
Tuesday, October 12, 2021


Regular Fare:

Albert Edwards: "It's Starting To Feel A Bit Like July 2008"

Looking ahead, Edwards sees even tighter financial conditions as bond yields continue to drift higher due to the more inflationary backdrop together with the threat of Fed tightening… As the evidence shifts, Edwards expects 10y yields to attempt to reach 2-2¼% - the upper bound of the long-term secular Ice Age downtrend.

… Edwards asks "what about the R-word?" He is, of course, referring to a coming recession (borne out the current global economic stagflation), yet which virtually nobody anticipates. One reason why he sees the US as especially vulnerable to a recession is because the OECD is estimating a huge 5% fiscal tightening next year, the result of trillions in fiscal stimuli fading and turning into outright headwinds.

Real-time economic indicators already suggest that the slowdown has arrived

Former Central Banker Says US Economy Already In Recession

“The economic situation in 2021 is exceptional, however, since unprecedented direct government intervention in the labor market through furlough-type arrangements has enabled employment rates to recover quickly from the huge downturn in 2020,” wrote Blanchflower and Bryson quoted by Bloomberg. “However, downward movements in consumer expectations in the last six months suggest the economy in the United States is entering recession now, even though employment and wage growth figures suggest otherwise."

According to the authors, "all the recessions since the 1980s have been predicted by at least 10 and sometimes many more point drops in expectations indices." Additionally, a single monthly rise of at least 0.3 percentage points in unemployment and two consecutive months of employment rate declines are also notable leading indicators.

The global macro debate is focussed on monetary policy. Fiscal policy will play a bigger role in the coming 12-18 months.

During the crisis, fiscal policy was not a mere input into the monetary policy decision making process – it was the primary channel through which policymakers sought to manage the cycle. Macro-policy worked because it was co-ordinated. But that co-ordination seems to be coming apart. And for all the focus on the monetary side of the equation, the real action is at the fiscal end.

Shimshon Bichler and Jonathan Nitzan: Dominant capital and the government

This note contextualizes the ongoing U.S. policy shift toward greater ‘regulation’ of large corporations. Cory Doctorow (2021) and Blair Fix (2021) are optimistic about this shift. We doubt it.


On paper, the U.S. government is free to legislate its path and determine its policies. In principle, there is little to prevent a resolute U.S. administration from challenging the power of the country’s dominant capital and clip the wings of its largest firms.

But it would be good to remember that the U.S. government – like most other governments – has become part and parcel of an increasingly global state of capital. This integration has undermined the de facto autonomy of governments everywhere. Whether willing or reluctant, many if not most policymakers have become pawns of a global mode of power they cannot control and that forces them to tranquilize the increasingly vulnerable population that dominant capital helps create. Government spending has inflated, but this inflation betrays weakness, not strength.

Larger-yet-weaker neoliberal governments are the alter-ego of bigger-and-meaner dominant capital. It is hard to think of any important sector or aspect of society, in the United States and elsewhere, where dominant capital does not dominate. It is true that, faced with increasing resistance, the rising power of dominant capital in the United States has slowed down significantly over the years and seems to have stalled completely in recent times (Figure 1). But the level of this power is still greater than ever, and it is yet to show any meaningful decline. Finally, and importantly, the stalling advance of U.S. dominant capital makes it extra vigilant against any serious challenge.

Prediction: if the current U.S. government delivers on its promise to curtail the might of the country’s largest corporations, it will face the wrath of the most powerful megamachine the world has ever seen.

Ian Welsh: How The Structure Of The World Economy Made Shortages Inevitable

For the second time I find myself referring readers to an essay by John Michael Greer, this time on shortages. This is the best piece I’ve read on the issue and I agree with almost everything he says. JMG’s overall worldview isn’t mine, but he’s unquestionably brilliant, and this has been nailed. Go, read.

I want to note, as does JMG, than none of this is unexpected: the fact that the just-in-time inventory and ordering system was obviously subject to shocks is a warning given by many.

I want to emphasize, though, that it’s not only “just in time”, it’s the structure of production itself, which is both very dispersed and very centralized. A final assembly factory may draw parts from dozens of other factories, none of them near it, so when one of those factories goes down, the entire show can draw to a halt.

This dispersion was a deliberate choice. Some of it started as early as the fifties, as a deliberate way to tie economies together and attempt to avoid WWIII thru mutual dependence, but as with most of our economic pathologies, it really took off after 1980 and Reagan, with the vast offshoring and outshoring of industry and production: we were told the choice was to seek the lowest costs and highest profits.

None of this was necessary; the proper use of trade and industrial policy could, and I would say, should, have been to encourage every country to produce what it could in its own country, only importing what it couldn’t make or grow itself. Comparative advantage is, and always has been, garbage and no great state has ever allowed it to determine anything. Britain didn’t industrialize under”free” trade and neither did America or Japan or anyone else of significance.

But doing it this wasn’t mostly about profits and costs; it was about tying the world together in a way which disempowered every country outside the core. The so-called value chains were initially all controlled from the West or, perhaps Japan or South Korea. Everyone paid a vig to the controlling interests in the West: the rich did very very well, they just didn’t pay their fellow countrymen and women.

This was excellent, from their point of view, because money is power and it broke the power of their domestic opposition: absolutely gutting unions, the working and eventually the middle class, leaving them completely in charge.

Meanwhile, because of the dispersion of manufacturing and its inputs, other countries mostly couldn’t create any industry they really controlled (again, South Korea, Germany, Japan are exceptions), so there was not threat.

Until they got too greedy, and the Chinese saw their weakness, and they put so much in China while China had a policy of grabbing as much knowledge of how to produce as possible.

Which leaves us where we are today: vastly vulnerable supply and manufacturing chains, an onrushing cold War, and a struggle over who controls the “value chains.”

The Chinese are damn tired of paying the West its vig because the West is at the top of value chains where most of the work is done in China or other countries. Equally they are sick of paying for IP.

US elites, on the other hand, are terrified of losing their top-seat position; their ability take a big percentage of all profits because they own the IP and control the value chains.

There are no good actors here, be clear: the Chinese have done reprehensible things and so have the Americans.


We created a different world; a world in which everyone was dependent, most countries couldn’t even feed themselves, and everyone needed everyone else while a few countries, but especially the US, still remained in overall control of production (again, until US elites got too stupid and greedy and the Chinese took advantage (you can’t cheat an honest man.) Some of the reasons were good, if misguided (especially in the early post-war period), most of them were greedy, stupid and shortsighted, since Keynes could see it was a bad idea even in the 40s.

Now we’re paying, but most of those who set up the system then overbalanced it thru their greed are either dead or still alive and filthy rich, and getting richer.

The Data Manipulation Scandal That Could Topple the Heads of the World Bank and IMF, Explained

As the annual meetings of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund kick off next week, the Bretton Woods institutions are mired in scandal. On September 15, the World Bank published an independent investigation led by former US Attorney for Washington D.C. Ronald Machen and the law firm WilmerHale into the involvement of senior World Bank management in data manipulation.

The report alleges Bank officials altered data to benefit both China and Saudi Arabia in its flagship Doing Business report, which ranks countries on their business regulations. The allegations cover incidents spanning the tenures of two World Bank presidents, Obama-nominee Jim Kim and Trump-nominee David Malpass, with a leading role for Kristalina Georgieva who now runs the IMF.

*** John Michael Greer: That Untraversed Land

... Insofar as the corporate media is discussing these shortages at all, they’re blaming it on the shutdowns last year and on a lack of truck drivers to haul goods to market. They’re not wholly mistaken. During last year’s virus panic, many firms closed their doors or laid off employees, and production of energy resources, raw materials, and finished goods fell accordingly.  Now that most countries have opened up again, the energy resources, raw materials, and finished goods needed for ordinary economic life aren’t available, because the habit of just-in-time ordering that pervades the modern global economy leaves no margin for error.

The shortage of truck drivers is another product of the same set of policies.  During the shutdown period, many people—truck drivers among them—got thrown out of work. Because of the same  regulations that deprived them of work, they couldn’t look for other jobs, and the assistance programs meant to help people deal with the impact of the shutdowns weren’t noticeably more effective than such programs ever are.  That left millions of people to find other ways of getting by, outside the official economy of employment.  This, accordingly, many of them did.

I think that in retrospect, the decision to lock down entire societies to stop the coronavirus will end up in the history books as one of the most spectacular blunders ever committed by a ruling class. Partly, of course, the lockdowns didn’t work—look at graphs of case numbers over time from places that locked down vs. places that didn’t, and you’ll find that locking down societies and putting millions of people out of work didn’t do a thing to change the size and duration of the outbreak.  Partly, the economic damage inflicted by the lockdowns would have taken years to heal even if the global industrial economy wasn’t already choking on excessive debt and running short of a galaxy of crucial raw materials. But there’s more to it than that.

If you want people to put up patiently with long hours of drudgery at miserably low wages, subject to wretched conditions and humiliating policies, so that their self-proclaimed betters can enjoy lifestyles they will never be able to share, it’s a really bad idea to make them stop work and give them a good long period of solitude, in which they can think about what they want out of life and how little of it they’re getting from the role you want them to play.  It’s an especially bad idea to do it so that they have no way of knowing when, or if, they will ever be allowed to return to their former lives, thus forcing them to look for other options in order to stay fed, clothed, housed, and the like. (We can set aside the question of vaccine mandates for now—that’s another kettle of fish—but of course those feed into this same effect.)

So there’s a labor shortage, and it’s concentrated in exactly those jobs that are most essential to keeping the economy running.  These are also the jobs most likely to have lousy pay and worse conditions.  This isn’t accidental. It unfolds from one of the most pervasive and least discussed features of contemporary economic life: the metastatic growth of intermediation.


There’s some history behind that. The spectacular growth of intermediation in modern times became possible for two reasons. The first was that fossil fuels made it possible for the labor of a single person to produce more wealth than ever before in human history.  The second was that fossil fuels also enabled the world’s industrial nations to take over and exploit more of the planet than any previous empire in recorded history, first through conquest and colonialism, and later on through manipulative economic arrangements that left other countries notionally independent while they were being drained of wealth to support the industrial nations.

The impact of these factors on economic life is almost impossible to overstate. 


The difficulty is that the torrents of cheap abundant energy that made that sort of metastatic intermediation possible depended all along on the breakneck exploitation of nonrenewable resources.  Now fossil fuels are not so cheap as they once were, nor so abundant. 


