
Sunday, December 12, 2021


*** denotes well-worth reading in full at source (even if excerpted extensively here)

Regular Fare:


Contemporary income and wealth inequalities are very large

An average adult individual earns PPP €16,700 (PPP USD23,380) per year in 2021, and the average adult owns €72,900 (USD102,600). These averages mask wide disparities both between and within countries. The richest 10% of the global population currently takes 52% of global income, whereas the poorest half of the population earns 8% of it. On average, an individual from the top 10% of the global income distribution earns €87,200 (USD122,100) per year, whereas an individual from the poorest half of the global income distribution makes €2,800 (USD3,920) per year (Figure 1).

Bank of Canada caught between a rock and a hard place

The Bank of Canada is getting mixed signals from economic data. Supply chain disruptions continue to hamper the Canadian economy’s recovery, and the output gap is nowhere near closing. The latest GDP data show that output is still roughly 1.5 per cent below its level in the final quarter of 2019. Meanwhile, the labour market tells a different story. With the addition of 153,700 jobs in November, total employment is now 1.0 per cent above its pre-pandemic (February 2020) level. Total hours worked have also returned to their pre-pandemic levels.

Meanwhile, the Omicron variant is making things even more complicated. The impact of the new variant on economic recovery and the near-term outlook is uncertain. Though we don’t expect widespread lockdowns, the new variant could disrupt global supply chains even further and push inflation higher. It could also hurt consumer and business confidence, hampering near-term economic growth.

The Canadian labour market recovering faster than the U.S. labour market is not enough for the Bank of Canada to raise rates before the U.S. Federal Reserve. Canadian household debt is on average much higher than the U.S, which will prompt the Bank to think twice before raising rates too soon. Besides, Canadian real estate demand and prices have remained stubbornly high. Accounting for the headwinds and tailwinds facing the Canadian economy, we expect the Bank to wait until June next year to raise rates.

LBS: Still looking for a mid-2022 Policy Rate Liftoff

…The Bank of Canada did not go as far as the Reserve Bank of Australia on Monday openly mentioning that Omicron will not derail the economy. In other words, the BoC played it safe, acknowledging that the Omicron variant “has injected renewed uncertainty”.

Plenty of encouraging news were identified, but not enough to solidify the need for an early 2021 policy rate liftoff.

…Even if the Canadian economy only stood 1.5% below its pre-pandemic level in 2021Q3 and that significant progress in labour market conditions occurred in November, there are still a few quarters to go until the remaining slack in the economy is fully absorbed.

Mitchell: Bank of England finds QE did not increase bank lending: who would have thought

Other Charts: (links: one, two-five, six, seven)

Bubble Fare:

FOMC: Fear Of Missing Crash

Among the sectors that are already in a bear market as defined by -20%+:

Cloud stocks, Fintech, Biotech, SPACs, EV/Green Energy, Chinese internet stocks, Crypto currencies, crude oil, and Tech IPOs...

The most lucrative year for Wall Street since 2009, is a bear market for the bagholders at large

… Below (lower pane) we see that T-bond shorts have their largest net short futures position since Feb. '20 when they got demolished. They have a proven track record for being wrong when it hurts the most, so why stop now?

… For all the reasons I discuss all the time - structural deflation, low capacity utilization/employment, EM currency implosion, U.S. dollar rally, global RISK OFF, unwinding carry trades, commodity collapse etc. etc. What this therefore points to is an impending spike in REAL yields, wherein inflation expectations fall faster than nominal yields - which will obliterate all of today's over-leveraged inflation trades faster than a macro tour guide can say "pivot".

… Millennials can be forgiven for not seeing this coming. After all, this is their first trip to the cleaners, so they have yet to discover the pleasures of waking up bankrupt. One young troll recently told me my charts are "scary", please take them down. I had to tell Grover there's no monster at the end of this book. It's clear why CNBC devolved into pablum for weak minded fools, because the truth had no audience. Culminating in a populace happily ignoring a level of risk unprecedented in market history while excoriating anyone who tells them anything different.

COVID-19 notes:

Surgeon general warns of emerging youth mental health crisis in rare public advisory

Citing mounting evidence of ongoing harm, U.S. Surgeon General Vivek H. Murthy on Tuesday issued a public health advisory on the mental health challenges confronting youth, a rare warning and call to action to address what he called an emerging crisis exacerbated by pandemic hardships.

Symptoms of depression and anxiety have doubled during the pandemic, with 25% of youth experiencing depressive symptoms and 20% experiencing anxiety symptoms, according to Murthy's 53-page advisory.

(not just) for the ESG crowd:

The ESG Mirage

USA TODAY investigation reveals a stunning shift in the way rain falls in America

Canada is ‘stuck at the starting gate’ of global decarbonizing megatrend

We need to bridge the “say–do gap” today to meet our 2030 targets, panellists at Earth Index launch say

Humans Are Doomed to Go Extinct

Habitat degradation, low genetic variation and declining fertility are setting Homo sapiens up for collapse claimed.

…. the signs are already there for those willing to see them. When the habitat becomes degraded such that there are fewer resources to go around; when fertility starts to decline; when the birth rate sinks below the death rate; and when genetic resources are limited—the only way is down. The question is “How fast?”

I suspect that the human population is set not just for shrinkage but collapse—and soon.

Other / Fun Fare:

What Happens in Our Cells After Exercise?

Ironically, I am reading this during what could/should be my lunch break:

How Capitalism Stole Your Lunch Break

At one time, lunch meant a real break from work and a hot meal. But for many of us in today’s workplace, it means a precious few minutes at your own desk wolfing down food before you go back to work. It’s time to take your lunch break back.

Pics of the Week:

It's been a tough year.
We could all use an escape.
So in honor of Dewey Decimal Day, here's a look at some of the world's most incredible libraries.
Let's go on a journey together.

Contrarian Perspectives

Extra [controversial or non-market-related] Fare:

*** denotes well-worth reading in full at source (even if excerpted extensively here)

Regular Fare:

The Weapons Industry Couldn’t Be Happier About Biden’s Nominee for Pentagon Arms Buyer

How Congress Loots the Treasury for the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex

As they have been doing year after year, our elected officials are preparing to hand the lion’s share – over 65% – of federal discretionary spending to the U.S. war machine, even as they wring their hands over spending a mere quarter of that amount on the Build Back Better Act.

U.S. society does face critical threats to our security, including the climate crisis, systemic racism, erosion of voting rights, gun violence, grave inequalities and the corporate hijacking of political power. But one problem we fortunately do not have is the threat of attack or invasion by a rampant global aggressor or, in fact, by any other country at all.

Sixty years after Eisenhower’s Farewell Address, exactly as he predicted, the “weight of this combination” of corrupt generals and admirals, the profitable “merchants of death” whose goods they peddle, and the Senators and Representatives who blindly entrust them with trillions of dollars of the public’s money, constitute the full flowering of President Eisenhower’s greatest fears for our country.

Eisenhower concluded, “Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals.” That clarion call echoes through the decades and should unite Americans in every form of democratic organizing and movement building, from elections to education and advocacy to mass protests, to finally reject and dispel the “unwarranted influence” of the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex.

A balance sheet of Angela Merkel’s 16 years of rule in Berlin

A Massive Oil Spill Helped One Billionaire Avoid Paying Income Tax for 14 Years

Unsustainability / Climate Collapse Fare:

******** Usha Alexander: What A Way To Go

… a few conclusions have begun to coalesce in my mind. Some of these may seem controversial, largely because they run contrary to the common narratives that anchor our dominant understanding of how the world works—our stories of human exceptionalism, technological magic, and the tenets of capitalist faith. Indeed, many of my own assumptions and worldviews have been challenged, altered, or broken. In their stead, new ways of thinking have taken root, as I began seeing through at least some of our most cherished cultural fabrications to understand our quandary with a different perspective.

Learning these things has been emotionally taxing, but I don’t believe there’s any way forward without a clear-eyed, big-picture view of our planetary and civilizational plight. And so, for better or worse, I wish to sum up my thoughts here, before ending my explorations through this series, which I next expect to turn toward thoughts on how one might respond to it all: hope, despair, expectation, fear, carrying on, looking ahead, finding new stories. I trust there are others out there, who would also rather reckon with what’s happening than go on pretending we needn’t adjust our expectations for the future… although, I confess, there are certainly days when I envy those who are able to go on pretending. What follows isn’t for the faint of heart:

1. Our mainstream conversations around climate change are frequently delusional. Even as awareness and discussion about the climate crisis surge to the fore, cultural, institutional, political, emotional, and psychological motives conspire to temper the IPCC reports, which drive much of the mainstream coverage. The reports often err toward understating the threats, while they propagate fantasies about proposed mitigations, such as the possibility of capturing and removing vast quantities of carbon dioxide directly from the atmosphere. It’s the same with much of the commentary that appears on television; since the talking-heads are there to say what both advertisers and viewers prefer to hear, they tend to avoid connecting all the dots for us. Although, I do notice that, as climate disasters have mounted, scientists and activists are now less frequently been accused of being “alarmist” when they do venture more dire predictions, compared to a year ago. Still, if one reads the science from multiple sources, across multiple disciplines, and listens to what the scientists are actually saying to each other, the picture looks rather different than what even many well-meaning commentators represent on TV or in the pages of mainstream rags like Newsweek. If one avoids resorting to comforting illusions and magical thinking—from the complacent lies of “net zero” and carbon sequestration to ignoring the consequential lacunae in predictive climate models, including a weak representation of climate feedbacks and tipping points, to presuming the past will be a clear guide to the future or ignoring the material and geopolitical changes the end of oil will itself bring upon civilization, alongside other simplifications and layers of denial—it’s clear we’ll need to brace ourselves for more destabilizing consequences than what the most amplified voices are openly conceding. Not just in the weather, but in all human-centric systems. In all the bounty brought by modern civilization and our certainty of its continuity.

