
Thursday, January 13, 2022

2022-01-13 intra-week links

 *** denotes well-worth reading in full at source (even if excerpted extensively here)

Regular Fare:

Now that even Blackrock is echoing our warning that central banks - powerless to fight supply-driven inflation - could hike right into a recession and beyond, the next question is what is the best leading or coincident indicator showing the state of the US economy. A good place to start is spending of the US consumer, responsible for 70% of US GDP, and a good indicator of that is retail sales, the same retail sales that have been running some 22% above trend from pre-covid levels even as payrolls remain dismally lower.

Nomura Fears "Fatigued" Bond Bears Face Imminent Squeeze As The Fed Is "Generally Priced-In"

McElligott warns 'bears' that we'd need to see fresh +++ data surprises to see the market able to price-in additional hawkish tightening at this juncture - or a stickier (and more dangerous) scenario being the much-discussed  "Wage/Price-Spiral" kicking-off.

.... Which of course is true, but the far bigger weakness in 2022 will come from that dynamo of US GDP - personal consumption - which slumps in the coming months as even Goldman economists realize that all those "pent up savings" which had been accumulated in the first half of 2021, have been spent by the middle class.

.... Goldman thinks that "both play a role, but neither is likely to keep the funds rate from ultimately rising well above the 1.6% now discounted in market pricing." And here is where the most influential bank makes another huge mistake, claiming that "nominal r* is probably higher than in the last cycle, in part because of larger long-run fiscal deficits and in part because of the Fed’s higher effective inflation target."

We disagree for the simple reason that there is now just far too much debt in the world, and pushing rates to catch up to r star, whatever it may be, will lead to a bond market shock which the Fed will never allow and is why Powell is now completely trapped between chasing runaway inflation while being terrified his actions will crash risk assets, despite whatever assurances he may have given to Biden as part of his reelection campaign.

Roberts: ASSA 2022: part one – the mainstream

The annual conference of the American Economics Association (ASSA 2022) took place last weekend.  This year it was a virtual conference, but there was still a myriad of presentations and sessions in the largest academic economics conference in the world, with many of the big hitters of mainstream economics on the webinars.

I usually divide the conference sessions into two sections; first, the sessions based on the paradigms of mainstream economics ie. neoclassical, marginalist general equilibrium models; and second, the sessions based on radical heterodox economics (post-Keynesians, institutionalists and even Marxist models).  The former sessions are multi-fold and well attended; the latter, usually run by the Union of Radical Political Economics (URPE) are small and poorly attended.  But of course, the latter usually provide the richest addition to our understanding of political economy.

This year’s mainstream sessions were naturally dominated by what is happening and going to happen to the US economy, the world economy and the Global South as economies recover from the COVID pandemic.  Surprisingly, in one session former OECD chief economist, Catherine Mann was decidedly pessimistic about the long-term future of the US economy.  She saw the US as a chronically a low investment and low productivity economy with high inequality and with little prospect of post-COVID of becoming one that is more equal and characterized by higher investment, strong labour markets and better productivity. 


In contrast, it was liberal left economist Joseph Stiglitz who sounded a note of optimism. ... His evidence for this optimistic turning point was scant compared to the harsh reality of the data presented by Mann. 

... The Austerians were alive and well at this year’s ASSA.

... Well, that was helpful.  What none mentioned was that the so-called fiscal boost by Biden was falling away anyway and would be reversed within a few years.  So the ‘bold experiment’ was not really so bold, while deeper ‘structural measures’ were not on the agenda at all.

... The debate rolled on in various sessions – but interestingly, one thing was agreed, that rising inflation was not caused by wage rises.  The data showed only modest wage rises and indeed less than price inflation, so real wages were falling.  So it’s not the workers’ fault.

...... It seems that the great story of innovation out of COVID is still what veteran neoclassical economist Robert Solow (now 97 years old) famously said in 1987 about the computer age: “I see innovation everywhere, except in the statistics.”

..... My next post will cover the sessions of the heterodox and radical presentations.

Today, I heard two local, small town radio DJs going on about rate hikes coming down the pike, and I thought wow here we are again with rate-hike-hysteria.

Eight years ago I posted an article, Interest Rates Cannot Rise, Here's Why  In that article I depicted my model, forecasting that interest rates would not and could not rise. 


Ok so what does all this mean?  In a nutshell, the 10-year rate cannot break 2.5%. At 2.5% our adjusted debt service to GDP moves to 2.74%, matching the all time high in 1985. At that time, the economy had a very high capacity for drag and managed 13% rates due to a very productive drivetrain (low public debt and high velocity).  Today we have the drivetrain of an '83 Yugo with no drag capacity at all.  In fact, today, in real terms, our economy is being pushed by negative drag. Even small adjustments to that negative drag will have enormous impacts on output.

What Would I Need to Learn?

There are two separate steps to getting to be able to do basic time series analysis in Python. (Or be “a Python-powered Data Scientist” in LinkedIn-speak.)
  1. Basics of the Python language.
  2. Working with a time series library, with Pandas being what appears to be the most popular choice.
In order to transmogrify yourself into a data scientist, most of your time should be spent on the latter part. However, there is a Python learning curve that you need to get out of the way first.

Where do my libraries fit in? I have built an open source package (“economics platform” — which (hopefully) cleans up the underlying data management, allowing the user to get straight into data sciencing.

Other Charts: (sources: one, two, three, ..)

Bubble Fare:

*** Denial Is Transitory

Now you say, who could have seen all of this coming? Anyone. Anyone who has been watching this same movie over and over again during the past decade. 

COVID-19 notes:

Acting FDA commissioner offers sobering perspective of the next few weeks.

The figures I have seen for Long Covid start at about 10%. You can have Long Covid without knowing it: there can be organ damage, including brain damage, without it having symptoms, but that damage will affect your future health and lifespan. Ironically, it may create a co-morbidity if you get Covid again and it will be considered you were part of a vulnerable population.

For some it is very severe. One acquaintance had enough brain damage to cause aphasia, and needs speech therapy. Others go from fit to out of breath walking down the street. 

Since the policy in most Western nations is “everyone will get it, let’s just make sure it doesn’t swamp the hospitals”, let’s run some numbers. Assume everyone is 80%. America’s population is 329 million, so 263 million people will get Covid. Of those, assuming 10% (and I’ve seen double that number, but we’re going with conservative estimates), about 33 million people will get Long Covid.


These are—staggering numbers, and their affect on our societies cannot be underestimated. The deaths are terrible, but the bad health and disabling of many of them (and remember, that organ damage will lead to disabling later in people who seem fine now) will require us to restructure large chunks of our society to support those who are injured, plus many of them will not be able to work, or their working lives will be reduced in length and intensity.

Letting Covid run wild through the world was a choice. We made it. A few societies didn’t. ...

.... If “freedumb” means governments that let you die or get Long Covid, is it “freedumb” worth having? ...

(not just) for the ESG crowd:

US hit by 20 separate billion-dollar climate disasters in 2021, Noaa report says

Global surface temperature in 2021 (Fig. 1) was +1.12°C (~2°F) relative to the 1880-1920  average in the GISS (Goddard Institute for Space Studies) analysis.[1],[2],[3]  2021 and 2018 are tied for 6th warmest year in the instrumental record.  The eight warmest years in the record occurred in the past eight years. ... Moreover, three factors: (1) accelerating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, (2) decreasing aerosols, (3) the solar irradiance cycle will add to an already record-high planetary energy imbalance and drive global temperature beyond the 1.5°C limit – likely during the 2020s.  Because of inertia and response lags in the climate and energy systems, the 2°C limit also will likely be exceeded by midcentury


Accelerated warming of the past seven years requires an explanation.  The big jump above the trend line (Fig. 1) is not caused by the ocean exhaling heat. On the contrary, ocean heat content and Earth’s energy imbalance increased markedly. As discussed in July Temperature Update: Faustian Payment Comes Due[5] last August, that accelerated warming seems to be caused by a decrease of human-made aerosols; the moderately increased growth rate of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the past several years cannot account for the observed large increase of Earth’s energy imbalance.


The total human-made GHG forcing – from preindustrial time to 2022 – is about 4 W/m2.  This is partially offset by the negative forcing of human-made aerosols (fine airborne particles) that mainly increase Earth’s reflectivity, the aerosol forcing being about –1.5 W/m2.[8]  Of the net forcing of about 2.5 W/m2, about 1.5 W/m2 has been “used up” in causing the observed global warming of 1.2°C.  The remaining 1 W/m2 is Earth’s present energy imbalance.

If we stabilized atmospheric composition at today’s GHG amounts, we would get about 0.5-1°C further warming, depending on how long we wait.  More on that topic later.  The big problem is that we are not stabilizing GHG amounts in the air. 


Of course, these implausible extraction scenarios (negative emissions scenarios that IPCC employs) are not happening and won’t happen.  This allows us to call out bulls**t when government leaders claim that keeping global warming below 1.5°C is still possible.  Even 2°C is practically locked in, barring intervention to reduce anthropogenic interference with the planet’s energy balance.

Permafrost contains microbes, mammoths, and twice as much carbon as Earth’s atmosphere. What happens when it starts to melt?

.... Over thousands of years, the frozen earth swallowed up all manner of organic material, from tree stumps to woolly mammoths. As the permafrost thaws, microbes in the soil awaken and begin to feast on the defrosting biomass. It’s a funky, organic process, akin to unplugging your freezer and leaving the door open, only to return a day later to see that the chicken breasts in the back have begun to rot. In the case of permafrost, this microbial digestion releases a constant belch of carbon dioxide and methane. Scientific models suggest that the permafrost contains one and a half trillion tons of carbon, twice as much as is currently held in Earth’s atmosphere.

Climate Tweet of the Week:

Sirota: I think about this 2018 comment a lot. We should recognize that doing this — and proudly bragging about it — is shameful climate denial.

Contrarian Perspectives

Extra [i.e. Controversial] Fare:

*** denotes well-worth reading in full at source (even if excerpted extensively here)

Regular Fare:

David Collum: 2021 Year in Review: The Rise of Centralized Healthcare
Part 2

Unsustainability / Climate Chaos / Collapse Fare:

"The report card arriving at the start of 2022 is … well … disappointing. We could be doing much better."

These are tough times for a lot of people. This past year touched many of us in painful ways because of the pandemic, the economic fallout from that, and a string of horrible climate events took lives, livelihoods, homes, and lifetime memories.

This coming year promises only more of the same.

None of those are the toughest challenge we face.

That challenge is the 2-degree test. Pass it and our grandchildren survive to make more of our line. Fail, and they don’t. Simple as that. 

Oh, human extinction may not suddenly happen at 2 degrees, although that would be hotter than mammals of our kind have experienced in our evolutionary history. But what scientists have been saying for more than 30 years is that 2 degrees is a threshold and a trigger. It marks the start of a cascade of reinforcing feedbacks that get us to 3, which gets us to 4, etc. There is some speculation that 5 would find a new stable state of Hothouse Earth but it is just that — speculation. By then it would not matter for our kind. If we don’t disappear at 2, we’ll be gone by 3. Four at the latest. Our current trajectory will take us 4.6 to 4.9 degrees warmer by 2100.

In August 1981, James Hansen and co-authors published a paper in Science entitled “Climate impact of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide,” that predicted, among other things, accelerated surface warming in the Arctic, leading to global shifts in climate patterns with pronounced droughts and wildfires in some areas and ice storms and floods in others. Hansen said that the signal would become strong enough by 2000 that most people would be able to directly observe the change. We might have listened, 8 years later, when Hansen testified to Congress, saying it was then 99% certain that anthropogenic climate change was already happening, or a few years later, when he began a TED talk, “It’s as if an asteroid were heading towards Earth…,” but we didn’t.

That hesitancy had a cost. The most recent IPCC report and a host of similar studies say we have to halve emissions by 2030 to have a 50 or 60 percent chance of not going over the no-going-back threshold. We are left, in 2022, with an 11 percent glide slope to get out of fossil fuels or lose the 2-degree race. Who can deny, just looking out the window of the Chuck E Cheese, that our 1-degree passage has been truly catastrophic?

The last time there was this much carbon in the atmosphere, Earth was in the P.E.T.M. — the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum. After all the land animals who couldn’t burrow went extinct, the oceans acidified and even organisms below the thermocline in the deep sea went extinct too. That pretty much ended the global food supply for a hundred million years, but then worms led to reptiles and reptiles led to mammals and avian and fish species and before you knew it you had smart monkeys blogging and making podcasts.

Although there is a large gap between how long it takes to change radiative forcing by chemically changing the atmosphere and the actual change of Earth’s surface temperature, the speed of warming now is more than ten times faster than the transition into the P.E.T.M. It is more than ten times faster than any climate transition.


