Alex Bryson, David Blanchflower : Expectations data indicate the US is entering recession about now
It is possible that these data are giving a false steer. However, missing the declines in these variables in 2007 proved fatal. It is our hope such mistakes will not be repeated this time around. These qualitative data trends need to be taken seriously.
Mish: Demographics, Birth Rate, & The COVID Baby Bust Are Quite Deflationary.
Wage Statistics for 2020
The "raw" average wage, computed as net compensation divided by the number of wage earners, is $8,946,699,276,066.57 divided by 167,593,971, or $53,383.18. Based on data in the table below, about 67.6 percent of wage earners had net compensation less than or equal to the $53,383.18 raw average wage. By definition, 50 percent of wage earners had net compensation less than or equal to the median wage, which is estimated to be $34,612.04 for 2020.
Peter Tchir: Weird Occurrings In The Bond Market... Even By Bond Market Standards
Conventional wisdom would allow the following headline to be correct:
- Bond market expects Fed to hike, so yields rise.
- Bond market reduces expectations of a Fed hike so yields fall.
For most of September and early October, the bond market did its usual dance. The 2-year and 30-year yields moved in the same direction on most days, with the 30-year having larger moves.
But since October the 8th, the 2-year and 30-year have moved in opposite directions almost every single trading day (it has been exhibiting a similar pattern overnight again).
I think what the market is now telling us:
- If the Fed blinks (due to inflation) and hikes, they will slow growth. That logic would explain why when the market starts to price in a more hawkish Fed the long end of the yield curve rallies, rather than selling off.
- A dovish Fed is dangerous for longer maturity bond holders. When the market starts to price in the reality that the Fed is unlikely to hike, the front-end sees yields go lower, while the back-end has yields move higher as investors realize that growth and inflation are possible, and the Fed won’t protect their real yields.
Duncan Weldon: Stories about inflation
Stories matter whether they are true or not. Especially when it comes to monetary policy.
Charles Goodhart, as I wrote a couple of weeks ago, thinks that economics currently has “no general theory of inflation”. But if the profession lacks a generally accepted theory, it certainly has stories about inflation. And stories, as Robert Shiller has convincingly argued, have power. They are worth taking seriously whether they are true or not.
Looking at current market pricing, investors are definitely leaning more towards the “not transitory” side in the great – and ongoing – “is above-target inflation transitory or not?” debate. Still, I think the debate is far from settled. And more importantly, I think it is worth constantly keeping in mind that transitory does not necessarily mean “short-lived”. Inflation could be above target for 12-24 months and, as long as the underlying dynamics have not shifted, this could still prove transitory.
Stories are a useful frame for thinking through inflation dynamics and asking if they have changed.
The stylised facts of advanced economy inflation over the last five decades are clear:
But if the facts are relatively undisputed then the stories explaining those facts are still disputed.
I think one can tell two different stories about the taming of inflation that led to the Great Moderation.
Most central bankers it seems still prefer the second story – and who doesn’t like a story in which one is cast as the hero?
My worry though is that central banks are so convinced of their own story that preserving their credibility becomes an end in and of itself. Global supply disruptions are going to hit output in the months ahead, fiscal policy is set to tighten sharply and the pandemic is not over. And yet still too many central bankers are focussed on fickle measures on inflation expectations and fretting about credibility.
Kelton: We Need to Think Harder About Inflation
I wasn’t worried about “overheating” in the Team Larry sense that Congress had probably already pushed out too much stimulus by sending out $1,400 checks and extending enhanced unemployment benefits back in March. I was thinking through the next phase of the Biden administration’s spending proposals. And, yes, I was worried about the consequences of not thinking hard enough about how to embark on a wide-ranging, multi-trillion dollar spending program in the face of strengthening supply-chain headwinds. Jason’s response was, basically, “Don’t overthink it.”
It’s the typically cavalier way of thinking about inflation that has come to dominate mainstream economics.
It’s considered acceptable to challenge the central bank’s reaction function—e.g. to complain that the Fed is “falling behind the curve.” But it’s considered heretical to challenge the premise that monetary policy is the true and only savior when it comes to delivering us from inflation.
It’s this sort of cavalier attitude and reverence for monetary policy that troubles me. We’re supposed to accept—as a matter of faith—that the central bank can always handle any inflation problem because mainstream economics says so?
It’s not that MMTers don’t “believe in monetary policy” (whatever that means). It’s that we believe it’s unrealistic to think that the central bank can steer our colossal macro ship by periodically nudging the overnight interest rate around in search of alignment with some mythical r*. It’s that we agree with former Fed governor Daniel Tarullo, who candidly professed that “the Fed has no reliable theory of inflation.” It’s that we share Jeremy Rudd’s skepticism about the role of “inflation expectations” as driver of actual inflation, and we question the very idea that rate hikes necessarily mitigate inflationary pressures.
Collectively, MMT economists have published hundreds if not thousands of pages outlining the reasons for our skepticism. So, our thinking would be unclear only to those who have not engaged with that literature.
Alpert: Inflation in the 21st Century Taking Down the Inflationary Straw Man of the 1970s (pdf)
This overview of the history of, and future prospects for, undesirable levels of price inflation in the U.S. economy concludes that concerns raised in 2021 by several well-known economists and analysts – regarding the prospects for accelerating levels of inflation as a result of pandemic-era and post-pandemic fiscal and monetary policy (enacted and proposed) – is misplaced. The wisdom of continuing expanded fiscal policy from late 2021 onwards is supported by an analysis of the prospects for future inflation in terms of both (i) the shortfall in aggregate domestic demand relative to existing endogenous and exogenous supply; and (ii) the metrics of untapped existing sources of additional supply of labor, capital and resulting production to offset incremental demand. To eliminate the issue from comparative association, the paper draws a multi-pronged distinction between the conditions of the early 21st century and those of the latter half of the 20th century that yielded the painful inflation crises of the 1970s. The analysis also includes a comparison of earlier periods dominated by cyclical core goods inflation, to the 21st century history of below-target inflation being supported primarily by service sector inflation in contract rents related to capital assets and in service sectors heavily influenced by third-party payment systems. The conclusion reached is that the four decades of relative fiscal austerity in the United States, coupled with accelerating globalization and technological development, have produced a disinflationary-to-deflationary tendency – extending from prices to labor incomes – that only substantial amounts of targeted federal spending can restore to equilibrium. With sustained levels of accelerating inflation being very unlikely.
George Magnus: End to China’s estate market boom could spell trouble for the economy
&: China’s Journey into the Unknown
Jim Chanos: China’s “Leveraged Prosperity” Model is Doomed. And That’s Not the Worst
Yves here. We’ve pointed out from time to time with respect to China that no large economy has ever made the transition from being investment-led to consumption-led without suffering a financial crisis. Here, short-seller Jim Chanos, who has been too early with respect to China longer than Nouriel Roubini was with respect to the global financial crisis, argues that the Chinese real estate bubble has gotten so out of hand despite repeated efforts by the government to let air out of it that bad outcomes can’t be put off much longer. But while Chanos had earlier worried about financial outcomes, he’s now alarmed about political repercussions.
Note that despite the scale of the Chinese real estate mania, a 2008-style blowup is highly unlikely. Japan had a proportionately much larger bubble than the US did, even factoring in our financial system leverage due to derivatives, but their banks didn’t fall over (at least not until 1997, when the BoJ unwisely thought the crisis was over and started tightening) but instead underwent zombifacation, which resulted in a lost two-plus decades.
Recall that even right after the global financial crisis, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard was regularly pointing out that China was having to resort to higher and higher proportions of debt to generate and extra dollar of GDP. As of 2009, his sources pegged the ratio as 4-5 in borrowings to 1 of GDP increase. It can’t have gotten better since then.
The 2021 Nobel Prize, And Michał Kalecki On The Positive Effects Of Rise In Wages On Employment
The Nobel Prize in economics this year was given in one half to David Card for his work for showing using “natural experiments” that “that increasing the minimum wage does not necessarily lead to fewer jobs”.
The profession has taken so much time to accept this. Also, many have pointed out that it’s not accurate and the prize press release itself indicates that it is for the experimental methodology and not much for the result.
At any rate, it is ridiculous that such a thing was known in the 1930s: Michał Kalecki wrote on it. The idea that increasing wages raises unemployment is an old dogma and so proving it wrong as some “credibility revolution” (as many economists claim) is a bit ridiculous.
Other Charts: (links: one, two, three, )
Bubble Fare:
Hussman: The Wealth Is In The Denominator
Among the illusions encouraged by every speculative bubble is the idea that wealth is embodied in the prices of securities – that higher prices inherently represent greater “wealth.” The fact is that every security is, at base, a claim to some future stream of cash flows that will be delivered into the hands of investors over time. The wealth is in those cash flows. Yes, any individual can obtain the market price of a security by selling it to someone else, but the buyer, and ultimately the whole string of people who own the security until it is retired – ultimately has a claim on only one thing: the cash flows that the security will deliver over time. That’s where the wealth is. Every other transaction is simply a transfer of wealth between a buyer and a seller. At extreme valuations, that transfer typically favors the seller. At depressed valuations, that transfer typically favors the buyer.
When the prices of securities become extreme relative to their underlying fundamentals – the revenues, GDP or other economic engines that generate deliverable cash flows – there’s only one way to bring the ratio of price to fundamentals back into line, and that is for prices to grow at a slower rate than fundamentals do.
In general, that implies a long period of dull or negative investment returns.
What about rapid growth in fundamentals? Well, over the past two decades, S&P 500 revenues and U.S. nominal GDP have grown at just 4% annually. Unless profit margins expand indefinitely from already-record highs, that’s the baseline for nominal growth. There are two ways to bump that up: higher real growth, or higher inflation. Given that real structural U.S. GDP growth (the sum of demographic labor force growth and trend productivity) has gradually declined over the past three decades to only about 1.6% annually, real GDP growth is unlikely to meaningfully contribute to the realignment. It’s certainly possible for inflation to drive nominal fundamentals higher (in which case investors could still expect negative real returns), but as we’ll discuss below, inflation-driven growth tends to benefit nominal stock market returns only after valuations have been crushed. At present, the CPI would have to roughly triple before the “benefit” of inflation would offset the drag of extreme valuations.
For the S&P 500, we expect a long period of negative returns, both real and nominal, but with more than enough volatility to provide regular opportunities for a value-conscious, full-cycle investment discipline. What makes this cycle “different” from previous cycles is not that valuations don’t matter (they do, and will), but that Fed-induced speculation has not been constrained by historically-reliable “limits” that were useful in previous cycles. So we’ve adapted, to tolerate and even thrive in a world where even Fed-induced speculation without “limits” can still be gauged by the level of valuations and the condition of market internals.
What investors view as “wealth” is actually just the current price of their future wealth. Except for individual investors who sell into the extreme valuations that are periodically offered by Mr. Market, those prices are just blotches of ink on paper and flashing pixels on a screen. For long-term investors, the wealth is in the cash flows, and those cash flows are in the denominator. When you divide the market capitalization of the liabilities (the market value of stocks or debt) by the value-added production that generates the cash flows (GDP or corporate gross value-added), you get a useful picture of the extent to which investors are likely to enjoy outstanding long-term returns or dismal ones. Indeed, as I’ve often detailed, valuation measures based on these comparisons are also the ones best correlated with actual subsequent market returns.
At present, that picture has never been more extreme. The chart below shows the sum of equity market capitalization and debt for U.S. nonfinancial firms, divided by the gross value-added (essentially revenues) of those firms.
The current situation is problematic because the value of the claims is wildly out of line with the sources of the cash flows. The current perceptions of investors about their own “wealth” are out of line – to a historic extent – with the economic fundamentals that are available to support the claims.
If one is actually an investor and not merely a speculator, it is essential to ask “How much am I paying, relative to the stream of cash flows I can expect to get?” Again, a security is nothing more than a claim on a very long-term stream of cash flows that investors can expect to receive over time. The higher the price an investor pays for those cash flows, the lower the long-term return they can expect. This is just arithmetic. Indeed, we can look across more than a century of market history and examine where the S&P 500 stood at every point in time, relative to value of the actual long-term stream of cash flows that the S&P 500 has delivered to investors (including the per-share impact of stock buybacks). The chart below shows that calculation, where the reference “norm” is the value of actual subsequent dividends, discounted at 10% annually.
Not surprisingly, this calculation is essentially proportional to our Margin-Adjusted P/E (MAPE). As I often note, a good valuation measure is nothing more than shorthand for a proper discounted cash flow analysis. Notice that – by construction – the heavy horizontal line at 1.0 is our estimate of where valuations would have to retreat in order for the S&P 500 to be priced at levels consistent with long-term expected total returns of 10% annually. Current valuations are at record levels nowhere near those historical norms.
The chart below of nonfinancial market capitalization to corporate gross value-added (MarketCap/GVA) provides a similar perspective regarding current valuation extremes. Note that the chart is presented on log scale.