In a declining economy, one person’s productive labor can no longer support the vast teetering structure of intermediation that’s been heaped on top of it. As decline proceeds—and as we have seen, it will proceed for many years to come—so will the contraction in what each person’s labor can support.  If we’re lucky, the decline will bottom out before it gets down to the medieval level—some of our scientific and technological achievements are potentially sustainable, and might keep economic life above the sheer subsistence level if they’re preserved and deployed in time—but in any possible future, the great majority of people will be producing goods and services for their own use and for that of their neighbors, rather than laboring for the benefit of the vast and unsustainable government, corporate, and institutional juggernauts of our day.  


Marshall Auerback and Patrick Lawrence: “Economic war crimes.”

Kneecapping China seems the best Biden can do.

Gina Raimondo, the Biden administration’s commerce secretary, made a strikingly revelatory remark last Tuesday, a day before she was to meet European Union officials to inaugurate something called the U.S.–E.U. Trade and Technology Council. Hardly could a bureaucratic event sound any duller, but Raimondo’s preview comments, delivered in an interview with CNBC, were certainly otherwise. Here is the pith of them:

America is most effective when we work with our allies. If we really want to slow down China’s rate of innovation, we need to work with Europe.”

Gina Raimondo was a two-time governor of poor little Rhode Island from 2014 to 2019, during which period she ran things rather badly and achieved, if this is our word, a solid place among the governors with the lowest approval ratings in the nation. Gina Raimondo has zero experience in any dimension of international relations. But sometimes the most interesting things middling bureaucrats such as Gina Raimondo have to say come when they do not grasp the implications of what they are saying.

A nation that wants to slow another’s rate of development is on the face of it prone to diabolic behavior. Such a nation is indifferent to the wellbeing of the other’s population and, at bottom, stands as an impediment to any serious notion of human progress.

Such a nation is the United States, it seems. Far from being the leader of the Western world, Joe Biden has inherited precisely the role his predecessors at least as far back as Bush II carved out in global affairs—the role of spoiler.

There are fundamental social values and philosophies reflected in these different economic models. Understood properly, all economic institutions and structures—tax regimes, stock markets, regulatory environments, labor laws, and so on—reflect the values of the societies in which they exist. This is a problem for the U.S. in our time. We find that free markets and a weak state sector put Americans at a critical disadvantage next to models such as China’s. The problem is compounded because our religious devotion to supposedly free markets prevents us from even recognizing our circumstance.

We cannot compete, in short—we with our radical individualism, our free-for-all economy, and our countless social and economic casualties. And now we come to Gina Raimondo’s home truth: Because we cannot compete, we will do our best to cripple the nation against which we cannot compete.

China marches on towards Fourth Industrial Revolution

Pundit predictions of China's demise are the latest self-consoling illusions of a lazy elite who can't see the AI writing on the wall

… These are self-consoling illusions of a lazy elite that has allowed America’s manufacturing, technological and education advantages to erode over the past 20 years – an elite that has nothing to say about reversing the decline.

America’s Economic Divide In Two Stories

I come back to this frequently, because I worry more and more that the fortunate members of society are totally disconnected from the less fortunate, which is pretty much everyone if we’re talking percentages.

That matters little to the affluent. Indeed, we miss something important when we talk about “household wealth” in America. For many (most?) Americans, there’s no such thing. They have no “wealth” because they own no assets to speak of. For those folks, stagflation means hoping wages keep pace with rising prices, but in a slow-growth environment, demanding higher wages is perilous because businesses are facing margin compression and falling revenues. As a worker, you have (lots) of bargaining power right now, but when the labor market balances and slow growth sets in, it may well evaporate. At that point, asking for more money when profits are getting squeezed on both sides (i.e., by rising input prices and wages and also by falling revenues) could be tantamount to asking to be fired or replaced with a robot.

The circumstances of i) an average person just trying to make it in America and ii) life as experienced by the affluent, are now so divergent that it’s difficult to see how the two economic classes can possibly communicate with one another, let alone commingle or otherwise interact in ways conducive to civic order.

This will end in some manner of social breakdown. America got a preview of this film in the summer of 2020. Expect the full-length feature to be far more dramatic.

Barry Ritholtz: The Radically Changing Labor Market

Those numbers are telling. But rather than rag on economists for being bad forecasters, it’s worth pointing out that the labor market is in the midst of a massive upheaval. The old models that were not that great to begin with are struggling, they are mostly useless when attempting to make sense of the current circumstances.

The data this month should also end the debate about Unemployment insurance preventing people from going back to their old crappy jobs. Now that the enhanced unemployment insurance has expired, it is no longer a viable reason for the difficulty in hiring. Something else is obviously going on.

Skip this month’s NFP chart (it will be revised next month anyway) and have a look at the chart from Bank of America’s Haim Israel. Automation is inexorably driving huge numbers of jobs away. I suspect workers have figured for themselves they want to skip taking positions that will eventually be automated anyway.

These days, the labor market is even more unusually dynamic than usual. It is not an exaggeration to suggest it is in the midst of a radical transformation.

The problem is not that economists cannot predict it; rather, it’s that they do not understand it.

We have no theory of inflation

Inflation is the biggest debate in macro. The models don't work.
At last week’s ECB get-together for the great and good of central banking in Sintra that context was neatly provided by Charles Goodhart, a professor at the LSE and former member of the Bank of England’s monetary policy committee.

Goodhart, as only the truly great and good of the profession can get away with, did not write a paper but instead riffed off a few slides. The video of the relevant session is well worth a watch and Goodhart begins about 15 minutes into panel 1.

Goodhart opened with the remarkable statement that “the world at the moment is in a really a rather extraordinary state because we have no general theory of inflation”.

As Goodhart explained, once upon time there were once two competing theories: the Friedmanite monetary theory that inflation was the result of too much money chasing too few goods and the Philips Curve theory that postulated a relationship between inflation and unemployment.

Both theories have broken down empirically over the past three decades.

… The replacement, in central bank land, has been what Goodhart dubbed a “a bootstrap theory of inflation”: that as long as inflation expectations remain anchored, inflation itself will remain anchored. With a wonderful turn of phrase, Goodhart went on to call this “a very weak reed”. As he demonstrated with his first slide, inflation expectations are reasonably backward looking and people tend to extrapolate their recent experience into the future.

… Rudd though, it seems, is not one for telling reassuring stories. After demonstrating that the theoretical case for expectations determining actual inflation was always weak (surely for example firms and workers care more about short term inflation when setting prices and bargaining for wages and yet the theoretical case, in policy circles, has usually rested on long term expectations) he goes on to demonstrate that the empirical case has also always been weak. He does not pull his punches.

… Right now, the debate about how transitory or temporary the global spike in inflation will be is the hottest topic in macro. Between them, Goodhart and Rudd have done a good job of demonstrating that the best answer might be “we don’t know”. None of the existing models provide a solid basis for forecasting. Many of the people claiming that inflation is definitely staying high have been saying much the same thing for a decade or more, while many of those insisting that it is transitory failed to spot the coming spike.

How supply chain chaos and sky-high costs could last until 2023

Other Charts & & & &:

Bubble Fare:

Felder: Is The Stock Market Starting To Discount An Earnings Recession?

Earnings growth has been terrific over the past several quarters, proving a strong tailwind for stock prices.

For astute market watchers, however, this should not come as any surprise. The decline in interest rates, oil prices and the dollar over the past couple of years, in fact, predicted it. As a group, these markets have proven for decades now to be a far better forecaster of S&P 500 earnings growth than any analyst on Wall Street.

…. Considering valuations are more extreme than ever before and investors are also more highly leveraged than any other time in the past, a shifting in this fundamental driver of stock prices from tailwind to headwind should be something investors pay close attention to.

The Market Is Approaching A Tipping Point

The battle of the investment narrative, that's the best way to describe 2021.

It's been a battle in:

· Inflation vs deflation

· Real economy (cyclical and commodities) vs new economy (tech)

· Value vs growth

· A fight for normality vs COVID

But during times of uncertainty, we turn to charts and historical market patterns for guidance.

They are all uncannily similar in that 1) there was a parabolic rise in share price, 2) the rise was not justified by fundamentals, and 3) they have failed to sustain any momentum to the upside for longer than 6-months. In addition to the momentum stock charts that appear to be breaking, the Nasdaq versus Energy chart is also breaking lower (implying energy to materially outperform tech going forward).

"Catastrophic" Property Sales Mean China's Worst Case Scenario Is Now In Play

COVID-19 notes:

Nursing crisis sweeps wards as NHS battles to find recruits

(not just) for the ESG crowd:

Empirically grounded technology forecasts and the energy transition (PDF) Institute for New Economic Thinking

The Energy Transition Will Take Decades Not Years

'Global stilling' is blamed as wind speeds drop across Europe cutting green energy production - threatening to drive up energy prices even FURTHER

Sacrificing for the Climate

In the most turbine-surrounded community in the world, poor residents understand that their loss—of land, jobs, and serenity—has nothing to do with the common good. Clean energy advocates should take notice.

Renewable energy seems set to repeat many of the mistakes of fossil fuels. Though wind and solar power will not degrade the conditions for life on planet earth, the geography and corporate structure of these industries concentrate benefits and exclude communities in the style of Big Oil.

Other Fare:

Slowed canonical progress in large fields of science. PNAS.

The size of scientific fields may impede the rise of new ideas. Examining 1.8 billion citations among 90 million papers across 241 subjects, we find a deluge of papers does not lead to turnover of central ideas in a field, but rather to ossification of canon. Scholars in fields where many papers are published annually face difficulty getting published, read, and cited unless their work references already widely cited articles. New papers containing potentially important contributions cannot garner field-wide attention through gradual processes of diffusion. These findings suggest fundamental progress may be stymied if quantitative growth of scientific endeavors—in number of scientists, institutes, and papers—is not balanced by structures fostering disruptive scholarship and focusing attention on novel ideas.

People with higher socioeconomic status have lower emotional intelligence, especially at high levels of inequality

The study authors point out that the small effects they found could end up having considerable consequences.

Neuroscientists roll out first comprehensive atlas of brain cells

Machine learning and high-powered microscopes provide detailed snapshots of cells' inner machinery

Surviving Hell: The story of the 2021 Paris-Roubaix

Quotes of the Week:

Case in point, there has never been so many shit jobs in U.S. history. The number of shitty jobs now outnumbers the people who want a shitty job by 10:1. Yet no pundit can figure out why so there are so few takers. (The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) doesn't include gig jobs in their payroll tally, and yet roughly 60 million Americans now have gig jobs. Which means they are contractors and hence not picked up in BLS surveys.)