2. …..

We Can’t Have Our Climate Cake And Eat It Too

Why we need to blow up pipelines, and why people will hate it

… Malm’s book is called How To Blow Up A Pipeline, and he’s absolutely right that we need a revolutionary movement to actually destroy fossil capital, but the fact is that such a movement would be wildly unpopular. The heroes of the future would be terrorists today, as it always has been.

Right now the climate change movement is so popular because it’s so fucking toothless. It’s a house pet, and the house is on fire. Fossil fuel companies use climate wokeness in their advertising campaigns. BP is literally ‘Beyond Petroleum’. Climate adaptation is just another consumer choice, not the upending of the entire capitalist system that’s required.

Either we sacrifice capitalist infrastructure now or storms will devour all infrastructure indiscriminately. Either we adapt our cities or the oceans will simply swallow them up. If human don’t choose revolution, evolution will be foisted upon us. Either we change or the climate changes us.

*** Jacobson: Civilization is Ending in Real-Time … It’s a Holy F**k Moment

I’ve been in a depressed and distraught state recently. More than usual. I need to rant a bit and that’s what this post is, pure and simple.

The collapse of everything is a shit show of epic proportions. As the climate changes, every system is falling apart. We are witnessing the failure of financial systems, political systems, social systems and ecosystems. The infrastructure humans spent centuries building is crumbling. The ecosystems that have evolved over millennia are crumbling. The species that evolved over millions of years are going extinct by the hundreds every day.

I am not the only one to notice all this shit coming down. There are millions who see what’s happening and what’s coming and they are screaming about it. They are climbing on trains and locking themselves to trees. But at this point there is absolutely nothing we can do to prevent collapse. Nothing. Maybe we can delay the worst impacts a few years. Maybe we can make the downside of collapse less severe. Maybe by 2100, we will only see the collapse of civilization and billions dead instead of the outright extinction of our species. But the pain of all of it has already begun.

For now, the pain is emotional for me. But the pain is physical for others. Humans all over the planet are progressing full speed towards the bottom rung of Maslow’s “hierarchy of needs.” Life is survival and nothing more.

Climate Tweets of the Week:

MarkCranfield: Tesla valued at a hysterical 1 trillion dollars graphically illustrates that the "market" is not only completely fcked but that it doesn't even exist.


I am increasingly coming across too much excellent COVID-related content (with contrarian evidence-based points-of-view!!) to link to it all

Read everything by eugyppius; el gato malo; Mathew Crawford; Steve Kirsch; Jessica Rose!

Lyons-Weiler, Berenson, Chudov, Toby Rogers are also go-to mainstays; I am new to following Andreas Oehler, Metatron, Julius Ruechel, and Paul Alexander, but they certainly seem worth following, too; Denninger worth staying on top of too for his insights, and especially his colorful language; and Norman Fenton; I will of course continue to post links to key Peter McCullough material, and Geert Vanden Bossche, and Robert Malone, and Martin Kulldorff, and Jay Bhattacharya, and Tess Lawrie, and, and, and…

but going forward, my linking to material by those mainstays mentioned above will be reserved for particularly essential posts

More Than 400 Studies on the Failure of Compulsory Covid Interventions

Nearly all governments have attempted compulsory measures to control the virus, but no government can claim success. The research indicates that mask mandates, lockdowns, and school closures have had no discernible impact of virus trajectories.

Denninger: In A Word: Bull****

There is no reason to believe we can successfully, on a long-term basis, vaccinate against a coronavirus since we never have before in either man or beast. There is no reason to believe attempting to vaccinate against coronaviruses is safe because in many other instances it was proved to be not, and in some it resulted in fatality of many or all the animals under test upon rechallenge. One specific instance of wildly-enhanced disease occurred in cats, which is a species that we know can become infected by this virus. There is no reason to believe that deliberately inducing the presence of binding antibodies in a person to this virus, which we knew the vaccines did before the EUAs were issued, would be safe on a durable basis.

In fact we had every reason to believe that would be unsafe simply based on what that sort of antibody does on a biological basis. You would in fact be crazily homicidal to deliberately infuse only binding antibodies to this or any other virus into a person. There was plenty of reason to believe the spike protein, alone, was dangerous even without the rest of the virus and this was known prior to mass-distribution of the jabs. While getting infected certainly could lead to trouble in this regard infection is not certain where vaccination, once you do it, is. Further, the dosing for the vaccines is set to produce much higher levels of spike protein (and thus antibodies) in the body than does natural infection, so any such risk from the spike would be logically expected to be higher from vaccination than natural infection.

As regards children there is not now and never has been an argument for giving them a Covid-19 vaccine. They do not require or benefit from any protection that it might afford on a statistical basis and since we know there are dangers, many of which we have no way to quantify and will not be able to do so for ten or more years it is a rank violation of logic and the Hippocratic Oath, never mind gross negligence and malpractice, to administer or permit to be administered same to kids.

Oehler: Index of Live2FightAnother Day Content To Date and Next Steps

Greetings to and an orientation for the new audience, and a recap for everyone else.

Beside expressing (a) an immense gratitude to Mathew for this great advertisement of my work and (b) the feeling of responsibility to continue on this investigative path, I would like to formally welcome my new audience with a brief overview of what my goals for this substack have been, what has been covered in my posts up to this point, and what are my next intended topics.

I have been, for the last two years, as bombarded and flabbergasted with the rapid pace of highly unusual global developments as, probably, all of you. As these developments started to take on more and more sinister characteristics, and as the official disinformation campaign became utterly grotesque in its shamelessness and duplicity, I decided to systemize for myself the undeniable facts about what is really happening in order to make sense of it, and to get to the roots. And hopefully to share my modest results with the receptive audience so that we may take meaningful counteractions.

First issue that I concentrated on was to expose the damage that so-called “vaccinations” are inflicting on the populations subjected to mass “vaccination campaigns in various countries. What I discovered has convinced me that “safe and effective vaccines” are anything but, and that the mantra “benefits outweigh the risks” is just that, a mantra not grounded in reality. This investigation culminated in the posts “Beware of Greeks Bearing Gifts“ and “Beware of Greeks Bearing Gifts: Conclusions“. In there, I show, on examples of many countries from around the world, that “vaccination” campaigns actually drive, beyond a reasonable doubt, “Covid-19” cases and mortality, fanning the flames of the pandemic instead of preventing it. I was also able to come up with the rough numerical estimates for the immediate cases and deaths inflicted by such campaigns. The post “Seasonality or Vaccinality“ exposes the population level effect of booster shots.

The next topic has become the investigation into what exactly the mRNA “vaccines” are made of and for what ultimate purpose. This has been covered mainly in “Zeroing in on Gifts from “Science” to Humanity“, “Does mRNA in Jabs Really Produce S Spike from SARS-CoV-2?“, “GQDs as mRNA Delivery System into Cell Nuclei?

From there, my focus migrated to the questions of who, how, and why. This has been partially covered so far in “Exposing the EXPOSE”,“You Will Know Them by Their Fruits“ and “Endgame Behind Covid-19 mRNA Vaccines?“.

I hope that we, substack writers, can coordinate our work and reduce overlap, so that not only we can clearly see the forest for the trees, but also make it clear for those that have been confused, mislead, mistreated and starting to suspect that something seriously wrong may be happening to them and their world. …

Vanden Bossche: Breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 infections are a pain!

Hat tip Oehler, who wrote:

Geert vanden Bosche has been a vocal opponent of mass “vaccination” with a non-sterilizing gene therapy in the midst of a pandemic. Here’s his clearest explanation to date why the un-”vaccinated” do not breed new variants whereas the “vaccinated” do, big time, with these “vaccines”. This is so intuitive that it needs to be repeated on every corner to discredit Covid-19 $cience cult once and for all. Here it is, verbatim.
Public and Global Health authorities continue to convince people to get jabbed despite the abundance of breakthrough infections. Their short-sighted rhetoric focuses on an alleged advantage offered by vaccines to protect people against severe disease (which doesn’t even apply when one considers the many unvaccinated subjects that are naturally protected against mild or moderate disease—thanks to their innate immunity—and are therefore also protected against severe disease). As breakthrough infections accumulate, immune escape variants will only become more and more prevalent. This is because vaccines that cannot protect against mild or moderate disease allow vaccinees to shed virus while rapidly recalling and boosting their original vaccinal antibodies (due to ‘antigenic sin’).

