/11 based on the fact that WTC Building Number Seven was still standing. Demolitions were engineered to cause the building, as well as the others, to fall into its own footprint. I attended this call.”
Part 2 On WTC7: “No plane hit Building Number Seven.” “The CIA was brought to cover it up. The CIA set up failed asset bin Laden to blame as misdirection, then pulled the plug on Building Number Seven.” “The CIA doctored boarding tapes to show Arabs entering the planes.”
Part 3 On Mullah Omar: “Our CIA Arabists knew that if we blamed Osama, who was innocent of 9-11, Mullah Omar would not give him up in violation of the laws of Islamic hospitality. Mullah Omar requested evidence: then he would turn Osama over. Of course, we did not want that.”
Part 4 On heroin: “The Afghanistan heroin war was justified by 9-11. No one in Afghanistan was involved in 9/11. No member of Islam was involved. We invaded Afghanistan for only one purpose, which was to restart heroin production shut down by a righteous act of Mullah Omar.”
Part 5 On CIA and heroin: “CIA heroin plantations in Afghanistan funded external, clandestine operations and lined some important people’s pockets. That was common practice when the CIA ran the heroin operation in the Golden Triangle.” …
Ed Curtin: Review: “Unanswered Questions: What the September Eleventh Families Asked and the 9/11 Commission Ignored “ by Ray McGinnis
It is impossible to overemphasize the importance of this book. It is a tour de force that blows away twenty years of U.S. government lies and obfuscations about the mass murders of September 11, 2001, the foundational event of recent times that claimed thousands of victims whose relatives still cry out for truth and justice.
Reading Unanswered Questions will roil you to the depths of your soul and illuminate your mind as Ray McGinnis presents fact after fact backed up by almost one thousand endnotes and twelve years of meticulous research. There is nothing speculative about this book. It is not a “conspiracy theory.”
… While reading it, one cannot help but think of the thousands of innocent victims of that terrible day and their suffering families, and the millions of innocent victims throughout the world who have been murdered by the U.S. government in the name of 9/11. The “war on terror” has been waged by a government that continues to refuse to tell the truth about who the “terrorists” were on September 11, 2001.
… Seventy per cent of the questions the Family Steering Committee asked the 9/11 Commission were left unanswered in The 9/11 Commission Report. Those that were answered raised more questions than they answered. But the reason that this book is so powerful is because McGinnis answers the questions that the government does not.
Orlov: The Afghanistan Rout and American Glasnost’
The US occupation of Afghanistan was rationalized based on an entire edifice of lies. At its foundation lay the lie of Nineleven. Above it towered the lie of fighting terrorism (while training and equipping the terrorists). Somewhere along the way the lie of aiding Afghanistan’s development into a vibrant, modern democracy with gender equality and other bells and whistles was added to this already stupendous structure (while the only actual development was that of the heroin trade). And, of course, overlaying all of the above was a truly staggering amount of corruption and theft.
If you believe the official narrative, Osama bin Laden was a sort of latter-day Jesus who repeated the miracle of loaves and fishes except with skyscrapers, knocking down three of them (WTC 1, 2 and 7) using just two airplanes. Another of his miracles was to make an entire passenger jet, piloted by an amateur, pull some truly stunning aerobatics that no passenger jet has pulled before or since, then ascend unto heaven through a wall of the Pentagon, engines, seats, luggage, bodies and all, leaving behind a small charred opening plus a part of a cruise missile that apparently had been hidden on board and that was subsequently carried away wrapped in a tarp on the shoulders of some very nervous and displeased-looking gentlemen in office attire. Another plane full of passengers left a smallish charred pit in the ground and recordings of rather scripted-sounding cell phone conversations held while the supposed plane was in an area lacking cell phone coverage. Bin Laden orchestrated all this mayhem by satellite phone, or by telepathy, without ever leaving the comfort of his cave in Afghanistan. I encourage you to believe this narrative because believing the alternative may cause you to lose your mind. Many people already have.