Climate Quotes: 

Prof. Eliot Jacobson: In case you need a reminder of how totally f**ked we are, expect CO₂ at Mauna Loa to peak at about 422 ppm this coming April. Meanwhile, methane continues its dramatic exponential rise.  It's getting hot in this pot.


I am increasingly coming across too much excellent COVID-related content (with contrarian evidence-based points-of-view!!) to link to it all
Read everything by eugyppiusel gato maloMathew CrawfordSteve KirschJessica Rose!
Paul AlexanderBerensonChudovLyons-WeilerToby Rogers are also go-to mainstays; a list to which I have added Andreas OehlerMetatron and, Julius Ruechel; Denninger worth staying on top of too for his insights, and especially his colorful language; and Norman Fenton; new addition: Marc Girardot; I will of course continue to post links to key Peter McCullough material, and Geert Vanden Bossche, and Robert Malone, and Martin Kulldorff, and Jay Bhattacharya, and Pierre Kory, and 
John Ioannidis, and Paul Marik, and Tess Lawrie, and Zelenko, and [local hero] Byram Bridle, and…
but going forward, my linking to material by those mainstays mentioned above will be reduced to key excerpts and/or essential posts
Some say "well, how about 50:50" and in some sense we should be guarded as data accumulates, but I have seen enough, it is a pandemic of VACCINATED

.... The data is clear, there is a rapid and very efficient spread of COVID by and among those “fully vaccinated.

Folks, the data that is out there is rather clear, in that the vaccine has failed on Delta and OMICRON, and a stunning failure on OMICRON, it just does not work. No one should be taking any more shots and NO booster, NONEWHO and European agencies saying no booster…they cannot hide it anymore….under no condition must your children get these vaccines, none!

Rather than the unvaccinated putting the vaccinated at risk, it could theoretically be the vaccinated that are putting the unvaccinated at risk, but we have not yet seen any evidence for that. 

Here I include the studies that shed light on the vaccinated having a huge problem with the vaccine relative to the unvaccinated:

They highlight the problems with vaccine mandates that are currently threatening the jobs of millions of people. They also raise doubts about the arguments for vaccinating children. IMO, the vaccinated are getting massively infected, harboring massive loads, and transmitting to both the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Importantly, the vaccinated is getting very sick post vaccine and dying. But I will let the data speak for itself. .... (go to his blogpost for links to 24 different studies, with brief descriptions of each) ...

***** Girardot: What could go wrong?
Vaccine Safety Myth: Designed for the muscle, inadvertently shot in the bloodstream - Good or bad : what do you think?

.... So there’s a real possibility that the vaccination campaign killed 100 times more than 9/11 

…The precautionary principle should have been activated long ago, simply to pause and to investigate the facts as in the past.

Let me run you through my high level root cause analysis, using proven facts as stepping stones.

What are some undeniable FACTS about these vaccines?

The mRNA and DNA anti-COVID vaccine are effective at getting the body to produce the Spike protein. Spike protein has been found in the blood of many vaccinated.

This means:
Vaccine lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) are effective at penetrating human cells.



More than 50% of post-vaccine deaths reported seem to occur the very day they get the injection, or the next day.
This means:
Something brutal is happening very quickly to these people caused by the vaccines. ....

In a recent study, Spiro Pantazatos of Columbia U determined a Vaccine Fatality Rate in the US of 459 death per million doses4, which would translates for 2021 to 235 thousand vaccine-induced death in the US alone. I personally believe it’s a conservative estimate. ....
2 shots + 1 booster = 0.15% fatality rate. Based on data from Singapour in 2020, that’s roughly 3 times higher than the untreated virus lethality rate!
This means:
The vaccination campaign has done more harm than the virus, and likely vaccine-induced COVIDs have been confuse with actual COVID deaths.


As often in root cause analyses, 1 single change doesn’t seem important here. But 2 simultaneous changes make the explosion. If you still believe you need a booster shot, have a read at my “Much Ado About Nothing” article? After that, if you’re still want the shot, just make sure the “Aspiration Technique” is used! And share the info!

In matters of vaccines, more than anything else, the devil is in the detail.

Vaccine effectiveness can be very binary and complete failure is quite easy. The immune system being a sophisticated bio-software; sensitivity is very strong. Every detail, every step of the way, is key: the area of injection, the injection tool, the immune context of the patient, the schedule … Where and how you inject the product can make or break the entire vaccine effectiveness. ...

... Unfortunately, after a year of vaccination and 9.5 billion doses, vaccine failure is visible to everybody to acknowledge: unforeseen transmission, explosion of cases… If you believe “Our World In Data”, we’ve had 240 million infections in 2021 - when we vaccinated like never before. We only had 70 million in 2020 when we had no vaccines...

Either by media-induced panic, by sheer incompetence, or possibly by customary corruption, vaccine stakeholders have presented a completely false narrative on anti-COVID vaccine effectiveness.

For nearly a year now, I have been exposing two critical inconsistencies in terms of the location of the vaccine-induced immunity that make it nearly impossible for these vaccines to be effective: ....

... I am not alone in thinking along these lines; many renowned scientists share a similar perspective that intramuscular vaccines cannot work for mucosal viruses: ... 

...... To start, vaccine-induced antibodies are also misplaced … circulating in the blood away from the mucus. And, even if a few antibodies were to migrate to the mucus, they would very much be useless against a virus that propagates cell-to-cell

... Imagine you want to catch someone when he gets out of a building, and he never does: he’s actually using tunnels from one building to the next. Well these vaccines are essentially useless because not only is the virus using tunnels, but you’re not even in the same town!

Part 1 - Vaccines are Ineffective to those who need it most

Some of you might have read “The Invisible Gorilla”, or seen the video where most of us, as we focus our attention to counting the number of ball passes completely miss out on the striking presence of a gorilla running around students !!

Like magicians misdirecting attention and using the audience’s own biases, vaccine manufacturers have literally managed hiding in plain site their biggest fraud: these vaccines don’t protect those they were supposed to protect in the first place: the very frail, the very old, those that can end up in the hospital. It’s physiologically impossible.


Do you see the trick? If you are healthy, your immune system will react normally, you never needed the vaccine in the first place. But those who are most in danger, those whose immune is very low, those whose immune is compromised, no vaccine would ever work for them. It’s a no brainer everyone learns in Vaccinology 101.


In a well articulated document, the 500 doctors of the Canadian Covid Care Alliance highlighted that the clinical trials didn’t address the population most in need for these vaccines.


A vaccine without a solid immune is like a skyscraper without foundations…it will inevitably fail

Less than 1% of the population runs the risk of ending up in a life-threatening situation, because their immunes have very delayed responses1 that let the viral propagation run a free rampage. 


In summary, vaccine manufacturers have become wicked magicians: they have managed creating a multi-billion market out of nothing without delivering any clinical value to those in need beyond relieving a fabricated anxiety. Even drug dealers at least deliver on the promise to get you high. If it weren’t so despicable and unethical, you’d have to applaud the marketing feat… Do you see the Gorilla now?

Understand that I say "first" because I don't know that I won't just volunteer my time to sort through the rest of their data when there is a good moment. However, it feels like the world is moving too fast for now, and I can work nearly every waking hour and not come close to keeping up with the pace ....


Background: This study reports the results of early ambulatory protocols in treating 4,376 COVID-19 patients at All Valley Urgent Care (AVUC) facilities in Imperial County, CA, and compares those treatment results to outcomes of other patients in the same county during a nearly identical time period, and encourages a better framework for analysis of such results while adding to the growing body of evidence as to whether such treatment reduces the need for hospitalization and lowers mortality rates. The broad application of face-to-face ambulatory treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infection has not broadly been undertaken in the United States.

Methods: We examine the results of two similar multidrug protocols with data from the immediate county. Protocol 1 uses of hydroxychloroquine, an agent with apparent antiviral reactivity against SARS-CoV-2, two antibiotics (azithromycin, doxycycline), along with a multivitamin pack (including zinc, vitamin C, vitamin D, and others), and with selective use of one or a combination of inhaled budesonide, dexamethasone, prednisone, or other treatments deemed appropriate. Protocol 2 includes all of these options, plus ivermectin where deemed appropriate by physicians. Results were then stratified according to disease severity of patients when first seen by doctors.

.... Results suggest a highly significant impact for these multidrug protocols. No serious side effects, including cardiac side effects, were observed.

about a month old, but I just stumbled across this and found it worthwhile

Dear reader, if you have been checking this blog periodically expecting a rant about the coronavirus vaccine, I apologize for keeping you waiting. Even after my university eagerly declared it was ready to fire several thousand employees, ranging from tenured professors to custodians, if they haven’t been vaxxed by January 4, I stayed quiet. If you’ve been with me for a while you know I am on the record since 2015 as opposing vaccine mandates, and last summer I weighed in on the side of a herd immunity strategy for dealing with the so-called coronavirus “pandemic”, since I expected that an effective vaccine would not be forthcoming in a reasonable period of time (turns out I was right, see below). Since then I have been religiously following the published research on the SARS-2 outbreak, and some colleagues and I have also entertained ourselves by keeping up with some of the publicly available datasets on case numbers, deaths, vaccinations, and so forth, as a reality check on the egregiously dumbed-down messaging coming from “public health authorities”, whatever those are. I’ve been very active in a few semi-public online forums discussing some of these issues, and have even gone so far as to lobby my state legislators for certain SARS-2 related policies I wanted to see enacted. But, uncharacteristically, I haven’t written about any of this on this blog. Why?

Two reasons, really. First, I remained cautiously optimistic until late summer that the vaccines would ultimately work, and that we would rapidly achieve herd immunity through vaccination and/or natural recovery and put this craziness behind us. Second, I am ashamed to say that I was (and still am, to be honest) afraid of the vaccine’s supporters. If Woke needed an excuse to go full Nazi, I guess this was it. Given that these people are erecting gulags and concentration camps in multiple countries, I felt motivated not to get on their hit list, and held out hope that the world would return to sanity before things got much worse.

OK, that was then, this is now. I feel like if I don’t make at least a token effort to demonstrate that not everyone at my university is a lying piece of shit, I will be doing a great disservice both to my students/trainees and to microbiologists both past and future. So here’s my pronouncement, in extra large font to make sure you don’t miss it:


That has to be the beginning of any discussion of vaccine mandates, travel restrictions, or whatever – the vaccines in their current form never worked properly, don’t work at all any more, and what’s more, it should have been obvious to everyone involved in their creation that they wouldn’t work . There’s no point in getting bogged down on the ethical and moral dimensions of mandating vaccination when the vaccine in question doesn’t actually work to begin with!

I first became concerned about the effectiveness of the SARS-2 vaccines in July, 
 when a gang of Texas Democrat “fleebaggers” fled their state in a stunt to deny a quorum and prevent a vote on some kind of pro-life or election reform bill or some other sensible thing they opposed. Even though 100% of the fleebaggers were “double-vaxxed”, many of them came down with the virus on this trip and ultimately spread it to some of their colleagues in the White House. Now, anyone who knows anything about vaccines knows that no vaccine is 100% effective, but this level of community spread in a situation where everyone was vaccinated was shocking to me, and should have been shocking to anybody. The most parsimonious explanation for what happened is that one of the fleebaggers had the virus and then spread it to all the rest – followed by a tertiary transmission by at least one of them to somebody at the White House later on.

Why did this worry me so much? Consider this 2017 hypothesis paper by Kennedy and Read that I’ve been teaching in both my microbiology and evolution classes for several years. The authors talk about why antibiotic resistance evolves more readily in most cases than vaccine resistance – namely that antibiotics are applied when you’re already sick and therefore full of bacteria whereas vaccines are applied before virus exposure and therefore are rarely challenged by more than a small number of virus genomes. The rate of evolutionary improvement in these cases is limited by mutational supply – you need a lot of random mutations challenging the antimicrobial to discover the rare one that confers resistance – and mutational supply is a function of population size. Kennedy and Read then bolster their conceptual argument by considering the handful of vaccines that have failed due to pathogen evolution. Every one of these failed vaccines had at least one of two characteristics: either they targeted a single protein, or else they were incapable of fully preventing infection and transmission. In the former case, it is much easier to find a single mutation that can provide complete vaccine evasion, since vaccinated individuals have a very simple response compared to the layered polyvalent response created by natural infection. In the latter case, even though the vaccine is initially capable of suppressing viral symptoms, it allows large viral populations to accumulate, exponentially increasing the number of mutants that can challenge the vaccine-induced immune response. Every vaccine with one of these characteristics failed; every SARS-2 vaccine has both characteristics: the SARS-2 vaccines solely target the SARS-2 spike protein, and the fleebagger incident strongly suggested they were incapable of suppressing viral reproduction and transmission.