The combination of mounting antibody (Ab) titers and high viral load in an increasing part of the vaccinated population experiencing breakthrough infections only promotes further immune selection and dominant propagation of viral immune escape variants that are featured by a higher level of resistance to vaccine-induced immune pressure on viral infectiousness. It is therefore reasonable to assume that the recent emergence of Omicron resulted from large-scale breakthrough infections in a highly vaccinated population rather than from immune suppression in an HIV patient.

This is in sharp contrast to a situation where an unvaccinated individual contracts C-19 disease. Unvaccinated individuals contract C-19 disease as a result of the virus breaking through their innate immune defense; in that case, viral transmission occurs well in advance of the appearance of a robust humoral response and therefore doesn’t place immune pressure on viral infectiousness. The so-called de novo priming of anti-spike Abs that are directed at the relevant circulating SARS-CoV-2 variant prevents natural selection and adaptation of more infectious variants in the unvaccinated population whereas breakthrough boosting on a background of widespread vaccine-mediated immunity / immune memory only precipitates breeding of viral variants with improved immune escape properties.

Lowering the bar of vaccine efficacy down to protection against SEVERE disease is a vicious trick to leave the public with the false impression that C-19 vaccines are a blessing whereas exactly the opposite is true.

Alert: Japan Places Myocarditis Warning on 'Vaccines' - Requires Informed Consent

Japan announces that public and private sectors can not discriminate against those who refuse the experimental mRNA gene therapy injections.

Japan is now labeling Covid “vaccines” to warn of dangerous and potentially deadly side effects such as myocarditis. In addition, the country is reaffirming its commitment to adverse event reporting requirements to ensure all possible side effects are documented.

These efforts from Japan’s health authority are in stark contrast to the deceptive measures taken by other countries to coerce citizens into taking the injection, downplaying side effects, and discouraging proper adverse event reporting.

Additionally, Japan is emphasizing informed consent and bodily autonomy. Until the coronavirus pandemic, the concept of “informed consent” was considered sacred to healthcare professionals in the West.

Japan is particularly raising concerns about the risks of myocarditis in young men injected with Pfizer or Moderna’s genetherapy treatment.

Doctors worldwide have echoed Japan’s health authority warnings about the gene-therapies side effects. However, this kind of proper informed consent has cost many doctors in western nations their licenses to practice medicine. The government has accused these doctors of spreading ‘vaccine hesitancy.’

Alexander: Salvatore et al. in this one study should resound to policy makers that vaccinated are no less contagious than unvaccinated when symptoms develop

It may well be the unvaccinated and their immune systems that will get us out of this pandemic (their their innate and natural immunity)

eugyppius: The Vaccines Don't Reduce Transmission

Once more, very briefly, on an obvious and crucial point.

… The more you control for different rates of testing, the harder it gets to find vaccine effectiveness against transmission, and the more you start stumbling over evidence of negative efficacy. This is why we find evidence of negative efficacy in the UK data but not (for example) in the German data.

… When you test everyone all the time regardless of vaccination status, a very different picture emerges.

eugyppius: Original Antigenic Sin is a Real and Very Serious Reason to Stop Vaccinating Everyone

Two papers discover that cross-reacting antibodies from common coronavirus infections can hinder effective antibody response to SARS-CoV-2.

Over 4.2 billion people across the earth have received at least one dose of vaccine against SARS-2. The majority of these vaccines have elicited antibodies only against an early form of the spike protein that is no longer in circulation.

This would seem to be one reason why many western countries with high vaccination rates appear to have locked themselves into an indefinite phase of heightened SARS-2 transmission.

Original Antigenic Sin is a real phenomenon. It seems not only to permanently influence the immune response to the spike protein itself, but also to inhibit the development of antibodies to other SARS-2 proteins. A worst case scenario, would be a future spike mutation that entirely escapes the anti-spike antibodies elicited by our vaccines. In this case, it seems possible that many vaccinated people will be stuck with permanently suboptimal immune responses. If Omicron is indeed circulating primarily among the vaccinated, as some data suggests, this would seem to be one possibly reason why.

Malone: Another reason not to jab the children: Omicron

The data are overwhelmingly clear: it is time to stop vaccinating healthy young people

I am here in San Juan, Puerto Rico staying at the Caribe Hilton this weekend to share fact-based information concerning the logic, bioethics, and “The Science” of the experimental jabs with Parents, School Officials, and Medical Care providers in response to Territorial Governor-mandated COVID-19 genetic vaccination of children. It seems that leaders of the 16,000+ physicians and medical scientists that form the International Association of Physicians and Medical Scientists and The Unity Project are needing to travel all over the United States and the world to counter the disinformation being actively promulgated by members of the Trusted News Initiative and various US, UK and European politicians who are acting more like frightened psychotic chickens than thoughtful national and world leaders. In other words, they are not doing their jobs, and need to grow both a spine AND a brain. The most charitable explanation for this behavior that I can come up with is that Fear is indeed the Mind-killer. If we were speaking casually and in person back on my farm in Virginia, I would be a bit more blunt and colorful in my assessment.

Sharing scientific truth and countering the disinformation being pushed by these organizations and Pharma sycophants is more than a full time job. The good news is that more and more information warriors are joining us, and so the hard work is being shouldered by a growing army of truth-tellers that have overcome their fear. Many months ago, Jill and I decided to dedicate our lives to protecting children from this insane propaganda campaign to mandate jabbing children with an unlicensed medical product that causes hospitalized myocarditis in one out of every 2,700 treated boys in order to protect octogenarians from a disease that healthy kids shrug off like a modest cold virus. Odd that it is often octogenarian politicians and “health leaders” (Dr. Fauci, I am looking at you) who seem to think that this is a good time to start forcing children to sacrifice their health to protect the old. And I am not going to slow down in pursuing this mission now that we seem to be making some modest headway despite the massive array of forces deployed against us.

Make no mistake, this is 21st century media warfare, and we are fighting against horizontally integrated corporate-sponsored Global Tyranny. This is likely to be the first skirmish in what will be a long war, and we are outgunned and out capitalized by far. ….

The data are clear. … What we do know is that 78% of the people in the USA/CDC report who have contracted Omicron were vaccinated. These data also directly contradict the public relations “data” press release from Pfizer that the third jab would protect against Omicron. Clinical data ALWAYS trumps lab test data. This appears to be yet another case illustrating that Fauci/Biden parrot the Big Pharma narrative whenever possible rather than doing the job that we are paying them to do - independently analyze “The Science” and act with integrity and objectivity to protect American citizens rather than American Big Business and Big Investment firms….

Metatron: Hiding the bad data in plain sight

TV shills like Lorraine Kelly and Dr Hillary Jones are systematically spreading the misinformation that 90% of COVID hospitalisations in the UK are in the unvaccinated.

Despite the fraudulent dumping of newly vaccinated data into the unvaccinated within 14 to 21 days of vaccination (when actually the immune system is at its weakest making people the most susceptible to COVID and everything else), it’s not possible to get anywhere near that number looking at the bulletins.

Lyons-Weiler: Who Gets More COVID-19? Vaccinated or Unvaccinated? Here's How to Tell.

There were tell-tale signs of vaccine failure well before Omicron. How to be ready for COVID-19.

…. cites a recent study that found that 1 in 100 fully vaccinated people can be expected to be infected. Generally speaking, before vaccination, the current infection rate was, on average, about 1.2% of the population. We therefore expect an average of 1.2% of people who are unvaccinated to be infected and detected as a case over any period of time.

The comparison of 1.2% to 1% suggests a 20% reduction in risk of infection.

With 69% of the population vaccinated, and 74% of new cases found in the vaccinated, the only value of vaccine efficacy that can generate this result is -0.28.

That’s a far cry from VE = 20%. In fact, this strongly suggests disease enhancement.

These data were published in July, 2021 - and that prompted CDC Director Rochelle Walensky to inform the vaccinated that they should still mask indoors and practice social distancing. Her policy shift, however, did not go far enough.

This result would also explain the finding that more highly vaccinated Western countries have more new cases.

The argument of mandates to protect the immunocompromised cannot be supported. The argument of widespread vaccination to reduce COVID-19 transmission cannot be supported, in fact, vaccination appears to make it worse.

The argument of self-protection is arguably not supported, because by vaccinating, you are contributing to the perpetuation of the endemicity of the virus considering the whole population. Including your future self.

Lyons-Weiler: Spike-Only Vaccine a Colossal Blunder: Michigan State University Shows SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Escape is Due to Vaccination

Earlier analyses had shown correlation of new COVID-19 cases with vaccine uptake, indicating vaccine escape. Now that causality is confirmed, the question is: Will policy makers stop making it worse?

Mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2 Evolution Revealing Vaccine-Resistant Mutations in Europe and America

El gato malo: graphical deception (and a smoking gun for OAS?)

why so many people are misreading the israeli study on vaccine vs recovered efficacy and what it really means

together, THAT is a clear marker for OAS. (original antigenic sin)

it means your body is over-trained in narrow response and will fail to adapt to future pathogens experienced.

if you get vaxxed first, then get sick, you never develop the full panoply of responses. other studies have shown this issue around the development of nucleocapsid antibodies (which tend to be a source of sterilizing immunity, unlike S protein antibodies).

but this does not happen if you get sick first, then vaxxed. because you already learned those things.

this shows that the vaxx is blocking the learning. and now we have clinical outcome data to show it.

this is just not a pattern you’d see (order of vaxx and illness affecting outcome) without something akin to OAS.