And if you wish to be stubborn and refuse to believe the official narrative, then it becomes quite plausible to think that Nineleven was a lavish American hoax: that the three skyscrapers were mined by some Americans, that the Pentagon was hit by an American cruise missile fired by some more Americans and that Osama bin Laden was a CIA agent who made grainy videos and scratchy audiotapes to inspire America’s pet terrorists (branded Al Qaeda, later rebranded ISIS/ISIL/Daesh/Islamic Caliphate). Osama was looking forward to a comfortable retirement somewhere in friendly Pakistan—a retirement that was cut short by an attack by a group of navy seals some time after his death from kidney failure.
Why would the Americans do this to themselves? Why, to rule the world, of course! They had bought into Mackinder’s cockamamie “heartland” theory, according to which whichever world power controls the heartland of Eurasia will control the world. If you think that controlling a pile of rocks inhabited by ornery, warlike natives whose minds are stuck in the middle ages is not conducive to ruling the entire world, then you are definitely smarter than the average turnip, but still not good enough to be one of America’s brilliant geopolitical strategists.
The developments of Nineleven provided the rationale for the 20-year US/NATO military occupation of Afghanistan, which cost over $2 trillion and caused half a million or so wrongful deaths. This was by no means a bargain—putting a hit on someone doesn’t cost anywhere near $4 million a pop, especially not in Afghanistan, which is very poor and awash with weapons. A conservative assumption is that much of this money was simply stolen. Indeed, seeing reports of erstwhile Afghani president Ashraf Ghani fleeing the country in a helicopter so overstuffed with cash that a lot of it had to be abandoned on the tarmac is a clear indication of how funds were being allocated in the course of the US occupation.
It is officially known that a little over half the money went to fill the coffers of five defense contractors—Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, General Dynamics, Boeing and Northrop Grumman. Their products were freely used over the entire expanse of Afghanistan, resulting in fabulous amounts of collateral damage. Some also went to arm the Afghani military, which surrendered to the Taliban without a fight, weapons and all, except for 22 military jets and 24 military helicopters which fled to Uzbekistan along with 585 soldiers. This hardware, including top of the line Black Hawk helicopters with all the recent gadgets installed, will now be picked over, and probably laughed at, by Russian experts. (The purpose of US weapons procurement is not to produce effective weapons but to make profits for Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, General Dynamics, Boeing and Northrop Grumman.)
But, you may ask, What about the fruits of controlling the heartland? What about controlling the whole world once ensconced there? Once there, the Americans discovered that Afghanistan didn’t offer much of anything except ornery natives and poppy fields. And while the former were of no use at all as far as securing world domination, the latter, turned into heroin, could be used strategically to weaken the whole of Eurasia by turning its population into a bunch of junkies. To this end, Afghanistan was turned into the world’s heroin factory, producing 85% of the estimated global heroin and morphine supply, a near monopoly. Prior to the US/NATO invasion of Afghanistan, poppy cultivation had been banned by the Taliban, so this was entirely a Western achievement.
The plan was to have Afghani heroin ooze out all over the surrounding Eurasia by camel caravans traversing huge uninhabitable deserts, and some of this indeed happened, but it quickly turned out that there was more money to be made by airlifting it out using US military transport planes flying to Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo, which became the major heroin transshipment point. And so a lot of the heroin ended up in the US and in the EU, to a point where there are over 10 million opiate addicts in the US and deaths from opiate overdoses in the US alone amount to half a million a year and growing fast, with drug-related deaths the leading cause of death among the non-geriatrics. But it seems that these are just the opioid addicts who stand up to be counted, whereas opiate abuse is far more widespread and, judging from rapidly dropping overall life expectancy, quite severe.