At that moment, I knew that viral evolution would eventually defeat the vaccines, and started looking for evidence of the fact. It wasn’t long before those countries and states that publish weekly detailed datasets started revealing exactly the trend I expected – an ever-shrinking gap between infection rates in the vaccinated and unvaccinated populations. Eventually in the UK, vaccinated populations were being infected more than unvaccinated populations. One can wave their hands to explain that away – there are obviously differences between who chooses to vax and who doesn’t that could be relevant to virus exposure – but you can’t explain away the fact that the vaccine provides only a marginal and ever-shrinking level of protection, and has no effect on transmission rates. In other words, the SARS-2 vaccines are not even remotely capable of stopping or even slowing the progression of the SARS-2 outbreak, and vaccine mandates are futile and doomed to fail.

(I thought about putting up some of my own data analysis here but there’s not much point… others have done it much more thoroughly than I have time to. I strongly encourage you to read the blogger eugyppius’ substack – he is an anonymous biologist living in Bavaria who provides consistently solid analysis of the various datastreams available. But if you don’t trust anonymous bloggers, consider reading this recently-published letter from the notorious QAnon publication The Lancet that lays out the case for vaccine failure in a wonderfully concise two pages and one figure.)

So this has been accumulating for months now, and it honestly escapes me how anyone – and especially doctors and scientists – could not be aware of it by now. 


The public looks to their doctors for guidance; they look to scientists for knowledge; and we are giving them shitty advice and lying to them in order to appease a political regime that openly and unapologetically hates half of the population it governs. It’s unconscionable; in its deception it is disturbingly similar to the crime that was committed by the researchers behind the Tuskegee Experiment, only spread to every walk of life and every corner of the nation. If doctors and scientists don’t start publicly pushing back against this shit and calling out the quacks who are willing to deceive the public for grant payouts, they are going to come after us with pitchforks and torches like in the Frankenstein movies. And rightfully so! Consider this blog my declaration of which side of that mob I would rather be on.

1. Most people want to be told what to do. They work for someone else in a job that they hate, obey the CDC even though they are genocidal clowns, believe whatever the mainstream media tells them even when it’s illogical and easily disproven. Most people would rather die than give up the fairy tale that Santa Pharma loves them and is here to save them. When we take power they will just switch uniforms and come over to our side and obey our leaders. But at no point will they actually exercise independent thinking — too scary.

2. There is no political “left” in the United States. There are a handful of wokesters who are moved about like pawns on a chessboard by billionaires who dabble in politics as a hobby. Makes me wonder though if there ever was a left in the U.S. or if it has always been a cover for predatory billionaires (as this book argues)? The Democratic Party is entirely transactional at this point — there has not been a discussion about values and principles in the party since 1968. It’s too bad because the U.S. could really use a robust political debate right now.

3. With a few notable exemptions, national level Republicans are weak. Senator Rand Paul is great, Rep. Bill Posey is great, Dan Burton was great, Rep. Thomas Massey is occasionally great, and there are few more who will stand up for medical freedom. But the rest are failing at a moment of great crisis for our nation. At the state level there are lots of “small r” libertarian Republicans who are wonderful and fight hard for us. But they are not the majority of the party yet.

4. There is no such thing as science nor medicine in the U.S., only Pharma. Pharma has captured the entire knowledge production process in science and medicine and harnessed it to serve their profit interests (see chapter 5). 


6. This really is a genocide. ..

7. Fear turns off logic and reason in less than a second. ..

8. We believed that fascism surely would never come to our shores. But that was wishful thinking. ..

10. This crisis is the result of misaligned structures and incentives. ..

Lockdowns failed to serve the collective good

Has the Left finally woken up to the devastating costs of implementing lockdowns? In its first edition of 2022, the Observer carried a surprisingly balanced interview with Professor Mark Woolhouse, a member of Sage whose new book — The Year the World Went Mad — argues that long lockdowns promoted more harm than good and failed to protect the vulnerable. Its favourable reception appears to herald a new direction in the critique of Covid measures and policies on the Left; for the first time, the question of what really represented the collective good in the Covid debate has been put on the table by a mainstream left-liberal publication.

... All of which has meant that, until the Observer’s interview with Mark Woolhouse, there has been painfully little critical analysis from the mainstream Left as to whether the raft of restrictive Covid measures we have seen over the past two years have indeed served the collective good — or saved lives for that matter. 

... In early 2021, John Ioannidis published a paper claiming that there was no practical difference in epidemiological terms between countries that had locked down and those that hadn’t. Several other studies have appeared since then that confirm Ioannidis’s initial findings: see, for example, here, here and here. 

... Such an outcome was easily predictable. Indeed, the WHO’s 2019 report on pandemic preparedness states that the quarantine of exposed individuals — let alone of the entire population — “is not recommended because there is no obvious rationale for this measure”.

The grotesquery of the global responses becomes even more apparent when we take into account the fact that while governments went out of their way to keep healthy people locked in, chasing runners down solitary beaches or checking shopping trolleys to make sure people were only buying essentials, they all but abandoned those most vulnerable: nursing home residents.

... In view of this, it seems obvious that the focused protection approach championed by the Great Barrington Declaration (GBD) — based on “allow[ing] those who are at minimal risk of death to live their lives normally to build up immunity to the virus through natural infection, while better protecting those who are at highest risk” — was the right course of action. It would have avoided inflicting needless pain on workers, women and children through repeated lockdowns, while arguably saving countless lives, by focusing first and foremost on the elderly and especially on nursing homes.

... And yet as we enter 2022, our openness to reassessing the paths not taken remains constrained. Not only has there been no acknowledgment of the missed opportunity of focused protection at the institutional level — and no apology to the authors of the statement, victims of a vicious smearing campaign — but even now the GBD is dismissed by academics and epidemiologists such as Woolhouse, even though the focused protection policy he advocates is drawn from it.

Meanwhile, throughout the past year, governments have actually upped the ante, coming up with even more invasive, oppressive and discriminatory measures — all in the name of public health and the collective interest. Yet surely the past two years have revealed the dangers of assuming that a “collective response” to the pandemic requires lockdown measures. Many other “collective responses” — such as focused protection and the GBD’s suggestions of free deliveries of groceries to the elderly and vulnerable, and frequent rapid testing of care home staff and visitors — would likely have been more effective. ....

...My learned friend @Astuages, however, disagrees, and it’s worth considering his perspective (here reformatted and lightly edited):
There are (at least) two counterfactual assumptions that justify vaccine approval for low-risk groups, and even mandates. They are important counterfactuals because the FDA/CDC has used them to justify their decisions to date:

1) The vaccine is sterilizing.

2) The vaccine provides long-term protection from disease (either total protection from infection or amelioration of symptoms).

If either of these are true, then the vaccine can be justified on either public health grounds (get rid of the virus) or personal risk grounds.

Counterfactual 1, sterilization: Of course the vaccine is non-sterilizing. In fact, the negative efficacy for omicron should be causing people to freak out. Vaccine amplified infection is pandemic scifi level bad. Vax negative efficacy for omicron means that over the next few years there is the very high probability of even more vaccine-amplified variants. There is the possibility (how high I can’t guess) that some of these will be severe instead of mild. Maybe they’ll kill the vaccinated and be a win for anti-vax. But maybe they’ll kill the unvaccinated and be a win for pro-vax, even though it’s actually the fault of the pro-vax side. It’s even possible that omicron itself could be like this. Very early days.

Counterfactual 2: Long-term protection: If the vaccine really protected you forever from covid, it makes a lot of sense for many groups, even lowish risk groups. It still wouldn’t make sense for healthy kids, but it might be the sort of thing that your doctor recommends when you turn 30. But in the real world scenario where the vaccine does not protect you for very long, it begins to make negative sense from a personal risk standpoint. .....

... But what about side effects? The myocarditis side effect is enough to demonstrate that we shouldn’t be vaxxing under-40s under the realistic scenario (the one where we already know we shouldn’t be vaxxing them) but not enough under the counterfactual scenario FDA/CDC operates under.

The problem for “anti-vax” is that the rate of hospitalization and death remains minuscule. I personally think these myocarditis side effects are legitimately scary in an infinite booster scenario given how risk jumps on the 3rd shot. 

These are very good reasons to doubt that vaccine side effects, whether at the individual or the population level, can bring the vaccination regime down by themselves. Establishment propaganda has successfully defended these oversold and misused products in the eyes of millions of people.

It is, however, hard for me to see how this can last. To begin with, there is the old point of mine, that propaganda is expensive. 

........ Every day that Corona does not go away in heavily vaccinated populations, is a day that the vaccines are further discredited.

... These teenagers—admirable young men, both—who attend two different schools in Portland, Oregon, have already had far too much of their youth disrupted by this pandemic.

Pandemic. I hesitated there. Is that the correct noun to be using? Have my children had so much of their youth disrupted by a virus, SARS-CoV2? Or has the disruption been due to a disease, Covid-19? Or perhaps has the disruption been caused by the public response to the virus and the disease?

It’s the latter. SARS-CoV2 is real and almost certainly a human-assisted construct, perhaps even a chimera. But it didn’t cause most of these disruptions. Similarly, Covid-19 is real and sometimes deadly, although the risk of a bad outcome from it is much higher the more comorbidities you have. In contrast, the chaos of the public health response to the virus and the disease that it causes—that’s where most of the blame for the destruction and despair lies. Is it a confused and mangled response? Or an intentional and despicable one? Or perhaps some of one, and some of the other?

There is much value—to some one or some thing—in keeping us fearful. But there is no virtue in it.

There is also much value in keeping us helpless. But there is also no virtue in that.

Those who are constantly adding fuel to the fires of fear and helplessness are doing something of value for some one or some thing, but these people are not virtuous, and they are not doing right by the vast majority of us. Far from it.

So when our children came home and told us of all the absences, and that Omicron was the presumed culprit, we increased our diligence on the supplements we’ve been taking for months now: vitamins D and C and zinc and magnesium, and usually quercetin, too, but we had run out. More on that later. And I suggested to all that we start using a neti pot once a day, which we have had in our arsenal since before the boys were born. Nasal irrigation is not pleasant, especially the first couple of times that you do it, but one does get used to it, and it has a long history in several medical traditions1, even if many modern M.D.s don’t see much use in it. Given that Omicron seems to be a disease of the upper respiratory tract2, and that the point of entry is typically the nose, and even that nasally-administered vaccines3 have been increasingly recognized as potentially more effective than a shot in the arm for some diseases, clearing your nose out frequently while regularly exposed seems a smart choice.

We had, all four of us, been on weekly prophylactic Ivermectin for many months in 2021, but had stopped taking it months ago. It is remarkably safe4, and demonstrably effective against many viruses5, including earlier strains of SARS-CoV26. (Oh, and it seems that maybe the U.S. government knew that all along, about both IVM and Hydroxychloroquine.) Still, it wasn’t clear what the natural end point should be—what would decide when we would stop? None of us are on any drugs for life, nor do we have any intention of being on any drugs for life. I was concerned about effects on the gut microbiome from long-term use. So we had stopped.

It Begins



So I have Omicron. It’s not a big deal to me in almost any way, at least directly. In fact, given its far more trivial health consequences than the variants that came before, if having it provides immunity against said variants (and hopefully against future ones), it could well be effectively the (admittedly highly infectious) vaccine the world has been waiting for. But indirectly, the disruption it has caused, due to public health policies, has made it a fairly big deal to me. 


I’m basically fully recovered now. The visuals went away once I switched from IVM to HCQ13, and all the rest of the symptoms faded soon thereafter. Omicron is less dangerous and more transmissible than its predecessors. It does take some people down, for sure. But we could be giving people the information and incentives to get and keep themselves healthy in the first place, and provide early treatment if they do get sick. That almost sounds like an actual public health program. ...

Everyone (all ages) should be taking BETA GLUCAN (Wellmune brand by far the best) to boost immunity; works better than vaccines; broad immunity against all viral pathogens; produces what is called trained immunity.

Every adult should be taking 8000 IU vitamin D daily; 2000 IU for small kids; initially take 50,000 IU if ill for 5 days to replenish liver stores; get some natural mid-day sunshine on your skin 20-30 minutes if possible, for natural vitamin D. Regarding dose, research report entitled THE BIG VITAMIN D MISTAKE online. Vitamin D drops are available for infants, toddlers, etc.

Everyone should be taking ZINC — 30 mg for adults; 15 mg for children under 12 years of age; if ill, nasal, sinus, bronchial problems, use zinc lozenges, preferably with an ionophore (quercetin). (Z-19 zinc lozenges, Lifespan Nutrition); too much zinc results in zinc being bound up and not bioavailable. There is liquid zinc for kids, but zinc supplements are harsh on the digestive tract and taste terrible. Zinc carnosine is less harsh on gut. Lack of zinc results in thymus gland shrinkage. Thymus gland makes T-cells that destroy viruses. Loss of smell, commonly reported among COVID-19 patients, is often induced by a shortage of zinc.