Across history, extremely elevated valuations have been associated with poor subsequent market returns, on average. Depressed valuations have been associated with strong subsequent market returns, on average. Run-of-the-mill valuations have been associated with run-of-the-mill subsequent market returns averaging about 10% annually. Current valuation levels, on our most reliable measures, stand about 3.4 times run-of-the-mill historical norms.
Greg Jensen, the Co-CIO of Bridgewater Associates, correctly observes that the four most prominent peaks in market valuations, prior to the recent bubble, were 1905, 1929, 1965, and 2000. All of them were followed by extended periods of negative real returns. Two of them – 1929 and 2000 – featured market “crashes” where nominal stock prices plunged by 50% or more from the peak almost immediately.
Jensen observes that the 1905 and 1965 valuation extremes were instead brought into line with cash flows by extended periods of inflation, but without a crash in nominal stock prices. Yet even this point depends very much on how one defines a “crash.” The fact is that the Dow Industrials plunged by 49% from January 1906 to November 1907. The market then ground sideways for years. By December 1914, the Dow Jones Industrial Average was still down by nearly half from its 1905 levels, and was still one-third lower as late as 1921. Likewise, although the initial market decline from the 1965 peak was a relatively modest 21%, the S&P 500 ground sideways until 1982, including an interim loss of nearly 50% during the 1972-74 bear market.
In the end, the total return of the U.S. stock market lagged both Treasury bills and CPI inflation for 13 years following the 1905 market peak, 16 years following the 1929 peak, 18 years following the 1965 peak (actually more 20 years if one measures from Feb 1962 to Aug 1982), and 13 years following the 2000 peak. These very long, interesting trips to nowhere comprise at least 60 years within just over a century of data, and can be identified by one defining feature: extreme starting valuations.
The Golden Age Of Fraud
The article says that valuations are "stretched". No they're not, they are asinine by any measure. The only REAL reason to own these markets is because because money printer goes "brrrr". We've never seen simultaneous over-valuation of stocks, bonds, home prices, car prices, cryptos, and every other asset class at the same time.
Worse yet, the Fed is repeating the same mistakes as 2008. They are fixating on the inflation they caused while ignoring economic risk. The Atlanta Fed GDPNow real-time GDP estimator has 3rd quarter GDP at just above 1.2% stall level. Given the simultaneous withdrawal of pandemic UI fiscal support, monetary taper, mass unemployment, and the outright collapse in consumer sentiment, it's highly likely the recession will be backdated to September. Which, is also when the stock market peaked.
The Fed however is now boxed in by their own profligacy. They kept the spigots open for too long post-pandemic and now they are facing another financial crisis. The scenario is very similar: The Fed responds to a crisis, the policy response creates an asset bubble, liabilities rise in tandem, the bubble explodes due to unsustainable valuations, equity turns negative. For a time banks throw good money after bad, but then the music stops and financial crisis ensues
…. The greatest risk is that investors no longer fear risk. Recall, this year saw greater stock market inflows than the last 20 years combined.
COVID-19 notes:
Evidence for Biological Age Acceleration and Telomere Shortening in COVID-19 Survivors
Even Fully Vaccinated Older People Are At High Risk For Severe Covid
Mounting data suggest that older people are at higher risk of severe disease from a breakthrough infection of COVID-19—and scientists say that should come as no surprise. After all, older age brackets have been disproportionately at risk throughout the pandemic, and that continues to be true even once someone is fully vaccinated. Concerns about breakthrough infections bubbled up again this week when news broke on October 18 that former Secretary of State Colin Powell had died after contracting COVID-19.
… “If you’re under 45, your chances of dying are almost nonexistent, and then it increases exponentially.”
Airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 over distances greater than two metres: a rapid systematic review
Immune Responses in Fully Vaccinated Individuals Following Breakthrough Infection with the SARS-CoV-2 Delta Variant in Provincetown, Massachusetts
No Significant Difference in Viral Load Between Vaccinated and Unvaccinated, Asymptomatic and Symptomatic Groups When Infected with SARS-CoV-2 Delta Variant
(not just) for the ESG crowd:
COP26: Document leak reveals nations lobbying to change key climate report
Data suggests oil giants are not looking very hard to find ways to reduce their carbon footprint
the authors claim that of 52 companies they looked at, just two of them have established science-based climate targets.
Only Labor Can Force Canadian Pension Funds to Divest From Oil
Joe Biden Is in No Position to Lecture the World on Climate Change
Yves here. I’m actually surprised that anyone outside the US, or say the Anglosphere, thinks the US has anything credible to say about global warning. The US press has glossed over the fact that Obama spent nearly all of his presidency outside the Paris climate accords. He signed up only for apparent historical record burnishing purposes, less than six months before he left office, opening the window procedurally for Trump to revoke the commitment. As you can see below, Biden is worse than all hat, no cattle. He’s not taken actions that are within his authority to combat climate change, which would at least show that he’s doing more than posturing. Although many readers are likely familiar with the broad strokes, this post does a good job of detailing the Biden Administration’s many climate change failings.
Steve Keen: From Economic Fantasy to Ecological Reality on Climate Change
A Quartet of Warnings Highlight Climate-Related Threats
Agencies vow to heed climate change in all strategy planning, but experts say that won’t be enough.
AMLO Is Nationalizing Mexico’s Lithium Supply
One Bank Reveals The Dismal Truth About The $150 Trillion Crusade Against Climate Change
Last week, Bank of America sparked a firestorm of reaction amid both the pro and contra climate change camps, when it published one of its massive "Thematic Research" tomes, this time covering the "Transwarming" World (available to all ZH pro subs), and which serves as a key primer to today's Net Zero reality, if for no other reason than for being one of the first banks to quantify the cost of the biggest economic, ecologic and social overhaul in modern history.
The bottom line: no less than a stunning $150 trillion in new capital investment would be required to reach a "net zero" world over 30 years - equating to some $5 trillion in annual investments - and amounting to twice current global GDP.
Needless to say, the private sector has nowhere near the capital required to complete this investment which is why Bank of America generously estimate that all or parts of the bill would have to be footed by central banks in the form of tens of trillions in QE. And since QE is essentially debt monetization, and since $150 trillion in new debt would have devastating consequences on the economy, BofA was kind enough to share its calculation of just how inflationary this billionaire pet project would be: the "full monetization" scenario, where central banks inject $5 trillion in liquidity every year via QE for 30 years, would result in incremental 3% of inflation for a good decade. This is inflation over and above whatever is already coming down the pipeline.
Which is where we get to the punchline, because as BofA admits, the crusade against climate change, the ESG doctrine, the "Net Zero" world, whatever one wants to call it, it's all about greenlighting the biggest QE episode in history, one wrapped in the "noble" veneer of fighting for the most important cause in the history of civilization, but in reality it's just the biggest wealth transfer scheme in history:
Translation: the "net zero" crusade against climate change really is.... the necessary and sufficient condition to trigger the hyperinflation that the world's massively indebted nations need to inflate away their debt.
… All of this means lower trend growth during the transition from a dirty to a green economy.
"Digital Boilers" Powered By Bitcoin Mining Rigs To Supply North Vancouver With Heat
Pics of the Week:
2021 Wildlife Photographer of the Year images
EXTRA [controversial or non-market-related] FARE:
*** denotes well-worth reading in full at source (even if excerpted extensively here)
Regular Fare:
"Weak minds."
Oligarchs and their scapegoats.
This is the second of a two-part series on the causes of America’s decline—economic, industrial, social, spiritual—and two prominent intellectuals who address themselves to remedies. Part 1 can be found here.
So far, Galbraith and Thiel seem to be traversing similar paths, especially as regards the impediments to growth of rising resource costs and increased digitization. However, Thiel diverges from the progressive Galbraith and speculates that the decline in technological innovation has been concealed by battles over identity politics. It is here Thiel begins to bring questions of culture and psychology into his inquiry.
He claims that, as mentioned in the National Review piece, the American left ignores national decline by obsessing about identity politics, while the right is in a state of denial about national decline as it insists that the U.S. is “exceptional” and immune to such decay. This is Thiel’s argument for registering a psychological component in any effort to achieve the national solidarity necessary to channel government resources into reversing decline.
The truth of the matter is that Thiel, if he is truly concerned about national wellbeing, needs to look at the true culprit behind American decay: his fellow oligarchs, with their decades-long assault on workers and public goods, instead of scapegoating the woke “left” and pushing for war with China.
… The connections Thiel makes between economics and other factors are astute, as are the connections that Galbraith makes. Galbraith’s proposed policies require a high degree of social unity, which seems unlikely in the extremely polarized United States. Thiel’s scapegoating could generate this needed level of unity but the U.S. cannot win a war against China, Russia, or even Iran. The superior approach is a Thiel/Galbraith synthesis: dispense with the impotent saber-rattling and hostile stance toward the social safety net; instead direct wrath toward a largely parasitic and rent-extracting billionaire class, treat China as a powerful competitor, and concentrate on increasing domestic industrial capacity with an emphasis on the greatest threat to America (and mankind: climate change).
Patterning Slowdown
Review of Vaclav Smil, Growth: From Microorganisms to Megacities
As an environmental scientist, Vaclav Smil brings to his work an extraordinary multi-disciplinary breadth, infectious pedagogical enthusiasm and critical pugnacity. The analytic clarity of his approach, combined with his zippy summaries of the literature, global—not to say civilizational—reach and confidently hard-headed use of data, has given him unusual cachet with financial institutions and government agencies
Rarely does Smil offer predictions, still less does he make recommendations; he is more given to debunking than promoting. Where he does suggest policies, as in his 2015 book touting natural gas as a potential ‘fuel for the 21st century’, they come heavily caveated. He is known for his ruthless demolition jobs on Paul Ehrlich’s ‘population bomb’ thesis (‘spectacularly wrong’); the Limits to Growth theory (a moralistic treatise with grossly simplified computer modelling, based on a poor-man’s version of Jay Forrester’s work); the ostensive ‘dematerialization’ of production (‘nothing but a complex form of material substitution’); and the briefly vogueish concept of ‘peak oil’ (with an abundance of oil left to exploit, writes Smil, all predictions of imminent decline are hostages to future discoveries or extraction technologies). He has never had much patience for those who blame ecological crisis on ‘capitalist exploitation’, dismissing the thought as more erroneous than religious explanations rooted in original sin. He is likewise contemptuous of the Green New Deal, of which he simply asserts: ‘Scientists should not dignify nonsense.’ Smil is more likely to cite the King James Bible for ethical inspiration than any secular political creed. He is also culturally conservative, a despiser of smartphones, who refuses to read fiction published after 1900. At the same time, his respect for the Vernadskian concept of the biosphere places him at odds with a capitalist culture based on endlessly compounding growth.
CNN Accidentally Allows Someone To Tell The Truth On Air
Stelter's first mistake was having [Bari] Weiss on his show, "Reliable Sources."
His second mistake was asking her to elaborate on what she means when she says "You know the world has gone mad when..."Stelter's third and final mistake was asking Weiss "who" is to blame?
"Where can I start? Well, when you have the chief reporter on the beat of COVID for The New York Times talking about how questioning or pursuing the question of the lab leak is racist, the world has gone mad.
When you're not able to say out loud and in public there are differences between men and women, the world has gone mad.
When we’re not allowed to acknowledge that rioting is rioting and it is bad and that silence is not violence, but violence is violence, the world has gone mad," Weiss said.
"When you're not able to say the Hunter Biden laptop is a story worth pursuing, the world has gone mad.
When, in the name of progress, young school children, as young as kindergarten, are being separated in public schools because of their race, and that is called progress instead of segregation, the world has gone mad. There are dozens of examples."
“People that work at networks like, frankly, like the one I’m speaking on right now”
42 Seconds After This Photo Was Taken, Police Shot Peyton Ham Dead
An inquiry exposes the scale of sex abuse by the Catholic Church. Will the Vatican ever act?
Putin Blasts Pushing Transgenderism On Children As "Simply Monstrous" In Critique Of West's 'Wokism'
Ilargi: Puppies, Sadists and Vaccines
If it wasn’t yet clear to everyone that the top of the American healthcare system is populated by profoundly sick people, it should be now. First, Anthony Fauci and the NIH have for years been funding experiments, carried out abroad because they are illegal under US law, on making viruses 10,000 times more dangerous.
Turns out, they also fund other experiments in which little beagle puppies are being injected with parasites and/or eaten alive by sandflies. That their vocal chords are cut first so the “scientists” who conduct the experiments don’t have to hear their expressions of pain is a lovely detail. This should make any human sick to their stomachs.
That the experiments on puppies constitute torture is easier for people today to understand, and to protest against, than that the vaccine campaign does, too, on people. But they are really the same thing. You just have to look at who’s behind each of them, and the so-called science they’re based on.