Medicare Data Shows 48,465 Deaths Over 80 Within 14 Days Of Shots: Scrubbed As Non Vaccinated: Renz

Over 1/4 of Remdesivir Treated Died Within 14 Days, Mostly Kidney Failure


48,465 people over the age of 80 died within 14 days or their first or second dose. “This is raw data,” says Renz. “Raw. There’s no analysis.” He goes on the remind us of the insult-to-injury fact that the system rigged it such that if a person dies within 2 weeks of a a ‘vaccine,’ they are counted as unvaccinated.

Have you ever heard anything like this in your life?
More raw data: Of those patients given Remdesivir, 25.9 % died. More than a quarter. Of those, 46% died within 14 days of treatment. This is what Fauci considers a “life-saving treatment.”
Remdesivir causes kidney failure.

Important Study: mRNA COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: A Warning

Tessa: Little-Known Facts about the 1918 Pandemic + Life or Fiction?

… the deceit of good people that’s been happening has been breaking my heart. Just recently, it was found that in Pfizer’s own internal document (CUMULATIVE ANALYSIS OF POST-AUTHORIZATION ADVERSE EVENT REPORTS OF PF-07302048 (BNT162B2) RECEIVED THROUGH 28-FEB-2021), which they had no intention to disclose for decades—if at all—they hid over 1200 deaths and a large number of adverse events that they had recorded themselves, seeminlgy in relation to their lucrative product. And so they recorded their “post marketing data” and didn’t tell anyone. Or perhaps they told their buddies at the FDA, and the latter didn’t care. Anyway, I believe that deceiving good people is despicable, and I hope that the tide is really turning, and that their cruel, innate immunity-frying life-time subscription model ingloriously fails.

Denninger: Debate Is Over Folks; Facts Came In

While being jabbed after recovery is claimed to produce “superior” results (“hybrid immunity”) the data says that’s flat-out bull****.

Alexander: 9 studies support the rejection of polices to segregate the unvaccinated from the vaccinated in the current COVID-19 emergency

And: The verdict is in on Omicron and the vaccine; the vaccine fails against omicron alike for Delta and will for new variants...boosting will fail, 3rd, 4th boost...Pfizer and Fauci knows, not you yet

you will come to learn and accept in time; at present you still cannot believe or admit to yourself that you were so fooled by the govn and public health leaders

Renowned Virologist Warns of ‘Collapse of Our Health System’ Due to Complications from COVID Vaccines

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche warned of the damage being done to the immune systems of the vaccinated, and the inevitable grave consequences that would result.

“By tracking the evolutionary trajectories of vax-resistant mutations in more than 2.2 million SARS-CoV-2 genomes, we reveal that the occurrence & frequency of vax-resistant mutations correlate strongly with the vaccination rates in Europe and America.”

What this means to me is that the infamous “new variants” Delta and Omicron variants have the mutations in the RBD now make all existing spike-only vaccines obsolete. Once Omicron dominates, another evolutionary arms race will take place - as long as we are targeting only the spike protein in so many people.

Our best bet is to foster immune health so when people are inevitably infected, they have a better shot at very long-lasting immunity via neutralizing antibodies, memory B-cells and memory T-cells to the 55 other epitopes from other SARS-CoV-2 virus proteins that I reported in April 2020.

Mercola: Toxicologist Warns Against COVID Jabs

Janci Chunn Lindsay, Ph.D., is a molecular biologist and toxicologist and director of toxicology and molecular biology for Toxicology Support Services LLC. April 23, 2021, she delivered a three-minute public comment to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). Her expertise is analysis of pharmacological dose-responses, mechanistic biology and complex toxicity dynamics. In her ACIP comment, Lindsay described how she aided the development of a contraceptive vaccine in the 1990s that ended up causing unintended autoimmune destruction and sterility in animals which, despite careful pre-analysis, had not been predicted.

We May Be Sterilizing an Entire Generation

At the time, she called for an immediate halt to COVID-19 mRNA and DNA vaccines due to safety concerns on multiple fronts. In particular, she noted there is credible concern that they will cross-react with syncytin (a retroviral envelope protein) and reproductive genes in sperm, ova and placenta in ways that may “impair fertility and reproductive outcomes.” Not a single study has disproven this hypothesis, she noted. Another theory of how these injections might impair fertility can be found in a 2006 study, which showed sperm can take up foreign mRNA, convert it into DNA, and release it as little pellets (plasmids) in the medium around the fertilized egg.

Rose: Pfizer adverse event data

thanks Pfizer, for your pfabulous and pfun report

Court-Ordered Pfizer Documents They Tried to Have Sealed for 55 Years Show 1223 Deaths, 158,000 Adverse Events in 90 Days Post EUA Release


Omicron Sub-Fare:

El gato malo: more evidence of omicron mildness

more cases, fewer symptoms, less serious.

thus far, all the evidence seem to point to one fact:

this is covid becoming a cold.

El gato malo: is original antigenic sin starting to dominate covid?

if this is what it looks like to me, this is not spreading like wildfire in these groups because omicron is some crazy new superspread variant. it’s spreading because all these people over-trained their immune systems against a specific spike protein pattern and their immune response is now a one trick pony that cannot mount an effective sterilizing resistance against variants and perhaps will NEVER gain this capability.

Chudov: More BAD News on Omicron

I do realize how embarrassed (and delighted) I will be if Omicron will prove to be milder that I am making it to be. I am rooting for myself to be totally wrong.

… Supposedly, Omicron patients end up on ventilators less often. This is a good thing, as I hate people suffering on ventilators and I am glad that there is fewer of them. But they still end up hospitalized!

… If ICU admission lags hospitalizations by a week, then in any exponentially rapidly rising epidemic, ICU cases will be understated if looked at as a percentage of hospitalized cases.

The reason for immune evasion is that Omicron’s spike protein is different from the original Wuhan spike protein by no less than 30 mutations. Thus, spike antibodies react much less effectively to it, leading to 41x less effective neutralization compared to original Pfizer trials.

Covid recovered persons have numerous other types of antibodies, thus Omicron likely is milder in the naturally immune, who abound in Gauteng.

It is far worse for the vaccinated, however, as their spike antibodies is literally all they have — their immune systems never saw the complete virus and, thus, cannot react to the rest of the virus at all.

Do not be Confused by Public Health Messaging

We are now realizing that

· Omicron is no less severe than Delta (this article and my previous one)

· It evades Spike antibodies and that’s all protection that the vaccinated have

· It is as infectious as chickenpox and grows by about 10 times every week (in the beginning of the epidemic curve, anyway)

· It was likely made in a lab

The above points should, rationally, scare us very much.

Vanden Bossche: Omicron: The Calm Before the Tsunami?

... On the other hand, an enhanced incidence of mildly symptomatic infections in vaccinees will ultimately lead to a higher ratio of vaccinees that are endowed with post- infection titers of immature Abs directed at Omicron’s spike protein. This will likely entail waves of more serious disease in vaccinees and, sadly, prompt the deployment of mass vaccination with updated vaccines that match the antigenic constellation of Omicron’s S protein. I’ve already warned that such an unfortunate decision will be at risk of unleashing a tsunami of severe disease and death (2), primarily in vaccinated children and those who’ve been vaccinated before their innate Ab-secreting B cells acquired sufficient CoV experience).

Malone: One and Done – Not with Omicron!

Preprint data from South Africa suggests that natural immunity may not be as protective as with prior variants.

The analysis suggests that, in contrast to Beta and Delta variants, the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2 is able to evade immunity from prior infection and re-infect patients at a significant rate. The authors specifically conclude that Omicron’s “selection advantage is at least partially driven by an increased ability to infect previously infected individuals”


Fortunately, unlike with Marek’s disease, vaccination into an ongoing viral pandemic does not seem to have yielded a strain that causes enhanced disease – yet (3). Let’s hope that does not occur, although it remains a risk if the WHO and national health authorities continue to insist on deploying mismatched leaky vaccines that clearly do not prevent infection and spread of current circulating strains of SARS-CoV-2. The logic of vaccine mandates using these flawed tools is clearly failing – current vaccines and aggressive mask use policies cannot stop the spread of the highly infectious Omicron variant.

Furthermore, recent data from Hong Kong demonstrating clinical myocarditis in 1 out of every 2700 boys who receive the second Pfizer/BioNTech Comirnaty dose (4), together with a report from Viet Nam of over 120 students being hospitalized after receiving the same vaccine (5) make it clear that mandating that children be vaccinated with these ineffective vaccines is quite literally medical malpractice, and may meet legal criteria as a crime against humanity.