Everyone should take SELENIUM, a trace mineral that releases zinc from its binding protein (metallothionein); selenium prevents viral mutations.

Everyone should be taking L-LYSINE daily to keep onboard viruses dormant — 500 mg for adults; when ill avoid chocolates and nuts which are arginine-rich and counter the lysine. Good for all herpes-class viruses (human papilloma virus; herpes labialis (lip); shingles; Bell’s palsy, chicken pox.

Everyone should take VITAMIN C 500-1000 mg 3x/day; ......................

a nice preventive kit for your house...and also LONG-HAUL COVID, here is a protocol for treatment to deal with symptoms...
  • Povidone-iodine nasal/oral wash or hydrogen peroxide, diluted, wash out the nasal and oral passages as the virus hangs around there. $5. take half a tea spoon in shot glass of water, take a bulb syringe and spray it up in the nostril, spit it out, twice in each nostril, rest of it, swish and spit, no swallow; every 4-6 hours. if cant take iodine, use dilute hydrogen peroxide, 1: 3 dilution
  • 50 mg elemental zinc day
  • 5000 IU vitamin D3 day prevention, acute treatment it is 20,000 IU
  • 3000 mg vitamin C day
  • 500 mg quercetin
  • pepsid (famotadine), 80 mg a day
All of this is OTC ….

  1. Declare that the pandemic is OVER; the pubic must and the government must and use OMICRON as the exit strategy off-ramp, use OMICRON to declare success
  2. immediately stop all mass testing and isolation/quarantine of asymptomatic people; only test or isolate ‘sick’, symptomatic persons, with a strong clinical suspicion ONLY
  3. strongly always protect the vulnerable and elderly in society for this and any other pathogen (main and first thing you do always); that means those in your private homes where you live and nursing homes, long-term, assisted living, care homes etc.; double-down triple down protections
  4. do PSAs on vitamin D and body weight control; obesity is a super-loaded risk factor
  5. make early outpatient treatment (multi-drug sequential combinations) available to all nursing homes and high risk settings e.g. long-term residences, allow doctors to prescribe and use it
  6. end all vaccine and mask mandates IMMEDIATELY
  7. and above all, allow all, the complete rest of low risk, healthy and well in society to live free, no lockdowns, no closures, no school closures, no masks on children, free, making common sense decisions and reasonable precautions…but live free….understand your own risks and make common sense decisions, take reasonable precautions with as little impact on the larger society
  8. take natural immunity as equal and even better than vaccine immunity


The whole pandemic response has been absolutely ridiculous and indefensible. If you were to ask me for my advice (which nobody is going to do), it would be very simple:
  1. End all mandates, lockdowns, and stop all vaccines immediately. Only if there is safe, sterilizing vaccine that has been tested for over 2 years, and has efficacy even after the virus mutates, then that could be considered to be used.
  2. End the liability protection for all vaccines now. Why should vaccines be a “protected species”? There is no basis in science for this.
  3. No one should ever be coerced into taking an injection or doing anything else to their body in order to keep their job, avoid taxes, or walk into a business.
  4. If you are worried about getting COVID, buy a respirator and have a nice day. Nobody should be forced to use interventions that protect themselves from death.
  5. If you get COVID, verify with a rapid antigen test, then use a proven early treatment protocol. Problem solved.
  6. Stop censoring doctors. Period. If you take away a doctor’s license, it should be based on patient outcomes, not what they say on social media.
  7. Call a halt to the “emergency.” There never was an emergency. We’ve known about effective early treatments since March 2020. It was incompetence at the CDC, FDA, NIH that caused the problem.
  8. Get rid of the corruption at the FDA, CDC, and NIH. That would be a good start. Tony Fauci, John Su, Tom Shimabukuro, Steven Anderson, Cliff Lane should be the first to be shown the door. Anyone who couldn’t find the safety signals in the VAERS system should go.

Gummi Bear: The Covid Doctrine
How policy for Covid-19 is shaping up for 2022

As I’ve said on multiple occasions, the Pandemic ended as a topic of great concern for me in April of 2020 when age-specific infection mortality rates and other data emerged.

It was way back then that we learned:
  • This is a disease of old, sick, and obese people
  • Children and young people have virtually no risk above other baseline health risks
  • Repurposed drugs for early treatment were promising
  • It’s another coronavirus and it behaves like other respiratory viruses before it
My posts during that period may have helped some people maintain their sanity by putting the realities of Covid-19 into perspective, but unfortunately, most people are largely ignorant of the facts and nuances of the virus and disease.

Our health officials, driven by an egomaniacal god complex and amplified by sensationalist mainstream media painted an apocalyptic and largely irrational picture of what this pandemic was actually about. Combined with early stories and imagery as well as the mishaps of early disease treatment (ex: ventilators), the narrative of overflowing ERs, triaging of patients, and overflowing body-bags was created early on.

Out of this chaos, lack of information, and general promotion of fear, something I call the Covid-Doctrine emerged.

By the time the push-back started to gain traction, it was already too late…the Covid Doctrine had already been established as the unquestionable “scientific” way forward.

So what is the Covid Doctrine? 

It’s a completely arbitrary set of principles that were laughably modeled around China’s early Covid policies. Over time they’ve added to it, but in reality, not much has changed since the early days of “15 Days to Stop the Spread”.

What are examples of the Covid Doctrine?
  • Lock-downs
  • Quarantines
  • Mass Testing
  • Contact Tracing
  • Mask Wearing/Mandates
  • Zero Covid/Safetyism - one Covid case or death is one too many
  • Vaccination and boosting of everybody (including children)
  • School closings
The five major characteristics of the Covid Doctrine are:
  • No cost-benefit analysis is necessary when crafting these principles - the only consideration is that any human life is priceless
  • There is very little room for re-assessment of policy based on new information
  • Little to vague proof is necessary to establish these principles
  • There is very little room for nuance - we are dealing with “settled science” after all. If you disagree with any part of the Covid Doctrine, you are an anti-science conspiracy theorist and are no longer welcome in polite society
  • The Key Feature: There is no defined metric which once achieved would signal the end of the pandemic and therefore the Covid Doctrine
I covered all this before when I pointed out that the policies created for Covid had no resemblance to existing Pandemic Plans drafted by the CDC and WHO. Our public health experts basically made up all the policies out of thin air.

Let’s put things into perspective!

Try this thought experiment:
  • Imagine how much new information and knowledge has emerged in the nearly two years since the pandemic began.
  • Now ask yourself how much have the policies or strategies changed?
  • Finally, ask yourself how this is possible?

It’s really about using a crisis (pandemic) to push forward the ideological agenda that Government can solve all your problems…and if they can’t it’s because you haven’t given them enough power.


Throughout this pandemic, I’ve thought to myself many times that “If only X would happen then we could finally be done with Covid”.

The only problem is that every time that “X” occurred, they just moved the goalposts.

The most blatant example of this is with the Omicron variant.


The dirty truth is that Covid-19 will never go away and we’re all going to be exposed/infected by it at some point. Run, hide…it will still find you. That’s a reality that most people refuse to accept.


I just don’t see how we easily extirpate ourselves from the Covid Doctrine.

But we certainly can’t and won’t stop trying!

Who knows? At some point maybe it collapses under the weight of its own absurdity.

but does it protect you?


this is an awfully difficult thing to explain away if vaccines are working on severity. how do you vaccinate ~90% of the key risk groups for death and then see no effect in the population data?

the all cause mortality data is confirming this deaths signal, so something appears to be going on.

so, i am sorry to say it and this is not an outcome that anyone wanted, but i’m getting pretty skeptical that vaccines are helping on severity anymore. even if they once did (and this is arguable based on how stacked the math that was used has been, though i suspect they were at least marginally effective) it does not look like they are doing much or even anything anymore.

this looks more and more to me like full OAS escape, and that means the helpfulness on severity is gone too.

even in people who’ve died post-covid-19 vaccination and where their death was not attributed to the adverse effects of vaccination, in almost all cases they DID die as a result of the vaccination.

The numbers killed by these vaccines is much worse than what we thought, already.

But it’s what they’ve just discovered that’s much worse.

We knew of blood clots from expressing spike protein.

We were aware of autoimmune attacks on ones own tissues expressing spike protein to which our killer lymphocytes were primed, such as myocarditis.

But what’s new is the revelation that lymph node cells are also being invaded by the gene-based agents and marking THEM for auto destruction.

When you destroy that part of the immune system, which we loosely call “immune surveillance”, every manner of nasty, latent infections, by viruses & also bacteria, explode, uncontrolled.

Hundreds of millions of people are going to die of unrestrained tuberculosis, Epstein Barr virus, toxoplasmosis etc etc etc ...

In our previous report led by Martin Neil, we showed that ONS England data from November did NOT support vaccine efficacy claims once we adjust for obvious anomalies in the ONS data. Some, including the ONS themselves in their December report, imply that our conclusions were wrong because the anomalies we identified are caused by the so-called "healthy vaccinee" effect. 

We examined the new ONS data and found NO evidence to support this claim. We have therefore produced a new and significantly revised report with our updated analysis. ...

... The increase was notable across the country and in no state was COVID reported in more than 60 percent of the excess deaths.

It is probably associated with their relatively relaxed approach to covid restrictions (Lunatic-Lite™). No lockdowns, or mask mandates, schools open pretty much throughout. By not losing their freaking minds the Swedes may have allowed the virus to circulate in a safer way - if you’re going to get infected it’s better to be hit with a lower viral load. Viral load is a decent proxy for serious outcomes. If you get hit with a bucket load of virus even strong natural immunity is going to struggle.

But I don’t know. What I do know, however, is that the example of Sweden is quite sufficient to lay waste to the idiocy of the restrictions employed elsewhere.

97.1% of over 70s not in care homes survive.

eople don’t realize that these vaccines are vastly different from the many childhood vaccines we are now used to getting early in life. I find it shocking that the vaccine developers and the government officials across the globe are wrecklessly pushing these vaccines on an unsuspecting population. Together with Dr. Greg Nigh, I recently published a peer-reviewed paper on the technology behind the mRNA vaccines and the many potentially unknown consequences to health . Such unprecedented vaccines normally take twelve years to develop, with only a 2% success rate, but these vaccines were developed and brought to market in less than a year. As a consequence, we have no direct knowledge of any effects that the vaccines might have on our health over the long term.

However, knowledge about how these vaccines work, how the immune system works and how neurodegenerative diseases come about can be brought to bear on the problem in order to predict potential devastating future consequences of the vaccines. The mRNA in these vaccines codes for the spike protein normally synthesized by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. However, both the mRNA and the protein it produces have been changed from the original version in the virus with the intent to increase rate of production of the protein in an infected cell and the durability of both the mRNA and the spike protein it codes for. Additional ingredients like cationic lipids and polyethylene glycol are also toxic with unknown consequences. The vaccines were approved for emergency use based on grossly inadequate studies to evaluate safety and effectiveness.

Our paper showed that there are several mechanisms by which these vaccines could lead to severe disease, including autoimmune disease, neurodegenerative diseases, vascular disorders (hemorrhaging and blood clots) and possibly reproductive issues. There is also the risk that the vaccines will accelerate the emergence of new strains of the virus that are no longer sensitive to the antibodies produced by the vaccines. When people are immune compromised (e.g., taking chemotherapy for cancer), the antibodies they produce may not be able to keep the virus in check because the immune system is too impaired. Just as in the case of antibiotic resistance, new strains evolve within an infected immune-compromised person’s body that produce a version of the spike protein that no longer binds with the acquired antibodies.

These new strains quickly come to dominate over the original strain, especially when the general population is heavily vaccinated with a vaccine that is specific to the original strain. This problem is likely going to necessitate the repeated rollout of new versions of the vaccine at periodic intervals that people will have to receive to induce yet another round of antibody production in an endless game of cat and mouse. Like the mRNA vaccines, the DNA vaccines are based on novel biotech gene editing techniques that are brand new, so they too are a massive experiment unleashed on a huge unsuspecting population, with unknown consequences.

We knew the *******s would not work and were harmful. We didn’t think so, we knew so, and further we knew that someone who had been infected was at least in part protected from said harm by the mechanism infection uses. I pointed all this out without having what Veritas has now published merely by deduction. We knew in September of 2020 there was a risk issue with the spike in the circulation that was not in most cases present from natural infection and we knew by December of 2020 it was singularly dangerous. It is now confirmed that DARPA and THE GOVERNMENT knew this and proceeded to purchase and deploy the shots anyway.


