
Sunday, August 16, 2020


COVID-19 notes:

Winter is coming: Why America’s window of opportunity to beat back Covid-19 is closing


Over 900 Health Workers Have Died of COVID-19. And the Toll Is Rising.


Universal Testing: An Overlooked Covid-19 Policy Response

This column argues that a universal testing and isolation policy is the most viable way to vanquish the pandemic. Its implementation requires an epidemiological, rather than clinical, approach to testing, and requires the ramping up of testing kit production in order to achieve a scale and speed that the market alone would fail to provide. The estimated cost of universal testing is dwarfed by its return, mitigating the economic fallout of the pandemic.

To succeed, policymakers should adopt an epidemiological, rather than clinical, approach to testing, sacrificing accuracy (sensitivity and specificity) for scalability, convenience, and speed. The aim of this approach is to identify (and isolate) ‘enough’ infected individuals, rather than to provide a precise clinical diagnosis. Rapid serological tests for antibodies (IgM) or antigens, which are similar to pregnancy tests, and Point-of-Care (POC) rapid molecular tests could be good candidates to reach a large share of the population.


Cheap, frequent COVID tests could be ‘akin to vaccine,’ professor says

A Harvard epidemiologist and expert in disease testing is calling for a shift in strategy toward a cheap, daily, do-it-yourself test that he says can be as effective as a vaccine at interrupting coronavirus transmission — and is currently the only viable option for a quick return to an approximation of normal life. “These are our hope,” said Michal Mina, assistant professor of epidemiology at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and Brigham and Women’s Hospital. “We don’t have anything tomorrow, other than shutting down the economy and keeping schools closed.”


Quick and affordable saliva-based COVID-19 test developed by Yale scientists receives FDA Emergency Use Authorization

Regular Related Fare:

"More Robust Than Expected": Promising Preliminary Class 8 Data For July Has Analysts Cautiously Optimistic


Trans-Pacific Shipments "Going Crazy" As Demand Defies Pandemic Pessimists


Vehicle sales, retail sales, industrial production


Beyond The (Benefits) Cliff: The Wile E. Coyote Moment For The US Consumer

Another huge unemployment wave is coming—and there’s an obvious way to stop it


Payroll tax deferral looks like a whole lot of nothing


Dramatic Photos: Desperate For Provisions, Thousands Of Cars Line Up At Texas Food Bank

Regular Fare:

Understanding The Lack Of Relationship Between Supply And Bond Yields


Markets Are Fixated on the Wrong Bogeyman

Deflation remains the bigger danger from the collapse in global demand, rather than a surge in inflation.

“There are issues with the models, and people should use some caution,” said Praveen Korapaty, chief interest-rate strategist at Goldman Sachs.The term premium produced by these models “would be telling you that there’s tremendous investor demand for sovereign debt, but that demand could be overestimated if term premium is actually much higher.”

i.e. the main issue with model is that he doesn’t believe what the model is telling him?



Bubble Fare:

James Montier: Reasons (Not) Be Cheerful. Certainty, Absurdity, and Fallacious Narratives

Never before have I seen a market so highly valued in the face of overwhelming uncertainty. Yet today the U.S. stock market stands at nosebleed-inducing levels of multiple, whilst the fundamentals seem more uncertain than ever before. It appears as though the U.S. stock market has drunk from Dr. Pangloss’ Kool-Aid – where everything is for the best in the best of all possible worlds. It is as if Mr. Market is taking a tail risk (albeit a good one) and pricing it with certainty.

Now let me be clear, I don’t claim to know the answers to any of the deep imponderables that face the world today. I have no idea what the shape of the recovery will be, I have no idea how easy it will be to get all the unemployed back to work. I have no idea if we will see a second wave of Covid-19 or what we will do if we do encounter such an event. But I do know that these questions exist. And that means I should demand a margin of safety – wriggle room for bad outcomes if you like. Mr. Market clearly does not share my view.

Instead, as best I can tell, the driving narrative behind a V-shaped recovery in the stock market seems to be centered on “The Fed” or, even more vaguely, “liquidity creation.” It is tricky to argue for any direct linkage from the Fed’s balance sheet expansion programs to equities. The vast majority of QE programs have really been about maturity transformation (swapping long debt for very short-term debt). Nor can one claim a good link between QEs to yields to equities. In fact, during each of the three previous waves of QE, bond yields actually rose. In addition, yields around the world are low but you don’t see other equity markets sporting extreme valuations. So, I think that Fed-based explanations are at best ex post justifications for the performance of the stock market; at worst they are part of a dangerously incorrect narrative driving sentiment (and prices higher).


Edward Chancellor: Wall Street is firmly in Wonderland

Alice was tired of studying for the CFA exams, the figures in the spreadsheet were blurry, she laid her head on the desk...