********** Ruechel: "A Half Truth is a Whole Lie": The Omicron Variant, Cross-Reactive Immunity, and the Manufactured Illusion of an Unprecedented Virus

There are moments when the public health messaging during Covid reminds me of the well-known parable of the blind men and the elephant wherein the blind men argue about the nature of an elephant based on the kernel of truth at their fingertips despite being utterly unable to see the larger reality standing before their eyes. But we are not living through a harmless parable. Our public health officials, vaccine makers, and media are manipulating our perception of reality. They are trying to blind us from seeing the full elephant by using deliberate oversimplification, half-truths, and out-of-context facts to manufacture (and exploit) an illusion of unprecedented danger. The most damaging lies are the ones that are built on a distortion of the truth.

If Immune Escape is Inevitable, How Do We Create Long-Lasting Protection Against a Contagious and Rapidly Evolving Virus?

Frequent re-exposure solves the problem of a rapidly evolving virus by updating our immune system to recognize and neutralize closely related variants before we lose all our protective immunity from a previous infection. As long as the interval between exposures is not too long, you will still have cross-reactive immunity from your last exposure to protect you during your next "update". Re-infection does not necessarily mean you will get sick. As long as it happens while you still have partial cross-reactive immunity, your "update" might be mild, or you may not get any symptoms at all.

Frequent re-exposure is nature's solution to booster shots. Vaccine boosters make more sense for diseases in which re-exposure is so rare that immunity wears off entirely before you are likely to get a natural update (more on that later)….

If we interrupt regular exposure to any of these common respiratory viruses, such as through lockdowns and extreme social distancing measures, we prevent ourselves from getting the regular exposure needed to keep training our immune systems to keep them up to date. The key to living a healthy life is to never stop living a normal life.

Even if the Covid vaccines worked as advertised (they don't: more on that in a moment) and even if they didn't cause dangerous adverse reactions in many people (they do: more than 19,000 deaths and 1.7 million injuries have been reported to date just on the US VAERS system alone), these Covid vaccine boosters are merely artificial replacements that are trying to replicate what the immune systems of healthy people are naturally evolved to do by themselves through repeat exposure. Our public health officials and vaccine makers are making mountains out of molehills while creating entirely unnecessary new vulnerabilities in order to sell you something that most people do not need if they are allowed to live normal lives.

If this was about public health, they would only be offering vaccines to the vulnerable, without coercion. But the Holy Grail of maximizing pharmaceutical profits and public health funding was to convince the public (and politicians) that there is something unusual or threatening about the never-ending conveyor belt of variants produced by a rapidly evolving and highly transmissible virus, and (as Pfizer's CEO suggested at the beginning of this article) that relying on natural immunity could lead to more variants. It is a masterful manipulation held together by endless half-truths.

el gato malo: control the language, control the discourse

the dark sorcery of monopoly on meaning

oceania has never been at war with eastasia.

oceania has always been at war with eastasia.

one who is against all vaccines might well be called an “anti-vaxxer.” but to add “or regulations mandating vaccination” is an entirely new idea, an entirely different topic, and combines into one block two completely separate concepts around which there is a wide and valid divergence.

i find the risk reward good on many vaccines including MMR and other longstanding childhood jabs. i do so because they are effective and safe as evidenced by decades of data and testing. they went though 6-10 years of testing before release and have been closely monitored since.

vaccines like the swine flu in 1976 were yanked off the market for fewer than 100 cases of guillan barre. this is WHY we have a history of trusting vaccines as safe.

even the flu vaccine, which seems to have little or no meaningful efficacy or protection against hospitalization or death, is, at least, safe. complications are low. i think it’s a silly shot to get and mostly a marketing scam, but also a fairly harmless one.

but covid vaccines are clearly non-sterilizing and do not stop contraction, carriage, or spread of the virus. they likely make it worse. leaky vaccines have all manner of well documented problems. they also have a side effect profile multiple orders of magnitude worse than any other ever on the US market.

this clearly puts them into a category different from the others.

all medical decisions are risk/reward decisions and the balance is VERY different here. small wonder they want to obfuscate the language and again use overbroad groupings to claim it is safe because other vaccines are safe. they seek to hide their own sins behind the halo of others virtues.

this is, of course, a garbage framing. it’s pure false equivalence. …..

Metatron: Does COVID vaccination reduce COVID mortality?

The data is available so why don't public health authorities use it?

… If COVID mortality is so strongly correlated with background rates of cardiovascular mortality and diabetes prevelence, doesn’t that indictae where public health authorities ought to be looking for the “cure”? Because, the vaccine certainly isn’t it.

Imagine how many lives really could have been saved if all the resources wasted on COVID measures and vaccines had instead been channelled into reducing the factors that influence cardiovascular disease and diabetes instead? You know, like healthy eating, exercise and low stress. Many of the opposite things achieved by lockdowns and community mask wearing.

You still think this is about public health?

Lyons-Weiler: Life-Saving Medicine: By Demand Laws Needed NOW

All around the world, disinformation articles are being written and read that claim that there is no evidence that Ivermectin saves lives, reduces hospitalization, or reduces symptoms of COVID-19. Such as this one. INFURIATING.

Every one of those articles is wrong. Every last one.

The clinical studies that do exist, and the consilience of the real-world data (RWD), show that early use of ivermectin reduces mortality by somewhere between 50 and 85%.

Patients are suing hospitals in multiple states to have judges decide whether a doctor should be ordered by the court to write a prescription for ivermectin.

In some cases, the family wins, and the patient recovers.

In some cases, the patient dies before a ruling.

This is moronic.

Skeptics can see the evidence on ivermectin here.

***** Roche: What We Should Have Learned From this Epidemic, but Probably Won’t

I am going to pretend that people have come to their senses and realized that we have to live with CV-19 and stop obsessing over it. And as part of my effort to do that, I am going to write my initial retrospective on the epidemic now. After any great event in human history, we should attempt to step back and evaluate what the dimensions of the problem actually were and how effective our responses were, always mindful of human thinking process biases.

1. All people are human. That tautology is important because if we think that scientists, public health experts, politicians or anyone else is somehow not human, is above human frailties, we are wrong and we will suffer the consequences of giving greater credence to the pronouncements of these particular humans than they deserve.

2. The bigger the “title” or “role” certain humans have, the more likely they are to be unaware of their biases or to engage in constant questioning of their own beliefs and conclusions. And therefore the more likely that they will make mistakes.

3. A corollary to the first two points, and an important check upon these potential sources of policy error, is that all data and information should be completely, immediately and accurately disclosed to the public and any person who seeks further information for the purposes of analyzing and understanding such data should be encouraged and assisted. The role of citizen analysts should be highlighted and encouraged, as these persons often have perspectives that are more accurate than those of officials.

4. Those first three points are what I would call process ones. And they really apply to issues beyond how we responded to this epidemic. They are fundamental to good government. They should be embedded in the very structure of government.

5. With all due respect to the idiot hack Dr. Fauci, no one person is or represents science. Science is an ongoing process of discovering relevant facts and logical relationships between events. It constantly changes as new data and research emerges. It needs constant challenge, constant new ideas, to improve understanding. At no time can anyone claim that “the science tell us to do this” or “the data say we must adopt this policy”. Anyone who makes such statements should be immediately fired from any post in which they can influence policy. Unfortunately but realistically, knowledge and the guidance from knowledge is fluid; this should be acknowledged and accepted and the public should be told that we are taking the steps we take based on our current understanding, but we are constantly seeking new data and research and we will change our policies if that new information suggests it is appropriate to do so…….

COVID Tweet Vids of the Week:

Covid Vaccine Propaganda Exposed. Why did so many blindly get vaccinated without thinking? Popular culture, media, celebrities, politicians, athletes, social media creators, emotional appeals, & slogans. Spread fear, then offer the solution to freedom & getting your life back.

In Germany, children are being forced “to go to the front of the class and state their vaccination status daily. Those who are vaccinated are applauded, those who are not have to explain why they are not.”

COVID Tweets & Quotes of the Week:

Ilargi: I have one news article today saying 62% more UK children 6-12 years old have died since their vaccinations started. And a 2nd article that says all children 5-11 in New York must be vaccinated. And I’m wondering: how is that not a completely insane world? How do we fail to connect these things?


Re: Scotland Cardiac Data 100s of ambulance calls per week above normal, starting March 2021, mainly age 15-64

Candace Owens: Never mind my last tweet! I’ve just learned that the sudden increase in heart-related illnesses is likely due to **checks Big Pharma notes** Post-Pandemic Stress Disorder. Nothing to see here!

Limberg: I strongly sense the motivational impulse to wear a mask or not wear a mask in a place like Toronto is not coming from first-principled considerations of mask efficacy. They are moreso ways to signal memetic tribal affiliation. Are you on the side of what is right and good? If so, go out of your way to show off what tribe you belong to.

Kirsch: For the record, Eric Topol is one of the great misinformation spreaders on the pandemic.


Pardon. I have to scream into a pillow once in a while and regain my calm. Where was I…

el gato malo: if you are not yet convinced, an honest question: just what WOULD it take to convince you that this is a deliberate and coordinated campaign of gaslighting intended to hide the bad outcomes of governmental policy aided and abetted by relentless media cheerleading?

Schachtel: Movement Passes for 5 year olds in New York City and San Francisco. Prison for the non compliant in Austria and Germany. Detention centers for troublesome citizens in Australia and New Zealand. What do all of these places have in common? First and foremost, as The Dossier readers know well by now, none of these measures are backed by any legitimate scientific precedent.

el gato malo: “your papers please!” said mom. at christmas. in no healthy society. ever.