So now have what I've maintained all along is in in official government-documented form:
  • The virus was man-made. Ecohealth tried to get funding through DARPA and was told to go to Hell because it violated the constraint on gain-of-function research. Fauci didn't give a **** and his part of the NIH funded it. BOTH THE UNITED STATES AND CHINA created the virus; it was a joint and intentional project, not rogue actors in Wuhan or Beijing who were responsible.
  • There were people in both China and here in the US (along with presumably other nations) who were involved. They all knew damn well what happened and all of them have lied for the last 2+ years about it. That almost-certainly includes both Trump and Biden, incidentally.
  • The governments involved all knew before the shots were released that they were dangerous and would become worthless. They knew that natural infection did not, in most cases, carry the same risk because the virus never gets into the bloodstream in other than severe and fatal cases but there is no way to avoid that risk with an injection. We now know this factually from clinical experience (and in fact knew in the early part of 2020) -- viremia does not happen in other than severe and fatal cases and yet you can't give someone an injection without the injected material winding up in the blood in some amount.
  • The governments also knew that *****-19 itself was not dangerous most of the time to healthy individuals and they knew why. It was deliberately engineered that way in an attempt, this paper alleges, as an experiment to be inoculated intentionally into bats in an attempt to see whether doing so could cut off future zoonotic events. Whether the experiment went wrong by accident or intent is not known, but that it was taking place and both our government and China knew about it, along with knowing that it should not be very dangerous to most people is now established as fact.

May I point out that these *******s have killed roughly twice as many people in the United States over the last two years, by their claims, as did both Nazi Germany and Japan in all of WWII and that these are all people and businesses within the United States?

More than half the newly vaccinated deaths were dumped in the unvaccinated.

... So imagine how you can conflate the vaccine effectiveness stats if you dump all the hospitalizations and deaths that occur within 14 days of the first dose into the unvaccinated.

Well, now we know for sure from the data published by the Government of Alberta1. Like everywhere else in the world they claim very impressive vaccine effectiveness by following the fraudulent standard set by the drug manufacturers in the pantomime clinical trials, i.e. to ignore the adverse outcomes in the first two weeks post administration.

Nobel Prize Laureate Kary B. Mullis was the inventor of  the polymerase chain reaction technique, which is analyzed in this article.

Dr. Kary B. Mullis, who passed away on August 7, 2019 at age 74, stated emphatically that no infection or illness can be accurately diagnosed with the RT-PCR.

“PCR is a Process. It does not tell you that you are sick.  … The measurement is not accurate”. 

Mullis described the PCR-RT as a “technique” rather than “a test”.  

It is a useful technique which allows for “rapid amplification of a small stretch of DNA”. 


From the outset, the PCR test has routinely been applied at a Ct amplification threshold of 35 or higher, following the January 2020 recommendations of the WHO. What this means is that the PCR methodology as applied Worldwide has in the course of  the last 12-14 months led to the compilation of faulty and misleading Covid statistics.

And these are the statistics which are used to measure the progression of the so-called “pandemic”. Above an amplification cycle of 35 or higher, the test will not detect fragments of the virus. Therefore,  the official “covid numbers” are meaningless.

It follows that there is no scientific basis for confirming the existence of a pandemic.

Which in turn means that the lockdown / economic measures which have resulted in social panic, mass poverty and unemployment (allegedly to curtail the spread of the virus) have no justification whatsoever.

According to scientific opinion:

“if someone is tested by PCR as positive when a threshold of 35 cycles or higher is used (as is the case in most laboratories in Europe & the US), the probability that said person is actually infected is less than 3%, the probability that said result is a false positive is 97%  (Pieter Borger, Bobby Rajesh Malhotra, Michael Yeadon, Clare Craig, Kevin McKernan, et al, Critique of Drosten Study) .....

Tyson Gabriel is the smartest guy I know when it comes to masks. He did an excellent video series on showing that masks don’t work which you can watch here

I spoke to him today and here are the key things you should know about masks.
  1. Cloth and surgical masks do absolutely nothing and N95 masks aren’t much better than that. They are basically worse than no mask since they lower your oxygen levels and can make you more likely to get infected with a respiratory virus. You can see the effectiveness against COVID here in this graph below which is from the highly acclaimed Bangladesh randomized trial done by Stanford and Yale. This is for purple cloth masks. As you can see, there is no difference. None. Nada. See Masks don’t work for more info on the two mask randomized trials.
  2. If you really want serious protection, get yourself a 3M 6000 or 7000 series half-face mask. The 6000 is the older model and is heavier duty. The 7000 is newer and a lot more comfortable. ...
  3. The mask is sold without a filter. You’ll need a 3M brand P100 particulate filter, such as 3M 2091 to protect against COVID. For heavy-duty use, the 7093 filters are larger and more expensive, but more durable and last longer.
  4. These masks make it easy to both inhale and exhale. They will truly protect you from the virus and they are much easier to breathe through than a cloth or surgical mask (they are designed to allow you to maintain suitable oxygen levels).These are serious products.

.... It’s over. And media, politicians and “experts” will need to jockey for position. They will not apologize for all the fear induced, or the human rights broken, they will make you believe that their new position is perfectly in line with what they’ve done over the past two years, and all that has changed is “The Science”.

.... Can you see what’s happening? They’re moving to the winning side.”

..... What remains, however, is another threat. That of the consequences of mRNA “vaccines”, and even more, that of boosters. Carefully silenced by the media, but very real.  .... More concerning is the effect of unleashing spike proteins with “vaccines”, and more with “boosters”, into organs all over the body of millions upon millions of so far reasonably healthy looking people. They can last for at least many months, and spread way beyond the site of injection. That is the real danger, and we won’t know how severe it is for a long time, because it has never been tested.

CNN discovers that CDC and everyone else has basically been lying about the number of hospitalizations actually caused by CV-19. 

Where to start.  First, the CDC and public health experts have lost any credibility.  They can’t even get the left-wing, apologist media to pimp their message any more.  And this actually is a good thing, because they don’t deserve to have any credibility.  And my hope is that it creates a generation or generations of skeptics about what experts, especially government experts, tell us.

But with government you always have to ask why is the messaging being changed and why now?  And the answer is pretty obviously that the federal administration and a lot of Democrat run states are facing an increasingly restless population that is fed up restrictions and misleading information.  So there is a desperate attempt to figure out how to get out of this epidemic and the hysteria surrounding it, a hysteria created by these same politicians and public health experts. ... 

I want my body back from the inflammation and pain.
I want my government back from the crazed psychopaths who want to kill everyone.
I want logic, reason, and science back from the Pharma propaganda machine.
I want medicine back from the obedient drug dealers.
I want free speech back from the Stasi who stole it.
I want my newspaper back from the mindless stenographers for the cartel.


Vicious cycle
It must be so weird to live in Bougietopia right now.
The vaccine has negative efficacy.
But because the vaccine is making things worse they desperately want to be seen as doing *something*.
Yet the only thing they are ever willing to do is more vaccines.
It’s a downward spiral.
It's gotten to the point now where the only way for Brandon to survive politically is to throw Fauci under the bus.
But he cannot do that because omerta and because the cartel will take him out.
So more vaccines.
Which makes things worse and worse and worse.
Bougiecrats you can step off this carousel whenever you want by clicking your heels together three times and saying the words, “I was wrong.”

COVID Tweet Vid of the Week:

*** Melville: So before the sanctimonious virtue mob pile into Novak Djokovic for making a personal decision on his medical autonomy, perhaps they should also watch this video about what else he has done during the pandemic.

COVID Tweets & Quotes of the Week:

HeyingAnd there was talk, at one of the schools, of going back—temporarily, we were assured!—to remote learning. “Remote learning” is of course a euphemism, for while it is most definitely remote, there seems to be, at least for many people, precious little learning that takes place in this mode. 

Rose: This is so important for our bloody species. I still cannot believe that this is what I am doing with my time - trying to convince humans why it’s a good idea to consider what is contained in a syringe that has been connected to an unprecedented number of adverse events in every adverse event collection system in the world.

Kory: In the United States of Pharma, individual docs and pharmacists have been led so far astray, forgivably or unforgivably, due to the relentless barrage of dis-information targeted at them by the FPA’s (further supported by relentless, daily propaganda appearing in both major media and medical journals). The resulting proportion of these two professions that have failed to display even a modicum of either critical thinking or moral conviction.. is terrifying.

Pfizer CEO Bourla: We have a very strong belief that mRNA is a very powerful technology... We believe that there is a high probability to deliver a solution to an imminent need, not because the current doses of vaccines are not effective, but they are, they don’t have the safety profile that we hoped we can achieve with this technology.
the Pfizer CEO then said in a Yahoo finance interview that two Pfizer mRNA shots — which he once claimed were 100% effective at preventing the disease — now only “offers very limited protection, if any.” He said this in the context of pushing for a new round of shots for the Omicron variant.

Brendan Wren, professor of vaccinology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine: “When this pandemic ends, the dodgy data and flawed forecasts of the doom-mongers may emerge as the greatest scandal of all”

Rigger: Well, what a difference a day or two makes in the fast-moving world of the SCIENCE™. We’ve had the CDC finally start saying things the “conspiracy theorists” were saying over 18 months ago. They’re now admitting that there’s a with/from covid distinction and that the majority of those dying with covid were pretty unwell to begin with.

Walensky: The overwhelming number of deaths, over 75%, occurred in people who had at least four comorbidities. So, really, these are people who were unwell to begin with. 

Atlas: We know now that two-thirds of deaths for Americans with COVID are people with six or more comorbidities

Cernovich: It took 2 years, 200,000 drug overdoses, an average American weight gain of 20 pounds of fat, and hyper inflation for the CDC to admit that FROM and WITH Covid should be tracked differently.

DailyMail: Daily Covid deaths are currently running at less than half the rate expected in a bad flu year, MailOnline analysis suggests

Emily Burns: the 10 most-vaxed have nearly 400% HIGHER cases than last year, where 10 LEAST-vaxed, "only" up 112%.

el gato malo: even phony baloney tony has retreated from “the vaccinated are dead ends for the virus” and will not contract or spread it to “just about everyone is going to get covid, regardless of vaccination status.”

The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned against the repeat use of original Covid-19 vaccines as booster shots: "A vaccination strategy based on repeated booster doses of the original vaccine composition is unlikely to be appropriate or sustainable."

Tessa: For the millionth time, the “dangerous misinformation” of yesterday becomes the science of today. As usual—magically—it happens just as this supposedly “new” science can be gracefully used as a part of an advertising campaign for a new lucrative medical product.

Girardot: Why haven’t the CEOS of Pfizer and Moderna been summoned to Capitol Hill as was the GM CEO? We are not talking 13 people in 10 years, here! Why has the head of the FDA only been interviewed yesterday? More importantly, why hasn’t the vaccination been paused to investigate, find the root cause, correct and start back?

Morris: That has to be the beginning of any discussion of vaccine mandates, travel restrictions, or whatever – the vaccines in their current form never worked properly, don’t work at all any more, and what’s more, it should have been obvious to everyone involved in their creation that they wouldn’t work . There’s no point in getting bogged down on the ethical and moral dimensions of mandating vaccination when the vaccine in question doesn’t actually work to begin with! 

Rigger: I don’t know about all the ins and outs of exactly how one gets to be a member of SCOTUS. I’m pretty sure, however, .. that you can’t be appointed to SCOTUS if you have the IQ of an ironing board. These Justices have done for the reputation of the highest law court in the land what people like Neil Ferguson and Chris Whitty have done for the reputation of science. It’s like appointing Harvey Weinstein or Ghislaine Maxwell to be the manager of a Women’s Shelter.

Farrow: No one with any sense expects sense from The Toronto Star. But increasingly one must expect from it vitriolic agitprop. Its editorial board has determined to stir up hatred and division, directed to the end of isolating "the unvaxxed," depriving them of their rights, and justifying bodily assault against them. 

Shachtel: If the era of COVID Mania has showcased one thing about democracy, it’s that the system we were brought up to worship and instinctively defend is no guarantor of our rights whatsoever. Far from securing our liberties, pure or representational democratic systems — as the foundation of over 100 governments — has instead been used in this era as a cudgel to impose totalitarianism on the masses.

Alexander: my stint at WHO and govn of Canada were the low points in my career. Absolute ding dongs. But I had to do it to see. I made many good friends and colleagues, and even in US govn, but very inept and incompetent. Friends but clueless. Went in with vast graduate training skills, but lost it all pulling fuzz balls from their navels during the day.

Mark Dolan: 'In the months and years to come the greatest proponents for all of these ruinous Covid measures... will be rewriting their own history. In a similar way to those who now claim never to have supported the Iraq war.'

for fun: 
Jimmy Kimmel Live, via Taibbi: “There’s a new doll in town and the fun is contagious. It’s Anti-Vax Barbie! She’s STRONG. She’s INDEPENDENT. She doesn’t trust SCIENCE!”
and Taibbli's response: While the shame campaign has been a catastrophe as public health strategy, it has been effective as aristocratic misdirection, a way to keep the public’s eyes off the vault. Maybe that’s what it’s for.