In the case of the puppies, the sadists feel free to do whatever they wish. Because it’s secret, nobody’s looking. In the case of hundreds of millions of humans, it’s a bit more complicated. But a strong media narrative, as we know now, can work miracles.
You are a beagle puppy, drugged and tied down. Prepare to be eaten alive. In your case, by the vaccines.
*** el gato malo: is #Beaglegate just a pretext to get rid of fauci?
i can see literally no useful knowledge to be gained by this study. it feels more like a “why we should have known the neighbor’s kid would one day turn into ted bundy” story than any sort of legitimate science.
and there looks to be a pattern here.
there is a lot of terrible medical research that gets done. some of the cruelty to animals is surreal. all of it is evil. (and must also be weighed in the character of the people involved when pondering “would they be psychopathic enough to do X?” yeah, more than one might expect for many…)
the hits just keep on coming and the “it wasn’t me” fauci narrative is disintegrating like a sugar candy wetsuit. this is all getting ready to come out in live living color.
so is this really about beagles or is this just about “it’s time to get rid of the culpable”?
because i suspect it’s the latter.
Climate Crisis Fare:
Sordid Advantage: America can’t avert Climate Hellhole because Manchin, Sinema are Corporate Hired Mercenaries.
The Great Pause Week 84: Hacking Group Think
Can we design our way out of the climate catastrophe? We know the technical solutions. In Regeneration: Ending the Climate Crisis in One Generation, Paul Hawken puts the potential of the natural climate solutions (all forms of accelerated photosynthesis — tree-planting, soil recarbonization, ocean regeneration, etc.) at 1.6 trillion tons CO2e drawdown by 2050. That seems like a bunch but it is only approximately half of what will be needed to hold the line below 2 degrees of catastrophic warming, if that is even still possible. The other half would need to come from engineered solutions, assuming our man-made additions can be brought to zero.
Getting to zero by whatever date is a dicey proposition at the moment, as we watch mainstream media regard the filibuster of essential but insufficient climate legislation by 52 Senators as just normal political gamesmanship. It is considered standard, unremarkable, expected, that one political group or an individual politician would use whatever means available to obtain or hold office in a forthcoming election cycle and the particulars of what get destroyed along the way are of no significance — just collateral damage. Any visiting Venusian would see this for what it is — collective insanity. With a surface temperature hot enough to melt lead because of its greenhouse atmosphere, Venus should know.
Climate deniers are reinforced with every swipe into thinking the problem is fake and action advocates are leading us to economic ruin. They get little dopamine hits with every like on a Looney-Tunes tweet. Climate action advocates are reinforced the same way. Their dopey tweets convince them that the deniers are stupid or misinformed. So they waste a lot of time doing scientific studies and webinars, blogging, making documentaries, and hosting concerts to “raise awareness,” none of which will ever be seen or heard by those they wish to influence, only by those who already agree with their point of view. In either case, people get their daily dose of outrage dopamine, affirm their tribal identity, and go to bed happy, or angry, or whatever floats their boat.
It doesn’t solve the problem.
… The enemy is not our fellow humans, who are at worst misinformed, not evil. The enemy is time.
Michael Klare: How to save the world (from a climate Armageddon)
Only when China and the United States elevate the threat of climate change above their geopolitical rivalry will it be possible to avert disaster.
This summer we witnessed, with brutal clarity, the Beginning of the End: the end of Earth as we know it — a world of lush forests, bountiful croplands, livable cities, and survivable coastlines. In its place, we saw the early manifestations of a climate-damaged planet, with scorched forests, parched fields, scalding cities, and storm-wracked coastlines. In a desperate bid to prevent far worse, leaders from around the world will soon gather in Glasgow, Scotland, for a U.N. Climate Summit. You can count on one thing, though: all their plans will fall far short of what’s needed unless backed by the only strategy that can save the planet: a U.S.-China Climate Survival Alliance.
Denninger: Accountability
… That masks are worthless to deter respiratory pathogens has been proved through more than 40 years of scientific study. Indeed said devices are of dubious value for bacterial respiratory pathogens which are many, many times larger in size. That original study demonstrating that masks were of no value even with every single user being a highly-trained medical professional was attempted to be falsified more than a dozen times in the ensuing years and not once was statistically-valid refutation obtained.
That the current jabs are not vaccines is not in question; it is truth. The government has changed the definition of a “vaccine” but you cannot change something that is false into something that is true by making a claim that it is so. A vaccine is a preparation that causes or mimics actual infection but is either attenuated or killed so that it will not harm you. The current “clot shots” are genetic programming designed to alter the core processes of your cells. That the intended outcome of this is to produce an immune response protective against a pathogen does not change the fact that they are not vaccines and that we have discovered the direct result of said programming is pathogenic is not in scientific question either; it is, and is almost-certainly responsible for all the adverse effects of same.
A therapy alters the core processes of your cells to combat a disease; every drug in the pharmacy does this in one form or another. Whether said reprogramming is good, bad, effective or not isn’t the question; it is the claim that such constitutes a “vaccine” that is medically and scientifically false, and no matter how many people believe it, whether that number is zero or 100% of the population does not change the falsity of the statement.
That there has never been a successful vaccine — an actual vaccine — against a coronavirus in man or beast is also fact. That is not due to the lack of attempt; there have been many attempts. All have ended in failure; either the protection is non-durable and thus becomes a “required subscription” or worse, it turns on the inoculated individual member of the population and potentiates illness, severely injuring or killing them. Attempting to force that model on the human population through lies or worse, mandates, marks every person involved in advocating or attempting to impose same worthy of immediate imprisonment or even execution as they are wild-eyed extortionists at best or even mass-murdering psychotic criminals.
That every respiratory pandemic in history has progressed into an endemic disease is scientific fact. If it was not, even once, every single one of us would not exist because somewhere before our birth humans would have all been dead. Yet here we are, which is scientific proof that any claim that Covid-19 would not follow the same pattern absent our intervention was and is false. That is not to say that certain pathogens haven’t been worse than others; there have, of course. But the trend toward endemicity and immunity from serious outcome via infection or the mimicry of actual infection, not genetic engineering which only now exists as possible, is fact. Thus my commentary, which I have repeated relentlessly: We are all going to get this thing, there’s nothing we can do about that, and we ought to work on personal resistance to serious outcomes which we know we can have positive impact upon.
Berenson: Covid Vaccines Will Keep You From Acquiring Full Immunity
Don’t take it from me, I don’t even get to tweet anymore. Take it from a little place I call the British government. Which admitted today, in its newest vaccine surveillance report, that: “N antibody levels appear to be lower in people who acquire infection following two doses of vaccination.” (Page 23) What’s this mean? Several things, all bad. We know the vaccines do not stop infection or transmission of the virus (in fact, the report shows elsewhere that vaccinated adults are now being infected at much HIGHER rates than the unvaccinated). What the British are saying is they are now finding the vaccine interferes with your body’s innate ability after infection to produce antibodies against not just the spike protein but other pieces of the virus.
Physicians and the Vaccine Tyranny
Doctors need to be called out. From early in the pandemic, it was like a mass hypnosis or forgetfulness of everything we had learned in medical school. Immune system knowledge was shelved and replaced by government dictates. The thought of early outpatient treatment with “off label” drugs that could modulate the immune system was forbidden. We essentially told patients that they had to go home and wait until they were sick enough to be hospitalized, then treatment would begin. Imagine telling all diabetics that there is no metformin, Glucophage, or insulin. Would we really wait until patients are in diabetic ketoacidosis, and then treat them only at the hospital? It is medical malfeasance of a grand scale.
We physicians gave up our training and our reasonable medical thought process. The reasons are multiple. First, it was the easy way out. Second, many of us are employed and fear reprisal. Third, despite what the public thinks, we physicians are not bold leaders, we tend to be sheep, and are afraid of having an entire institution ostracize us or our colleagues to think us crazy.
As we got to the point of vaccine rollout, doctors were not using the scientific method, questioning and challenging prevailing hypotheses. They kept their heads down, closed clinics, converted to telemedicine, and pushed only the jab.
Hospital systems have abandoned their community’s health and ignored early successful outpatient treatment in favor of huge government subsidies for inpatient and ICU treatment. The success of these treatments was not great, but that is another article. Now we have the same hospital systems turning their backs on their own employees. Basically, health providers have a choice, get shot, or get fired. How does that help? Both vaxxed and unvaxxed can spread the virus, so it doesn’t help anyone. It only helps the hospital to get more government money by meeting quotas.
I, for one, will remember that when we faced a real crisis, the hospitals and many physicians chose money and profit over their own community’s best interest. Perhaps it is time for groups of physicians to get back to running their own healthcare clinics and hospitals. We used to have a code of ethics. We used to put patients first. Not anymore.
Officials Double Down on “Let ‘Er Rip” Strategy, Placing Undue Faith in Vaccines as Regions With High Vaccinations Suffer Infection Spikes
As we’ll explain, regulators are repeating the same experiment and expecting different outcomes,
More efforts seem to go in controlling the political spin and rationing the information made available than in trying to correct documented deficiencies …The ambition to be a science-driven evidence-based practice continues to be daily trampled in evidence-free statements.
GM has repeatedly pointed out that trying to manage Covid simply to keep it from overwhelming hospitals was tantamount to accepting large-scale deaths and morbidity, particularly since virtually no one is thinking about the likely scenario that Covid will be with us for decades, and even properly vaccinated individuals statistically will get infected multiple times
More specifically, we know that relying on vaccines and not much else isn’t adequate to combat Covid. We and readers have cited the NIH site article (accepted for publication at the European Journal of Epidemiology) Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States, specifically:
Key point: The sole reliance on vaccination as a primary strategy to mitigate COVID-19 and its adverse consequences needs to be re-examined, especially considering the Delta (B.1.617.2) variant and the likelihood of future variants. Other pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions may need to be put in place alongside increasing vaccination rates. Such course correction, especially with regards to the policy narrative, becomes paramount with emerging scientific evidence on real world effectiveness of the vaccines.
Why are we vaccinating children against COVID-19?
· Bulk of COVID-19 per capita deaths occur in elderly with high comorbidities.
· Per capita COVID-19 deaths are negligible in children.
· Clinical trials for these inoculations were very short-term.
· Clinical trials did not address long-term effects most relevant to children.
· High post-inoculation deaths reported in VAERS (very short-term).
This article examines issues related to COVID-19 inoculations for children. The bulk of the official COVID-19-attributed deaths per capita occur in the elderly with high comorbidities, and the COVID-19 attributed deaths per capita are negligible in children. The bulk of the normalized post-inoculation deaths also occur in the elderly with high comorbidities, while the normalized post-inoculation deaths are small, but not negligible, in children. Clinical trials for these inoculations were very short-term (a few months), had samples not representative of the total population, and for adolescents/children, had poor predictive power because of their small size. Further, the clinical trials did not address changes in biomarkers that could serve as early warning indicators of elevated predisposition to serious diseases. Most importantly, the clinical trials did not address long-term effects that, if serious, would be borne by children/adolescents for potentially decades.
A novel best-case scenario cost-benefit analysis showed very conservatively that there are five times the number of deaths attributable to each inoculation vs those attributable to COVID-19 in the most vulnerable 65+ demographic. The risk of death from COVID-19 decreases drastically as age decreases, and the longer-term effects of the inoculations on lower age groups will increase their risk-benefit ratio, perhaps substantially.
Aaron Siri: Study Destroys Justification for Vaccine Mandates
Civil and individual rights are only meaningful if they continue to protect individuals during difficult situations. It is why the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the right of neo-Nazis to march through Jewish neighborhoods. It is why it upheld the right to burn the American flag. Protecting these rights when it is difficult protects us all. It assures that government will not erode these civil and individual rights, including during a pandemic. The CDC and State Health Department scientists just released a study that again reflects the dangers of making civil and individual rights contingent on a medical procedure. This study, titled Shedding of Infectious SARS-CoV-2 Despite Vaccination, reviewed swab specimens from 36 counties in Wisconsin from the end of June to the end of July 2021. They then checked the viral load of SARS-CoV-2 in each swab.
What did they find? High viral load in “158 of 232 unvaccinated (68%…) and 156 of 225 fully vaccinated (69%…) symptomatic individuals.” Meaning there was effectively no difference between the symptomatic vaccinated and unvaccinated in terms of who was carrying, and therefore spreading, the virus. But the study does not end there. It also found high viral loads in “7 of 24 unvaccinated (29%…) and 9 of 11 fully vaccinated asymptomatic individuals (82%…).” Meaning, among asymptomatic individuals, the vaccinated had a higher percentage with a high viral load. As I explained in an interview with Shannon Bream, this reflects that the unvaccinated that catch the virus are more likely to be at home in bed with symptoms, while the vaccinated that catch the virus are more likely to have no symptoms and hence continue their daily routine unknowingly spreading the virus.