Tweet Vids of the Week:

Meanwhile in Canada, spooky season gets into gear...

The Japanese Puffer Fish is probably nature's greatest artist

To grab a female’s attention he creates something that defies belief

Pics of the Week:

PHOTO ESSAY: How do humans make sense of the bomb?

EXTRA [controversial or non-market-related] FARE:

*** denotes well-worth reading in full at source (even if excerpted extensively here)

Regular Fare:

Not a fan of many of Monbiot’s geopolitical views (supportive of imperialist propaganda), but can’t disagree with him on this:

Trashing the planet and hiding the money isn’t a perversion of capitalism. It is capitalism

Doomberg: Starvation Diet

“It’s important to recognize that net zero demands a transformation of the entire economy.” – Larry Fink 

We are on the cusp of a significant mass starvation event of our own making. Soon, tens of millions of the world’s most impoverished people will die from an inability to feed themselves, while many of those comfortably getting by now – especially in the Western World – are in for a shock.

The leaders who put us in this position are doubling down on their misguided energy policies and will continue to do so until they are overthrown. I doubt they will go peacefully. Between now and then, they will use all manner of surveillance tools to spread Orwellian propaganda, misdirect blame, and crush dissent. Leading technology companies will greedily facilitate this modern incarnation of the Great Leap Forward, imaginary utopian ends justifying all manner of grotesque means.

Other than that, things are great.

For the latest evidence that society is hurtling into an immovable wall at top speed, we turn once again to the fertilizer market and connect a few dots for our readers. Monumental news broke at the end of September, and yet almost no mainstream outlet is covering it. We expect that to change shortly.

To keep the chemistry lesson as simple as possible, you need natural gas to produce ammonia and energy from fossil fuels to mine for phosphate. You need ammonia and phosphate to make fertilizer. You need fertilizer to grow food at scale. You need food to keep the peace.

Brandon Smith: Is The Small Business Sector Being Deliberately Targeted For Destruction?

Every single element of this crisis has been engineered. And I would suggest the possibility that, like in the Great Depression, major corporations are once again in a convenient position to devour the small business sector and become the only game in town for all retail and services.

Climate Crisis Fare:

I’ve been talking about methane release from the permafrost (and perhaps arctic) for a long time now. Back in 2013 I wrote:
Various processes are past the point of no return; we are going to see huge methane releases from Russia, for example. We are going to have worse global warming than the worst mainstream predictions.
Climate change will continue to present itself as more and worse extreme weather events, like the nasty hurricanes we’ve been seeing hitting further and further north. We are going to also see changes in rainfall patterns; these will continue to devastate agriculture.
Back in 2013, in theory we could have stopped this, but in practice we weren’t going to because none of the major governments then or now was going to do what it took. In fact, Barack Obama was busy increasing oil production, much of it thru fracking, as fast as he could, as deliberate policy.
“I know we’re in oil country and we need American energy.”

“You wouldn’t always know it ,but it went up every year I was president,” he said to applause. “That whole, suddenly America’s like the biggest oil producer and the biggest gas that was me, people.”

Obama: “Suddenly America is the largest oil producer, that was me people … say thank you.”
The irony here is that he said this just after saying how proud he was of the Paris climate accords, which while they had “targets” had no enforcement mechanism and which EVERYONE with any sense had to know were a dead letter, even if they had been adequate, which they weren’t.

Back to the methane. Every time I talked about this people would tell me I was full of shit, the science didn’t support it, etc… I know it’s considered in bad taste to mention this, but they were wrong, and I was right:


humans are no longer in primary control of climate change: the upward spiral takes over. There will be a new equilibrium point, but we don’t know what it is. We can guess, from previous geological eras, but none of that news is good news.

Will humanity survive? Probably. Will civilization as we know it survive? No.


The last real chance to mitigate this passed when American and British elites colluded to destroy any chance of either Bernie Sanders of Jeremy Corbyn running America or Britain. By the time we have another shot at non psychopathic leaders (yes, Biden is a psychopath, based on his actions over his lifetime and so is Johnson) it will literally be too late.


Our elites are, functionally, psychopaths. They aren’t, mostly, stupid (though some are deficient, like Bush Jr. and Biden (senile) and Johnson), but many are quite smart (Clinton and Obama were both borderline geniuses.) They just don’t care. They don’t believe that they will personally be effected by severe climate change (remember, they’re OLD) and to the extent they care about their children, they figure money and power will obtain protection. As for you and your children, you matter not at all.


*** Paracelsus: Corporate Medicine: The Rot at the Core of the US Medical Establishment Exposed

In March 2020 an exceptionally resourceful intensive care nurse in New Jersey recognized a crisis, rallied her colleagues together, and solved a problem. Olga Matievskaya at Newark Beth Israel Medical Center saw firsthand how the early wave of COVID-19 patients were infecting staff who did not have personal protective equipment (PPE). She started a GoFundMe page and raised $12,000 to buy masks, shoe covers, and jumpsuits to protect herself and her co-workers. But rather than thanking Olga for her quick thinking and promoting her to head of supply chain, Newark Beth Israel Medical Center suspended her without pay for “distributing unauthorized protective gear.” Never mind that Olga had won the international Daisy Award for extraordinary nursing and her critical care skills were needed more than ever. For Newark Beth Israel no PPE at all was apparently better than PPE bought by staff demonstrating more competence than its management.

A few months later the same managers who suspended Olga made mask-wearing mandatory and become the mask-wearing police. A year later administrators began firing people who refused a COVID-19 vaccine despite growing concerns about the vaccines’ safety and efficacy.

The COVID-19 pandemic has laid bare the depths of mismanagement, incompetence, greed, and utter stupidity that pervades the American medical establishment — what I call Corporate Medicine.

Before recent history is whitewashed, my purpose here is to explain that COVID-19 demonstrates how healthcare operates every day, not just during a pandemic.

Just as other industries in the US are controlled by oligarchs connected to the federal government, so too is healthcare. Just as a revolving door swings between the SEC and big banks, and between the Pentagon and defense contractors, so too exists a revolving door between the NIH, FDA, CDC, and the oligopoly of hospital, insurance, and pharmaceutical companies. In fact, medicine has its own chapel within the so-called ‘Cathedral’, i.e. the network of institutions and cultural forces dictating conventional wisdom in America, to borrow a term from blogger Curtis Yarvin. Enlightened progressive physicians in academia, government, and ‘non-profits’ mutually empower each other and dictate a self-serving healthcare policy to those of us operating on the front lines.

What has become clear post-COVID is that the medical community (including individual clinicians) is subservient to the greater political Cathedral operating in the United States. There is a bottom-up problem with how physicians are selected and trained, and a top-down problem with the organizations that constitute Corporate Medicine.

Most of the American public admires and has faith in physicians. The general perception of doctors is that they are brilliant, selfless, hard-working people dedicated to healing their patients. I’m not here to bash all doctors (I am one after all), but the current caliber of the physician population is more uneven than one may assume.

Our perverted medical training system fills niche specialties with the best and brightest, and fills the specialties that see the most patients with a mixture of duds and idealists.

While medical schools’ fail-forward model is already concerning, post-residency the stakes become higher, as doctors now practice without any oversight, in an environment populated by healthcare administrators that rewards compliance over competence.

Highway billboard status secured, hospitals can turn to the only other thing they do well, which is price gouging everyone, living or dead.

As organizations like the AMA and AAP run amok, the issues and advocacy filter down to individual physicians. Those physicians, blithely assured that they know what is best for the world, have become fanatically woke and narcissistic.

And apostles they are. If you get COVID and are unvaccinated, expect an uphill battle with conventional doctors at clinics and hospitals, and a lot of “I told you so.” If you want to be treated better, seek out a sane doctor who will boldly write an ivermectin prescription. As for vaccine injuries, I have not seen a single colleague reporting to VAERS, despite numerous patients with myocarditis, blood clots, and major neurologic issues. Yet there is no official edict or policy to whitewash vaccine injuries. In the Cathedral there doesn’t need to be direct coordination. My colleagues just know to dismiss the side effects of COVID vaccines, just as lemmings know to keep running off the cliff.

Entire libraries could be filled on each individual government agency’s role in the Corporate Medicine cogwheel and the heinous role of big pharma and insurance giants. The TL:DR version is the people in charge and their corporate handlers are either sinister, greedy, completely inept, or all of three.

The CDC issues statements, but it’s the NIH that actually does things. The NIH is also extremely well funded ($42 billion in 2020), and therefore more dangerous. The NIH conducts internal research at its hospital and laboratories in Bethesda, Maryland, and funds external research at American universities and indeed in Wuhan, China. But the EcoHealth Alliance adventure was not the NIH’s first rodeo. For that we would have to consider their work with the CIA in the ’60s and ’70s. For its MK-ULTRA program, the CIA funneled money to the NIH and its National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) via non-profit foundations under the guise of treating addiction, depression, and other mental health problems. NIMH performed ‘studies’ for MK-ULTRA and outsourced work via grants to academic institutions (including Harvard). Those studies involved recruiting both regular and troubled Americans to be unwitting recipients of LSD and other mind-altering substances, often given at astronomically high doses for prolonged periods of time. What little we know of that ‘research’ is that it did not advance mental health treatment and did not improve our national security. Replace CIA with Dr. Fauci, Harvard with UNC, non-profit foundations with EcoHealth Alliance, addiction with SARS, and LSD with genetically modified coronaviruses, and you see NIH history repeating itself.

Just as the NIH was delighted to serve as the CIA’s lapdog, the same goes with the FDA and big pharma. The scheme works like this: the FDA sets Kabuki theater rules for drug development and testing. Big pharma makes the drug and supplies it. The NIH and universities spend taxpayer dollars performing the FDA-required clinical trials. The trial data then goes back to big pharma’s statisticians for analysis, which the FDA reviews, and approves. Rinse and repeat. This cycle has been a constant source of heartburn for the small number of true research ethicists left and resulted in multiple declarations of highly effective drugs that were, in fact, not effective at all. Between 2000-2011, 102 drug trials were retracted, 73 for scientific misconduct and 29 for statistical or other reporting errors. Beyond drug approval, the FDA is supposed to be engaged in post-marketing surveillance of drug quality and efficacy. Yet as detailed in the page-turner Bottle of Lies, the FDA fails time and time again to prevent carcinogens from appearing in blood pressure and heartburn medications, pieces of stainless steel in Moderna vaccines, and bacteria in insulin.