CO-VIDs &/or Podcasts of the Week:

Unmasked: Jordan Schachtel on The International Failure of COVID Policy and Where We Go From Here

Anecdotal COVID Fare:

Bob Saget was boosted, had Omicron, and died suddenly

.... While Bob Saget is just one individual, it seems certain that
  1. Most people will get infected with Covid by March
  2. Most of these people will be vaccinated and half of those, boosted
  3. Some of them will die like Bob Saget because this seems to happen often with Omicron, or booster, or who knows what
My understanding of statistics is that determining causality here is next to impossible without a major statistical effort, major funding, and any answer will be disputed. 


My personal hypothesis is that it is a very bad thing to get boosted, temporarily become a walking mRNA spike protein factory, and right at the same time simultaneously get infected with more-spike-producing Covid virus. This is too much spike and too much damage and likely will cause more “sudden deaths” than just in one person named Bob Saget.

For official statistics, Bob Saget will not count as a boosted death and likely will NOT be counted as a Covid death either. Thus, his death will NOT reflect badly on the “safe and effective” vaccine. 


Our astute readers reported that the same thing happened to presumably vaccine-free Kelly Ernby, Orange County Attorney.

She had a mild case of Covid, recovered, was gardening, and died instantly from a blood clot

How many will it take before they either tell the truth about what's going on, or pay the price for covering it up?

The Vaccine Safety Research Foundation produced a couple of video everyone should see and share.

Maddie’s story

Maddie de Garay, a 12-year-old participant in the 12-15 year old Pfizer trial was paralyzed less than 24 hours after her second shot. She’s now on her way to being a quadriplegic. In the trial, they reported her injury as “abdominal pain.”

... The press isn’t covering this at all because they want to keep America in the dark. The press doesn’t want America to know there was fraud in the Phase 3 trial and that the FDA and CDC are covering it up.

The story of my vaccine injury

In fact, I do have a personal life. My wife of of 42 years and I are actually pretty private. Sharing personal history is not something I do everyday. However, as many of you know - I was vaccinated with Moderna twice and had a pretty significant vaccine injury. This was pretty early in the roll-out of the vaccines. It was long before the FOIA Japanese pre-clinical trial data that had so many red-flags and irregularities, long before we learned of all the issues with the clinical trials, and long before the VAERs and adverse events began to be known.

To write it, I have never been an “anti-vax” person. I have spent my career working with vaccines. I also know that some vaccines are “hot,” and are less safe. Usually these types of vaccines are reserved for extremely dangerous viruses like Ebola or Yellow fever. Where the goal is to make the vaccine 100% effective. Other vaccines, that are distributed widely, like the flu vaccines need to be very safe. The trade-off being that they are less effective. There is a whole science and art to crafting vaccines to appropriately respond to the “threat.” So, I know to read the literature, do my own due- diligence, etc before taking an experimental product or any vaccine. That is what I thought I did. The government assured us that these vaccines were very safe. I could never imagine that clinical data would be corrupted and even falsified - as we now know it was.

Anyway, back to my story. I knew in the beginning of April, 2021, that I had to travel overseas and the word on the street was that the European Union was going to require full vaccination before entering any EU country by summer (that actually never happened BTW). I knew that a full vaccination protocol was a process of weeks - and that i had better get started! Furthermore, there was a lot of buzz around the idea that vaccination would help with “long-COVID.” I had already had COVID, and just couldn’t shake a number of chronic issues that I had developed after getting the disease. Frankly, I should have done more homework on that one- because this idea really didn’t hold up to scrutiny.

Be that as it may, in April, 2021, I got vaccinated. It was early enough in the cycle, that I had no choice but to take the Moderna vaccine, as that was available in my area The vaccine was distributed at a local college, with the Army Reserves administering the program.

The first shot was fine. No issues.

The second shot almost did me in. As in I almost died. 

After the injection, I had the usual fatigue, muscle-ache and then the palpitations started, as well as shortness of breath. Within a couple days, it got worse - I am not someone who goes to the doctor easily, but luckily for me, I happened to have a routine appointment with my physician. She cuffed me and my systolic blood pressure was through the roof. As she is also a cardiologist, she had more tests run, started me on high blood pressure meds and we got it under control. I kind of feel like I owe her my life. A call out to the fantastic Dr. C. Bove.

Fast forward to today.

One of the people who comments on my Substack articles, pointed me to this website:

This site matches up vaccine batch codes with information from the VAERS system, which is the event reporting system run by the CDC. This site matches the vaccine batches to adverse drug reactions, death, disability and life threatening illnesses from the VAERS system

According to the website above, the data reported in VAERS, reproduced on the site, show that adverse events triggered by Moderna batches have varied widely.
  • 5% of the batches appear to have produced 90% of the adverse reactions
  • Some Moderna batches are associated with 50 x the number of deaths and disabilities compared to other batches.

What is wrong with our government that a site like this are not available from the CDC or the FDA?

If anyone has any doubts about adverse events from these vaccines, take a look at some of the peer reviewed research or look at the VAERS data for deaths in young adults and children.

People have the right to be given informed consent of risks and benefits of a medical procedure. Informed consent is not given, if the risks are hidden.

All things COVID Pushback Fare:

And In Follow Up Article, Reveals A Report Defying Propaganda About Hospital Collapse, Showing NO INCREASE In Number Of Patients Admitted To Hospitals In December

... My journey to this point of our dystopian, medical, apartheid state started like many of yours. Watching the television almost 2 years ago as reports started coming in of some strange virus out of Wuhan. I was a little concerned, but not much. You see, for the last 10 years of my life I had spent a lot of time as an amateur researcher of history and learned to my dismay that the official narrative of most events is usually a little suspect at best. Like weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, or the January 6th “insurrection” in D.C., the examples are sadly numerous.

.... When the statistics started showing that the vast majority of anyone dying from Covid, either had one or more co-morbidities, or was older than the average life expectancy, my skepticism of the pandemic narrative only grew. Then in the summer of 2020, I got Covid. For a few days I was really tired and shivered a lot. Then it was over. I survived the “deadly” disease like the vast majority of anyone else who caught it. To be honest, I’ve had worse Flus, and worse hangovers.

At the end of 2020 I became convinced we were all being force fed a giant load of absolute bullshit. Don’t believe me? Look at world population statistics. Here’s a sample. ....

.... Despite this disease having a non existent effect on the overall death rate of the world’s population the call came out for a mass vaccination. Since I was already skeptical of the pandemic, I was naturally skeptical of the need for a “vaccine”. Oh look, vaccine is in quotations again. Why am I doing that?

Because it’s not a fucking vaccine!  .....

... And now we are able to see much of the results of this mass vaccination campaign. And despite what you’ve been told, it’s not good.

... Before I go, let me say this. Don’t be afraid. The government, and their mouthpieces in the mainstream media, have promoted a nonstop campaign of fear for almost 2 years now. Turn off your television and radios. Do your own research and question everything.

..... Anyways, I have taken up too much of your time as it is. Always laugh at those who would spread fear, and see you in 2022.

Corporal Richard Mehner, your “vaccine” free Minotaur

P.S. Chief Supt. De La Gogondiere,
I taped a copy of this letter on your office door, Martin Luther style. If you don’t understand the historical reference I invite you to look it up.


Mainstream media says we refuse COVID-19 vaccines because we are unable to reason


Healthcare workers are statistically the most vaccine-hesitant group in society


The UN says, ‘the vaccine is trust’


Until there is free speech there is no free and informed consent. Public health efforts to silence vaccine safety concerns will backfire and destroy the public's confidence in both vaccine programmes and faith in vaccine authorities.

**** Margaret Anna Alice: Letter to a Governing Body

I am writing because you are considering legislation or policies related to COVID-19.

Although this letter is addressed to a governing body, I am actually writing to you—you, the living, thinking, feeling individuals who comprise this body.

I am asking that you listen not in your capacity as a member but as a fellow human being, as a neighbor, as a friend.

For nearly a year, you have been gradually conditioned to view the unvaccinated as enemies. You have been subjected to a relentless propaganda campaign designed to divide you from us; to dehumanize us; to paint us as science-deniers, conspiracy nuts, spreaders of disease, and threats to society.


Regardless of what the propagandists have told you, we are not your enemies. We are your neighbors; we are your colleagues; we are your friends; we are your family members—your grandparents, your parents, your siblings, your children.

... We have merely made a different choice from you. And contrary to what the propagandists tell you, that choice poses no threat to you or our shared community.

.... If the vaccine does not prevent people from spreading or contracting COVID; being hospitalized; or dying from COVID, what possible justification can you provide for instituting policies such as mandating the COVID-19 vaccine, requiring vaxxports, or detaining individuals and families in quarantine facilities?


Using Pfizer’s own six-month data, this Canadian COVID Care Alliance presentation and the accompanying PowerPoint slides demonstrate that the COVID-19 vaccinations cause significantly more harm than good. Indeed, Pfizer’s data shows the absolute risk reduction from its vaccine was only 0.84 percent, whereas there was a 300-percent increase in risk for adverse events.

Let me repeat that. Our government, our workplaces, our organizations are demanding that its citizens accept a 300-percent increased risk of adverse events—including death—in exchange for less than a 1-percent risk reduction of contracting COVID.

.... It is estimated that as many as 388,000 Americans may have died due to the COVID vaccines to date. All-cause mortality has remained consistently elevated in 2021 as compared with 2020.

... Recently, the CEO of an Indiana life insurance company reported a 40-percent increase in mortality in the 18–64 age group during 2021—the first year of an unprecedented experiment in global mass vaccination.

... And if you’re thinking, surely, COVID deaths dropped following the mass vaccination rollout, well, that’s false, too. According to WebMD, 2021 COVID mortality rates had already surpassed 2020 rates by November. 

... Given the skyrocketing risk for death and injuries after injection with these products, again I ask, how can you defend coercing people to take it—let alone children?

... This living bibliography compiled by Dr. Malone cites peer-reviewed references documenting “COVID-19 Vaccination Adverse Events That Could Harm Children”—currently 140 and counting.

... Are you willing to kill 117 children to save one from COVID? Because that is the number needed to vaccinate (NNTV) to prevent one COVID fatality in the age 5–11 group based on this analysis

What you will find—if you remove the blinders Big Media and Big Tech have placed over your eyes to shield you from the gruesome reality unfolding outside the telescreen—is that the science (the actual science, as opposed to the pharmaceutical-funded $cience™) proves the COVID vaccines are neither safe nor effective.....

Udi Qimron, head of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Tel Aviv University and a leading Israeli immunologist, has taken the opportunity posed by the collapsing narrative to release this open letter to the authorities (this is a mechanical translation from the original Hebrew): 

Ministry of Health, it’s time to admit failure

In the end, the truth will always be revealed, and the truth about the coronavirus policy is beginning to be revealed. When the destructive concepts collapse one by one, there is nothing left but to tell the experts who led the management of the pandemic – we told you so.

Two years late, you finally realize that a respiratory virus cannot be defeated and that any such attempt is doomed to fail. You do not admit it, because you have admitted almost no mistake in the last two years, but in retrospect it is clear that you have failed miserably in almost all of your actions, and even the media is already having a hard time covering your shame.

You refused to admit that the infection comes in waves that fade by themselves, despite years of observations and scientific knowledge. You insisted on attributing every decline of a wave solely to your actions, and so through false propaganda “you overcame the plague.” And again you defeated it, and again and again and again.

You refused to admit that mass testing is ineffective, despite your own contingency plans explicitly stating so (“Pandemic Influenza Health System Preparedness Plan, 2007”, p. 26).

You refused to admit that recovery is more protective than a vaccine, despite previous knowledge and observations showing that non-recovered vaccinated people are more likely to be infected than recovered people. You refused to admit that the vaccinated are contagious despite the observations. Based on this, you hoped to achieve herd immunity by vaccination — and you failed in that as well.

You insisted on ignoring the fact that the disease is dozens of times more dangerous for risk groups and older adults, than for young people who are not in risk groups, despite the knowledge that came from China as early as 2020.

You refused to adopt the “Barrington Declaration”, signed by more than 60,000 scientists and medical professionals, or other common sense programs. You chose to ridicule, slander, distort and discredit them. Instead of the right programs and people, you have chosen professionals who lack relevant training for pandemic management (physicists as chief government advisers, veterinarians, security officers, media personnel, and so on).

You have not set up an effective system for reporting side effects from the vaccines, and reports on side effects have even been deleted from your Facebook page. Doctors avoid linking side effects to the vaccine, lest you persecute them as you did with some of their colleagues. You have ignored many reports of changes in menstrual intensity and menstrual cycle times. You hid data that allows for objective and proper research (for example, you removed the data on passengers at Ben Gurion Airport). Instead, you chose to publish non-objective articles together with senior Pfizer executives on the effectiveness and safety of vaccines.