Reflecting that the vaccine does not prevent spread is a paper out of the Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies titled Increase in COVID-19 are unrelated to level of vaccination across 68 countries and 24947 counties in the United States. It found that, “the trend line suggests a marginally positive association such that countries with higher percentage of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people. Notably, Israel with over 60% of their population fully vaccinated had the highest COVID-19 cases per 1 million people in the last 7 days.” The paper had a similar finding for U.S. counties, wherein higher vaccination did not equate to less cases.
What these papers really found is that the CDC’s justification for crushing civil and individual rights has disappeared. Federal health authorities crushed those rights based on the argument that the Covid-19 vaccine will prevent the spread of the virus. The viral load study, with nothing more, yet again shows this to be false. It is one in a line of studies with similar findings, including: …..
Siri: FDA Buries Data on Seriously Injured Child in Pfizer’s Covid-19 Clinical Trial
When Stephanie and Patrick de Garay enrolled their 12-year-old child Maddie and her two brothers in Pfizer’s Covid-19 clinical trial, they believed they were doing the right thing.
That decision has turned into a nightmare. Maddie, a previously healthy, energetic, full of life child, was within 24 hours of her second dose reduced to crippling, scream-inducing pain that landed her in the emergency room where she described feeling like someone was “ripping [her] heart out though [her] neck.”
eugyppius: Negative Efficacy, or: Something Is Wrong With The Vaccines
The latest Public Health England vaccine surveillance report finds higher rates of infection among the fully vaccinated than in the unvaccinated in all age brackets over 30.
It’s almost like the vaccines are fading not to a baseline of zero, but to a point of negative efficacy. At any rate, vaccine fade is surely the story here
eugyppius: Maximum Vaccination
The vaccines can't control Corona, which is why they won't stop vaccinating.
Corona is primarily dangerous to the very old and the already sick. Occasionally, it is true, somebody who is younger or not already sick ends up dying. This happens with influenza and other viruses too. While that’s regrettable, Corona is not the leading cause of tragedies like these, and on balance they are too rare to pose an overarching unprecedented global threat to our hospitals, or to public health, or to the nursing homes, to whatever it is we’re supposed to be worried about right now. Given the stratified nature of Corona risk, the majority of the gains to be had from stimulating SARS-2 antibodies are concentrated in around 10-15% of the population. This is true whatever you believe about the vaccines, their safety or their efficacy.
If you want to lower hospitalisations and deaths, in other words, the difference between vaccinating 40% of your population and 80% of your population is not nearly as great as it seems. In fact, as you move to ever lower-risk cohorts, the volume of vaccinations required to reduce deaths grows in inverse proportion to the deaths you are reducing. This is the phenomenon of diminishing returns. It means that if you have vaccinated all the olds and sicks and an additional 50% or 70% of everyone, AND you are still suffering from a raging pandemic of the unvaccinated, there are probably not enough immunologically naive people left to give you a hope of vaccinating your way out.
The unspeakable truth is that the vaccines don’t suppress case rates at all. We have long known that their efficacy against infection fades to zero after week 20, but even at the high point — the first month after dose 2 — the protection is sure to be vastly overstated. This would be why even academic journals are starting to run pieces with titles like “Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States”: ...
el gato malo: properly measuring vaccine efficacy and risk reward
cliff notes:
- measuring vaccine efficacy as % reduction in likelihood of severe outcomes can be misleading
- we must also measure absolute risk reduction. 50% drop from 20% risk is very different from 50% drop on 0.2% risk
- vaccines seem to show % efficacy in reducing hospitalization and death
- but for the young, healthy, and recovered, risk was already so low that the absolute drop does not look like good risk/reward vs side effect profile of the vaccines
- vaccines do not provide sterilizing protection against spread and seem to make it worse. there is no case to be made for societal obligation to vaccinate to protect others.
- mandating vaccination rather than allowing personal choice based on individual circumstance will inflict net harm on a great many people
- that’s immoral and represents medical malpractice
BUT, this methodology has a significant limitation: it does not tell you how much good you really did.
- if i could reduce your lifetime risk of dying from cancer by 50%, that’s a big deal.
- if i can reduce your risk of being eaten by a shark by 50%, for all but a few folks, it’s basically meaningless.
from this, a quite interesting and useful set of calculations emerges.
the overall drop in absolute risk for a 40-49 year old from getting the vaccination is 1.14% on hospitalization and 0.12% on death. these are not big numbers and are, as discussed, almost certainly overstated. reality based on full infection (IHR/IFR instead of SHR/CFR) is probably 0.57% and 0.06% or less.
but what of the risk from the vaccines themselves?
… roughly 1.3% of younger patients taking pfizer needed medical care
… so, already, we’re getting into a pretty rough pricetag for drops on the order of 0.5% on hospital risk and 0.05% on full infection death risk.
for such people, there is essentially nothing to mitigate. now we’re not halving risk of shark attack in illinois (it has happened btw), we’re halving shark attack risk on the moon.
The Unvaccinated Are Looking Smarter Every Week
There is a massive propaganda push against those choosing not to vaccinate against COVID-19 with the experimental mRNA vaccines. Mainstream media, the big tech corporations, and our government have combined efforts to reward compliance and to shame and marginalize non-compliance. Their mantra says that this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Persons who choose not to vaccinate are characterized as unintelligent, selfish, paranoid people
…as time has passed with this pandemic and more data accumulates about the virus and the vaccine, the unvaccinated are looking smarter and smarter with each passing week. It has been shown now that the vaccinated equally catch and spread the virus. Vaccine side effect data continues to accumulate that make the risk of taking the vaccine prohibitive as the pandemic wanes. Oral and IV medications ( that work early in the treatment of COVID-19 are much more attractive to take now as the vaccine risks are becoming known, especially because the vaccinated will need endless boosters every six months. First, let’s address the intelligence of the unvaccinated. Vaccine hesitancy is multi-factorial and has little to do with level of education or intelligence.
Several authors have pointed out that vaccinating with a “leaky” vaccine during a pandemic is driving the virus to escape by creating variants. If the booster is just another iteration of the same vaccine, it likely won’t help against the new strain but will, instead, produce evolutionary pressure on the virus to produce even more variants and expose us to more side effects. Why, then, is this booster strategy for everyone being pursued?
VAERS, our vaccine adverse effect reporting system, showed at the beginning of this week 16,000 deaths, 23,000 disabilities, 10,000 MI/myocarditis, 87,000 urgent care visits, 75,000 hospital stays, and 775,000 total adverse events. The VAERS system is widely known to under-report events, with an estimated 90 to 99% of events going unreported there.
Eudravigilance, the European reporting system now associates 26,000 deaths in close proximity to administration of the vaccine. Whistleblower data from the CMS system (Medicare charts) showed close to 50,000 deaths in the Medicare group shortly after the vaccine.
An AI-powered tracking program called Project Salus also follows the Medicare population and shows vaccinated Medicare recipients are having worse outcomes week by week of the type consistent with Antibody Dependent Enhancement. This occurs when the vaccine antibodies actually accelerate the infection leading to worsening COVID-19 infection outcomes. Antibody Dependent Enhancement has occurred previously with trials of other coronavirus vaccines in animals. The CDC and the FDA are suppressing this data and no one who receives the vaccine has true informed consent.
The Rome declaration has 6,700 medical signatories attesting that the handling of the pandemic amounts to crimes against humanity for denying the best medical treatment and continuing to advocate for harmful vaccines. The evidence is right in front of Americans to end the propaganda and mass mask psychosis.
Fenton: Comparing all-cause mortality rate by age group: vaccinated v unvaccinated
el gato mal: did covid vaccines cause a spike in cardiovascular and neurological issues?
it has been difficult overall to track the side effects and adverse events associated with covid vaccines. … but, much like using all cause mortality to measure full effects and sidestep definitional games, there is something of a truth standard one can use to see if unusual things are going on:
we can look at how many folks are ending up in the emergency room and why.
however, there is another possible culprit to examine: dose 2. the adverse events from dose 2 have generally been seen to significantly exceed dose one in severity and in variety. this makes sense as the purpose of the second dose is to provoke immune response. the issue with mRNA and adenovirus carrier vaccines is that they can provoke all sorts of auto-immune responses as well. the spikes in things like myo and pericarditis are well documented, especially in the young. AE’s tend to be worse in the young than in the old (likely owing to stronger immune response), so the rise from offering d2 not just to the old, but the young as well seems like the period we’d want to examine.
so we have reason for suspicion about and evidence of the potential for such causality.
we also find strong temporal alignment. dose 2 prevalence started rising more sharply right about when ER presentation for cardio and neuro reasons did. ….. it’s very hard to call any of this proof definitive. we’re playing a bit of a mosaic game here.
Aaron Siri: Whistleblower: FDA and CDC Ignore Damning Report that over 90% of a Hospital’s Admissions were Vaccinated for Covid-19 and No One Was Reporting This to VAERS
Physician Assistant, Deborah Conrad, bravely reports these harms and is barred from filing VAERS reports
A concerned Physician Assistant, Deborah Conrad, convinced her hospital to carefully track the Covid-19 vaccination status of every patient admitted to her hospital. The result is shocking.
As Ms. Conrad has detailed, her hospital serves a community in which less than 50% of the individuals were vaccinated for Covid-19 but yet, during the same time period, approximately 90% of the individuals admitted to her hospital were documented to have received this vaccine.
These patients were admitted for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to COVID-19 infections. Even more troubling is that there were many individuals who were young, many who presented with unusual or unexpected health events, and many who were admitted months after vaccination.
One would think that after an association was identified by a healthcare professional, our health authorities would at least review this finding, right? Sadly, when Ms. Conrad reached out to health authorities herself, she was ignored. My firm then sent a letter to the CDC and FDA on July 19, 2021 on Ms. Conrad’s behalf (see letter below), yet neither agency has responded. Even worse, when doctors came to Ms. Conrad for assistance with filing VAERS report for their patients, the hospital prohibited her from filing these reports.
Even Doctors In Red States Are Punished For Saving People From Covid
You are not allowed to treat COVID outpatient. It’s not about any one drug. You will be punished if you dare treat patients with anything that works. What began as 15 days to flatten the hospital curve has grown into a ban on all treatment outside the hospital to ensure everyone sick with moderate disease lands in the ER. No, they will not prosecute a doctor, they will just threaten to pull his license, which is why doctors won’t even prescribe azithromycin or prednisone, much less ivermectin and other proven anti-inflammatories. What if you are part of the 1% of doctors who actually save lives — who run toward the fire rather than away from it? Instead of getting a medal of honor, these national heroes are now losing their licenses.
Idaho is not California. In fact, many Californians are fleeing to Idaho to escape the progressive persecution of the once Golden State. Yet now, with their investigation of Dr. Ryan Cole, the Idaho Medical Board wants to ensure that no doctor will ever treat you for this virus.
If you contract this virus, there is probably nobody in the world you'd want access to more than Dr. Cole. A Mayo Clinic-trained anatomic and clinical pathologist who is licensed in 12 states, Cole knows the mechanisms of pathogens and various medicines as well as you know the streets of your neighborhood. He has lived the COVID pandemic in his Idaho lab since last March, diagnosing over 100,000 cases, and has given up much of his regular work to treat patients on his own time and own dime for months. His record is remarkable,
It's bad enough that blue-state doctors are being forced to follow the political $cience. Do we really need to persecute those who actually follow the life science in red states?
Nebraska AG Says Doctors Can Legally Prescribe Ivermectin, HCQ for COVID, Calls Out FDA, CDC, Fauci, Media for ‘Fueling Confusion and Misinformation’
Nebraska AG's devastating critique of the suppression of effective COVID therapies
Crawford: My Dangerous Talk at a City Council Meeting
This past Monday, Honolulu City Council Floor Leader Andri Tupola contacted me and asked me if I could address the city council with information and statistics about early treatment options for COVID-19. Such a talk would further support the early treatment kit program established by the firefighters, but also serve broad educational purposes….
Mathew Crawford: Proof of VAERS Underreporting and Hidden Vaccine-Associated Hospitalizations
"It starts with a lie. Each day the lies amplify. Time goes by, the lies turn to gaslighting. Eventually the lies become smears about you." -Tracy A. Malone
The greater the stakes, the greater the attention on professional liars.
This past Saturday, October 16, Mary Beth Pfeiffer and Linda Bonvie published a damning article detailing complicity by FDA officials, including Acting Chairman Janet Woodcock, in the absurd propaganda campaign waged against the use of ivermectin by humans. Unsurprisingly, Mary Beth found herself locked out of her Twitter account soon after, but she seems to be back now.
These letters (here and here) written June 28 and July 19 seem to demonstrate three things conclusively:
1. Hospital officials conspired to break the law by suppressing the reporting of adverse events associated with the COVID-19 vaccines.