Her first day at Tweedle Asset Management was going to be a busy one.



(not just) for the ESG crowd:

Air pollution is much worse than we thought

Ditching fossil fuels would pay for itself through clean air alone.


On Climate Policy, Biden’s Advisers Reveal More Than His Proposals Do


'Canary in the coal mine': Greenland ice has shrunk beyond return, study finds

Uncomfortable Fare: 

Is Speciesism Driving the Coronavirus Pandemic?

Reluctance to question humans’ exploitation of animals creates a dangerous disconnect in the public’s understanding of COVID-19 and its ongoing risks.

Political and Geopolitical and Sociopolitical Fare: 

Surprise! It’s Biden/Harris

Back in April 2019, before all the primaries and posturing, I made a grim prediction: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris would emerge as the dream ticket of the DNC. Can you believe I got it right?  I can.  Not because I’m that smart.  Not because I’m some kind of soothsayer.  In making that prediction, I was being as coldly cynical as I could be.  I pretended, in my own mind, to be a corporate operator in the DNC.  And it followed Biden/Harris would be the dream ticket.  Both are basically moderate Republicans who are business-friendly.  Both have no progressive vision whatsoever.  Both are “pay-to-play” politicians.  And so on, in distressing and depressing detail.


The selection of Kamala Harris and the degradation of American politics

In July of last year, the World Socialist Web Site—based on a survey of who would be the worst, most reactionary and at the same time most suitable choice for second spot on the Democratic Party ticket—predicted that Harris would most likely be named the vice presidential candidate if she failed to win the nomination. She had all the ruthlessness, narcissism and careerism requisite for the job, plus the ethnic background to suit the Democrats’ obsession with racial and gender identity.

In the midst of this monumental political, economic and social crisis, and against the backdrop of so much suffering, the American people are to be offered the “choice” between the fascistic Trump, the conman from New York, and a Democratic Party ticket headed by a corporate shill from Delaware and an ex-prosecutor from California. This says everything about the degraded state of American politics.

Following the announcement by Biden on Tuesday, the media leapt into action with its nauseating effusion of state propaganda. The selection of Harris has been universally proclaimed to be “historic,” a watershed moment. In terms of her politics, there is clearly nothing “historic” about Harris.

The selection of Harris exposes the utterly reactionary character of politics that bases itself on race, gender and other forms of identity—anything but class. In response to the eruption of protests against police violence, the Democrats did everything they could to obscure the class issues, promote racial divisions and propagate the lie that the violence of the police is an expression of the oppression of “black America” by “white America.” The outcome of this racialist campaign is the selection as their vice-presidential candidate of a right-wing ex-prosecutor who once covered up evidence to keep an innocent man on death row and worked to tear immigrant children from their parents.

Every four years, the same play is performed. There is something incredibly degrading and shameful about the whole process, testifying to the intellectual and cultural collapse of American politics.


The Gerontocracy Strikes Back

Is there any more perfect metaphor for a society in terminal decline than the senescent Joe Biden? The U.S. election has boiled down to a choice between the authoritarian versions of Mr. Magoo and P.T. Barnum. Truly, “there’s a sucker born every minute” is a far more apropos motto for the country than E. Pluribus Unum. The Republicans have adopted a Christian Nationalism that identifies with a New York shyster that says all the shitty things they’ve been feeling for decades while blaming the least powerful. It’s always easier to kick down than punch up and moral courage is not a common trait.

Likewise, the Democrats smug self-satisfied conviction of ethical superiority and sense of entitlement to the votes of every women, brown person and leftist makes them not only insufferable but delusional. The DNC managed to crush the momentum and energy of one of the most significant left- wing grassroots movements in US history. They have demoralised a huge swath of the under-45 crowd and subverted an actual political vision (regardless of whether you agree with it or not) in favour of a man with an abysmal record and signs of growing cognitive impairment. The DNC platform offers zero substantive policy other than “not Trump” (a policy that’s going to have a very short honeymoon in the face of cascading systems failure).

The Democrats have made no concessions on even one important progressive/left issue. Now they have picked a morally bankrupt prosecutor who’s deeply entangled with the prison industrial complex at a time in which “defund the police” has coalesced into a key feature of American discourse. Yet, liberals seem completely shocked and aghast by the fact that there are large numbers of young folks, minorities and women that are unwilling to shut up and put up. The level of enthusiasm beyond the party faithful, for those still willing to vote Democrat, amounts to the ever inspiring “I’ll grit my teeth.”

Meanwhile, I know middle aged folks that have never voted in their lives who have signed up just to support Trump. In other words, they are motivated. Like it or lump it, that’s some of the real political complexity behind the vacuous narrative management of the MSM. On a national level, the American sense of reality is becoming more unhinged than a schizophrenic dropping acid after a weeklong meth binge.