Irreversible damage to trust

However, from the heights of your hubris, you have also ignored the fact that in the end the truth will be revealed. And it begins to be revealed. The truth is that you have brought the public’s trust in you to an unprecedented low, and you have eroded your status as a source of authority. The truth is that you have burned hundreds of billions of shekels to no avail – for publishing intimidation, for ineffective tests, for destructive lockdowns and for disrupting the routine of life in the last two years.

You have destroyed the education of our children and their future. You made children feel guilty, scared, smoke, drink, get addicted, drop out, and quarrel, as school principals around the country attest. You have harmed livelihoods, the economy, human rights, mental health and physical health.

You slandered colleagues who did not surrender to you, you turned the people against each other, divided society and polarized the discourse. You branded, without any scientific basis, people who chose not to get vaccinated as enemies of the public and as spreaders of disease. You promote, in an unprecedented way, a draconian policy of discrimination, denial of rights and selection of people, including children, for their medical choice. A selection that lacks any epidemiological justification.

When you compare the destructive policies you are pursuing with the sane policies of some other countries — you can clearly see that the destruction you have caused has only added victims beyond the vulnerable to the virus. The economy you ruined, the unemployed you caused, and the children whose education you destroyed — they are the surplus victims as a result of your own actions only.

There is currently no medical emergency, but you have been cultivating such a condition for two years now because of lust for power, budgets and control. The only emergency now is that you still set policies and hold huge budgets for propaganda and psychological engineering instead of directing them to strengthen the health care system.

This emergency must stop!

Hi followers from around the world, I feel that we need to take a moment and explain to you what is happening in #Israel today. Everything is so fast & crazy, but as we’ve said many times, Israel is a trailer now in many ways, and if you want time to prepare – read carefully. There is complete chaos in Israel today. .....

......... 23/ There is almost no real Covid morbidity (there is a lot of serious flu in the hospitals) But there is a morbidity of the society structure. There’s more, but that’s all I can say to warn you on this new Kafkaesque reality. 

The recent threats from the French president to ‘shit all over’ the lives of those who refuse untested vaccines, is a declaration of war against a section of the French population that is likely to lead to atrocities. But national leaders are puppets of faceless financial decision-makers. Who can doubt that now?

It will surely go down in history as the moment Western democracies had officially become totalitarian dictatorships, led by criminals. French President Emmanuel Macron’s grotesque statement on 4 January to Le Parisien newspaper that he wanted to enrage and immiserate (emmerder in French means ‘make shit’) those who refuse to take Covid-19 vaccines, has deepened anger and division in a society on the brink of civil war. ....


There are millions of French people who believe global capitalist investor groups such as Vanguard, Blackrock, and State Street rule the world because they own almost every major multi-national corporation on earth.

They argue that the oligarchs in those investor groups are ruthless and evil, that they are bent on shaping the planet according to their own interests. They also believe these groups own most of the shares in the world’s biggest pharmaceutical corporations such as Pfizer and Moderna, whose lobbyists are ‘advising’ our governments.

They point to the fact that the President of the European Commission Ursula Von der Leyen’s husband Heiko Von der Leyen is the medical director of Orgenesis, a US biotechnology company that specializes in mRNA vaccines. In the normal world, that’s called conflict of interest but perhaps not in the ‘new normal.’ Those conspiracy folk seem to have a big problem with these wonderful new norms.

 People who believe in the existence of these groups are called conspiracy theorists. As terrorists raved Syria in 2016, conspiracy theorists pointed out that there was a high degree of collusion from Western governments. That turned out to be true too. To a frightening degree.


Macron has it coming. For more and more people in France are realizing that it is not a virus that is making their lives ‘merde’, it is a group of ruthless capitalists who have taken control of the levers of state power; and Macron is their representative.

Mandate Militants In Anguish, Normal People Jubilant; Grassley thanks "..Countless independent businesses representing millions of workers"

Talking to three doctors who have been islands of reason in a sea of confusion.

.... Those of you reading this in states like Florida and Texas are probably patting yourself on the backs for your wise life choices. Which, fair enough. But for many of us in America, our lives are still being controlled by the pandemic. And the irrationality of the policies and conversations around Covid—irrationality that comes from our public health authorities, from our schools and our workplaces, from our local governments and our media—is making skeptics out of even the most compliant.

How very sick it is that, in this world of ferocious mobocratic hyper-sensitivity, where one gets canceled for some casual remark or post that could, in theory, hurt somebody's feelings, making helpless people miserable is not just perfectly okay, but a sign of virtue now demanded of all "caring" people. 

Thus it is that, if you merely reaffirm that men cannot be women, or question Critical Race Theory, or hold unapologetically to Christian or Judaeo-Christian principle, you risk indictment, and conviction, for "hate speech"; but you're allowed—in fact, required—to approve of forcing masks on little children, making sick old people die alone, and treating all "unvaccinated" people with exactly the same hateful fear and loathing that the Nazis stoked in Germany, in preparation for that Holocaust. ....

Police officers in Valencia: "We are with the people, not with corrupt politicians. We are in contact with Portugal, Italy, France, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, Germany and Holland to unite all the police in Europe! Away with the health passport!"

COVID Corporatocracy / Idiocracy / Conspiracy Fare:

Stuff is starting to get interesting (and undeniable)

There is so much news hitting the streets that is being censored by main stream media and social media today, that it is overwhelming easy comprehension 


mainstream media outlets are already trying to cast aspersions on the Veritas documents, although as of yet, they have yet to strike a direct hit. Their tactic out of the box are to attack Veritas, and smear the legitimacy of the documents (without evidence, near as I can tell). All the while, ignoring the contents of the documents themselves. Did “we” really expect anything more from them?


First, I encourage everyone to read the actual report.

This report is damming on so many fronts. Read it. Read it. Read it.

If validated, it is as big as the Pentagon papers. This would mean that research funded and conducted by the US Government has caused the death of millions of people world wide. Just ponder that. I can’t hardly wrap my head around the idea. Shocking doesn’t describe how important this is. History will remember.

I am briefly going to focus on just one of tiny aspect of this report. The “how and why” this all happened: .... 

And how debate was shut-down to protect "science"

... The great resistance that young people have to the COVID virus seems to be due to a strong innate immune system; conversely, the second line of defense, the adaptive immune system, which older people rely on, seems to have more trouble with COVID.


and, in comments: I wrote about the evidence for a lab origin in two posts back in April, 2020. The quick summary is (1) There is no credible animal source, since pieces of several animal viruses from different locations are included in the genome. (2) No other coronavirus has ever evolved a furin cleavage site. (3) There are published articles (from UNC, WIV, NIAID) describing how to turn a bat coronavirus into a human pathogen. (4) There have been meetings held in the last dozen years in which simulations of a coronavirus pandemic were rehearsed. These meetings were connected to the same people funding the lab experiments in GoF

Crawford: Is it Over Now?

.... What the documents purport to say:
  1. That the virus and vaccine were engineered in the same lab, together.
  2. That hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin were understood to be curative of the SARS-CoV-2.
  3. That interferon also works.
........ I wish that I could think that this is all over. Part of the reason I haven't published more statistical analysis is that the need to frame the big picture feels crucially important. The value of statistics depends on their relationship with reality. Without that root, we're just masturbating with numbers. That's why I spend so much thinking through the big picture of wealth, explaining game theory (though I've just begun) and the narcissistic murderous parent (and all the other Kunlangeta stories). Not to be glib, but this really is 3D chess.


Nothing is What It Seems
Do not expect the truth coming to light in documents to be the end of this mess unless competent and liberty loving people are extremely lucky and somehow manage to maneuver away control of institutions in the very short term. Are there even enough of them left?

.... There are a lot of questions we should be asking, but chief among them is, "What does it mean if it turns out that the truth doesn't matter at all?"

.... Here’s the link to the emails, complete with redacted sections.

Here’s my favorite quote, the last message, in an email from Fauci to Collins:

“I would not do anything about this right now. It is a shiny object that will go away in times(SIC)”

This show Fauci’s abject arrogance. It’s beyond hubris. The world deserves to know the truth, and that’s why we fund science.

Fauci thinks he should control what the public knows, what other scientists should know, and what other government officials should know.

I think Fauci should resign.

Have a read for yourself, and pull out the most egregious parts, and drop them in a comment.

I spent the entire day studying the Project Veritas document drop that has us all shocked, confused, and to varying degrees, distrustful. Many wondered if it was real, if Project Veritas was being “played,” if it was part of a deeper, sinister agenda to push virus panic, and so forth. I want to say just a few things, from my frustrating research dive.

Let's Not Dismiss This Too Quickly, Though It Is Psychedelic

.... What are we looking at, in that paragraph?

Here’s my sense of this: I think we should not argue about distractions— fake science and virus isolation. We should instead ask Eric Weinstein’s simple question:

‘What am I looking at?’

Covid is a black op. Like the JFK assassination. Like 9/11.

What exactly happened or how they did it, you will never know.

Do you think Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK?

Do you think 11 Middle Eastern terrorists carried out 9/11, because they ‘hated us for our freedoms?’

Of course not.

Pfizer's CEO Albert Bourla sees the dangers ahead, as his very carefully worded interview (worthy of close review) with CNBC yesterday shows.

..... The hundreds of millions of people who have received shots of mRNA/LNP and DNA/AAV Covid vaccines had no real idea what they were taking.

They did so on the urging of the vaccine companies and health authorities, who told them that in doing so they would protect themselves and their families and end the Covid epidemic. The statements were public. Many are less than a year old. They cannot be suppressed or memory-holed, no matter how hard anyone wants to try.

Every single one of those statements has proven wrong - so wrong that the companies, which are at much greater legal risk than the public health authorities - no longer even try to defend them.


Most people don’t understand yet how badly they were conned.

But they will......

... I suspect the smartest people at the companies are increasingly aware of the potential crisis of repeated dosing. Which may be why Bourla also said in the CNBC interview, “I don’t know if there is a need for a fourth booster.”

.... Zero efficacy probably won’t destroy Pfizer or get anyone indicted.

But side effects might. People will be FURIOUS if they think they been conned into taking vaccines that didn’t work and potentially hurt them, or their parents, or their kids.

Right now the rate of reported serious vaccine injury is just low enough that the companies and vaccine fanatics can argue it’s not real, it’s a statistical artifact, the VAERS reports are fake (they’re not), etc. The third dose appears to be changing that equation somewhat.

Who knows what future doses will bring? ....

In private, they said it was plausible. In public, they called it a conspiracy theory.

A nightmarish true story of how a researcher who could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives mysteriously decided not to.

..... There’s one more thing you should know.

One week prior to Dr. Andrew Hill’s pre-print posting of his revised paper, the University of Liverpool, where Hill works, received a $40 million grant from Unitaid to study infectious diseases—Dr. Hill’s specialty.

Forty million reasons to silence the irrefutable evidence for ivermectin. Forty million reasons to let folks take their inevitable place on the train tracks with permanent adhesive on their shoes.

Malone: Mass Formation: Deployed on You After Over 200 Years of Study

Earlier seminal academic works regarding mass formation upon which Professor Desmet has based his theory include the following:

Gustave Le Bon (1841-1931)
The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind, 1895

William McDougall (1871-1938)
The Group Mind; A Sketch of the Principles of Collective Psychology, with Some Attempt to Apply Them to the Interpretation of National Life and Character, 1920

Elias Canetti (1905-1994)
Crowds and Power, 1960

John Ioannidis (1965-)
Why Most Published Research Findings Are False, 2005

Hannah Arendt (1906-1975)
Eichmann in Jerusalem, A Report on the Banality of Evil, 1963
PDF (pp. 401), Worldcat
The Origins of Totalitarianism, 1951
HTMLSecond Edition 1958 (pp. 521), Worldcat

Solomon Asch (1907-1996)
Effects of group pressure upon the modification and distortion of judgments, 1951
Opinions and Social Pressure, 1955 PDF
Studies of Independence and Conformity: I. A Minority of One Against a Unanimous Majority, 1956

Who pulled the plug?

... Meanwhile, Reuters is doing its best to dismiss the notion of “Mass Formation Psychosis” as a valid psychological concept (it did a “fact check”). Whether or not one thinks mass formation is a good explanation for the weirdness and cultish behaviour we’ve seen in response to covid is another issue, but Reuters seem to be attacking the notion that there could be something to the idea of the Madness of Crowds.