2. The "pandemic of the unvaccinated" story is a total fraud.
3. FDA and CDC officials have known all this for months.
Anyone looking at the data critically should already have a good sense that VAERS is significantly underreported. Since any risk-benefit analysis of the COVID-19 vaccines rests on the precise underreporting factor, determining that factor stands out as paramount among all public health concerns. So, it seems that the top public health officials of the U.S. have been hiding this critical information.
Kirsch: Proof that the CDC Is Lying to the World About COVID Vaccine Safety
In other words, even if you totally buy the bullshit argument of the FDA and CDC (which they never justified with analysis or data) that the URF=1 this year, it still means that 99% of the reports of pulmonary embolism (PE) are unexplainable. They must be caused by “something” and that something has to be very big and it has to be correlated with the administration of the vaccine because the PE reporting rate was correlated with the vaccine administration.
If these PE events weren’t caused by the vaccine, then what caused them?
Nobody can explain that. Nobody even attempts to explain it. Nobody even wants to talk about it.
But since the mainstream media and fact checkers are completely tone deaf to safety reports, they never ask the question. They never will. It would explode the whole false narrative.
We kill 15 people to maybe save 1. Are we nuts?
Furthermore, if we use the same methodology as used by the CDC in their paper to determine the actual underreporting factor for this year, but we use a much more accurate reference, we find that the best estimate for the minimum URF is 41. For less serious events you’d use a higher number since healthcare workers and consumers are far less likely to report less serious events. So using 41 is always “safe” in that it will not overestimate any event.
This means that we’ve killed well over 150,000 Americans so far, and all of those deaths had to be caused by the vaccine because there is simply no other explanation that fits all the facts. See this paper for the details. The paper also details 7 other ways that the number was validated and none of those methods used the VAERS data at all. This makes it impossible for anyone to credibly attack the analysis. Nobody wants to debate us on this.
And Pfizer’s own Phase 3 study showed that we save only 1 COVID death for every 22,000 people we vaccinate (you have to see Table S4 in the supplement to learn that 2 people died from COVID who were unvaccinated and 1 person died from COVID who got the vaccine, so a net savings of 1 life).
We have fully vaccinated almost 220M Americans which means we may save an estimated 10,000 lives from COVID per the Pfizer study which is the most definitive data we have (since “real scientists” ONLY trust the data in the double-blind randomized controlled trials).
Yet the VAERS data shows we killed over 150,000 Americans from the vaccine to achieve that goal.
In other words, we killed 15 people for every COVID life we might save.
But it’s worse than that because the Pfizer study was done pre-Delta. The Pfizer vaccine was developed for Alpha variant and is less effective against Delta. So our numbers are even more extreme.
This means of course that the FDA, CDC, and their outside committees are all incompetent in their ability to spot safety signals. They couldn’t even spot the death safety signal. It also means that the vaccine mandates are immoral and unethical.
Inconvenient truth: vaccine-induced myocarditis is neither rare or mild
When we apply the proper URF to the myocarditis data, we find that myocarditis goes from a “rare” event to a common event.
Using data from the CDC and applying the correct URF, for 16 year-old boys, the rate of myocarditis is 1 in 317 as we can see from this slide from our All you need to know deck. That’s not rare. That’s a train wreck.
Censorship has replaced scientific debate
This is embarrassing for everyone: the CDC, FDA, Congress, mainstream media, and the medical community. This is why nobody will debate me and my team of experts in an open debate. Because nobody wants to face the fact that they were wrong.
Just this morning, Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Bulgaria, Czechia, UK and New Zealand announced record or near-record numbers of positive Covid numbers and/or deaths. Yes, here we go again. Sadly, all of it is completely preventable, and all of us choose to not prevent it, because most have never been told this. Once again, an overview.
I kid you not, the biggest mistakes these politicians could come up with was that the UK should have locked down, shut its borders and start testing and tracing healthy people earlier. That’s it. But none of those come close to being the biggest mistakes. And that after 20 months they all still don’t appear to understand that is a sad, saddening and deadly “mistake” all by itself.
The real biggest mistake is the complete denial, and ignoring, of the crucial role prophylactics and early treatment could and should have played. And since neither plays such a role even today, yes, it will continue to be very deadly. The pharmaceutical industry prevents the use of -most- pharmaceuticals, and allows only the use of some of the newest and -therefore- most profitable ones.
And this is not a story about the past either: it continues to this day. There are no protocols for protecting people, and none for early treatment. It’s still: go home and wait till you get so sick you need a ventilator. What doctor signs up for that? Well, most of them do. Screw Hippocrates. 95% of the deaths and misery could have been prevented with cheap, available, run-of-the-mill pharmaceuticals. And your doctors refused to provide them for you.
We’ve all seen the horse dewormer campaign against ivermectin that especially outlets like CNN, and even Rolling Stone, have put so much energy in recently. But the real story of IVM is completely different. Here are a few countries and states, and their experiences with it.
Good thing we didn’t take that horse dewormer. We were smart, we listened to “The Science”, and spend billions on vaccines. It’s too early to oversee the harm these substances have done and will do, and there’s a lot of pressure not to make it public, but we can get an idea from two countries that were initially spared much of what we experienced. They were genuine Covid success stories, like New Zealand was. Until they started vaccinating. Here’s Taiwan and Singapore.
PS: Oh, and no, these things are not mistakes. Mistakes are not deliberate.
Vanden Bossche: Why are the current Covid-19 mass vaccinations to be considered a public health experiment
First, there is no precedent to the use of non-replicating viral vaccines in mass vaccination campaigns conducted during a pandemic, or even epidemic, of a highly mutable virus. The challenge of such an undertaking becomes even more difficult as more infectious antigenic variants had already been circulating by the time the first mass vaccination campaigns were initiated (i.e., Alpha, Beta, and Gamma variants). Their spread was featured by distinct temporal and geographic patterns, the underlying mechanism of which was not understood. Prior to the start of this universal vaccination program no single publication existed that came even close to suggesting that mass vaccinations using vaccines that permit transmission could be successful in extinguishing a pandemic of a highly mutable virus.
No such publication exists to this day, and the idea becomes even more preposterous when considering several infectious variants had already expanded in prevalence by the time the vaccines were rolled out. There is ample evidence from similarly highly mutable RNA viruses like Influenza virus and Enterovirus that expansion in prevalence of antigenic variants is driven by selective immune pressure on viral infectiousness exerted by antibodies, and that antigenic variation diminishes or even abolishes the protective neutralization capacity of Influenza virus or Enterovirus vaccines directed at a specific antigenic lineage (1, 2). Consequently, nonreplicating monovalent enteroviral vaccines, for example, are only used at scale in vaccination campaigns of vulnerable target groups (e.g., children) deployed to fight recurrent epidemics of life-threatening enterovirus infection (e.g., EV-A71) in the Asia Pacific region (3).
Interestingly, the US FDA did not approve these vaccines due to ‘concerns about the effectiveness against different pandemic strains, safety, and quality control of vaccine production’ (3). Mass vaccination programs previously conducted to combat viral epidemics/pandemics (e.g., smallpox, polio, measles, yellow fever) have nothing in common with the ongoing mass vaccination campaigns today as those viruses are very different in terms of their pathogenesis, transmissibility, route of infection, potential reservoirs, predominant effector mechanisms involved in antiviral immunity, susceptibility of population segments, as well as with regard to the vaccines used (all prior vaccination campaigns involved live-attenuated virus). In addition, vaccine efficacy as assessed during clinical trials is different from viral effectiveness, which reflects how well a vaccine performs in the field.
Viral effectiveness, therefore, depends on the level of infectious pressure exerted by the viral population and the level of immune selection pressure exerted by the host population (among other factors). Those can be very different from the ones prevailing during clinical trials. This particularly applies when the vaccine is used in mass vaccination campaigns rolled out in the middle of a pandemic of more infectious variants. Because of large-scale pharmaceutical (e.g., mass vaccination) and nonpharmaceutical (e.g., infection-prevention measures) human interventions, significant changes in viral infectious pressure and population-level immune pressure can suddenly take place and dramatically accelerate or slow down the evolutionary dynamics of a pandemic, especially if more infectious variants are circulating.
Whereas the final target population should have the same profile as the one enrolled in the vaccine trials, current Covid-19 (C-19) vaccines are now administered to several segments of the population that have not been part of the pivotal clinical trials that enabled their authorization for emergency use (e.g., children, elderly, pregnant women, women of childbearing age, individuals who previously recovered from Covid-19 disease). Furthermore, the follow-up of study participants in the clinical trials did not extend beyond 3 months as the WHO had declared the pandemic a health emergency of international concern. Short-term results from clinical vaccine trials that were conducted on a small subset of a specific target population during a short period of a pandemic caused by a specific SARS-CoV-2 lineage (most notably the original Wuhan strain) cannot even be considered informative for vaccine effectiveness of mass vaccination campaigns deployed globally across almost all population segments over a prolonged period of a pandemic trajectory involving several waves of infection caused by several different more infectious viral variants. …
… Because the experimental use of current Covid-19 vaccines raises serious concerns regarding their effectiveness and their potential to cause serious harm to both individuals and the public at large, one can only conclude that vaccination mandates are completely unethical.
As Infection Rates for Vaccinated Aged 40-79 Hit Double the Rates in the Unvaccinated, the U.K. Health Security Agency Suggests that Vaccines May Hobble the Immune Response on Infection
el gato malo: high art as public health allegory
and what to make of what's about to happen
it was not covid that did this.
the 1968 flu did not do this. not even the 1918 spanish flu did this.
this was done by governments as they recklessly pursued responses known not to work and so dire in their societal effects that the standing sets of international pandemic guidelines explicitly warned against using them.
this is true of lockdowns:
every bit of this was known and knowable.
the science was not followed, it was ignored.
these responses went against every bit of data driven pandemic learning from the last century.
this was not done for you, it was done to you.
breaking the world over covid was not inevitable, it was utterly avoidable and rigorously advised against.
and, as predicted, none of it did anything to mitigate spread or severity.
the ongoing and future economic and social dislocations disruptions are going to be blamed on covid and on your failure to comply to diktat.
leaders want to pass the buck. they want to be heroes not villains. they are 100% pot committed and cannot possibly fold now and take the blame.
the media that cheer led this will enable them in every way they can.
a barrage is coming as high prices, a lack of goods, and a seasonal surge in covid that vaccines could not attenuate all coincide in coming months.
do not fall for it.
this was the angel grabbing your hands and punching you in the face with them. over and over.
that would be bad enough.
but to ask that we then thank them for it and extol their bravery and vision while they scapegoat us for their own failures?
no way.
Roche: It’s Not Good to Bottle Up Your Negative Feelings, It Causes Stress, So….
Okay, might as well get this off my chest. On Monday there was a briefing at which our Governor, the Incompetent Blowhard hisself, along with his mirthless minions at the Department of Health, unveiled their latest bribes for people, in this case teenagers with zero risk for serious CV-19 disease, to get vaccinated. Maybe they wouldn’t have to work so hard at selling their used car vaccines if they stopped telling lies and issuing misleading information constantly, and being so obvious about only caring about their message, not the science and data.
I keep saying the same things over and over and one is that the age structure of events in a fully vaccinated population will be similar to that in a completely unvaccinated one. The vulnerable without a vaccine are the vulnerable with one. And that is what we are seeing. And another thing I keep saying is that the state can’t get out of its way with the obsession on messaging. Stop overthinking it and just tell the truth and be open about the implications of the truth. And the implication here is that the vaccines are not going to get us to CV-19 zero, so come up with a better exit plan.
el gato malo: how to lie using statistics: ontario edition
a lot of people seem to be misreading this data from ontario on the incidence of myocarditis and pericarditis (serious and potentially fatal heart conditions) from covid vaccines.
i have a sneaking feeling that this is because it was designed to be misread. see for yourself:
so your chance is not 103.9, it’s:
42.2 for the first dose PLUS 173.3 for the second dose = 215.5 cases per million 18-24 year old males fully vaccinated.
that’s more that twice the number most people seem to be presuming represents total risk. (males 18-24: all doses)
that’s a nasty little sleight of hand.
and this is not exactly higher math…
anyone seeking to actually portray full risk from multi-dose vaccination would be presenting sums, not averages.
i very much doubt it was an accident.
this is also an extraordinarily high number compared to other vaccines.
… any other vaccine in modern history would have been pulled for this myocarditis issue alone.
… according to VAERS, which is certainly undercounting, these vaccines have, despite the boiler plate handwaving KILLED ~43 people per million.
i am not aware of another vaccine that even kills 1 per million.
… the covid vaccines do not stop spread and may actually be making it worse.
and their side effects are extreme.
we have never had an FDA approved vaccine, especially for kids, that was within 1/10th and more likely 1/100th of this.