The government and its bureaucrats (hoping to land cushy post-government jobs) facilitate consolidation into entities “too big to fail” and continually serve the whims of those ever-growing corporations. Big pharma and healthcare insurance are the equivalent of big banks circa 2008.

Also always approved by their friends in the government are the actions of insurance companies. BlueCross/BlueShield is one of the biggest government donors, with other major insurance companies not falling far behind. And these insurers love their government regulations! The US government has allowed them to eat little regional insurance companies alive, vertically integrate with hospitals and pharmacies, and outright collude with hospitals to set prices. In return, insurance companies occasionally rescue the government from its more embarrassing episodes – like when a subsidiary of United Health Group fixed the disastrous Obamacare website… for $2.2 billion.

The revolving door between insurance execs and government administrators (like United Health Group’s senior executive Andy Slavitt, who later became acting administrator for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services) allows healthcare insurers to rob Peter to pay Paul.

Do these stories sound akin to the gross mismanagement and inefficiencies characteristic of Communist states? Does all this sound closer to a corrupt oligopoly than free-market capitalism? Until now this has been something out of sight and out of mind for most Americans, save those with unexpected catastrophic medical events. But like the financial crisis in 2008, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought medicine’s decay front and center into our everyday lives. And nowhere has that been more evil and more threatening to individual liberty than in the case of vaccines.

… The propaganda for, and also pushback against COVID-19 vaccines tends to refer to those vaccines as one entity: “the shot,” “the jab”, or simply “the vaccine.” Yet not all COVID vaccines are equal, and they may not even be vaccines. Although the CDC has changed its definition of what a vaccine is, and surely the CDC, WHO, and various governments will continue to change their definition of what being fully vaccinated means, the original purpose of vaccines is clear. Vaccination is a means to prevent disease from happening at all by conferring immunity from infection.

… In this sense, COVID vaccines aren’t really vaccines. They’re also not all equal. Traditional vaccines fall into two categories: protein-based and inactivated virus. That ‘OG’ technology is present in vaccines like those against diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTaP), and against mumps, measles, and rubella (MMR), respectively. However, Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, and AstraZeneca vaccines are neither protein-based nor inactivated virus vaccines. The first two are mRNA and the last two are adenovirus vector vaccines, and both are new vaccine technology and totally experimental. Anyone who isn’t deaf, dumb, or blind then must know that these new experiments have unusual and serious side effects.

So why didn’t we ‘warp speed’ any traditional vaccines? Because the Cathedral, our Ruling Class, the Oligarchy, etc. said so.

The lack of vaccine choice (not just to get one or not, but if you want one what type) is only one symptom of medicine’s decay and of American and Western society’s general decline. Just as our rulers have created supply shortages, reduced the stock market to ride the whims of ten companies, and gutted small businesses in favor of Amazon, so too have our health options been whittled down to “jab or job.”

By now it should be clear that medicine is not an independent sector but rather a weapon the Cathedral wields to advance its political and economic goals. Many healthcare providers are now practicing medicine according to what is said on MSNBC and Twitter rather than using critical thinking. As a physician myself, I deliberately ignored the greater evils and had blinders on the thought patterns (or lack thereof) of many of my colleagues. That changed one day in early 2020…

I’ve treated countless COVID patients by now and, in my view, the risks of the vaccine outweigh the possible benefits. As of this writing, it’s debatable what, if any, benefits there are.

As disheartening as it is to read all of this, the truth is also that there will not be a dramatic turnaround in 2022, or in 2024.

Mathew Crawford: The Efficacy Illusions, Part I: The Naming Illusion

By the conclusion of this article, I suspect that nearly every reader will have a fundamentally different understanding of the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines.

Nearly everything we hear thrown at us with respect to the pandemic seems framed in a way to ensure a particular belief, or to get a particular response. Whatever you might believe about cloth masks, opening a window can be somewhere between hundreds to thousands of times more effective, UV light in a room could eviscerate most all virions preventing the accumulation of infection clouds, and there are many other simple solutions that don't involve inconveniencing our breathing. We were quickly told that there is no evidence that the vaccines could affect fertility almost immediately, when there were no studies on the matter that lasted more than a few weeks, much less a full gestation cycle (or childhood). It is up to us to unravel the language, the data, and the logic, in order to get a grip on exactly what is going on.

Ever since Dr. Robert Malone began to publicly speak up about the role that the spike protein plays in both COVID-19 and also the vaccines ostensibly designed to prevent it, I've referred to a lot of illnesses caused by the vaccines as Type II COVID-19. The symptoms are highly similar, and the evidence that many of them are caused by the spike protein is mounting.

But here we are, nearly 10 months into a mass vaccination program in which billions of doses have been administered, delivering spike protein to billions of people. And it is just now dawning on more and more people that vaccines might be causing the disease state, too. And that may be the result of one simple magic trick: fooling people into thinking that the disease that we were all led to believe was scary and difficult to beat could only be caused by the novel coronavirus.

As a result of this first magic trick, the several million people suffering vaccine-induced serious adverse events are not counted as COVID-19 cases, nor are deaths caused by the vaccines appropriately categorized. Any efficacy computations or risk-benefit analysis that fails to take this into account are gross statistical misrepresentations of reality.

We have several more magic tricks to examine in this Great Reveal. Stay tuned…

Joy Pullmann: Joe Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Doesn’t Exist. It’s Just A Press Release

Americans are no longer living under representative government. We are living under government by the screen people, of the screen people, for the screen people.

Yes, we’ve heard all about Joe Biden’s alleged vaccine mandate for private companies employing 100 or more people. It was all over the news even before he announced it on September 9. His announcement has jeopardized the employment of millions of Americans and increased worker shortages in critical domains such as health care.

There’s only one problem. It’s all a mirage. Biden’s so-called vaccine mandate doesn’t exist — at least, not yet. So far, all we have is his press conference and other such made-for-media huff-puffing. No such rule even claiming to be legally binding has been issued yet.

… There is no executive order. There’s nothing but press statements.

… There are many other reasons any federal vaccine mandate would be obviously illegal and unconstitutional, Rivkin and Alt write,

… But who needs the Constitution when you have an American people conditioned for compliance with even wildly outlandish things the screen people insist they must think and do?

… All this allows weak Republicans and evil Democrats to shadowbox each other for the cameras while ordinary Americans suffer under their abdicated leadership.

… These people believe they are royalty, and too many Americans are acting like they’re these losers’ serfs instead of citizens .. with inalienable rights, including the right to consent — through elected representatives, not never-elected dictatorial bureaucrats — to rules that restrict our rights, everyday lives, and human dignity.

el gato malo: an epidemic of the vaccinated

the covid infection rates among the vaccinated now exceed the unvaxxed in every age group over 30. you can grab raw data HERE.

this has CLEARLY become an epidemic of the vaccinated, not the unvaccinated.

it’s also clearly deteriorating by the week with spread shifting younger.

it’s clear the vaccines not performing as hoped/expected. they got sold as “the only way to reach herd immunity.” instead they may well be putting it further out of reach by amplifying spread (and likely severity as well) because that’s what leaky vaccines do and we’re seeing it in delta CFR.

this policy of denying acquired natural immunity and claiming only vaccines can generate herd immunity was a bad enough foray into pseudoscience and crony capitalism.

but to keep up this pretense when it’s clear these vaccines do not stop spread and are likely a spread accelerant is simply unconscionable.

el gato malo: updating the UK data on VE vs delta

the simplest way to think about VE is this:

· if 100 unvaccinated people all have X happen to them and it happens 70 times in 100 vaccinated people, that’s a 30% VE. it stopped 30% of X.

· if the vaccinated group gets 130 instances of X, then VE is -30%. it made it 30% worse.

the data gives us this:


so this leaves us very much in the place we thought ourselves before.

· we have a leaky vaccine that is ineffective at best and likely counter productive in stopping spread.

· that vaccine IS effective in mitigating severe cases and deaths (though not nearly so effective as claimed)

· this efficacy looks to be fading over time

el gato malo: are leaky vaccines driving delta variant evolution and making it more deadly?

one of the great fears in any vaccination campaign is that the vaccine can wind up becoming the driver viral evolution and making the virus more dangerous. this is a special concern around imperfect (so called “leaky”) vaccines that are non-sterilizing. such vaccines do not stop spread or contagion of the virus. this means the virus will have lots of chances to replicate.

when you combine this with a vaccine that reduces severity of cases and prevents deaths in the vaccinated, it’s a bit of a perfect storm. you get full spread but break the evolutionary gradient towards mildness that viruses tend to follow (and that protects humanity from them).

all a virus wants is to replicate. “make a copy of me and pass it on.” that’s the biological imperative of the selfish gene. excel at it, you win. fail, you disappear. simple as that.

killing or harming the host is maladaptive to viral spread. it’s like burning down your own house with your car in the garage. now you have nowhere to live and no way to get around. that’s not a recipe for reproductive fitness.

this is a property of the world, not of the viruses themselves. so it applies to all of them, evolved and lab hotwired alike.

so viruses evolve to become less, not more virulent. they do not want to kill you. ideally, they’d like to help you. figure out how to be a useful symbiote, and you get a huge boost in propagation. (mitochondria were probably bacteria that were so useful, all our cells incorporated them.) so seeing case fatality rate (CFR) rise in a variant of a virus is like watching water flow uphill. it’s not supposed to do that and when it does, you need to suspect some external force acting on it.

and we’re seeing water flow uphill here.

i started with the england variants of concern (VoC) data. it’s the best quality and the best broken out. (the US data is just plain broken. it’s being deliberately scrubbed to prevent analysis like this.)

… what we see is not what one would expect from a virus. none of the other variants (pre vaccine) worked like this. none saw CFR rise like this. and no jump from major variant to variant saw a statistically significant rise in deadliness.

this IS however what one would expect if a virus were undergoing vaccine mediated evolution (as mareks disease did in chickens) and selecting for hotter strains because vaccinated people can carry and spread them and not die.

experienced CFR on delta is nearly 7X what it was in the beginning of june and has been galloping since the middle of july.

… put simply: this is not good.

delta is rapidly approaching alpha (1.1%) in terms of CFR whereas it used to be 90% lower. (it also means that the reports on delta CFR in these VoC updates are FAR too low because they are a blend of all cases and deaths back to feb, so they are averaging in the low CFR past and are slow to respond to current dynamics)

none of this is what one would expect. not remotely. it bucks evolution, it bucks the other variants, and it flies in the face of late stage pandemic dynamics like increase in acquired immunity (which IS sterilizing), depletion of high risk cohorts, improvements in treatment, etc. all these should be pushing CFR down.

instead, water is flowing uphill.