… you get to keep the rights you’ll fight for. it’s a hard truth, but the truth nonetheless.

El gato malo: vaccines did not keep your child in school. that’s the self-serving claim of the kidnappers. the reality is that it’s the bizarre rules that contradict every bit of longstanding pandemic guidance that kept the kids out. the only reason vaccines did anything to affect attendance is the empty pseudoscientific legalism masquerading as health policy that folks like dr kass have been pushing. none of it was necessary. none of it was even true.

……. covid was not the issue. the response wasn’t the virus. it was the humans. and now they are deep into some weird hybrid of stockholm syndrome and munchausen’s by proxy.

Kevin Gage: In my 19 years as a pro footballer & and then my 20+ years watching and commenting, I’ve never seen ANY players collapse, pass out, etc either live or during any of the thousands of training sessions and matches I’ve taken part in

Kunstler: And, by the way, Omicron is no Darth Vader and Dr. Fauci is no Obi-Wan Kenobi. Omicron is a punk-ass computer iteration of the original “SARS CoV-2” computer model of a frightful pandemic agent engineered to drive the Western advanced nations batshit crazy (literally) so as to distract them from the criminal ineptitude of their financial managers. And now that the virus narrative is unspooling it’s showtime for the terminal financial follies of the age.

CO-VIDs of the Week:

***** Norman Fenton interviewed by Majid Nawaz, LBC Radio, 4 Dec 2021 (8 min)

Introducing Dr. Aditi Bhargava PhD, a new voice with deep experience in immunology including development of mRNA vaccines

Her focused six minutes of testimony in the US Senate, while censored and deleted by YouTube, can be found here-

It was my great pleasure to spend an hour with her recently on a podcast hosted by Thomas Carrigan, who is one of the podcasters that interviewed me shortly after the famous Dark Horse podcast involving myself, Steve Kirsch, and Bret Weinstein.

…Dr. Bhargava (Aditi) spoke at length regarding her insights into mRNA vaccine technology in a preceding podcast which can be found here-

Our hour-long discussion which took place the following day can be found here-


or... mass hypnosis- the madness of crowds

What one observes with the mass hypnosis is that a large fraction of the population is completely unable to process new scientific data and facts demonstrating that they have been misled about the effectiveness and adverse impacts of mandatory mask use, lockdowns, and genetic vaccines that cause people’s bodies to make large amounts of biologically active coronavirus Spike protein.

These hypnotized by this process are unable to recognize the lies and misrepresentations they are being bombarded with on a daily basis, and actively attack anyone who has the temerity to share information with them which contradicts the propaganda that they have come to embrace. And for those whose families and social networks have been torn apart by this process, and who find that close relatives and friends have ghosted them because they question the officially endorsed “truth” and are actually following the scientific literature, this can be a source of deep anguish, sorrow and psychological pain.

It is with those souls in mind that I included a discussion of the mass formation theory of Dr. Mattias Desmet during a recent talk I gave in Tampa, Florida to an audience of about 2,000. As I looked out into the audience and spoke, I could see relief on many faces, and even tears running from the eyes of stoic men.

Unknown to me, someone recorded the speech and appended the vocal track to a series of calming images of natural landscapes, producing a video that has gone viral throughout the world. A link to the video, as well as some notes to clarify and supplement the talk are appended below. Many have told me that they find it very healing. I hope it may help you also.

Lyons-Weiler: #Censorship: Why Did YouTube Wait an 1.4 Years to Censor This Interview? Help Fight Back

Featuring multiple videos of Dr. Peter McCullough

***** When random folks on TikTok can do better public health messaging than most governments and NGOs…

Berenson: IS IT SAFE?

Anecdotal Fare:

Kirsch: Stories that the mainstream media will not cover

305 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 176 Dead, After COVID Shot

All things COVID Pushback Fare:

***** Curtin: Robert Francis Kennedy, Jr.’s Heroic Resistance to the CIA’s Continuing Covid Coup D’état

With his extraordinary new book, The Real Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, RFK, Jr. has made it very clear that he will not allow Orwell’s 1984 totalitarian boot to stamp on his face. His is a very rare moral courage, and he is asking us to join him, before it is too late and we enter into a new dark age, in recognizing and resisting the evil forces intent on stamping out democracy around the world. He is not pulling his punches with language as he accuses the political-intelligence-media-money-medical-corporate-pharmaceutical conspirators of executing “the controlled demolition of American constitutional democracy.” For a brilliant and highly accomplished lawyer and excellent writer and speaker, the choice of those words “controlled demolition” is clearly intentional.

For anyone who doubts that the Covid-19 crisis is an intelligence-run operation controlled by spooks working with medical technocrats like Anthony Fauci, billionaires such as Bill Gates, the military, media, Big Pharma, the World Economic Forum, etc., a close reading of this book – with its 2,194 references – will disabuse one of that illusion.

The CIA has long been deeply involved with vaccines, viruses, drugs, weaponizing cancer, biological weapons, and of course massive mind-control operations – deadly propaganda in plain English – for use in controlling U.S. Americans and foreigners alike. As Kennedy writes in an ironically understated way, “The pervasive CIA involvement in the global vaccine putsch should give us pause.” Yes, a long pause. He continues: …


RFK, Jr.’s detailed exposure of Fauci’s role reminds me of reading Moby Dick and meditating on Melville’s description of Ahab – one has to enter a different mental space to begin to comprehend such evil, and even then one is struck dumb by its extent and the media’s complicity in covering it up for so long. …. Fauci is a product of a structural system of evil. This is not to excuse him but to place his actions in an historical and structural context.

Check his sources, 298 for this chapter alone. This is not speculation or theory, but fact. Do your homework. Study.

Toby Rogers: Dear Republican elected officials: thank you *and* you need to do so much more

So the winning strategy for the next 11 months is to pummel Democrats regarding Fauci and vaccine failure. Block any and all vaccine mandates and provide citizens with low cost treatments that work. And stand up and fight for every single person harmed by the illegal and unconstitutional diktats from the Biden administration (and Blue State governors).

Whoever solves the pandemic first will be rewarded by voters for a very long time. Democrats are welcome to follow this plan too if they wish, I just have not seen any evidence that they are capable of breaking from their Pharma Ãœber Alles mindset.

Kirsch: The most important lesson from Auschwitz

Here is Auschwitz survivor Marian Turski’s speech on January 27, 2020.


"Auschwitz did not fall from the sky. It began with small forms of persecution of Jews. It happened, it means it can happen anywhere. That is why human rights and democratic constitutions must be defended. The eleventh commandment is important: Don't be indifferent. Do not be indifferent when you see historical lies, do not be indifferent when any minority is discriminated, do not be indifferent when power violates a social contract."

The most important part: "Never be a bystander whenever a minority is discriminated against.”

The medical community, the mainstream media, Congress, and the HHS agencies are all ignoring Turski’s advice. They are all enabling and supporting the discrimination.

In addition, they are all supporting clear violations of multiple sections of the Nuremberg Code.

Doctor Banned For Questioning Efficacy Of Masks Wins High Court Case

In the video, White said why he could no longer tolerate working in his previous roles because of the “lies” around the NHS and the government’s response to the pandemic, which were “so vast” he could no longer “stomach” them. White also committed the ultimate sin of remarking, “masks do nothing” to stop the spread of COVID, despite this being the consensus medical opinion at the start of the pandemic before it mysteriously switched almost overnight.

TV Show Mysteriously Deletes Poll After Vast Majority Oppose Mandatory Vaccination

COVID Conspiracy Fare:

Jen Psaki Is Annoyed by the Very Thought of Free COVID Tests for All

The White House spokesperson was asked why the administration doesn’t just send out free COVID tests, as other countries do. Her mindless, condescending response was a reminder that the Democrats are still the party of Aetna.

Siri: FDA Doubles Down: Asks Federal Judge to Grant it Until at Least the Year 2096 to Fully Release Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Data

The fed gov’t gives Pfizer billions in taxpayer money + makes Americans take its product + won’t let Americans sue for harm + shields disclosure of its licensure documents = 1984

A prior post explained that the FDA has asked a federal judge to make the public wait until the year 2076 to disclose all of the data and information it relied upon to license Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. Literally, a 55-year delay. My firm, on behalf of PHMPT, asked that this information be disclosed in 108 days – the same amount of time it took for the FDA to review and license Pfizer’s vaccine. The Court ordered the parties to submit briefs in support of their respective positions by December 6, 2021. The FDA’s brief, incredibly, doubles down. It now effectively asks to have until at least 2096 to produce the Pfizer documents. Not a typo. A total of at least 75 years. Other than producing an initial ~12,000 pages in around two months, the FDA thereafter only wants to commit to producing 500 pages per month.

*** Oehler: Endgame Behind Covid-19 mRNA Vaccines?
An investigation of the motives behind the universally mandated, soon to be made compulsory, mRNA "vaccinations".

Time to reflect and try to see the forest for the trees in the global Covid-19 saga we find ourselves in.

