Signers say the conflict will be ‘our undoing’ if we don’t ‘dedicate ourselves to forging a diplomatic settlement that stops the killing.’
The recent letter published in the New York Times from a collection of former national security advisors (they include Jack Matlock and Jeffrey Sachs) calls for a US strategic diplomacy (in the absence of any diplomacy at all) that is adult enough to recognize that opponents are rational and have real interests that are as every bit important to them as ours is [are] to us. It then immediately stumbles at the first gate namely, by blaming Russia for its Special Military Operation (SMO) in Ukraine.
This inability to dig beneath cliche superficiality on the single most important principle that underlines the war is shocking testimony to the stubborn determination to be wrong that is manifested by practically ever western expert on this issue who enjoys any crumb of mainstream status. They believe that a system of international law that is essentially the product of imperial powers, that is infused with agents of those same powers, educated and propagandized by them, a system that is not set up to even recognize the tool of war most commonly wielded by those powers namely, regime change, is the immutable word of God.
Putin launched the SMO precisely because he was intelligent enough to confront and defy the reality that the west was relentlessly working towards just such a conflict and that, as Machiavelli once observed, the longer he refrained from acting then the more disadvantageous his ultimate military plight. Not just that, not just the fact that the fount of inspiration for the US military industrial complex, RAND, had in 2019 explained precisely how it would seek to dismember Russia through manipulation of its Ukrainian proxy, not just western disregard for over thirty years of strident Russian attempts to articulate its concerns over NATO’s purposeless drift to the east (purposeless, that is say, unless the intention was indeed dismemberment of Russia) and acknowledgment from responsible western diplomats like Jack Matlock and, at that time, William Burns, that Russia’s concerns might indeed provoke conflict….Not just these considerations, I say, but that Ukraine, under the leadership; of NATO’s unscrupulous and duplicitous protege, and heir to the US-instigated coup d’etat of 2014, Zelenskiy, did everything it possibly could to bring about a war: sabotaging the Minsk agreements, currying favor with NATO at every turn, begging for admission, being so very helpful to NATO in staging aggressive wargames along Russian borders, talking about having nuclear weapons, building up fortifications over eight years in preparation for war, with NATO aid, assistance and weapons, killing more and more of its Russian-speaking citizens in the Donbass, augmenting the size of Ukrainian armed forces along the border with the people’s republics, and not just in numbers but in the variety of Nazi brigades that they incorporated.
This culturally-determined mental defect (exhibited, as I say, in the letter to the New York Times) constitutes the reason first, why Russia and now the Global South which, with China, have lined up on the side of Russia, will not accept any compromise in this conflict that fails to address, head-on, what are the objectives of Russia: Ukrainian neutrality, De-militarization, De-Nazification, and integration of the Donbass into Russia which is where it always should have remained. It continues to make sense to respect Russia’s term for its actions of February 24, 2022 precisely because the SMO is not a war in the conventional sense. If it was a war in the conventional sense then the SMO would not have confined itself to the mainly pro-Russian oblasts of the Donbass and would not have fought a slow grinding war of attrition over many months even while it is obvious that Russia has all along had the means to obliterate and overrun all major power centers in Ukraine with a million man army, artillery and air force, with or without the intervention of western weapons. .......
...... There, crisp suits and sharp dresses belied the utter deficit of wisdom in this motley crew, the empty vessels of a materialistic, corporate-fashioned, privileged and know-nothing elite whose main contributions to the sickness of their world is a simplistic and self-serving ideology of neoliberalism, cultivated air of self-righteousnes and self-importance, deference to fossil fuel, permanent enrichment of the arms industry, reckless disregard for nuclear danger, and massive extension of wealth inequality between nations, races and social classes. ......
..... What sounded like a great idea to a certain claque of so-called neo-cons in our country — to use Ukraine as a bear trap — has instead rather suddenly revealed Europe’s and America’s manifold bankruptcies and revolted the whole rest of the world outside of Western Civ. Oh, the wonder and nausea!
Try to imagine Mr. Zelensky’s predicament. Mighty America and redoubtable Europe conned the former comedian to thinking that if he went along with a genius scheme to ruin Russia and knock Vlad Putin off the global gameboard, his sad-sack country would be transformed into something like Ukro-Disneyworld, while he, Mr. Z, would be lionized and made rich beyond his wildest imaginings. His backup was the greatest hegemonic power the world has ever seen. The game was called Let’s You and Him Fight.
The poor schlemiel fell for it. He let NATO (that is, the USA) set-up, equip, and train the largest army in Europe, including battalions of bad-ass, hard-core Ukro-Nazis — who had previously been so useful in the American-sponsored 2014 Maidan “color revolution.” Mr. Z followed the US State Department’s orders to rain down rockets and artillery on Russian-speakers who lived in his own eastern provinces. He formally applied for membership in the NATO club. His country received billions of US dollars without audit oversight, just screaming to be creamed off by Ukraine’s leadership — who, after all, deserved a little something for all these goings-along. What could go wrong?
Thus, Western Civ kicked off Europe’s biggest hot war since the 1940s. So, in February, 2022, Mr. Putin had enough of the monkey business on his “front porch” and sent in a clean-up crew. Game on! The US neo-cons were ready to feed countless Ukrainian troops into a meat grinder that would, theoretically, exhaust the will and resources of the execrable bear and yield countless benefits reinforcing our dominant position in the world. Our hapless NATO “partners” went along with the program, despite being asked to commit economic suicide for the greater good of the alliance (or something like that). Anyway, they didn’t need that filthy Russian nat-gas. They were going “green” (Klaus Schwab said so, didn’t he?)
Meanwhile, the citizens of our country were groomed to perfection by the US Propaganda-Industrial Complex screaming “Russia, Russia, Russia,” .......
.................. The US plotted a coup and moved NATO’s borders east, and Russia reacted exactly how they said they would. No nukes, no nazis, no NATO. They got the last two, and know they can expect the first too. But still the west maintains Russia’s special operation was entirely unprovoked. Look, they’re not even listening anymore. They would like to negotiate and end all this, but negotiate about what? Putting AZOV back on the borders of the Donbass, so they can kill more Russians there? Not going to happen.
It’s not only about weaponry, though that plays a major role: the hegemon can no longer make its demands based on military might. It’s been surpassed. Nor can it make demands based on the dollar’s reserve currency status, and it caused that itself. Weaponization of the currency has backfired to the extent that de-dollarization has become a process that can no longer be halted.
The moment that Saudi prince MbS turned his back on “Joe Biden” is a milestone. Because once he did that, it was obvious many would follow. .....
............. Ukraine had perhaps the best boots on the ground force in Europe, financed and trained since 2014 by NATO, and they lost to a caterer and a loose group of hired hands. You’re not going to win that. Your only option is long distance weapons, missiles, planes, you name it. But NATO has no advantage in that over Russia. To put it mildly.
The sole thing that’s in your favor is that Russia doesn’t seek to destroy you. They want to live in peace and trade with you. Same thing for China. NATO equals unipolar. But the world has moved towards multipolar. Ergo, NATO is obsolete. Ukraine will never reconquer its “lost” territories, and Zelensky will move to some property in Italy or Florida, never to be heard from again, unless perhaps in his obituary. ........