… the risk reward for most adults looks iffy.
for kids it looks appalling.
and VAERS is literally off the charts.
yet instead of trying to address this and produce an honest accounting upon which people and physicians alike could base their decisions on risk and benefit, global health agencies find endless ways to cheat the data, lie with stats, mislead their citizens, and launch fusillades of faux moralizing rooted in claims that these vaccines will stop a pandemic when they know full well that they don’t.
how is anyone to sustain faith in “experts” through all that?
Denninger: Dewey, Cheat'em And Howe
… Incidentally there is plenty of evidence that these jabs will be eventually found to be responsible for a whole host of serious problems, and those do not end within a couple of weeks of the jab itself.
Indeed, the evidence is mounting rapidly (see the all-cause “excess death” rates for various age groups, particularly cardiac and circulatory related, among young people now showing up in places like Scotland and England for examples) that there is a causal link between both strokes and heart attacks. I remind you that the FDA and pharmaceutical industry claimed, not all that long ago, that no such link existed for Vioxx. It was only after about 60,000 Americans had heart attacks and died, and several hundred thousand had non-fatal heart problems caused by it, that it was withdrawn from the market — five years later.
eugyppius: Mottes, Baileys, Vaccines
Vaccine efficacy against severe outcomes is the only argument they have left, and it is not enough.
In 2005, Nicholas Shackel identified an insidious tactic of discourse, beloved of intellectual frauds everywhere, which he christened the Motte and the Bailey:
Mottes and Baileys have become pervasive in the discourse of the vaccinators, as they find once more that their policies and their rhetoric have lost all alignment with what is actually happening. They prefer to argue that the vaccines represent an unprecedented success and our best means of defeating Corona, which is why we have to vaccinate everyone and why unvaccinated people should be excluded from public life. This is the Bailey. When pressed with the growing failure of the vaccines to stop transmission, they will accuse you of hiding the fact that the vaccinated enjoy lower rates of hospitalisation and death. They say that this is the most anyone could have hoped for and all that anybody ever wanted to achieve in the first place. This is the Motte.
All vaccine policies are rooted in the maximalist claims of the Bailey, but only the minimalist arguments of the Motte can be defended. Claims that vaccine mandates are necessary to protect hospitals are nothing but attempts to defend the Bailey from the Motte.
It is true that the vaccines reduce the risk of serious outcomes, but by far less than is generally realised.
But it’s actually worse than this. What gets lost in efficacy nitpicking, is that our debate is not so much about vaccines, as it is about vaccine policies – particularly those policies demanding or encouraging universal vaccination. These policies cannot be evaluated in terms of personal health outcomes, but only in light of overall impact upon the vaccinated and unvaccinated alike.
Here, the vaccines have very mixed marks.
27,247 Deaths and 2,563,768 Injuries Following COVID Shots in European Database – Taiwan Records More Deaths from Vaccine than Virus
Doctors for COVID Ethics: J’Accuse! The Gene-based “Vaccines” Are Killing People. Governments Worldwide Are Lying to You the People, to the Populations They Purportedly Serve
COVID Quotes of the Week:
Kevin Roche: We have too much testing of all types for CV-19 but many of the powers that be want even more testing. Not a good strategy for getting out of the epidemic.
Roche: Physicians in England are not totally intimidated into supporting the teachers’ unions messaging on masking and testing children in an abusive manner. The head of the pediatrics society in the UK comes out strongly against continued excessive testing of children, which only leads to a lot of false and low positives, children being needlessly quarantined and missing school, and spreading anxiety and fear.
CO-VID Tweet of the Week:
JUST Show someone who is still asleep this 2 min video. Even if it doesn’t resonate with them at this moment, they just might recall his words of things that are yet to come.
“Vax” Mandate Pushback Fare:
2 Navy SEALS, 4 Marines, Air Force Major All Sue Biden
More Than One-Third of Chicago Police Department Hasn't Reported Vaccination Status, City Says
Things Are Getting Messy In Draghi’s Italy
Perhaps more worryingly, both prime minister Mario Draghi and the president Sergio Mattarella have accused the unvaccinated of “putting the lives of others at risk” (a claim based on the assumption that the vaccinated aren’t contagious).
That claim has now been thoroughly disproved by myriad scientific studies, as Yves painstakingly documented in August. So why do governments continue to repeat it? Why aren’t they rethinking their strategy? Perhaps, as Fazi postulates, the green pass is not just a means to an end — mass vaccination — but also an end in and of itself:…
protest in trieste: we the people are winning
but the revolution will NOT be televised
… you will not see this in the US media. it seems to be under almost complete coverage blackout which is astonishing for an event of this magnitude.
and whoo doggie does the italian government not want this one on pay per view.
apparently, the official webcams of trieste are showing an empty square. it’s gaslighting and propaganda.
they are trying to pretend this is not happening.
amusingly, people are sharing videos of the protesters in the square watching videos of the empty square.
god, i love the internet.
how much more evidence do you need that they cannot be trusted to tell you the real story?
remember your freedom and you can have it back. not new normal. not their normal.
YOUR normal.
when laws are not moral
reflections on the proper role of law enforcement
let us presume that these police are indeed refusing to obey a lawful order.
“so what?”
this may well render them more, not less fit to be police for as we have seen above, the venn diagram of “legal” and “moral” can have some quite notable failures in overlap.
perhaps these peelers deserve not pink-slips but “attaboys” for having sufficient courage of conviction and moral fiber to oppose that which is antithetical to individual rights even (and especially) if it be codified.
do we truly want a constabulary that will faithfully and without exception enforce all laws and mandates handed them without discernment or moral limitation and follow rules rather than ethics as they perform their duties and live their lives?
because i struggle to conceive of anything more terrifying.
shall we select our flatfoots for their inclination to submit to tyranny rather than their willingness to stand against it?
because this seems a poor recipe for ongoing freedom.
a police force with a history of civil disobedience against unjust diktat seems to me a fine thing, a thing to cultivate not excoriate.
it becomes a check on encroachment by the state rather than its enforcer.
COVID Conspiracy Fare:
*** Dr Pascal Sacré: The COVID-19 RT-PCR Test: How to Mislead All Humanity.
Using a “Test” To Lock Down Society
While it is true that in medicine we like to have high specificity and sensitivity of the tests to avoid false positives and false negatives, in the case of COVID-19 disease, this hypersensitivity of the RT-PCR test caused by the number of amplification cycles used has backfired.
This over-sensitivity of the RT-PCR test is deleterious and misleading!
It detaches us from the medical reality which must remain based on the real clinical state of the person: is the person ill, does he or she have symptoms?
That is the most important thing!
As I said at the beginning of the article, in medicine we always start from the person: we examine him/her, we collect his/her symptoms (complaints-anamnesis) and objective clinical signs (examination) and on the basis of a clinical reflection in which scientific knowledge and experience intervene, we make diagnostic hypotheses.
Only then do we prescribe the most appropriate tests, based on this clinical reflection.
We constantly compare the test results with the patient’s clinical condition (symptoms and signs), which takes precedence over everything else when it comes to our decisions and treatments.
Today, our governments, supported by their scientific safety advice, are making us do the opposite and put the test first, followed by a clinical reflection necessarily influenced by this prior test, whose weaknesses we have just seen, particularly its hypersensitivity.
None of my clinical colleagues can contradict me.
Apart from very special cases such as genetic screening for certain categories of populations (age groups, sex) and certain cancers or family genetic diseases, we always work in this direction: from the person (symptoms, signs) to the appropriate tests, never the other way around.
According to them, the threshold (Ct) considered results in positive diagnoses in people who do not represent any risk of transmitting the virus!
The binary “yes/no” answer is not enough, according to this epidemiologist from the Harvard University School of Public Health.
“It’s the amount of virus that should dictate the course of action for each patient tested. »
The amount of virus (viral load); but also and above all the clinical state, symptomatic or not of the person!
This calls into question the use of the binary result of this RT-PCR test to determine whether a person is contagious and must follow strict isolation measures.
These questions are being raised by many physicians around the world, not only in the United States but also in France, Belgium (Belgium Health Experts Demand Investigation Of WHO For Faking Coronavirus Pandemic), France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, the United States and the United Kingdom. in Germany, Spain…
In the NYT, experts compiled three datasets with officials from the states of Massachusetts, New York and Nevada that mention them.
“Up to 90% of the people who tested positive did not carry a virus. »
Similar results were reported by researchers from the UK Public Health Agency in an article published on August 13 in Eurosurveillance: “The probability of culturing the virus drops to 8% in samples with Ct levels above 35.”
Let’s stop this debauchery of RT-PCR testing at too high Ct levels and return to clinical, quality medicine.
Once we understand how RT-PCR testing works, it becomes impossible to let the current government routine screening strategy, inexplicably supported by the virologists in the safety councils, continue.
My hope is that, finally, properly informed, more and more people will demand that this strategy be stopped, because it is all of us, enlightened, guided by real benevolence and common sense, who must decide our collective and individual destinies.
No one else should do it for us, especially when we realize that those who decide are no longer reasonable or rational.
Overall Conclusion
Is the obstinacy of governments to use the current disastrous strategy, systematic screening by RT-PCR, due to ignorance?
Is it due to stupidity?
To a kind of cognitive trap trapping their ego?
In any case, we should be able to question them, and if among the readers of this article there are still honest journalists, or naive politicians, or people who have the possibility to question our rulers, then do so, using these clear and scientific arguments.
It is all the more incomprehensible that our rulers have surrounded themselves with some of the most experienced specialists in these matters.
If I have been able to gather this information myself, shared, I remind you, by competent people above all suspicion of conspiracy, such as Hélène Banoun, Pierre Sonigo, Jean-François Toussaint, Christophe De Brouwer, whose intelligence, intellectual honesty and legitimacy cannot be questioned, then the Belgian, French and Quebec scientific advisors, etc., know all this as well.
What’s going on?
Why continue in this distorted direction, obstinately making mistakes?
It is not insignificant to reimpose confinements, curfews, quarantines, reduced social bubbles, to shake up again our shaky economies, to plunge entire families into precariousness, to sow so much fear and anxiety generating a real state of post-traumatic stress worldwide, to reduce access to care for other pathologies that nevertheless reduce life expectancy much more than COVID-19! [24]
Is there intent to harm?
Is there an intention to use the alibi of a pandemic to move humanity towards an outcome it would otherwise never have accepted? In any case, not like that!
Would this hypothesis, which modern censors will hasten to label “conspiracy”, be the most valid explanation for all this?
All this will have a deep, lasting and negative impact on human organisms, in their physical, mental, emotional and representation of the world and society.
This is not normal!
We cannot let our rulers, for whatever reason, organize our collective suicide any longer.
Amidst some religious fervor cray-cray in the full article, I do at least agree with these key points
Dr. Stella Immanuel: “The Whole Pandemic Was A TROJAN HORSE For Vaccines – Fauci Is The Epitome Of Evil.”
I actually think that the whole pandemic was a Trojan Horse for vaccines. COVID, from day one, I’ve always said it, it’s completely treatable, and it’s completely preventable, And there is no reason for you to be giving a vaccine for a disease that’s completely treatable, and completely preventable. And on top of that, the death rate of COVID is not that high. So, we need to wake up
… And don’t allow yourself to be genetically modified. These things are no vaccine, they are gene therapy.
… There’s a very sinister thing going on. And the reason why it’s going on and on is because we comply.
Jordan Schachtel: Whitewash: Are US Government Health institutions engaged in a massive gain-of-function cover-up?
They’re hiding something.
NIH changes story, confirms it funded Wuhan experiment that made bat coronavirus more dangerous
Key scientist says admission shows that top administrators, including former NIH Director Francis Collins and NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci, "lied to Congress, lied to the press, and lied to the public" in denying NIH funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan.
NIH Scrubs 'Gain-Of-Function' Definition From Website After Wuhan Bombshells, Rand Paul Vindicated
Dr. Anthony Fauci Received Big Pay Increase To Prevent Pandemics
In a January article published at Forbes, our auditors at found that Dr. Anthony Fauci was the highest paid federal employee, earning $417,608 (2019). Dr. Fauci is still the top-paid federal employee earning $434,312 in 2020. Fauci is the Director of the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and current Chief Medical Advisor to the President.
Political and Geo-Political and Socio-Political Fare:
Patrick Armstrong: Color Revolutions Fade Away
Probably the first US-plotted “colour revolution” was the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii in 1893.
… The most recent successful “colour revolution” occurred in Ukraine in 2013-2014.
… But the day of “colour revolution” seems to be running out. The mechanics are noticed and countered.
NATO unveils master plan to defeat Russia in nuclear war, as Moscow says ‘confrontational’ playbook shows it was right to cut ties
Escobar: The world according to Vladimir Putin
Taibbi: "The Bidens": Is the First Family Corrupt, or Merely Crazy?
Turley: Joe Biden and the Disappearing Elephant
The Honourable Member for CSIS. Podcast… jump to the 26 minute mark for start of Freeland discussion
Dan and Riley discuss, among other things, the emerging euphoric consensus among our wretched media class that Chrystia Freeland should be the next prime minister, not only despite her obvious intelligence links, but somehow because of them?