I’m not sure where I stand on the issue of mass formation psychosis. There has definitely been something going on. Whether mass formation is the right way to look at it, I don’t know. There has been an almost religious zeal in the promotion and take-up of covid hysteria. The cultish behaviour has been very evident. I’ve had many conversations where I’ve been accused of being “anti-science” merely for pointing out official government statistics. And how are we to explain the madness of the family in the picture swathing granny in plastic so that she can hug her grandchild? Something has deranged a significant fraction of the population.

OK, the video is probably staged as a kind of parody, but we’ve all seen examples of irrational behaviour. It’s possible, I suppose, that I might have become even more hideously ugly over the last 2 years, but until covid I’ve never had people literally try to press themselves into a wall as I passed by sporting my gloriously unmasked face of doom.


As one commenter on Twitter wryly noted
If the vaccines worked, they would be working

... There’s definitely been a shift. Mixed in with all the usual covi-bollox there are now surprisingly “conspiratorial” views being aired - or at least views that would have been considered conspiratorial and anti-science only a year ago.

What I want to know is who pulled the plug?

............ I’ll mention one further difficulty: If the restrictions have been all about saving the hospitals, why haven’t we just expanded the hospitals instead? We've had plenty of time to do that. Or if the proposed program of coercion is all about saving the hospitals while doing away with tiresome restrictions, again, why not rather solve the problem by increasing capacity? Why persist instead with policies that keep some wards all but empty and a great many people without routine medical care, while resorting to coercive mandates?

Vox: Scott Adams and the Limits of Boomer

A contemplation of why an intelligent observer such as Scott Adams should prove to be so astonishingly retarded when it came to the vaxxes:

It has been interesting over the last month to watch the curious saga of Scott Adams on Twitter. He has gone from being a bog standard normie to very nearly crossing the bridge to covid enlightenment, only to draw back from the brink and instead go full on Branch Covidian. Of course, to save face for how he and others have been so wrong so often while a bunch of anonymous right wingers on social media have been right, Scott has taken to portraying himself as merely “doubting the doubters,” casting their correct predictions as mere luck, a case of the crowd occasionally getting something right entirely by accident.

Underlying all of this is Scott’s abiding faith in “experts,” and his corresponding incredulousness that non-experts, social media anons and the like, could have been right when the experts were wrong. It must be a fluke. Those who don’t think so are just engaging in confirmation bias, just”coping” (with what, being right when the experts were wrong?). Surely their rightness isn’t because they had access to better information or had better instincts than the experts, that’s impossible! All of this is even more ironic because Scott’s whole brand as expressed in his books and in his Dilbert comic strip is that those in positions of authority rarely know what is going on and the little guy drones in the trenches are the ones who really make things work.

What this unmasks, I suspect, is ultimately that he is a product of his generation and cannot escape its assumptions, even when he tries to. The intellectual underpinnings for Boomers were formed when most of America’s institutions still actually worked as advertised. Their generation is used to assuming that things like government agencies and large corporations fundamentally operate for the good of those who they supposedly serve. This creates a normalcy bias that leads to undue trust being granted to them. Boomers have a great deal of difficulty coming to grips with the increasing institutional decay and dysfunctionality that characterises modern America.

I thought the whole idea behind getting vaccinated for Covid-19 was to put the societal disruption behind us. Yes, the vaccines may not be perfect; but then, nothing in this miserable world is perfect. Still, with the vaccines we should surely be able to go back to work, go back to school, hold sporting events and theater and concerts and political rallies and everything else where people gather. And for God’s sake get rid of the masks. Right?

That’s the way it works in Florida. But this is New York. Here, we are engaged in end-stage Covid craziness. Most office work is still suspended, and theater and concerts are 50/50, with endless protocols.

But my favorite is the masking. Over the summer and fall, masking was gradually declining — finally! But then came Omicron. On December 10, new Governor Hochul seized the moment to feel the thrill of ordering 20 million people around for no discernible reason, and imposed a state-wide mask mandate for all indoor venues. Suddenly, mask requirements came back almost everywhere, particularly in stores. (Restaurants thankfully got some kind of a pass by checking vaccination passes every time you enter.)

What is the point behind this? I would say nothing whatsoever. But a huge percentage of the population here in New York has been convinced that they are saving themselves from certain imminent death by wearing a mask and insisting that you wear one too. 

At Power Line they have presented both sides of the masking debate, and from what I have read it is not a close question. I’ll summarize the debate by saying that there is some evidence that widespread masking can lower by a little the risk that you will get infected on any given contact with an infected person; and therefore, widespread masking could possibly slow the rate of spread of a respiratory virus by a little. Conceivably, that could be relevant when a virus first arrives and there is a need for some time to ramp up hospital capacity — in other words, “two weeks to slow the curve.” But over the course of months and years, everyone is going to be exposed, masking or no masking. The only way to avoid exposure is to hole up in your house and never come out. And yet here we are nearly two years into this pandemic, with the “delta” variant having swept its way through a masked population and now the “omicron” variant doing the same, and we still pretend that masking is accomplishing something.


Reader reports: The first of at least two parts.

... The biographical notes some of you provided are a trove of information in themselves, for the light they shed on the kinds of people resistant to media messaging in general. Libertarians, conspiracy theorists, people who don’t watch television, frequent travellers, expatriates, the religious – all are prominently represented in my replies. In general, it seems you were most likely to survive the propaganda onslaught of February/March 2020 with your wits intact, if you paid almost no attention to the news and trusted your instincts, or if you had a lot of subject expertise and obsessively followed all developments. Those of us in the great informational middle fell hard.

My absolute Damascus Moment though, was during spring of 2020 when a verified CA Department of Health account tweeted that if you’re eating at a restaurant, and I wish I could still find this fucking tweet: to “make sure you put your mask back on as you chew your food in-between bites”.1 That was it for me, I declared a spiritual and intellectual war on these detrimental demons after seeing that. Fuck these people into oblivion. 


... This is when the cracks started to appear and I began to question what I was reading. ‘Everyone’ was saying these vaccines were safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women. But how could they?  There were literally zero studies. This is when I realized we were being lied to. 

 ... Mike Hearn, a software developer, knew something was wrong when he realised that key epidemiological models suffered not only from terrible, unfounded assumptions, but also from catastrophic coding errors: 

... After realizing the experts maybe weren’t quite as expert as they seemed I waited for Ferguson to publish the source code of the model that had driven Britain and America into lockdown. I’m a software developer and was curious how exactly these models worked. Once it became available I took a look and was shocked to discover that the problems went well beyond poor quality assumptions. The code was riven with critical bugs that caused it to generate wildly different predictions every time you ran it

....  A Canadian surgeon writes about the rapidly shifting attitude in his field, and about the power of groupthink in these circles currently, which would be one reason why more people in these fields aren’t saying anything:

At the beginning, the vast majority of physicians I knew could see that the world was at risk of an enormous over-reaction. They spoke openly of their puzzlement, at least in the lounge. I had planned some time off in March and April, and had to extend it over travel restrictions. When I returned to work in May, most doctors had figured out what they were supposed to be believe, and had forgotten ever having thought otherwise. I’ve had some conversations with bought-in docs, but not one can present any credible reason for the buy-in. Most take it as axiomatic that lockdowns work, and have trouble understanding that I’m not attacking the logic after that, but the base premise itself. ....

Levine: Pandemic comfort reading

Someone dumped an old beautiful book containing the collected works of Daniel Defoe on the curb in front of our apartment building. Flipping through his A Journal of the Plague Year, I’m finding it very calming and informative — perfect reading for today. He is describing an outbreak of the bubonic plague in London in the mid-17th century, as seen and recorded — most likely — by his uncle. One thing immediately jumped out at me: Everyone is up in arms about vaccine passports and covid test certificates rolled out to limit our movement and activity, as if this is a fresh kind of modern totalitarianism dreamed up by Bill Gates and our tech overlords. No doubt our tech overlords are cashing in to the max. But, like a lot of things, turns out nothing is new under the sun. As Defoe writes, they had a very strict health passport system for travel back then. Towns wouldn’t even let you pass through without them, if you were trying to flee London for the countryside.

Back to Non-Pandemic Fare:

What happened in Kazakhstan increasingly looks like a US-Turkish-British-Israeli-led coup d'etat attempt foiled dramatically by their Eurasian adversaries...

"This is an almost wholly man-made crisis," said one critic of the U.S. government's policy.

Orwellian Fare:

CaitOz Fare:

Other Quotes of the Week:

Roberts: A person would think that if a government is to face a vote of no confidence, it should be over something important, such as Tony Blair’s deceit of his own government in order to violate international law and murder people in Iraq. Instead, Conservative Douglas Ross says British PM Boris Johnson has to resign if he attended a garden party at his residence.

Doomberg: If politicians were forced to wear the corporate logos of their deep-pocketed sponsors in the way that golfers and race car drivers do, Tyson’s red and yellow badge would have undoubtedly occupied a prominent place on the Clintons’ golf attire, and almost certainly adorned the prized real estate on the hood of their race car. The Clintons are hardly unique in this way.

Pope Francis: “The cultural roots that constitute the identity of many peoples,” are also under threat from historical revisionism driven by “ideological colonisation,” he warned.

***** Welsh: Like with the Iraq War, or the housing bubble, Afghanistan, Climate Change and everything else of importance, there are always people who got it right and those people are generally the people who got other things right that those in the bubble don’t.

[so, fwiw, Welsh is here saying that the groupthink consensus about most topics is usually wrong, as in those examples he cites; and I agree with him on that; but in the rest of his post he is essentially saying that just like his non-consensus views, all of which I agree[d] with on those other topics, were right while the mainstream was wrong, and that in this case, re: Omicron, he will again be proven in retrospect to have been right, whereas the consensus view will again prove to have been disastrously wrong; problem is, I think his reasoning is wrong here; he is saying that the groupthink is, to simplify, to "let her rip" on Omicron; instead, I think he for once is part of the groupthink, the mainstream consensus that 2 years in to this pandemic still thinks vaccines and masks and social distancing are not just required but are the solution; and, as much as I almost always agree with Welsh and have a tonne of respect for him and have learned so much from him, I don't agree with him on this one; perhaps it is because of his history of health challenges and he is therefore legitimately more susceptible to becoming seriously sick from COVID, but I don't think he is as rational or well-informed on this topic as he has been on most everything else I have read of his; or maybe that is the wishful thinking part of me over-riding my normal rational/objective side; in any case, given my utmost respect for his views, this is a disconcerting position for me, to have a very different view than Welsh; I have seen no evidence of him having followed the types of non-mainstream coverage on the pandemic that I link to on this blog... would truly love to know if he has been captured by the consensus mainstream media bubble's coverage of COVID to the exclusion of those other view, or if he has truly become informed on those other views and has nonetheless come to the conclusion that they are wrong; in any case, I am more in the same camp as Ilargi]

Long Reads:

***** Paul Kingsnorth: The Vaccine Moment. ebook.

Big Thoughts:

.... If you haven’t seen this I recommend searching for the videos on YouTube (if they’re still up) in which a Yale Professor (Nicholas Christakis) was confronted by a large group of angry students in one of the quads. He spent a couple of hours trying to discuss their issues with them. He displayed heroic levels of patience, calmness and rationality in the face of what I can only describe as childish petulance.

One visibly upset student even went so far as to claim she was fighting for her very existence. Really? At Yale? I wondered what on earth was going on. Did Professor Christakis have a weekend hobby of travelling to small villages and machine-gunning the residents? What could possibly have inspired such angst?

Halloween costumes. That’s what did it.

The students were angry that Prof Christakis would not condemn his wife’s open letter (she was also a faculty member at Yale) in which she wondered whether it was the university’s place to impose guidelines on the appropriateness, or otherwise, of certain Halloween costumes. It’s a beautifully-written, very thoughtful, and thought-provoking letter.

And this, this, is what caused such outrage?

I knew then something was very, very deeply wrong. To witness the emotional turmoil of these students, amongst the most privileged people on the entire planet, over such a trivial issue was alarming to me. Of course, as I later learned, they felt it was serious because of some systemic something or other.

Quantum theory became a secondary obsession as I began to grapple with all sorts of things even more bizarre than QM. Safe spaces, trigger warnings, microaggressions, the patriarchy, rape culture, white privilege, de-colonization, cultural appropriation, the explosion of different genders, and so on (and on and on and on and on).

I’d been living in a quantum bubble and had no idea the world (for some) had so radically shifted. I even tried to read some post-modern theory. I don’t recommend it. It is, in my view, the biggest load of pseudo-intellectual pretentious gibberish ever committed to paper. ....

....This is what happens when you allow your focus to become so constricted, so all-consuming. You end up sounding like a complete fruit-loop.

We’ve heard about mass formation psychosis, and that may be true, but I would argue that the Wokorona virus laid the foundation for the mass hysteria we’ve witnessed over covid. People have become obsessed with safety - and worse than that, emotional safety (whatever that is). ...

Pics of the Week:

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