A good question to ask is: What will happen to the heroin addicts after the Taliban once again clamp down on poppy cultivation. It will be easy for them to do now that there are no US/NATO troops guarding the poppy fields. They will make up the revenue shortfall by selling trophy US weapons on the black market. The probable answer is that the junkies will switch (and already are switching) to the synthetic opiate fentanyl, which the Chinese are happy to provide in arbitrarily large quantities. Any suggestion that the Chinese might want to stop doing so may lead to a polite mention of the Opium Wars and a suggestion that what goes around comes around. At one point a quarter of the Chinese were addicted to opium; let’s see if Americans can beat that record. To be sure, Afghani heroin is not alone to blame for the epidemic of opiate abuse in the US. The Sackler family did a great deal to construct a veritable conveyor belt that first hooked people on prescription pain killers, then abandoned them to street drugs once the prescriptions ran out. But Afghani heroin qualifies as a major US policy boomerang, alongside many others.
I believe that the extreme and apparent incompetence of the Americans in Afghanistan is the result of the corrosive effect of lies. A foundation of lies is inevitably a shaky one and can only be kept from crumbling under carefully controlled circumstances. For instance, a certain shady oligarch may promote a certain vaccine as effective against a certain virus whereas his real intention is to stop population growth by making women sterile. This works because corporate structures can be organized around a management strategy known as mushroom theory (keep them in the dark and feed them shit). But it doesn’t work for an entire sprawling military empire, where the truth inevitably leaks out, contradictions mount and morale plummets. One lie always deserves another, and then the making of mistakes, the efforts to fix mistakes and the efforts to hide mistakes all become largely interchangeable. At one point the CIA’s terrorists were battling the Pentagon’s terrorists in Syria. That was really awkward and hard to hide. Luckily, the Russians fixed that problem by bombing them all into oblivion.
The Afghanistan occupation started with the horrendous lies of Nineleven, continued with the ridiculous, contrived excuses for the invasion and then went on for 20 long years, each much like the previous, with each year’s lies piling on top of the previous years’ lies. America had to stay because of the terrorism caused by the terrorists whom they first organized to fight the Soviets, then kept as pets. And now speaking the truth in America is akin to shouting fire in a crowded theater. Poor old Joe Biden, his brain ticking ever more loudly, struggling to form a coherent sentence, laboring under the crushing load of these lies, can do no better than assume the fetal position right in the middle of a press conference. Can you imagine what Bedlam would break out if he were to suddenly stop lying? I shudder to think! Stocking up on thorazine beforehand would seem prudent. But such a bout of American glasnost’ seems all but inevitable. Sooner or later the truth will spill over this giant dam brimming with lies. The ensuing flood is sure to sweep away everything in its path.
Orwellian Fare:
The Biden Admin is losing its unwinnable War On COVID, so they're scapegoating 'unvaccinated' Americans
Non-conformists must be punished, "the science" says.
On Thursday, our newfound Dear Leader, Joe Biden, gave one of the most tyrannical speeches in American history. For 30 minutes, he declared that the federal government would be imposing one totalitarian action after another, entirely dismissing our Constitutional system in the process of announcing his edicts.
… At first, they took a somewhat more diplomatic approach, blaming the “Delta variant” for their failures to deliver. But now, they’ve shifted their wrath onto fellow Americans, specifically, the 25% of “unvaccinated” individuals in America who refuse to submit to the “health” demands of the regime. None of it makes scientific sense, but it doesn’t have to, because it’s no longer about health or science, but in protecting the reputation of the White House.
LAPD Orders Cops To Collect Social Media Data On Every Single Person They Stop
CaitOz Fare:
Our Gods Have No Heads
We’re on a planet-sized haunted hayride to Armageddon, and no one is driving.
Sure at first glance it looks like someone’s driving. It appears that there are governments which are run by elected officials, and that those officials get together regularly with the officials from other governments to determine how the world should be run.
Then you look a bit closer and you discover that’s not how it works at all. The official elected governments are controlled by corporate and financial plutocratic institutions which have no loyalty to the citizenry of any nation they dominate, with wealth poured into manipulating those governments proportionate to their importance in securing the interests of the plutocracy.
Then you look closer still and it gets even weirder, because you see that even the plutocrats aren’t really calling the shots themselves. What’s ultimately driving things is not so much the people within those institutions as the institutions themselves, which operate based on motives of profit and growth that are built into them and are entirely divorced from normal human values.