… what IS material is the fact that CFR in the unvaxxed is trending up significantly and so is CFR in the vaxxed

… what this IS consistent with is a variant heating up and getting more and more deadly because it is not checked by normal biological limitations. vaccine mediated evolution (VME) would be very bad news for us.

… this is EXACTLY what leaky vaccines did in chickens.

(read these links. THIS in particular. it’s important.)

… this is an awful lot of puzzle pieces snapping together and i think we’re really starting to see what this is a picture of.

leaky vaccines that stop severe illness and death but not spread look to be affecting the evolution of the covid 19 virus.

this is an established, predictable, and well supported risk from such vaccines.

this has become my leading hypothesis.

it also explains why we’re seeing such a large rise in deaths relative to cases and deaths and hospitalization overall in so many places. it’s the virus adapting to a stressor we put on it and becoming much more dangerous as a result.

the CFR is a function of the virus, but the virus has become a function of the leaky vaccines.

and it also means the vaccine is protecting no one. yes, it seems to have 50-60% protection against death. but what good is that against a CFR that’s up 300% or more (and rising)? everyone is worse off.

negative VE’s on spread are accelerating cases and this is multiplicative with higher CFR. this is the nightmare scenario and no one is left better off as a result. the CFR among the high risk vaccinated groups is way up too.

everyone is harmed but the brunt is borne by the unvaccinated which perversely winds up looking like better vaccine efficacy. the very fact that vaccines made everyone worse off but spread the misery unevenly makes it look like vaccines are a good idea.

it’s just simple math. if we do something to one group that makes their death rate rise from 1 to 2 per 100 but that also makes the death rate in another group rise from 1 to 4 per 100, that looks like a VE of 50%. in reality, it’s killing 100% more vaxxed people and 300% more of the unvaxxed.

mistaking that gas pedal for the brake and pushing ever harder when you fail to slow would represent an accelerating disaster curve.

that’s the problem with relative measures that ignore absolute changes. you can hide all manner of calamity in such analyses.

so, i’m putting this out to you all to see if you can find some other explanation for what’s going on that fits these facts.

looking forward to the peer review as, honestly, i hope i’m wrong here. this is not an outcome that anyone wants. it’s the nightmare scenario both as a pandemic and as a political horror in the making as if this was an “own-goal”, what would the experts and politicians than pushed this plan not be willing to do to avoid accepting the blame?

because this is career or pharma franchise polonium, and that’s if you’re lucky.

let’s keep at this. one way or the other, we need to know.

the facts do not care about our feelings and epidemiology data is a lousy fabric from which to spin a wubbie to hide under.

we need to get at the truth.

Vanden Bossche: The unforgivable sin

the mantra of mass vaccination stakeholders that vaccination of youngsters and children will provide them with improved protection from contracting severe disease is a textbook example of scientific nonsense

Unless virology and immunology are being rewritten, I cannot imagine how mass vaccination of our youngsters and children will not lead to an even more disastrous outcome of all the scientifically irrational and unjustifiable vaccination efforts.

While unvaccinated children who contract Covid-19 disease in the vast majority of cases don’t suffer severe disease and contribute to the buildup of herd immunity in the population, mass vaccination campaigns in children will prevent them from contributing to herd immunity, because more infectious viral variants are increasingly escaping from neutralization by vaccinal anti-S Abs and gaining a significant fitness advantage in such an immunological environment.

There can be no doubt that large scale immune interventions which ignore the immune pathogenesis of the disease are recipes for massive disasters.

It cannot be that highly knowledgeable vaccinologists don’t understand this clear-cut message. I can only shout at all of them, no matter their international reputation, the number of awards and recognitions they’ve gotten, the number of books they’ve written or high-ranked papers they’ve published in peer-reviewed journals: shame on you for not standing up!

Why Is Pfizer Pushing An Untested Vaccine On Children?

… This has always been a pandemic of the oldest among us.

According to CDC data, children aged 5-14 years-old have accounted for only 161 COVID-19 deaths since the start of the pandemic. In comparison, this same group has experienced 194 pneumonia deaths

… Those numbers are important when we start to look at the necessity of a vaccine for kids. As with all vaccines, there is a cost-benefit analysis that must be made: do the benefits of the vaccine outweigh the cost?

Boys between 16 and 19 years of age had the highest incidence of myocarditis after the second dose . . . The risk of heart problems in boys of that age was about nine times higher than in unvaccinated boys of the same age

Amerling: Covid-19 Response and the Tyranny of Evidence-Based Medicine

Why are the vast majority of practicing physicians doing absolutely nothing to help patients with early Covid-19?


Whoever controls the “evidence” controls “the science” and through the bogus and corrupt guideline process, controls clinical practice.

EBM creates an arbitrary hierarchy of evidence, with RCTs and metanalyses at the top and clinical experience, insultingly called ‘anecdotes,’ at the bottom. This is absurd on its face. The logical conclusion is that clinical experience is not needed to practice medicine! Just buy a guideline cookbook and go out there and heal! Perhaps that’s where things are headed. Or perhaps we are already there.

If hundreds of thousands of patients die unnecessarily, their doctors will not be held responsible.  “I was just following the guidelines” has replaced “I was just following orders.”   

Taibbi: The Cult Of The Vaccine

"The jab" is just the latest story to be reported as mantra

We’re similarly becoming a nation of totalitarian nitwits, speaking in a borrowed lexicon of mandatory phrases and smelling heresy in anyone who doesn’t. This cult reflex was bad during the Russiagate years, but it’s gone into overdrive since the arrival of COVID.

Whitney Webb: Moderna: A Company “In Need Of A Hail Mary”

Before COVID-19, Moderna was in danger of hemorrhaging investors, as persistent safety concerns and other doubts about its mRNA delivery system threatened its entire product pipeline. Fear caused by the pandemic crisis made those concerns largely evaporate, even though there is no proof that they were ever resolved.

Those analyzing the COVID-19 crisis and its effects have mostly focused on how its disruptive nature has led to major shifts and recalibrations throughout society and the economy. Such disruption has also lent itself to a variety of agendas that had required an event of “reset” potential in order to be realized. In the case of the vaccine industry, COVID-19 has led to dramatic changes in how federal agencies manage the approval of medical countermeasures during a declared crisis, how trials for vaccine candidates are conducted, how the public perceives vaccination, and even how the term “vaccine” is defined.

Such shifts, though obvious, have provoked praise from some and sharp criticism from others, with the latter category being largely censored from public discourse on television, in print, and online. However, in objectively analyzing such seismic changes, it’s clear that most of these shifts in vaccine development and vaccine policy dramatically favor speed and the implementation of new and experimental technology at the expense of safety and thorough study. In the case of vaccines, it can be argued that no one benefitted more from these changes than the developers of the COVID-19 vaccines themselves, particularly the pharmaceutical and biotechnology company Moderna. Not only did the COVID-19 crisis obliterate hurdles that had previously prevented Moderna from taking a single product to market, it also dramatically reversed the company’s fortunes…

"Proceed With Caution At Your Own Peril" - Merck's COVID 'Super Drug' Poses Serious Health Risks, Scientists Warn

According to Barron’s, some scientists who have studied the drug believe that its method of suppressing the virus could potentially run amok within the body. Some scientists who have studied the drug warn, however, that the method it uses to kill the virus that causes Covid-19 carries potential dangers that could limit the drug’s usefulness. Molnupiravir works by incorporating itself into the genetic material of the virus, and then causing a huge number of mutations as the virus replicates, effectively killing it. In some lab tests, the drug has also shown the ability to integrate into the genetic material of mammalian cells, causing mutations as those cells replicate. If that were to happen in the cells of a patient being treated with molnupiravir, it could theoretically lead to cancer or birth defects.

COVID Vax Adverse Events Fare:

Twitter Censors Thread From Entrepreneur Who Regrets Taking the Vaccine After Serious Side Effects

Twitter has censored a thread in which Michael Robison explained that he regretted trading “my solid health, for a temporary freedom to travel and freedom from being criticized.” Robison — an investor, entrepreneur and the founder of SPARTN Monkey Rescue — had posted his personal story about his health declining after taking the COVID vaccine and warned people to “THINK, STUDY & BE AWARE” before getting it themselves. “I am not anti-vaccine… but I will caution…. Proceed with care!!! I am now fighting a T-Cell Lymphoma as a result of the degraded MRNA Protein Spike via dendritic reaction, called by Pfizer a waning immunity! It is not truly a safe precaution for #COVID19,” Robison wrote.

… Robison continued on to say “the CDC, Pfizer, Moderna and J&J know that the instability of IVT use of MRNA is accompanied by the bodies clearing of the Inert 19 Protein Spike by the immune system. When it leaves the cell structure compromised after insertion & clearing…. It results in autoimmune issues….”

“One such issue is the risk and causation of severe results such as Leukemia and T-Cell Lymphoma. Another common long term effect is autoimmune disorders that impact the skin…. And require life long maintenance and treatment…” the thread continued

… “My caution is this…. Be aware. As late as 2018 all of the groups involved were still convinced that MRNA was still far too unstable for use in vaccine distribution. This vaccine is the largest form of a clinical trial in the history of mankind,” Robison wrote.

In CA, Otherwise Healthy 15-Year Old Dies Two Days After Second Pfizer Shot

After extensive research, additional testing, and collaboration with numerous other entities, the cause of death was determined to be: “STRESS CARDIOMYOPATHY WITH PERIVASCULAR CORONARY ARTERY INFLAMMATION (hours to days), due to, UNKNOWN ETIOLOGY IN SETTING OF RECENT PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINATION (days).” There were no other significant conditions contributing to the death listed.

During the last weeks of her life, however, the world turned dark with heavy-handed vaccine mandates. Local and state governments were determined to strip away her right to consult her wisdom and enjoy her freedom. She had been vehemently opposed to taking the vaccine, knowing she was in good health and of a young age and thus not at risk for serious illness. In her mind, the known and unknown risks of the unproven vaccine were more of a threat. But, slowly, day by day, her freedom to choose was stripped away. Her passion to be actively involved in her children's education—which included being a Room Mom—was, once again, blocked by government mandate. Ultimately, those who closed doors and separated mothers from their children prevailed. It cost Jessica her life. It cost her children the loving embrace of their caring mother. And it cost her husband the sacred love of his devoted wife.

