
Monday, October 4, 2010

October 4

IMF admits that the West is stuck in near depression. Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, Telegraph.

UK tiptoeing towards Japan, warn consultants. Telegraph.

Is China getting religion on restructuring its economy? Yves Smith.

5 positive and 5 negative investment themes from Gary Shilling. Pragmatic Capitalism.

Flawed Paperwork Aggravates a Foreclosure Crisis. Gretchen Morgenson, NYT.
and the negative consequences of this mortgage mess will be exacerbated if it leads to more strategic defaults

4ClosureFraud posts Lender Processing Services mortgage document fabrication price sheet. Yves Smith.

Economic measures continue to slow. John Hussman.
Based on the data that we've observed in recent months, my view remains that a fresh downturn in the economy remains a not only a possibility but a likelihood. Little of the economic improvement we've observed since 2009 appears intrinsic, but instead appears driven by enormous government interventions that are now trailing off. Still, while I believe that there is a second shoe that has not dropped, I recognize that the full force of government policy is to obscure, stimulate, intervene and borrow in every effort to kick that can down the road. I believe that the unaddressed and unresolved problems relating to debt service, employment conditions and housing are too large for this to be successful

other fare:
amusing maps of Europe: mapping sterotypes

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