On a macro level, this is what we know so far (also see my previous posts):

·         An “irrational” push for deadly non-sterilizing “vaccines” that haven’t been properly tested/vetted, what little of the trial results that have been revealed showing that it is detrimental to human health and life.

·         Prior to the untested novel mRNA and lipid nanoparticle “vaccine” technology being unleashed on the human race, same mRNA “vaccine” technology tested on animals had fatal results for these animals every single time. So, “logically”, no Phase 3 studies have been completed to prove it is safe on humans, instead boldly assuming that, fingers crossed, “this time will be different”. Somehow.

·         A concerted push to “vaccinate” every human on the globe through the pandemic management “medical” bureaucracy usurping indefinite emergency powers in a seemingly well-rehearsed manner, with fascist inclinations unchecked, hardly opposed, and amplifying daily, while politicians willingly playing second fiddles.

·         Bankrolling “fact-checkers” and censoring of any facts/voices that go against the mass “vaccination” gospel.

·         The totally unmedical and unscientific disregard of natural immunity by all medical agencies in the world proves that this global “vaccination”drive does not have public health or herd immunity in mind, let alone combating the “pandemuck”.

·         Denial, ignoring and suppression of safe, effective and affordable medications and any early treatment, preferring high mortality numbers as an excuse for “vaccine” “authorization” and administration instead (should I say “remdesivir”?)

·         More and more evidence that the mRNA “vaccines” suppress/misdirect the immune response in the “vaccinees” while permitting the SARS-CoV-2 virus to be spread by them unchecked, breeding new potentially deadly variants.

·         Fauci and NIH presided over the work on S spike “vaccines” and gain-of-function respiratory viruses for the last twenty years, while Bill Gates made himself busy for that long perfecting the command chain and logistics of mass vaccination campaigns through BMGF, WHO and Swissmedic.

·         CIA, DHS taking active part in enabling the mass “vaccination” in USA, and shielding of vaccine manufacturers from liability through a shell company (ANSER/ATI)

·         A strange fluorescence of the Pfizer “vaccine” vials.

·         Graphene detected in the “vaccine” vials.

·         A totally bizarre Microsoft patent WO2020060606A1 (priority date of 2018.09.21): “Cryptocurrency system using body activity data“: “A server may provide a task to a device of a user which is communicatively coupled to the server. A sensor communicatively coupled to or comprised in the device of the user may sense body activity of the user. Body activity data may be generated based on the sensed body activity of the user. The cryptocurrency system communicatively coupled to the device of the user may verify if the body activity data satisfies one or more conditions set by the cryptocurrency system, and award cryptocurrency to the user whose body activity data is verified.“ Earning “blockchain” pocket money by wearing (or implanting) “a sensor” that is able to determine your every move, doing “the moves” commanded to you by “the server”. If this is not an ultimate Big Brother, nothing is.

***** Kingsnorth: The Vaccine Moment, part two

On Symbol and Story


The West was Christendom; but Christendom died. Then the West was Progress; but Progress died. From this vantage point - perhaps still too close to really make out the shape of things - I suspect that the last decade was the period during which this reality hit home for many people. The grand story we grew up with is now impossible even for many former true believers to cleave to. In response, we have entered a period we could call narrative fracture.


I am hardly the only one to have experienced this: it’s a situation, as many have written to tell me, that is experienced daily across the world right now, in families, in workplaces, online. In particular, those who deviate from what I called the Narrative - the establishment story about covid and the response to it - can expect short shrift or worse. It is a difficult and frightening time for many even to venture out with questions which go against the grain of the official wisdom.


Over in his online forum The Stoa, philosopher Peter Limberg offers a Hegelian analysis of the two conflicting stories around covid, and how they run up against each other. He calls these two positions Thesis and Antithesis, and describes the first position — the Thesis — like this:

Lockdowns are needed to contain the virus, masks work and need to be mandated, vaccines are safe, people should take the vaccine to protect themselves and others, and vaccine passports will help open things up quicker and encourage those who are hesitant to get vaccinated.

The Thesis is the establishment position. It is held, in Limberg's words, by ‘legacy media ... NGOs, Universities, Western governments, and memetic tribes on the political left.’ In contrast, the opposing view — the Antithesis — is held by a ragtag of political dissidents of all stripes, from right wingers to anarchists, motivated to cluster for different reasons around an alternative story:

Lockdowns are not needed, masks do not work, the safety and efficacy of the vaccines are being oversold, vaccine passports will not only fail but further segregate society, and in the near future we can expect Giradian scapegoating of the unvaccinated. In other words, we are positioned on the precipice of a slippery slope that leads towards increasingly draconian biopolitical control measures, the grip of which is unlikely to release even once the pandemic is over.

We could see the last two years, slightly crudely, as a battle between these two stories.

This is narrative fracture at work, and in the last month or so it feels like it has been happening faster: we have seen the outsider Antithesis apparently gaining ground and the establishment Thesis bleeding support. This is probably due both to the increasingly obvious shakiness of much of the Thesis - especially the failure of the vaccination programme to end the pandemic - and to the radically coercive measures being pursued by its advocates. Vaccine mandates, ‘green passes’, mass sackings, lockdowns of the ‘unvaxxed’, covid detention camps, and a sinister scapegoating campaign: all of these are entirely unprecedented, and are being pursued with little or no transparency, debate or consent. This seems to be sowing doubt in the minds of more and more people who were previously prepared to accept the Thesis.

As this process accelerates - as governments attempt increasingly desperately to vaccinate large numbers of unwilling people by force, even while they and their media allies struggle to suppress alternative narratives and awkward facts - more and more of those who have supported the Thesis may look at what is happening and start to feel uneasy. Note that this has nothing to do with anybody’s ‘vaccination status’. Whether or not someone is vaccinated is entirely a personal matter; it does not necessarily have any relationship to their view of the authoritarian measures currently being pursued in the name of public health. As those measures ramp up, civil disobedience is beginning to spread. If it spreads further - and if the measures fail or cannot be enforced - the Thesis story will begin to come apart. At that point, anything could happen.


At time of writing, we are still in the middle of the plague story and we don’t know how to get out of it. How we eventually do get out of the story is anybody’s guess at this point but until we do we are going to be in limbo. That’s because societies run on stories. Not on facts. Not on ‘science’. Not on risk analysis.

If, like me, you’ve had some very unusual conversations with people over the corona event, it’s almost certainly because you disagree over the validity of the plague story. Arguing over details is not going to change minds at this point because what’s up for grabs is not this or that opinion but an entire explanatory framework. For those of us that think this is an incorrect application of the plague story, the measures taken seem radically and dangerously authoritarian. However, authoritarian actions are normal during a plague, and that is why people who are viewing events through that story don’t have a problem with such actions.

Those words were written more than a year ago. Today we can see that, whatever the arguments for or against them, the vaccines have not ended the pandemic - and so the Plague Story continues to spool. Where does it go now? We don’t know. It seems to me that this is all part of the ongoing revelation. I don’t think it is over yet. I fear, more and more, where it might lead us. I fear the rising anger, the mass hysteria, the pretend certainty on all sides. I fear the revelations to come, and I hope daily that my fears are groundless.

GeoPolitical Fare:

Escobar: What Putin really told Biden

Astore: Fox News and The New York Times Agree: America is Weak!

Did you know that the world’s lone surviving military superpower, the one that spends more than a trillion dollars yearly on all things military, is weak?

Fox News would have you think that. And so too would the New York Times (NYT).


A show of hands here: How many Americans think it’s wise to risk nuclear war if Russia attacks Ukraine or China attacks Taiwan?

*** Well, He Said It

Tucker certainly gets it. (video 13 min)

UK Joins US, AUS In Diplomatic Boycott Of China's Winter Olympics

Orwellian Fare:

Pearl Harbor, History By Design

*** Welsh: Fred Hiatt & the Terrible Quandary Of Elite Journalism

The ostensible job of journalists is to tell the public the truth about important matters. That’s the headline job description, and I suspect most journalists started out, at least, believing it.


So when a big propaganda push happens, there’s always a quandary: your own class and your boss want you to repeat it.

This leaves journalists, especially senior ones like Fred Hiatt, three possibilities.

1. They’re stupid and buy the lies.

2. They know they are lies, but know that their real job is to repeat them, and if that means they contribute to mass death, rape, torture and so on, that’s the price of admission. In this case, they have become evil.

3. They say the truth, and then are punished. If somehow they had made it to a senior, important position, they lose it. But that’s rare, because you don’t get a job like Hiatt’s without having “made your bones.” Hiatt, a former foreign correspondent, would have spread lies many times before, proving he understood the real job.

So Fred may have been a mensch, but he was either an idiot or someone who used his position of power and influence to contribute to an act of great evil.

But, really, this isn’t about Fred Hiatt. He wasn’t unusual at all, he was straight up normal for men and women in his position; in his profession.

… This means they have, virtually to a person, all sold their souls. They’re almost all evil, well over 90%.

Lawrence: Russiagate: An obit.

Russiagate, that fraudulent fable wherein Russian President Vladimir Putin personally subverted American democracy, Russian intelligence pilfered the Democratic Party’s email, and Donald Trump acted at the Kremlin’s behest, is at last dead. No, nothing sudden. It has been a slow, painful death of the sort this destructive beast richly deserved. But its demise is now definitive—in the courts and on paper.