COVID Vax Mandate Pushback Fare:

Papers, Please

We need support from those in a position to rally mass strikes and acts of civil disobedience against vaccine passports before it’s too late.

Dr. Rochagné Kilian recently resigned as an emergency room and family practice physician due to her concerns that the Ontario health system and Grey Bruce Health Services (GBHS) crossed ethical lines throughout the pandemic.


she criticized the state of health care in Canada. She expressed that care for the individual patient has gone by the wayside during the “farce that we have been living through.” 

She said that throughout the entire time that the pandemic has been declared, she has only admitted two patients to the ICU that tested positive for COVID. She then clarified that this did not mean they were in the ICU due to COVID, but only that they had tested positive. She stated that her emergency department was “dead” throughout all of the declared waves of COVID, and that she took pictures of the official numbers to prove that they “had nothing to do” with lack of patients.

Dr. Kilian added that since the rollout of COVID jabs, she has seen a striking uptick in patients who have been admitted with heart issues and do not fit risk categories. She stated that as more and more people have received the jab, she has seen a host of strange events in her patients. She spoke of “people coming with newly diagnosed high blood-pressure, diabetics that was controlled that are no longer controlled – their sugars are either through the roof or they’re down in the ground … The only factor … constant that changed in their life was the injection of an experimental biologic.”

Southwest Pilots Union Sues To Block Airline's Vaccination Mandate

871 Firefighters File Intent to Sue Over LA City’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate

Los Angeles County Sheriff Refuses to Enforce Vaccine Mandate

the right to say "no" is the basis of a free people
personally, i stand with the employees of southwest.
i hope the employees of american airlines join them.
i hope ALL employees do.
sure, this may disrupt my life. in fact, i was about to book a flight yesterday but decided against it. this looks like chaos brewing.
but it’s important chaos.
this is the chaos of standing on principle and not complying with tyranny.
so don’t worry about me, guys. i’m on your side. you’re fighting for me and i will have your back.
stay home. strike. pull this whole rotten edifice down and light the spark that induces others to rise up and say no to this endless encroachment and imposition, this death by inches of personal liberty and agency.
the gatos are with you.

COVID Quotes of the Week:

Kunstler: With the vaccine program failing, Pfizer and the gang are looking to ride to the rescue with a new magic Covid cure pill that does exactly what Ivermectin has been doing, though constantly maligned in the mainstream news.

Kunstler againAnd can it be that the vaxed are so clue-deprived that they have not seen the news? Sure, information was suppressed pretty tightly for two years since this madness started, but the news media, turns out, is as leaky as the mRNA vaccines. If you were even moderately aware, you could discover that the vaxes create havoc in your bloodstream. It’s right ‘out there,’ documented and for real. But now, if you vaxed up, and you happened to snag a clue since then, you have a powerful incentive for denying that you might have made a mistake and acquired a serious problem. And you have a support group of about half the nation to reinforce that denial and even demonize those unvaxed who keep hectoring you with conspiracy theories.

Myocarditis, Pericarditis and Trivial Mitral regurgitation! Thank you Pfizer.

Today, a new level of totalitarianism was reached when Dr. Robert Malone was banned from reading the New England Journal of Medicine.

It's sad and disturbing how so many doctors don't understand the history behind the forms of pseudo-statistical brainwashing they're fed in order to capture them into reading medical research statistics like code to be injected into their brains, but that's another story for another day.

How does a fraud like Anthony Fauci find himself in the highest paid position in US bureaucracy? Well, Fauci’s career is a rather shocking testament to the reality of our government and our era – The more corrupt you are the more favors and promotions you will receive.

This is what happens when you stand up for freedom and when you show up to work, willing to work, despite being unvaccinated, and this is the price you have to pay sometimes,”... “But what they don’t realize is that I’m willing to go lose everything — job, paycheck, freedom, even my life for this cause.” Rake concludes his video with a message for viewers: “Be well. United we stand, divided we fall.”

COVID Tweet of the Week:

Kory: Fun fact: Between 100-200 United States Congress Members (plus many of their staffers & family members) with COVID.. were treated by a colleague over the past 15 months with ivermectin & the I-MASK+ protocol at None have gone to hospital. Just sayin'

Wearing a mask to prevent the spread of an aerosol airborne virus is like throwing sand at chain link fence, says @PanData19 chairman Nick Hudson

“It represents a low point in science… it’s the epitome of derangement.”

COVID Conspiracy Fare:

UK Study Shows Vaccine Passports Will Lead to Rebellion

the available evidence shows us that there is absolutely no logical or legal basis for implementing these vaccine passports.

…Vaccines cannot prevent infection and stop transmission. Even if everyone took the vaccine, infections will continue

… We are heading to a system divided by vaccination status. This is a divide and conquer scheme, and when humanity is already divided, it is easier to rule. Are we ready to hand over that kind of world to our children and children’s children?

Kunstler: The Mark of the Beast

The Covid-19 spell breaks. The beast thought it was a good idea to deprive millions of their livelihoods just to get its way and force them to submit to a medical experiment conceived in the utmost bad faith. You say your “vaccine” is defeating the plague that you schemed to create and beset the world with? We know exactly what you did. We know that most of the people getting sick now are the “vaccinated.” Look what happened in Israel. Too far to see? Look right here in Vermont. Your “vaccine” makes people sick. Soon, it will be self-evident everywhere that this “vaccine” is just another side of your boutique sickness.

Meanwhile, you’ve cleverly destroyed medicine itself by forcing the firings of nurses, doctors, and the people who clean up the hospitals. The people will not forgive you for this reckless and craven stupidity. And, of course, nobody knows the long-term effects of your jabbing spree. Has every vaxed-up person got a controlled demolition underway in their organs and blood vessels? Why are there suddenly a striking number of heart attacks and strokes tallied in Great Britain? Concerning, ya think? They’re counting, at least. In America, we’re not even tracking. This now-sinister enterprise called “The Science” doesn’t really want to see any numbers, and if any happen to come up, its minions like to play games with the math, which can tell any story they want it to.

Letter to a Covidian: A Time-Travel Experiment

The Criminalization of Physical Presence … and the Power of a Hug

Hello there. I understand you’re a believer. You have zealous, unwavering faith in the System. You Trust The Science™. You deem anything that falls beyond the margins of the approved narrative “misinformation,” “conspiracy theories,” and “fake news.”

You dutifully wear your badge of obedience. You social distance. You lock down when you’re told to lock down. You report others for violating these and any other applicable dictates.

You were first in line to get injected. You were first in line to get re-injected.

You cried tears of joy both times. You cannot wait to get your booster injection.

You have not bothered to conduct independent research outside the authorized avenues of deception; read peer-reviewed scientific literature not funded by the pharmaceutical drug cartel; or critically evaluate the press releases being parroted by your “trusted leaders,” “experts,” and media mouthpieces.

You demand that everyone who is a nonbeliever either comply with the decrees of your faith or be excluded from public activities, deprived of employment, denied access to health care, stripped of their right to protest, bullied into submission, and quarantined.

You find these heretics disgusting, despicable spreaders of disease who are a threat to the public health. You wouldn’t be against removing them from your community, maybe concentrating them in a special holding center—until they get injected, anyway. You feel no pity if they die. It’s their own fault, after all.

Maybe you’re not that bad. Yet. Give it a few more weeks. The propagandists will bring you around. Look how far you’ve come already. Look how many of your rights you’ve voluntarily relinquished, how many values you’ve dumped along the way—in the name of safety, in the name of security, in the name of health, in the name of the public good. You felt it was worth it. And you don’t regret it.

You only wish others wouldn’t keep crying about “muh freedoms,” “my body, my choice,” and other stupid, antiquated ideas. Don’t they realize how selfish they’re being? What a hazard they are to their fellow citizens? This is an emergency—an unprecedented, incalculable, catastrophic worldwide crisis—and we will never get back to normal if they keep stubbornly insisting on preserving their “liberties.” Right?

I wish I could talk to your self from two years ago. If that self had been told the entire world could be brought to a halt and our freedoms suspended at the whim of its leaders for a phenomenon humans had been living with and adapting to in countless variations for millennia, you would think I was describing a dystopian fiction. I might still be able to reason with that self. Instead, this is likely a futile exercise in trying to awaken a hostage suffering from Stockholm Syndrome to the fiendish machinations of her captor.

And I’m not speaking about you, personally. You’re probably a nice person who is doing what she thinks is best. I understand where you’re coming from. I understand why so many well-meaning people feel the same as you.

I’m speaking to everyone who persists in uncritically accepting the rationales being given for remaking our world into an open-air prison. I’m speaking to everyone who is sleepwalking into their own enslavement without a second thought, without even the willingness to examine the situation from a perspective outside the one they’ve been programmed to believe.

Had we not been subjected to a global case of Baader–Meinhof phenomenon orchestrated by experts in mass control like the Behavioural Insights Team—unabashedly described as “the Nudge Unit” at the UK government’s website—and implemented across the MSM and social media, you would be still be living and loving life the same way you were two years ago. All of us would be.

But then we wouldn’t have willingly forfeited our rights, one by one, out of terror. We wouldn’t have started perceiving our fellow human beings as bioweapons to be shamed, ostracized, and eliminated.

Medical segregation further divides an already fragmented populace, making us ever easier to control. The psychological trauma of this isolation and splintering is incalculable, and the full extent of the damage will likely not be comprehended for decades.

In this video, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich addresses the audience at a London protest (for more details on the heroic work of Dr. Fuellmich and the Berlin Corona Investigative Committee, see this Recommendations Roundup). Toward the end (@ 9:02), he relays a story a German doctor shared with his team:
“He wanted to withdraw money at an ATM and went to the lobby of a bank for that purpose. There stood an elderly woman wearing a mask who fearfully backed away from him because he was not wearing a mask. She said he had to wear a mask because otherwise she was afraid of infecting herself and then her husband. The doctor told her, No, she shouldn’t be afraid. And then he went up to her, took off her mask, and took her in his arms. The woman began to cry and said that no one had hugged her for more than a year.”
Don’t you think that’s heartbreaking?

At another protest, an elderly woman in a wheelchair held up a sign reading, “I’d rather die from COVID than loneliness”—a sentiment echoed by millions in nursing homes around the world. What right have you to make that decision for her, for them—for any of us, for that matter?