You see this evidenced in the way these entities actively and deliberately select executives with “dark personality traits”, i.e. narcissists and sociopaths, because ethical and empathic people will not do the things that are necessary to advance the agendas of those entities. The executive isn’t choosing cutthroat actions for the corporation to make, the corporation is choosing executives who will enact its cutthroat agendas.
So now we are watching our world be devoured by these headless modern gods, because ecocide is profitable and leads to growth. Because exploitation is profitable and leads to growth. Because war is profitable and leads to growth. Because infiltrating government power is profitable and leads to growth.
They will not stop until there is nothing left to devour.
9/11 Was Bad, But It Wasn’t QAnoners Wandering Around The Capitol For A Few Hours Bad
Serious experts agree.
In a July appearance on MSNBC’s ReidOut with Joy Reid, former Bush strategist Matthew Dowd said he felt the Capitol riot was “much worse” than 9/11 and that this is the “most perilous point in time” since the beginning of the American Civil War.
So that settles it, then: QAnoners meandering around a government building is far, far worse than thousands of people being killed in fiery explosions.
It’s a good thing we’ve got such sane, level-headed people on such prominent platforms instructing us on how to think about important events, because otherwise this perspective might never have even occurred to us.
… and it’s all just so very, very stupid. … Compared to the horrors the United States unleashed upon the world under the justification of 9/11, 9/11 itself was a family trip to Disneyland. The death and destruction visited upon Iraq alone dwarfs the 2,977 people killed on 9/11 by orders of magnitude; hell, this was true of the death and destruction the US had been inflicting on Iraq even before 9/11.
Are soldiers working under the US empire the worst people in the world? No. But in terms of moral standing you’d have to rank someone who murders foreigners on behalf of imperialists and war profiteers below most of the people in your average prison.
Other Quotes of the Week:
Ben Norton: The US media is freaking out over China's shift left. The NY Times - a mouthpiece of the US gov't & the rich elites who control it - is worried Beijing "could intensify its crackdown on private corporations, tighten its grip on culture and hound the rich".
Three towers came down on #September11, and yet they only shine 2 lights.
The MSM never talk about #Building7. Why would that be?
Big Thoughts:
Will the Whales Inherit the Earth?
Even just slowing down the coming of a potential apocalypse is potentially worth doing, if it preserves some more good years, or reduces the suffering that occurs in the process, or even if it merely manifests some sane loving joyful consciousness amidst the madness that surrounds us.
But most importantly of all, how much we degrade the Earth’s ecosystems matters. Because, even if we (our species, homo sapiens sapiens; or perhaps, more accurately, homo sapiens adnihilens (the kind of human that knows how to annihilate) almost or completely vanish, we are very unlikely to eliminate complex life completely or anything like it. Our first priority must be to seek to reduce the chances of a near-exterminatory event such as the Permian mass extinction. That should be doable, even for us.
If we manage moreover to preserve more of nature rather than less, then, even if we do vanish, or become hemmed climatically or geographically or toxico-chemically into some restricted zones of the Earth, what we will have done, in preserving more rather than less of life-not-ours, is hugely important: because life can then go on.
And evolution too.
Imagine a future in which we mismanage things so utterly that humanity goes extinct, or becomes drastically reduced and highly geographically restricted for a geologically long period but in which we don’t nihilate so categorically that complex life goes extinct. What next? What might happen over the tens of millions of years to follow?
NOT Satirical Fare:
Hat tip Ilargi, who says: “Gallup does an onion.”
Poll: 20%+ Of Unvaccinated People Want To Be Banned From Doing Things
A new Gallup poll claiming a slim majority of Americans support vaccine passports also claims that nearly 1 in 4 unvaccinated Americans support banning themselves from flying and 1 in 5 support banning themselves from going to work, staying at a hotel, dining at a restaurant and attending events with large crowds. “Per Gallup, 20%+ of unvaccinated people want themselves banned from doing things,” columnist Phil Kerpen commented on Twitter.
Pics of the Week:
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