I don’t believe the specific outcome of the American election is all that relevant anymore.

The sad truth is that the United States is collapsing under the weight of a microscopic entity and its own systemic contradictions. The various narratives of what is happening and what it means to be an American have become so wildly divergent that there are multiple parallel realities operating in the United States. What’s frightening is how few realise the diversity and complexity of these various perspectives, fears and aspirations. Regardless of who wins the election, trust in the political legitimacy of the American system is being fatally undermined.

… Furthermore, neither party has the political vision nor competence to actually address the challenges that beset them.

"Change," "Hope" … Why They Must be Talking About Joe Biden!

... not words one associates with Senator Joe Biden, a man so ripely symbolic of everything that is unchanging and hopeless about our political system

… Biden  is a notorious flapjaw. His vanity deludes him into believing that every word that drops from his mouth is minted in the golden currency of Pericles. Vanity is the most conspicuous characteristic of US Senators en bloc , nourished by deferential  acolytes and often expressed in loutish sexual  advances to staffers, interns and the like. 

… His “experience” in foreign affairs consists in absolute fidelity to the conventions of cold war liberalism, the efficient elder brother of raffish  “neo-conservatism”.


The Left Wing “Shit Sandwich” Dilemma

Kamala Harris and Joe Biden each have terrible records. There is no reason to believe they will do much that is good, and every reason to believe they will do much that is bad.

Trump will, at least for Americans, probably be even worse. (It is less clear he will be better for foreigners.)

The issue is simple, both choices are bad choices.


With Harris Pick, Democrats Cede Election to Trump

We haven’t even reached the DNC convention in Milwaukee next week and the election season is already over. Former Vice President and (presumptive) Democratic Party Nominee Joe Biden picked Senator Kamala Harris as his running mate.


Kamala Harris May Kill Democrats' Hopes of Winning the Senate

Biden's pick of chameleon opportunist Kamala Harris is unlikely to play well in states the Democrats need to win to take the Senate.


US politics has definitely become the new main topic, replacing COVID. The big picture as we now get it from Durham and various declassified docs is that the biggest scandal in America over the past 4-5 years was not alleged Russian support for Trump that allegedly skewed the 2016 election.

Instead, it is that all of that story, not just some or most of it, but all of it, was fabricated from whole cloth by Trump’s opponents in intelligence, media and the Democratic party. With all of Trump’s all too obvious flaws, they elected to go with a fantasy story.

Meanwhile, Biden’s people refuse to let anyone go on the habitual Sunday talk shows, Joe remains in the basement, Kamala will be kept far apart from any journalist who might ask an actual question, and Hillary’s ready to “help”. Which means that if Biden is withdrawn at some point, as seems likely, the US could be governed by two women so unpopular in their own party they both lost seemingly easy votes. Nobody on that side of the divide appears to care. But in the end it’s not the corporate sponsors or the party bigwigs who do the voting, it’s the people; they just hope they’ve spread enough hatred of Trump to get the votes.


CIA Behind Guccifer & Russiagate

William Binney and other independent former U.S. intelligence experts say they can prove the Russiagate narrative is bogus.

New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern delays election to Oct 17 over Covid-19 pandemic concerns

If Jacinda does it, its gotta be good; but if Donald does it, its gonna be bad


Quotes of the Week:

Obama: “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f–k things up.”


Tara Reade: “The Democratic National Committee has made it clear to survivors that they enable and they uphold institutionalized rape culture by allowing Bill Clinton to be a main speaker,” “They are holding up the MeToo movement as a shield for the sexual predators they are allowing in the Democratic establishment.”


Kunstler: “For the moment, it seems, the Democratic Party’s actual anointed candidate for president is Senator Harris (CA), due to the obvious disability of her running mate. But such a boldfaced shuck-and-jive has never been tried before in a national election. Do you suppose the DNC honchos really believe they’re putting one over on the voters?”


Ian Welsh: What tires me out, beyond the obvious (mmmm, shit sandwich) are the people who pretend, every election, that the Democratic Presidential candidate is not a shit sandwich candidate.

Don’t try and tell me that Biden is offering brie and thinly sliced apples on a croissant when I can see that what’s in his hand is shit sandwich.


Youtube vids of the week:

Kinda fun short vid visually depicting efficacy of surgical masks to reduce risk of transmission by wearers if infected

Millie Weaver: Shadowgate. Documentary


Tweet of the Week:

Tweet Thread on the documentary above

Tulsi’s views on Kamala.

From replies: The largest protests in US history largely directed at the racist criminal 'justice' system and the DNC's ticket is Biden the person who wrote the 1994 crime bill and Harris the extreme hard line prosecutor. The "democratic" party is a joke.


Satirical Fare:

Severely Injured Woman Heroically Fights Off Paramedics Trying To Force Her Into Medical Debt 


Fun Fare:

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