Go back to your self from two years ago and see what she thinks about acts like hugging, smiling, kissing, and singing being criminalized. Contagious diseases existed then, too. But we hadn’t yet been conditioned to fear one another’s physical presence.

Every aspect of the regulations being unleashed globally is designed to separate us, creating an apartheid system that outlaws dissent and encourages the persecution of those who question the State.

"So Deeply, Deeply Wrong" - Lithuanian Without Vaccine Pass Describes Life Under Medical Tyranny

The Covid Pass regime is vindictive, intended to punish. In just a few months, the new rules have turned my country into a two-tier society of discrimination and hate. Restriction by restriction, it is shredding the bonds that hold us all together in one society.

My wife and I have lost our rights as citizens.

I'm just an ordinary man trapped in a Kafkaesque world of mind-numbing absurdity. So I'd be grateful for your help to share this message so that together, we can unite to stop this madness.

Aussie Freedom Blogger Arrested At Home For Alleged 'Breach Of Public Health Act'

Paul Craig Roberts: The Vaccine Mandate Is a Hoax

Dear Readers, Below is a collection of articles that will help you to understand: (1) the danger of the vaccine compared to the danger of Covid and (2) the power Big Pharma has to bypass safety standards in order to maximize profits.

As for Biden’s “vaccine mandate,” no such mandate exists. The US president is not a dictator and cannot issue laws or edicts. Any such laws or edicts originating in the White House would be struck down by federal courts. Congress is the source of law. Even if Congress passed a vaccine mandate and Biden signed it, if the courts follow the Constitution the law would be struck down.

Even more importantly, any mandate or law that violates informed consent is a violation of the Nuremberg Laws used to execute German National Socialists after World War II for violating informed consent in their medical experiments.

Biden’s “mandate” was nothing but a press release statement encouraging private employers to do what the President of the US cannot do and issue vaccine mandates to employees. But, of course, private employers have no legislative power. They certainly have no legal authority to violate the Nuremberg laws.

The Biden “mandate” is just another hoax relying on the whore media to make it a fact.

When your employer tells you, whether you are a nurse or a software engineer or Walmart cashier, that you must accept what is without doubt a dangerous injection or be fired, sue him when he fires you.

All fired employees can join a master civil lawsuit that has the possibility of bankrupting the corrupt employers who collaborate in breaking US and international laws.

Here is the chance for a real revolution. The establishment is on the wrong side of the law. Once the morons fire massive numbers of people, the morons will be in the dock. If the federal courts also abandon the Constitution, US law, international law, and the people, the only recourse is violent revolution. As the people vastly outnumber the criminal establishment, the employers could end up hanging off of lamp posts where the people increasingly think they belong.

· Virus Dangers vs. Vaccine Dangers – Fact Sheet

· Why Vaccine Injuries Are Rarely Reported

· “We’re in the Middle of a Major Biological Catastrophe” — Dr Peter McCullough

· The Incidence of Cancer, Triggered by the Covid 19 “Vaccine”

· The FDA Protects Big Pharma, Not Us

· Big Pharma Owns the US Government

· Examining the Methods and Means of COVID Propaganda Dissemination

· The Vaccine Campaign Is a Mass Murder Campaign

· The “Killer Vaccine” Worldwide. 7.9 Billion People

· Emergency Physician Dr. Rochagné Kilian Exposes Health Care Corruption

· COVID Vaccine Contents, What’s Inside the Vial? Scientific Findings Reveal Microscopy Images

GeoPolitical Fare:

Margolis: Saving for a very rainy day.

The really wealthy, vexed by tax collectors, pesky relatives, ex-wives and just plain thieves, long ago learned the wisdom of hiding their money and property. This is twice true for politicians.

An investigation by an international consortium of journalists just examined a massive leak of 11.9 million records of offshore financial firms that have been evading taxes and financial disclosure for their many clients. The result of what is known as The Pandora Papers has been a cascade of scandals.

This column has long maintained that the US has been deeply involved in massive international corruption. Chief tawdry examples are the largest recipients of US ‘aid,’ Israel, Afghanistan and Jordan. Washington spent over two trillion dollars on the now lost, 20-year Afghan conflict.

All that money has vanished. Among the largest recipients was the Afghan Communist Party and the drug mafias that made US-run Afghanistan the world’s largest producer of illegal heroin and morphine.

Interestingly, some of the Third World leaders most vilified by the west have been relatively honest rulers. Good examples are Gamal Abdel Nasser in Egypt, Khomeini and Ahmadinejad in Iran, and Arafat of Palestine. But it was the crooks and cleptos like Iran’s late Shah, or Afghanistan’s Ashraf Ghani who got all the good press in the West.

Orwellian Fare:

*** Patrick Lawrence: "'Government without newspapers.'" The manufacture of ignorance.

In other words, if you read anything at all in the corporate press about this judgment you were misinformed to the point of disinformed. The two meet at the horizon, you see: Misinform incessantly and you have disinformed.

the propaganda rabbithole

you thought you knew how deep the rabbithole went.

you didn’t.

there was a time we used to laugh at the soviets and china over stuff like this.

still laughing?

this sort of propaganda and manipulation is like metastatic cancer.

unless we stop it, it eventually gets to everything and truth becomes the exception, not the rule.

Deathly Silence: Journalists Who Mocked Assange Have Nothing to Say About CIA Plans to Kill Him

A Company Family: The Untold History of Obama and the CIA

An anonymous Cabinet member explained that “presidents tend to be smitten with the instruments of the intelligence community [but] Obama was more smitten than most—this has been an intelligence presidency in a way we haven’t seen maybe since Eisenhower.”

Regarding his own story, Obama has promoted falsehoods at every step.

Obama’s abysmal foreign policy record was telegraphed in his three major books where he promotes a defense of U.S. foreign policy while maligning and advancing stereotypes about the 1960s movements and critics of U.S. foreign policy.


As the first Black president, Obama is often placed on a pedestal as a moral beacon and compared to such historic figures as Martin Luther King, Jr., and Nelson Mandela.

These comparisons are off base, as Obama is an opportunistic and often deceitful politician who has shown a lack of moral integrity throughout his career.

CaitOz Fare:

Watch Scott Horton's One-Sided Debate Beatdown Of Warmonger Bill Kristol

An important and long-overdue debate has occurred between Iraq-raping arch-neocon Bill Kristol and the tireless libertarian war critic Scott Horton on the subject of US interventionism,

The only unanswered question when all was said and done was, how the hell did Kristol get it in his head that entering this debate was a good idea?

One can only assume hubris. Hubris arising from a life in an elitist echo chamber where his warped views are seldom challenged, and continual marination in the kind of unearned validation that only Beltway swamp monsters ever receive.

So watch and enjoy, folks. Participating in this kind of humiliating debate is not a mistake that any high-profile neocon is likely to repeat anytime soon.

Today’s world is dominated by a unipolar power structure loosely centralized around the United States government. It is comprised of many nations which are ostensibly independent, but, since they move in near-complete alignment with each other on all international issues of major importance, this power structure can effectively be called an empire. This empire sets the economic, environmental and military policies which are causing all the ecocide, war and nuclear brinkmanship we see driving humanity toward its destruction today.

The empire’s greatest weapon is not its military but its propaganda machine. There’s simply never been anything like the global narrative control provided by the western news media, Silicon Valley, and Hollywood. The military fights wars; the propaganda machine wins them long before they even start.

When you use the military to eliminate opposition, everyone knows it happened. When you use propaganda to eliminate opposition, people aren’t even aware you did it. They think it was their own idea to suddenly become super concerned about Saddam or Putin or Maduro or whomever or to go along with this or that power-serving agenda. Beyond the hard, concrete realities of war and militarism there’s a whole other war being fought on a far greater scale and of far greater consequence, and most people don’t even know it’s happening: the mass-scale psychological manipulation of the entire human species.

This is why human behavior looks so irrational when taken together. Why are we fighting all these wars, engaging in nuclear brinkmanship and destroying the biosphere when we know intellectually these are bad things? It’s not because humans are inherently destructive, it’s because a few destructive humans manipulate the rest of us into doing destructive things using propaganda.


This happens constantly, throughout the empire all around the world. Fake “us”es and “them”s are set up for us by powerful manipulators, and our receptiveness to the “us” side allows the manipulators who control it to continually feed narratives into our minds about what’s going on in the world.

Power is controlling what happens. Real power is controlling what people think about what happens.

I don’t know exactly what’s going on with this virus and the vaccines; sometimes it seems like I’m the only person on the internet who doesn’t. But what I do know is that the intensely heated polarization over this issue on both sides feeds into the us-vs-them dynamic where power-serving propaganda about any subject can easily flourish. This benefits someone, and it ain’t you.

*** The Science Of Propaganda Is Still Being Developed And Advanced

We live in a far less free society than most of us think.

It looks like we’re free. ….

But we’re not free. Our political systems are set up to herd people into a two-party system that is controlled on both sides by plutocrats. The news media that people rely on to form ideas about what’s going on and how they should vote are controlled by the plutocratic class and heavily influenced by secretive government agencies. Internet algorithms are aggressively manipulated to show people information which favors the status quo. Even our entertainment is rife with Pentagon and CIA influence.

Western liberal democracy is just totalitarianism dressed in drag.

And it’s only getting worse.

“NATO is spinning out an entirely new kind of combat it has branded as cognitive warfare. Described as the ‘weaponization of brain sciences,’ the new method involves ‘hacking the individual’ by exploiting ‘the vulnerabilities of the human brain’ in order to implement more sophisticated ‘social engineering.’

I don’t have any solutions to this problem other than to spread consciousness of the fact that it is happening. Propaganda only works if you don’t understand (A) that it is happening to you and (B) how it is occurring, and a basic awareness of the fact that there’s a globe-spanning campaign to manipulate human thought to the advantage of the powerful is the first step toward having that understanding. Having the humility to understand that you yourself can be manipulated and deceived is the second step.

My hope is that humanity will transcend its psychological susceptibility to manipulation and move into a healthy relationship with mental narrative as our adapt-or-die precipice draws nearer. But time will only tell.

“To protect Taiwan we must be prepared to go to war with China.”

~ Imperialists who just lost a war to the Taliban

… The correct response to someone who supports going to war if China attacks Taiwan is “Are you enlisted?”

The correct response when they inevitably answer “no” is “Then shut the fuck up.”

A lucid and well-informed examination of the world’s problems will keep bringing you back to this one fundamental issue: that Earth’s inhabitants are being psychologically manipulated at mass scale into organizing themselves in ways that serve the powerful instead of the people.