UC Berkeley's Top Climate Director Resigns After Colleagues Reject Speaker Who Denounced Race-Based Admissions
Last week, the director of UC Berkeley's Atmospheric Sciences Center, David Romps, stepped down from his leadership post because his colleagues rejected his proposal to invite a 'canceled' associate professor, Dorian Abbot, from the University of Chicago to give a speech.
Abbot's crime? He criticized Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) programs which elevate the race or gender of candidates above their qualifications, and called for UChicago to reaffirm that academic slots would instead be filled by the best candidate for the position, without consideration given to race, gender or status.
In response, "58 students and postdocs of the Department of Geophysical Sciences, and 71 other graduate students and postdocs from other University of Chicago departments" wrote a letter calling for Abbot's punishment.
In response, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) canceled a speech Abbot was scheduled to give on Oct. 21, leading Berkeley BASC Director David Romps to suggest inviting him to show the world that the UC system wouldn't discriminate based on political views.
As Jonathan Turley writes, Romps met some 'resistance' to his proposal, to say the least.
…. Professor David Romps said in a Twitter thread that he resigned as director of the Berkeley Atmospheric Sciences Center rather than participate in such censorship of a fellow academic. With many academics fearful of the backlash over supporting free speech or academic freedom, Romps’ resignation was an increasingly rare profile in courage.
Bari Weiss: We Got Here Because of Cowardice. We Get Out With Courage
Say no to the Woke Revolution
Ideas are replaced with identity. Forgiveness is replaced with punishment. Debate is replaced with de-platforming. Diversity is replaced with homogeneity of thought. Inclusion, with exclusion.
In this ideology, speech is violence. But violence, when carried out by the right people in pursuit of a just cause, is not violence at all. In this ideology, bullying is wrong, unless you are bullying the right people, in which case it’s very, very good. In this ideology, education is not about teaching people how to think, it’s about reeducating them in what to think. In this ideology, the need to feel safe trumps the need to speak truthfully.
What we call “cancel culture” is really the justice system of this revolution. And the goal of the cancellations is not merely to punish the person being cancelled. The goal is to send a message to everyone else: Step out of line and you are next.
Serious education is the antidote to such ignorance. Frederick Douglass said, “Education means emancipation. It means light and liberty. It means the uplifting of the soul of man into the glorious light of truth, the light only by which men can be free.” Soaring words that feel as if they are a report from a distant galaxy. Education is increasingly where debate, dissent, and discovery go to die.
George Orwell said that “the further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.” In an age of lies, telling the truth is high risk. It comes with a cost. But it is our moral obligation.
It is our duty to resist the crowd in this age of mob thinking. It is our duty to think freely in an age of conformity. It is our duty to speak truth in an age of lies.
Tweet Vid: What is Critical Race Theory? Here's a simple, concise explanation.
Orwellian Fare:
*** Manufacturing Ignorance: Keeping The Public Away From Power
Significant public activism and opposition to state-corporate power needs to be rooted in widespread shared public knowledge. But, in the absence of adequate public knowledge, and thus the reduced ‘threat’ of an informed populace participating in a real democracy, power is more or less free to do as it pleases.
This is not new. As Noam Chomsky has observed: ‘Governments will use whatever technology is available to combat their primary enemy – their own population.’
In a recent interview with Lowkey, the British rapper and political activist, Kennard said that in his work as a journalist he wants to ‘pierce the propaganda bubble’. He emphasised the ‘illusion of a democratic system’ in the UK:
‘We do not live in a democracy. That’s what people need to understand. This is not a democratic state. Britain is an oligarchy.’
On the tragicomic notion that ‘Britain is a force for good in the world’, he commented:
‘It’s an amazing mythology. It’s mirrored by the US. They have this thing called “American exceptionalism” which is how America operates very differently along principled lines; very differently to all superpowers. They don’t deal with [their own] interests, etc. It’s literally the intellectual level of about a five-year-old.’
The forthcoming United Nations COP26 climate summit in Glasgow, starting on 31 October, will doubtless generate yet more ‘blah, blah, blah’, as Greta Thunberg so memorably summed up all the decades-long, political hot air on climate. She rightly observed that:
‘no one treats the crisis like a crisis, the existential warnings keep on drowning in a steady tide of greenwash and everyday media news flow.’
The endless corporate drive to privatise the planet was highlighted in a recent article by journalist and researcher Whitney Webb titled, ‘Wall Street’s Takeover of Nature Advances with Launch of New Asset Class’.
The obscenity of this is almost beyond belief. Randall Wray, a professor of economics in New York, warned:
‘From the get-go, capitalism has been all about exploitation. Marx’s followers will point to exploitation of workers, but that’s the tip of the iceberg. …‘Capitalism has always been celebrated for its presumed efficiency. In fact, it is supremely inefficient. It survives only because it is the greatest system ever developed for exploitation of man and nature. It pushes costs off to the environment, “other” people, families, governments, and our “future.” It is ever on the lookout for new frontiers of exploitation. And in that quest, human survival is at risk.’
*** Quinn: Living in a Potemkin World
I never thought I would experience the dystopian “fictional” nightmare Orwell laid out in his 1949 novel. Seventy-two years later and his warning about a totalitarian society, where mass surveillance, repressive measures against dissenters, mind control through government indoctrination and propaganda designed to convince the masses lies are truth, fake is real and the narrative can be manipulated to achieve the desired outcome of those in power, have come to fruition.
Everything is fake. I don’t believe anything I’m told by the government, the media, medical “experts”, politicians, military leadership, bankers, corporate executives, religious leaders, financial professionals, and anyone selling themselves as an authority on any subject matter. We are truly living in times of mass deception, mass delusion, and mass willful ignorance.
The level of brazen dishonesty and blatant criminality among those who portray themselves as leaders and experts in our debauched society has reached astronomical levels over the last two years. There are no trustworthy politicians. No trustworthy corporate executives. No trustworthy military leaders. No trustworthy scientists or academics. They have all been captured and are financially beholden to those controlling the purse strings.
It’s always about the money and power that comes from having money. If you are paid handsomely to lie, you will lie. The truth is meaningless to those who seek power and control. Suppression of the truth is more financially rewarding to those seeking world domination. This entire engineered pandemic scheme has exposed this fact.
We have entered one of the most dangerous periods in world history, as this engineered crisis is being commandeered by sociopathic totalitarians to implement their warped demented plans to destroy the existing societal structures and economic systems in order to build back better under a centralized communistic authoritarian techno-gulag configuration designed to benefit the few at the top, while keeping a boot on the face of humanity forever. When you understand their end goal, much of the seemingly incomprehensible decisions being made by Biden and his handlers come into clearer focus.
*** Part II
All the examples of suppression and silence regarding the truth pale in comparison to the massive conspiracy of silence related to this build back better pandemic scheme. From the outset, when ZeroHedge and a few other alternative media outlets postulated the virus had escaped from the Wuhan bio-weapon lab, a conspiracy of silence was initiated to cover-up the facts. Twitter crushed anyone who put forth this possibility and suspended ZeroHedge from posting for months.
Why the cover-up to protect the communist party of China? As usual, it’s about the money. …
The silence and suppression of the lab leak theory was necessary so Biden and his globalist backers, along with their media propaganda outlets and social media tyrants, could blame Trump for allowing the virus to spread across the U.S. Their impeachment farce, to take the focus off Biden’s traitorous actions in the Ukraine, had dissipated under an avalanche of lies and misinformation, just like Russiagate.
Dehumanizing the populace through mandatory masking, even though Fauci scoffed at the need for masks in March 2020, CDC studies showed masks don’t stop viruses, numerous scientific studies proved masks don’t work, and the cases rose exponentially in January 2021 in all areas with mandatory masking requirements, was the goal of the globalists. The media publicity campaign to promote masks and lockdowns was pure propaganda, based on zero facts and no data.
The PCR test was engineered to produce cases that did not exist, because fear was necessary to allow mail-in ballots for the election, and to destroy the economy before the election. Any doctor or scientist questioning the validity of the PCR test was cancelled and censored. There is complete silence in the media about the FDA pulling its EUA for the PCR test as of December 31, because it can’t distinguish between covid, the flu, or common cold.
The most blatant cover-up and silence about the truth is regarding these experimental gene therapies, framed as vaccines, and designed to enrich Big Pharma, corporate hospital chains, the media pushing the disinformation, government lackeys like Fauci and his pals who will be rewarded handsomely for their acquiescence, doctors paid off to keep silent, and scientists getting big fat grants from Big Pharma.
This might be the most despicable, evil undertaking in the history of our country. And it is still in its infancy. Even though there have been 63 scientific studies proving invermectin, a safe and cheap drug prescribed to human beings for decades whose inventor received a Noble Prize in medicine, drastically reduced the symptoms of covid and essentially ended the pandemic in India, it has been scorned, ridiculed, and suppressed by the media, Fauci, Walensky and Big Pharma.
If they admitted that it works, their EUA for the jabs would be invalidated, and the tens of billions in profits would dry up and not be able to be spread around to the co-conspirators. Money talks and the deaths of hundreds of thousands around the world is a small price to pay for increasing the wealth of the oligarchs and their hatchet men. Twitter & Facebook declare any positive factual information about ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine to be misleading and false.
They have banned dozens of doctors and journalists from presenting alternative views from the approved globalist narrative. Alex Berenson, Naomi Wolff, Ron Paul, Front Line Doctors (FLCCC), NY Post, and dozens of other truth telling people and organizations have been de-platformed and denied their First Amendment rights because mega-media corporations say they have a monopoly on the truth.
Fauci, Big Pharma, and the media lied about the efficacy of these “vaccines”, which aren’t even vaccines. The lies about them being almost 100% effective in keeping you from contracting covid were perpetuated by Fauci, Biden and Big Pharma in early 2021. No questioning of the trial data was allowed. We now know their Big Lie has been utilized to demand compliance, institute vaccine passports, and force companies to mandate vaccines. And now they are coming for your children, even though children have virtually 0% risk of dying from covid.
Real vaccines eradicate disease (smallpox, polio). This vaccine creates variants, injures people, kills people within weeks, and appears to be creating a long-term ADE (anti-body dependent enhancement) problem for the millions who have put their trust in a Big Pharma experiment, where they face no liability for any death and injuries they cause. Data is emerging in Germany & the UK showing the overall mortality rate, not due to covid, rising rapidly. You won’t hear that on any media outlet, but the facts cannot be denied.
there is a segment of the population, of probably less than 20%, who are capable of seeing through this entire fraudulent episode and choosing to resist the tyranny subverting our country. There are still real journalists (Berenson, Greenwald), non-compromised doctors (Robert Malone, Pierre Kory, Peter McCoullough), and alternative media websites who day in and day out fight to expose the fraud, lies, and deception engulfing our world.
At first this Build Back Better Great Reset agenda seemed far fetched and seemed like a conspiracy theory. But, as we know, virtually every conspiracy theory over the last decade has proven to be true. It is now undeniable to anyone with critical thinking skills, which eliminates every CNN, MSNBC, NPR, Washington Post, NY Times acolyte, this globalist agenda is real and in danger of succeeding.
The truth matters. The truth is not subject to opinions. Truth is based on facts. If we forsake facts, we forsake freedom. Just because a large swath of the populace, through the manipulation of their minds by the totalitarian propagandists, have abandoned truth, doesn’t mean we have to accept their perverted inversion of the truth.
“Being in a minority, even in a minority of one, did not make you mad. There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad.” – George Orwell
“You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you mad.” – Aldous Huxley
*** Loffredo and Blumenthal: Public health or private wealth? How digital vaccine passports pave way for unprecedented surveillance capitalism
… For the national security state, digital immunity passports promise unprecedented control over populations wherever such systems are implemented. Ann Cavoukian, the former privacy commissioner of Ontario, Canada has described the vaccine passport system already active in her province as “a new, inescapable web of surveillance with geolocation data being tracked everywhere.”
For tech oligarchs such Bill Gates and neoliberal institutions such as the World Economic Forum, digital ID and digital currency systems have already enabled the extraction of unbelievable profits in the Global South, where hundreds of millions of people remain “unbanked” and therefore outside the sphere of electronic payments systems.
… even the New York Times has deemed a “two-tier system for the vaccinated and unvaccinated … raising legal, moral and ethical questions.”
… “In typical American fashion, the US government is relegating the creation of digital vaccination certifications to the private sector,” stated the non-profit Data & Society. Indeed, behind the push for digital vaccine passports is a coterie of supra-national neoliberal institutions guided by oligarchic tech industry donors.
…Also at the forefront of the shift to digital credentials is the World Economic Forum (WEF)… On paper, the WEF (also known as the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation) is an NGO and think tank “committed to improving the state of the world.” In reality, it is an international network of some of the wealthiest and most influential people on the planet.