Corn, Frum and numerous others like them are now industriously throwing good money after bad to go by recent publications. Here is Corn’s latest, and here Frum’s. One finds the same tired combination of presumption, useless innuendo, and spoon-fed, evidence-deficient falsities derived from the intelligence agencies that were key to fomenting the Russiagate hoax. Yes, Messrs. Corn and Frum, it was a hoax.

To these diehards, people such as your columnist, given to rational, disinterested consideration of what is known and what is conjured from thin air, are “denialists.” Strange it is that those denying established facts and truths call those who accept these facts and truths by this name. But this is a measure of the extent Russiagate has plunged us into Alice–in–Wonderland depths where what is up is down, what is dark is light, what is true is to be buried, what is false is to be held high—where blindness is preferred to sight.

They seem to know no limits down on Eighth Avenue these days.

It is but a short step to all else that is newsworthy but left out—the collapse of the case against Julian Assange (against whom the Russiagate frenzy was wielded), the collapse of the chemical weapons case in Syria, the gross, open-and-shut corruptions of Joe and Hunter Biden, all the above-noted covert subversions. It is wholesale dereliction of duty now, and it was Russiagate that licensed this betrayal.

Mainstream media are now approaching that point when they leave out more of the world we live in than they report. This is a losing proposition in the medium term—a desperate, last-ditch strategy to defend a “narrative” that simply no longer holds. I put the acceleration of this trend down to the poisoned information environment Russiagate did so much to engender.

Pilger: The Judicial Kidnapping of Julian Assange

Twitter Nukes Most Popular Ghislaine Maxwell 'Trial Tracker' Account With 525K Followers

CaitOz Fare:

In That Final Moment

US Hegemony Doesn’t Make The World More Peaceful, It Makes It More Dangerous

That’s the real reason you’re hearing so much hysterical shrieking about China lately, as well as governments which cooperate with it like Russia. It’s got nothing to do with Ukraine or Taiwan or election meddling or human rights concerns in Xinjiang, it’s because China is the head of a rising bloc of non-empire-aligned governments which threatens US hegemony.

As Noam Chomsky recently observed, the real “threat” China poses is that it cannot be bullied into complying with the will of the US empire. … Whatever your opinions on Chomsky at this point in his life, you cannot deny that he is correct here.

The western media have been screaming that Russia is about to invade Ukraine any minute now for years on end. The narratives we’re being fed about Taiwan are blatantly propagandistic. All they’re doing is brainwashing the public into consenting to aggressions which are so dangerous that, all by themselves, they completely invalidate the argument that US unipolar hegemony makes the world safer or more peaceful.

It doesn’t have to be this way. There’s no reason nations can’t just cooperate with each other for the common good instead of waving armageddon weapons around over the ideas held by a few idiots about the need to dominate an entire planet. There’s no reason the US needs to imperil us all with these insane unipolarist aggressions, and everyone should stop supporting it in doing so.

The Assange Case Is The US Defending Its Right To Lie: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

The US is currently building a network of long-range missile systems on a chain of islands near China’s coast for the explicit purpose of threatening China. You can tell who is the aggressor in US-China tensions by asking yourself what would happen if this situation was reversed.

Per Washington’s own logic it would be perfectly reasonable, and indeed responsible, for China to set up military arsenals along both US coastlines to “contain” it and “deter” attacks on Latin American nations, as the US has an extensive history of launching such attacks and will surely try to again. But we all know what the US response to such behavior would be.

Right now being smart and informed is a detriment to happiness because things are shitty and the more you understand the harder it is to be happy. Once we create a healthy world this will reverse; the more you understand about the world the more uplifted and optimistic you’ll be.

They’re Killing Him: Assange’s Stroke Reveals The Western Version Of The Saudi Bone Saw

The world recoiled in horror when it learned of Khashoggi’s grizzly end, and it won’t be long before the world begins recoiling in the same way to what has been done to Assange as well. Our society is becoming rapidly more conscious; we’re already ashamed of things we thought were fine just a few years ago. We realize now that men like Harvey Weinstein are predators and the Hollywood starlets people used to criticize for “sleeping their way to the top” were actually victims of assault. We realize now it was wrong to crack jokes about the intern Bill Clinton sexually abused. We realize that the “Leave Britney alone” kid everyone made fun of in 2007 was actually on to something. We realize now that it’s wrong to make people feel bad about their sexual orientation or sexual identity. Many movies made even ten or fifteen years ago are uncomfortable to watch now because of how unconscious they were of power dynamics we all see much more clearly now.

And, whether Assange survives this slow-motion assassination attempt or not, it won’t be long before society fully understands that their government and its allies actively conspired to murder a journalist for telling the truth.

Our Rulers Are Not Rational Creatures: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

We survived the nuclear horror of the cold war only to see our rulers turn around and start another one for no legitimate reason, this time against two nations simultaneously. And almost no one objected.

The most powerful people in our world pursue power for its own sake and do so with amoeba-like levels of wisdom and insight. Don’t attribute any higher order of decision-making capability to them than you would to any random acquaintance in your life. If anything, attribute less.

… These people are not gods. They’re barely even humans.

World Screams In Anguish At News That Olympics Won’t Be Attended By Some Western Diplomats

People around the world are reacting with anguish, heartbreak and rage at the news that the US, UK, Australia and Canada will not be sending diplomatic representation to the Beijing Winter Olympics in protest against human rights abuses by the Chinese government.

“God damn you, Xi Jinping!” cried Tu Pham in Hanoi, Vietnam. “Because of you, the only Five Eyes alliance diplomats at the Olympics will be from Canada and New Zealand!”

Informed by NNC reporters that Canada had joined in the diplomatic boycott, Pham fell to his knees.

“Nooo!” he screamed. “Not Canada!”

Other Quotes of the Week:

Joe Rogan re: CNN : “I used to look at them as this is how I get the news. This is unbiased, professional news…. Now I look at them, I go, ‘You fucking propagandists, the right-arm of Pfizer. What are you doing?'”

Martyanov: I am on record--incessantly--that one of the reasons the West finds itself where it is today is partially due to "elites" which are severely limited in their views on the realities of the 21st century. Those realities cannot be grasped without serious knowledge and experiences which constitute an amalgamation of high-level technological expertise and historical insights as reminders.

Flying Rodent: An entire ruling class raised on pure cruelty and abuse really does explain a lot, doesn’t it

Shrier: You don’t have to be a troll to find yourself in the center of controversy. You need only be two things: effective and unwilling to back down. …You feel that frisson when you choose a person to commit yourself to knowing full well that any marriage may fail; when you bring children into a world where there are no guarantees of their safety or success. When you summon the courage to fashion a life, something that will remain after you are gone. When you speak the truth publicly—with care and lucidity. And when you say to the world: you cannot buy me with flattery. Purchase my colleagues or classmates at bulk rate. I am not for sale.

Galileo: ‘The sun doesn’t revolve around the earth.’

Twitter: ‘This claim is misleading. Learn why religious officials believe the sun revolves around the earth.’

Long Reads / Big Thoughts:

Groups Never Admit Failure

You get a schism instead

*** When Idiocy Becomes Hardwired

At this point, virtually all of us over the age of forty have encountered enough “snowflakes” (those Millennials who have a meltdown if anything they say or believe is challenged) to understand that, increasingly, young people are being systemically coddled to the point that they cannot cope with their “reality” being questioned.

As a result of ever-greater indulgence with each new generation of children, tens of millions of Millennials now display the result of parents doing all they can to remove every possible hardship from their children’s experience, no matter how small.

… Theoretically, the outcome was to be a generation that was free from troubles, free from stress, who would have only happy thoughts. The trouble with this ideal was that, by the time they reached adulthood, many of the critical life’s lessons had been missing from their upbringing. In the years during which their brains were biologically expanding and developing, they had been hardwired to expect continued indulgence throughout their lives.

Hypersensitive vulnerability is a major consequence, but a greater casualty is Truth. Truth has gone from being fundamental to being something “optional” – subjective or relative and of lesser importance than someone being offended or hurt.

Never in history has a crisis of such great proportions loomed and yet, never in history has the unfortunate generation that will inherit the damage been so unequivocally incapable of coping with that damage.

"Identity Politics and Culture Wars"

Glenn Greenwald, Judith Butler, and Cornel West

Hundreds of Mathematicians, Scientists, Sign Open Letter Against Social Justice-Based Curriculum

Satirical Fare:

Santa To Replace 'Naughty Or Nice' List With 'Vaxxed Or Unvaxxed' List

“We don’t really give out coal anymore due to climate change,” Toymaker noted. “Instead, the unvaccinated kids will receive a box of masks, some hand sanitizer, and a pre-filled postcard to report their conspiracy-theorist parents to child services and the FBI.”

Toymaker said thousands of Elves on Shelves have been dispatched to pediatrician's offices around the country to keep track of which children are getting vaccinated.

Not Satirical Fare:

Titleist Bans "Let's Go Brandon" Personalization Of Its Golf Balls

Pics of the Week:

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