
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

October 13

from A long road ahead in regaining lost jobs in the NYT:

Fed Chief Gets Set to Apply Lessons of Japan's History. John Hilsenrath, WSJ.

flashback to 1999:
Japanese Monetary Policy: A Case of Self-Induced Paralysis? Ben Bernanke.

Why is the Fed doing this? James Hamilton.

Why printing money makes sense. Dean Baker, Guardian.

The Japan syndrome. Ethan Devine, Foreign Policy.

China's teetering on the verge of its own lost decade, and a meltdown in Beijing would make Japan's economic malaise look like child's play.

other fare:

Global power: On top of the world. Why the West’s present dominance is both recent and temporary. The Economist.

What Mr Morris shows is that over a period of 10,000 years one civilisation after another hit a “hard ceiling” of social development before falling apart, unable to control the forces its success had unleashed....
There is, on the other hand, a real possibility that we fail to negotiate even the next 50 years without triggering environmental catastrophe, global pandemics or nuclear war. In which case, both West and East will simultaneously crash into the hard ceiling of our own era.
Global aging. Phillip Longman, Foreign Policy.

The Real Perils of Human Population Growth. David and Maria Pimentel.

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