… In 2017, German economist and WEF founder Klaus Schwab introduced the concept of “The Fourth Industrial Revolution” with the title of the book he published that year. The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) denotes the current “technological revolution” that is changing the way people “live, work, and relate to one another,” and with implications “unlike anything humankind has experienced,” according to Schwab. For him, the 4IR is the “merging of the physical, digital and biological worlds.” Schwab has even said that the 4IR will inevitably veer into trans-humanism, or human genome editing.
… Partners in the ID2020 initiative include the credit card giant Mastercard and Simprints, a biometric technology firm supported by the US Agency for International Development, a traditional front organization for US intelligence.
… With the WHO’s declaration of a global pandemic in March 2020, an unprecedented opportunity arrived for the forces advancing digital IDs.
… Two days before anti-Green Pass protests exploded across Italy, the renowned philosopher Giorgio Agamben appeared before the Italian Senate’s Constitutional Affairs Commission to issue a dramatic statement of opposition to the Green Pass. … “The defining feature…of this great transformation that they are attempting to impose is that the mechanism which renders it formally possible is not a new body of laws, but a state of exception – in other words, not an affirmation of, but the suspension of constitutional guarantees,” the philosopher explained in the foreword to his collection of 2020 writings on Covid-19, “Where Are We Now: The Epidemic As Politics,”
austria gets ready for house arrest for the unvaccinated
well, THIS certainly looks ominous. we’re now going past “covid pass to go public places” and into “mass house arrest” for those not bio-credentialed.
“Schallenberg announced that if the number of Covid patients in intensive-care units reaches 500, or 25 percent of the country's total ICU capacity, entrance into businesses such as restaurants and hotels will be limited to those who are vaccinated or recovered from the virus.
If the number reaches 600, or one-third of total ICU capacity, the government plans to impose restrictions on unvaccinated people. In this case, they would only be allowed to leave their homes for specific reasons.”
and the pretext is pitiful.
“'The pandemic is not yet in the rearview mirror,' Schallenberg said. 'We are about to stumble into a pandemic of the unvaccinated.’”
this seems an utterly implausible take given the clear evidence that these vaccines do not stop spread and are likely making it worse.
this is the inch that cannot be yielded. it leaves you completely at the mercy of the state with every liberty and life choice left contingent upon the affirmative permission of the people in power.
why covid is catnip for karens
and what to do about it
this year the vaccines were supposed to protect us. instead, they are failing and the side effect prevalence is getting too big to hide. the intensity of the big lie is getting too big. it’s all jumping the shark.
it may not feel like it because so much of what you hear is from the ~30% under hypnosis and like any religious cult, they get more shrill and more devout when the world fails to end according to prophesy.
this is exactly what will alienate the middle. it’s bridge after bridge too far.
and the deceptions keep coming to light. even that most astonishing and un-killable cockroach of public health tony fauci is suddenly looking vulnerable as his tapdance and perjury cannot stay ahead of the avalanche of revelations on just what naughty boys he and peter were being.
i see more and more middle every day reaching out and saying “wow, how did i ever listen to these snake oil selling charlatans?”
the middle’s inherent trust in authority and technocracy has been shaken. it’s falling apart and the truth is getting too plain to ignore. add in the spiking inflation, out of control borders, scarcity of goods, and failing supply lines and trust in letting one’s betters run the world is just not going to be sustainable.
New Report Highlights Corporate Funding of Police Foundations, Which Encourage Police Militarization and Thwart Reform
Men ‘cleared’ for release from GITMO is a cruel, twisted joke
It likely means years of languishing until some other client state takes them on board under Washington’s strict conditions.
‘The BBC’s Road To Damascus…?’
Political Scientist, Piers Robinson, and Journalist, Vanessa Beeley, discuss the background to the BBC Radio 4 programme at the centre of the story, Mayday: The Canister on the Bed.
It is incredibly rare for the BBC to admit that one of their Syrian reports failed to meet the corporation’s editorial standards for accuracy by reporting false claims.
The corporation, whose misreporting has dogged both journalism and peace in the Middle East for decades, finally conceded that their reporting of an alleged chemical weapons attack by President Assad’s government in the Syrian city of Douma on April 7, 2018 was seriously flawed.
Who Will Be Brave in Huxley’s New World?
As William Sargant noted in his book “Battle for the Mind: A Physiology of Conversion and Brain-Washing” J.F.C. Hecker was studying the dancing mania phenomenon that occurred during the Black Death, which was a social phenomenon that arose in Europe between the 14th and 17th centuries. It involved groups of people who would begin to dance erratically during the Plague, sometimes thousands at a time until they would fall from exhaustion or from injuries. It was thought to have arisen in Aachen, Germany in 1374 and quickly spread throughout Europe with one of the last observations of it occurring in 1518 in Alsace, France.
Hecker observed in his research on the dancing mania that heightened suggestibility had the capability to cause a person to “embrace with equal force, reason and folly, good and evil, diminish the praise of virtue as well as the criminality of vice.”
Such a state of mind was likened to the first efforts of the infant mind, Sargant writes “this instinct of imitation when it exists in its highest degree, is also united a loss of all power over the will, which occurs as soon as the impression on the senses has become firmly established, producing a condition like that of small animals when they are fascinated by the look of a serpent.”
… It is no wonder that the Tavistock Institute and the CIA became involved in looking at the effects of LSD and how to influence and control the mind.
Patrick Lawrence: "The war for our minds (con'd)."
The colonization of independent media.
… But several new realities are now very evident. Chief among them, the Deep State’s colonization of corporate media is now more or less complete. CNN, filling its airtime with spooks, generals, and a variety of official and formerly official liars, can be counted a total takeover. The New York Times is prima facie government-supervised, as it confesses in its pages from time to time. The Washington Post, owned by a man with multimillion-dollar CIA contracts, has turned itself into a comic book.
Why, of all the people “The Pandora Papers” exposes, is there not one American on its list? As Moon of Alabama notes in an analysis of this release, it amounts to a list of “people the U.S. doesn’t like.”
'Coffee Cup Gestapo': The Latest Covid Crackdown Viral Video Out Of Australia
CaitOz Fare:
The Drivers Of Empire Want To Rule As Greek Gods
Those who rise to positions of power tend to be those who’ve placed the pursuit of it above all else, or to have been trained since birth to prioritize power by the powerful families they’re born into. This is especially true in the giant globe-spanning power structure that is loosely centralized around the United States.
The loose alliance of plutocrats and government agency insiders who rule this giant empire pursue power above all else. For all the historically unprecedented power these imperial oligarchs have, it’s still not enough for them.
Colin Powell, creator of the viral anti-war meme featuring himself holding a stage prop while lying to the United Nations about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, has died at the age of 84.
Powell's contribution to the war effort has been considerable. But as time grinds down the tall spires of artificial insanity that the powerful are continually imposing upon our species, when all is said and done his contribution to the anti-war effort will have been greater.
Be sure to remind everyone of Powell's sociopathic facilitation of human slaughter often and loudly in the coming hours. Public opinion is the only thing keeping western war criminals from The Hague, after all, and those war criminals are keenly aware of this fact. At times like these, they suddenly become highly invested in making sure that regular people "respect the dead," not because they respect any human alive or dead, but because they cannot allow the death to become an opportunity to amplify and change public opinion about their egregious murderous crimes.
There is a giant narrative management exercise that will be playing out over the next few days. Be sure to enthusiastically disrupt it with the truth.
I’m old enough to remember when the US war machine needed actual, physical events to justify the advancements of its military agendas, like planes crashing into buildings. Nowadays those agendas are justified by invisible, unverifiable allegations for which the evidence is always classified…. When a poor person says spies are attacking their brain with microwave beams it’s called paranoid schizophrenia. When a US government operative says it, it’s called Havana Syndrome.
So yeah basically we’re watching sociopathic oligarchs shore up more and more control over the global population and our electoral systems are rigged to prevent us from doing anything about it and our information systems are stacked to prevent mass-scale direct action against it.
You can’t vote your way out of a problem you never voted your way into in the first place. You can’t have a revolution while everyone is being successfully propagandized into accepting things as they are. Any solution is therefore going to have to come from somewhere they haven’t secured.
So we’re all just kind of watching this happen and hoping for what amounts to a miracle, or really a stack of miracles.
It really is a struggle between light and darkness, in a sense. A struggle between those who want to make things visible, conscious and clear against those who want to keep things secret, unconscious and distorted. Dysfunction can’t survive if all its mechanisms are clearly seen.
Those who want truth and health want things transparent, honest, and awake. Those who want untruth and dysfunction want government secrecy, propaganda distortion, and a deeply unconscious public. The latter are the ones in power right now. The former are trying to oust them.
And there you have it. Not today, Ivan! You’ll have to try your dastardly Kremlin mind tricks on somebody less clever.
Experts highly recommend all western government officials make use of a Havana Syndrome deflector helmet for the foreseeable future, as well as all intelligence operatives, all major media figures, and anyone who just generally feels as though Russians pose a major threat to their way of life.
Scientists are now reportedly seeing encouraging research suggesting that Havana Syndrome can also be deflected by a rainbow-colored wig supplemented by white face makeup and a red ball on the nose.
So it turns out we here in the free world are a step or two ahead of the Kremlin. Nice try, Mister Putin. You’ve got to wake up pretty early in the morning to make fools out of us.
Other Quotes and Tweets of the Week:
From: Colin Powell, Politely Anguished War Criminal, Dead at 84.
“Some of those in the George W. Bush administration who were most responsible for starting the Iraq War were obvious sickos — the kind of operatives who can make bloodthirsty policy in a democracy, but could probably never get elected to anything because their public statements cause decent humans to cringe in horror.”
From: There’s Nothing Honorable or Decent About Colin Powell’s Long List of War Crimes
“Powell’s small but unhesitating contribution to the My Lai cover-up is hardly surprising,” writes historian Jeffrey J. Matthews
Ian Welsh: Most famously, Powell understood that when it’s time to lie in order to attack a country which is no threat to you, that’s what you do: Powell used his high prestige to help sell the Iraq WMD lies. While we’ll never know how many Iraqis died in the ensuring war, because America sure as hell didn’t want to count, we can round it at a million with reasonable justification.
Kunstler: The Leader of the Free World wandered the stage, sometimes oddly circling his interlocutor, Anderson Cooper of CNN, who had to step in and rescue the maundering “Joe B,” when he lost himself in thickets of talking points that no amount of rehearsal could avail to untangle. “What am I doing?” he asked more than once, but no one on the scene volunteered to remind him. The “president” frequently assumed poses that signified some kind of gross cognitive dysfunction: head turned down to the floor with his eyes shut… strange, mincing steps in the direction of a fugitive thought… fists balled like a two-year-old resisting some simple instruction… There was a robotic quality to the act, too
Karen Garcia: It's long past time to get realistic and pragmatic, people. Joe Biden's Build Back Better legislation is as good as dead in the polluted water. So let's give three cheers for the new and improved Whittle Down Wisely agenda, which is certainly a lot smarter than the reckless Shave Away to a Sad Pile of Sawdust that those nasty old Republicans are rooting for.
Charles Hugh Smith: I've coined a new portmanteau word to describe America's descent: kleptocrapocracy, a union of kleptocracy (a nation ruled by kleptocrats) and crapocracy, a nation drowning in a moral sewer of rampant self-interest in which the focus is cloaking all the skims, scams, rackets and bezzles in some virtuous-sounding garb, a nation choking on low-quality junk ceaselessly hawked by robocalls, spam, phishing and Big Tech manipulation.
John Michael Greer: One of the weirdest features of public life in the industrial world today, in fact, is the way that so many people edit the ideas they encounter to make those ideas conform to preconceived narratives.
Paul Craig Roberts: Americans are the most propagandized people on earth. In place of a news media they have a propaganda ministry that is a lie machine. Americans live in a spun narrative of lies. Few understand the evil intentions of their rulers and the way government is used to enrich the elite.
Whitney Webb: Well, this is totally normal and not at all a conflict of interest
EXPLOSIVE NEW VIDEO! #JoeManchinSenatorForSale
@Sen_JoeManchin is blocking Joe Biden's agenda.
We found so much vile and provable corruption in Manchin's life and his families life that we could not fit it all into one video. So this is just Part 1.
That the Democrats have Obama out for Terry MacAuliffe (!!!) in Virginia, instead of having him full court press on the Voting Rights Act and shaming Manchin in WV and Sinema in Arizona, tells you all you need to know about the Dems' AND Obama's priorities.
Satirical Fare:
Fauci Says Attacking Puppy Torture Is An Attack On Science
Pics of the Week:
Photos inside Rikers Island expose hellish, deadly conditions
< 1% of #COVID19 deaths had NO existing conditions
> 64% of deaths had 6 or more conditions
> 97% of deaths had 2 or more conditions