
Tuesday, July 9, 2024


***** denotes well-worth reading in full at source (even if excerpted extensively here)

Economic and Market Fare:

The misallocation of capital in the economy will fuel inflation

Tweet Fare:

Bubble Fare:

The AI bubble is reaching a tipping point. Navigating what comes next will be essential.

MMT Fare:

2: "Sahm Rule" triggered?:
3: not yet:






(not just) for the ESG crowd:

How did adoption of renewable energy become the drug of choice to treat the disease of climate change? No one knows.

Wind and solar energy policies evolved over several decades without planning, leadership, effective communication, or stakeholder engagement. There was not—and is not—any vision, resource allocation, communication strategy, governance structure, or change management plan.

In other words, none of the elements for a successful transition have been considered or implemented. That’s why emissions and temperatures keep rising. We’re on a trip to Abilene led by a clown car of energy-blind politicians. ............

.................................... It seems that our flawed proxy for a global energy policy misses a critical point: renewable energy, while beneficial, is predominantly applicable to electric power generation, which accounts for a mere twenty percent of overall energy consumption, and only about thirty-five percent of total carbon emissions. This oversight reflects a fundamental misunderstanding of the broader energy needs and consumption patterns that drive modern economies. ...................

Promoters of renewable energy rarely mention its cost but never miss an opportunity to state that it’s the cheapest form of energy. It’s not but that misses the larger issue that the approach is simply not working. The energy transition is imaginary. .................

Elite climate hypocrisy is not sustainable

Geopolitical Fare:

.............. America’s in serious decline and this clusterfuck is just a symptom of the elite’s inability to govern effectively. This problem should have been dealt with before it blew up, but everyone was pretending there was no problem, despite dozens of clips of Biden’s decline making the rounds. The strategy was denial, denial, denial. “The Emperor’s clothes are the most beautiful in the world!” ............

............................. And this is what America’s public discourse has come to. 

No shame, no embarrassment in these mainstream quarters for having foolishly overinvested in an unqualified political figure because the Democratic machine settled on Biden four years ago for reasons few of us will ever fully understand. And none for covering up Biden’s unfitness for office in the years since he was elected. I have already noted the instant flood of post-debate editorials and opinion pieces calling for Biden to resign or be removed. And, to go with them, we are now served as many news stories suddenly reporting that, yes, the infirmities not heretofore mentioned were a long time coming.  

What does this overnight volte-face tell us? If you know how to read these things,  it will be obvious: Too many mainstream reporters and editors, having little respect for themselves or their profession, to say nothing of their readers and viewers, were consciously, purposefully withholding what they knew and now they report what they have all along known because they have been told it is all right to do so.  ......................

.................... I come to the case of Kamala Harris. I am astonished there is any such thing as the case of Kamala Harris, to be honest. A woman and a woman of color and an Asian–American woman all in one: This is where “identity politics” leads, I say to those who fell or still fall for it. It leads to a political mannequin who is by all appearances visionless. She so far gives no indication she harbors even a single conviction not subject to opportunistic change or abandonment.  ........................

More important than any such miscalculation, can we read a Harris nomination as anything other than an admission that the Deep State now runs the United States and the president is not much more than a figurehead preserving the illusion of American democracy? ..............

Oh No, Now The US Has To Stop Imprisoning Ex-Presidents For Their Crimes!

Everyone’s acting shocked and outraged at the Supreme Court ruling that Donald Trump and other former presidents are largely immune from criminal prosecution, as though presidents getting prosecuted for their crimes is something that’s been happening this entire time.

It’s like oh wow you’re saying powerful people won’t have to abide by the same rules as normal people in America anymore?

Guess they’ll have to release all those former US presidents who’ve been imprisoned for their war crimes and crimes against humanity now. Thanks a lot, Supreme Court.

It’s hilarious how the liberal commentariat is freaking out not because their president is a dementia patient but because they’re not sure if a dementia patient can win an election. ...........

Israel is a material manifestation of an argument the west has been having with itself for generations, between its older genocidal settler-colonialist values and its purported values of modern times. Between the values of justice and egalitarianism we’re taught to value in school, and the fact that the west is still a savage and murderous civilization that hasn’t transcended its barbarity in the way it thinks it has.

The reason Israel has remained in this half-in, half-out state of ethnic cleansing with regard to the Palestinians is largely because the western backers upon whom Israel’s existence depends won’t fully get behind a 19th century-style extermination program to purge the land of an inconvenient population. Because the west remains a psychopathic and bloodthirsty civilization it still supports mountains of Israeli depravity, but because of the values it claims to uphold it also lacks the public consensus to go all-in on a final solution to the Palestinian question.

So until now Israel has remained in a kind of stasis, with Palestinians existing in this odd half-purged condition and continuing to resist as any population would under such circumstances. And now we’re at the point where the west is basically being told, “Either shit or get off the pot.” Either commit to the full-blown elimination of the Palestinians via genocide or ethnic cleansing, or change course and actually start standing by the values you claim to stand by for the first time in your miserable existence. Either commit to the savagery of your genocidal past, or commit to a real civilizational transformation.

Gaza is asking us a very important question about ourselves. Our answer will set the course for the future of our entire world.

Sci Fare:

Other Fare:

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