Really it just boils down to the fact that the majority don’t understand how sociopaths’ minds work or how to counter them, and that the trauma of preceding generations keeps giving rise to sociopaths.

Other Quotes of the Week:

Only hours after railing that the $3.5 trillion social welfare package was already a compromise of its original $6 trillion form, Bernie did what the Democratic Party leadership always does best. He proceeded to compromise with himself. "Three and a half trillion should be a minimum, but I accept that there's gonna have to be a give and take," Sanders told ABC "This Week"

Alan MacLeod: Politico’s defense newsletter is sponsored by Lockheed Martin, its health newsletter by a private pharma group, its tech one by Comcast, and its prescription medication one by a lobbying group dedicated to opposing Medicare for All. How can this be taken seriously as journalism?

Steven Thrasher: “A catastrophic failure of U.S. journalism and politics is that something like Biden’s 10-year, $3.5 trillion infrastructure bill is not called a $350 billion annual bill… but the Pentagon’s budget, which will exceed $7.5 trillion over a decade, is called a $750 billion annual bill”

Big Thoughts:

*** Ian Welsh: A New Ideology

There is no reality which is not mediated by perception. This is not to say that there is no reality; the famous “I refute you thus,” kicking a rock, applies. It does not mean there are no natural laws, no physics, chemistry, or even truth—or Truth. It means that we decide what reality means through a thick lens of belief. This lens picks out what is important, obscures the unimportant, and distorts everything, and most people are hardly even aware that it exists.

Keynes once wrote that most politicians are slaves of some defunct economist, generally whose name they don’t even know. That we should regulate the world through markets is an idea which would have been absurd to virtually everyone three hundred years ago, even as the divine right of Kings is absurd to us today. That corporations should shield their owners from liability is an idea which was bitterly opposed by most capitalists two hundred years ago. That greed leads to better outcomes was laughable to virtually everyone, including Adam Smith, who thought it worked only in very specific circumstances and lamented that tradespeople were constantly in conspiracy against the public.

That goods, including food, should be primarily divided based on market success is another idea that most of the world, for most of history, has never held.

What is oddest about our modern ideology is the same thing that is odd about virtually all ideologies: It contradicts itself. We do not have either free or competitive markets, and not one in a hundred free market ideologues could define a competitive market, nor would they want one if they could, as an actual competitive market reduces profits to nearly nothing. Free markets cannot exist without government coercion, yet we have come to assume that it is government which makes markets unfree, which is a half truth at best. It’s markets that make governments unfree when they buy government–and the first thing any good capitalist does upon winning a market is try to eliminate the free market, since an actual free market threatens a monopolist or oligopolist.

An ideology tells us what is thinkable and what is unthinkable, what is moral or immoral, ethical or unethical. Right or wrong. It either says that 90 percent taxation is right and good when imposed upon great wealth, or an unthinkable burden on “value” creators. It further defines value, for instance, privileging financial innovation which actually destroys genuine good production. It says that food that makes us sick is acceptable and that banning such food is unethical. It says that it is right and proper that men and women meet their needs by working for other people, without any ability to meet their own needs if the market deems them surplus beyond private or public charity. It says that land that lies fallow is not available for anyone to grow food, that pumping poison into water and food and air is acceptable, that rationing health care by who has the most money is the best way to organize health care. Or, it could say that healthcare is too important to allow people to buy their way to the front of the line.


But an ideology organizes things. The Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Akkadians, the ancient Egyptians, if they wanted to do something, set up a new religion, with a new God. They were quite brazen about creating Gods, really.

The fundamental idea of our current regime is one that most people have forgotten, because it is associated with Marx, and one must not even talk about the things Marx got right, because the USSR went bad. The fundamental idea to which I refer is that we are wage laborers. We work for other people, we don’t control the means of production. Absent a job, we live in poverty. Sure, there are some exceptions, but they are exceptions. We are impelled, as it were, by Marx’s whip of hunger. It took a lot of work to set up this system, as Polyani notes in his book The Great Transformation, but now that it has happened, it is invisible to us.

There are, ultimately, two dominant strategies: cooperate or compete. If you want widespread prosperity, the dominant strategy in your ideology must be cooperation, though competition has its place. And ultimately the difference between the right and the left is this: The right thinks you get more out of people by treating them badly, the left thinks you get more out of people by treating them well.

An ideology that believes in treating people well is a lot better to live under. And as a bonus, happy people are a lot more fun to be around. And societies with that ideology, all other things being equal, will tend to out-compete those who believe that fear, misery, and the whip are the best way to motivate people.


An ideology which leads to us killing a billion or more people with climate change, allow me to posit, is a bad ideology. At the end of its run, neoliberalism will kill more people than Marxist-Leninism did, and our grandchildren will consider it monstrous. Most of them will be no more able to understand how or why we submitted to it (or even believed in it) than we can understand how Hitler or Stalin or Pol Pot or Mao came to power. Hyperbole? Not in the least, because the body count is going to be phenomenal.

When faced, then, with a monstrous ideology, our duty is to come up with a better one, an opposing one. Because ideology determines what we do. It is both the lens through which we see the world, and the motor that pushes us forward.

(Originally Published October 22, 2013. Back to the top in 2017 as most current readers won’t have seen it, and it’s foundational. Back up again, October 9, 2021, for the same reason.)

Bonus Fare:

El gato malo: lion awake

assessing the current zeitgeist in 3 memes

let’s start here:

seem familiar? after the endless fear driven propaganda bombardment of the last 18 months, we’re past the point of rational. we can dig and argue and provide evidence until we’re all blue in the the face. it does not move the needle. mostly, we’re talking to one another and preaching to ever more rarified choirs.

it keeps us from feeling alone, it keeps the gaslighting from spreading, but it cannot roll it back.

and it does NOTHING to address this:

going along to get along IS the problem. you cannot comply your way out of tyranny and anyone still waiting for this “temporary” emergency to end is engaging is self-delusion. it will never end.

grant politicians unlimited emergency power, and you get unlimited emergencies, every time.

until there is a price for them to pay, until there is clear revolt and they fear the world crashing down around them if they persist, there is NOTHING that’s going to stop them. this will be the one way ratchet to serfdom.

and this means only one thing:

it’s time to rise. it’s time to end this. it will not end of its own volition. it must be ended. and that’s our job. not the state’s, not someone else’s. ours.

if you will not shoulder the burden and experience discomfort and pain to keep your freedom, then do not come crying to me. clearly, you never valued it.

it’s time for resolution and for commitment. it’s time to stand up and make it known that we do not and will not consent to this.

it’s time make oppressing us very, very expensive.

this takes no violence. it just takes disobedience. stop complying. let it crash. this is the short sharp pain to spare you decades of long, grinding suffering.

that’s the zeitgeist.

and it’s working.

listen to this waffling liar on CNBC.

this is some “both sides of the fence” “i wuz just following orders” tapdancing. it’s as lame as it is morally bereft.

“Kelly told CNBC that he is personally opposed to corporate vaccine mandates, but that the company had complied with President Biden's order that all companies with over 100 workers require those workers to be vaccinated against COVID-19.”

but we all know there IS no mandate like that.

"Talking about the vaccine mandate. Oh, yeah. I mean, there are some that have very strong views on both sides of that issue. And you know, it's not, as I think you probably know, I've never been in favor of corporations imposing that kind of a mandate. I'm not in favor of that, never have been.”

is that so? then why are you doing it? make them show you the OSHA rule.

"But the executive order from President Biden mandates that all federal employees, and then all federal contractors, which covers all the major airlines, have to have a mandate and a vaccine in place by December the 8th."

so drop the federal contracts. it’s what, 3% of your revenue?

time to choose, big fellah. 97% of your airline can survive. is this the hill you want to go bankrupt on?

time to tell uncle sam that if he wants to fly SWA, he needs to stop being such a tyrant.

"So we're working through that. We're urging all of our employees to get vaccinated. If they can't, we're urging them to seek an accommodation either for medical or religious reasons. And my goal, obviously, is that no one loses their job. The objective here obviously, is to improve health and safety, not for people to lose their jobs. So yes, we have some very strong views on that topic, but that that's not what was the issue with Southwest over the weekend."

this is politico speak for “i want to be a good little eichman, but i hope you find a way to stop me.” it’s a sign of fear, but also of insincerity.

ways are not going to be forthcoming. this is a lie and he knows it. just who will grant these “accommodations”? and why would anyone believe they would be durable? how has “trust us, it’s just for a while and we’ll be reasonable” worked out for literally everyone else lately?

this is now the leading edge of the fight. the #FreedomFlu is catching. become a carrier. become a contagion vector.

these folks are already wobbling. it’s working.

it’s time to up the pressure. bigly.

the only way you bring a fascist leaning corporate sphere back into alignment with we the people is to remind them that we are much, much scarier than the government.

look what tiny groups of noisy wokesters did to them. we are much, much more powerful and influential than that.

they were tiny. we are legion.

but they were committed. are we?

we need burn no cities nor loot any consumer chains.

all we have to do is walk away.

“hey, remember that business you used to have? shame no one goes or works there anymore.”

remind them of who they truly serve.

consumer and worker sovereignty > governmental sovereignty. period.

ours is the right to say no. to vote with our wallets and with our feet.

vote early. vote often. and vote with intention.

one day, you will look back on this period of time. it will either be the turning point where we took back our lives and liberty or it will be the day that music died.

which world do you want to inhabit? which world do you wish to leave to your children?


the time for doing nothing is past.

doing nothing IS the problem and this can be the start of something beautiful or the end of life as you remember it.

take a HARD look at how much you’ve lost in 18 months and how much control has been taken and agency usurped from you.

look how much freedom you traded. feel any safer?

how has going along to get along been working out for you?

what if we had risen in march of 2020 when it was easy? how much needless, senseless, agenda driven damage could have been avoided?

“we’ve complied this long, it’s just a little longer now” is just a sunk cost fallacy. it’s the slippery slope to serfdom.

you can tell yourself that you’re the victim, but the simple fact is this:

participating in the systems of subjugation makes you an agent of subjugation.

be the other guy instead.

“because i don’t want to” is always a good enough reason. always. anyone who tries to tell you otherwise is selling something other than a free society.

you get to keep the rights you’ll fight for.

this is not negotiable. never was.

so decide.

refuse to comply in your own disenfranchisement and that of those around you.

support those that stand for freedom. theirs, yours, all of ours.

the society you save may be your own.

Satirical Fare:

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