
Monday, March 8, 2021


Regular Fare:


What's Going On With Bond: "Prices Have Changed More Than The Facts"

Much has been said about the current leg of the selloff being driven by growth as opposed to inflation expectations (i.e. real yields increased while breakevens have been steady). This leaves higher rates more vulnerable insofar as historically elevated inflation expectations can persists regardless of the realized data for longer than growth ambitions can diverge from real time economic performance. Alas, the nature and magnitude of stimulus during this particular cycle set the stage for an ‘it’s different this time’ argument – particularly as it relates to the elevated savings rate.

Treasuries are very much in a consolidative mode and as such the incoming data holds the potential to sway the balance in either direction. Prices have changed more than the facts, thereby creating a scenario in which the selloff will (eventually) need confirmation from the real economy that elevated optimism is warranted. The first leg of the increase in rates was a function of building inflation expectations that saw 10-year breakevens top out at 226 bp. While still at 221 bp, the second stage of the weakness was a function of improving growth expectations as evidenced by the increase in real yields. This shift not only acts as a modest tightening, but a rosier economic disposition during the age of corona is intrinsically more fragile than prior to 2020.


A Drunk Man in the Snow: The Random Walk of Interest Rates

Investors’ reach for yield puts downward pressure on 10-year Treasury rates, likely rendering the current yield unsustainable.

The sine regression of 10-year Treasury rates since the mid-1980s has helped guide Guggenheim Investments with its portfolio positioning. This seemingly simplistic analysis is derived from the insightful work .. that securities prices were guided by random walks.

The easiest way to explain the random walk is the drunk man in the snow. As the drunkard drifts left and drifts right, each next observed step is random but he always heads in the right general direction towards home. The work of Fama and others has shown that securities prices follow a similar path where the next observable price may be higher or lower, but the mean drift of the trend line will generally be followed.

In our model of 10-year Treasury yields, the sine regression of 10-year rates since the mid-1980s, actual yields have generally stayed within a two standard deviation range of the model estimates. Currently our model suggests that while yields may drift up from here, there is still more downside. The model estimate for a trough of -0.5 percent in early 2022 is bounded by a two-standard deviation range of a high of 1 percent and a low of -2.0 percent. The good news is that fixed-income investors can properly position their portfolios by not being underweight duration. The bad news is that this would set the table for negative rates in the event of any unexpected bad news about the economy or financial system. The foregone conclusion today is that long-term rates are on an uninterrupted trajectory higher. History tells us something different.

In recent weeks the primary driver of the bond market selloff has shifted from rising inflation expectations, as seen in rising TIPS breakevens, to rising real yields. The sharp increase in real yields is inconsistent with the Fed’s dovish reaction function, and we expect policymakers will forcefully push back against the market repricing.


A Signal To Buy 30-Year Bonds

A technical indicator with a reliable history is signaling that 30-year Treasury yields will soon decline.


So, (this might) sound(s) a bit lame, but I think the analogy works well:

Is Plinko The Best The Fed Can Do?

The Fed’s version of monetary policy is more akin to Plinko than you might believe. Instead of dropping a coin into a slot, the Fed drops dollars on Wall Street via bond purchases (QE). Once they purchase the bonds, the path of the coin, so to speak, is determined by the will of the banks that sold them the bonds. Unlike fiscal stimulus, the Fed cannot direct money to the economic sectors and/or people in need.  The Fed relies on the so-called “trickledown effect” to help the broad population and economy.

We can think of the Fed’s Plinko board as having four “reward” scenarios at the bottom. Once the Fed buys bonds the banks essentially have four options. Their choices determine the winners and losers.

1.        The banks can sit on the new reserves and earn interest from the Fed, with no effect to the economy. In this instance, they are the only winners.

2.        They can lend reserves out for productive purposes, which benefits future economic growth. Everyone wins in this scenario.

3.        The banks can also lend reserves for consumption purposes. Such debt provides a short-term spurt of economic activity. However, it creates future economic headwinds as the debt must be paid back and consumption was pulled forward.

4.        Lastly, the banks can lend the money to speculators allowing them to increase leverage on their assets. Speculative borrowers are the winners when this occurs.

In reality, money lands in all four slots. However, slots 1, 3, and 4 are where the bulk of the Fed’s purchases are ending up.

this addresses the issue that those focused on the headline size of Biden’s stimulus are missing … the stimulus is a big band-aid, but just a band-aid

Government Payments to Individuals Are a Terrible Way to Solve America’s Structural Economic Problems


The Goldilocks Stimulus Myth


Housing insecurity and the COVID-19 pandemic

11 Million At Risk Of Losing Their Homes Once COVID Protections Expire


transcript of interview – lots of good stuff, but my favorite section was on the Long Economic Outlook, from the 30-40min mark

Jeremy Grantham - A Historic Market Bubble


Blain’s Morning Porridge – March 5 2021: The Chernobyl Quandary

This has been a fascinating week in markets – bond yields and equity prices circling each other, locked in a macabre danse infernal

… There are analysts, market strategists and hedge fund managers all certain that we’re at some kind of inflection point.

We’ve got a number of themes they variously point to:

·         Reflation – the global markets are about to soar on the back of repressed spending, and higher interest rates will be positive for economic growth by generating incentives to invest. The market will cope on the basis of the positive outlook for stocks. Sell Bonds. Buy Stocks. Get set for longer term inflation.

·         Inflation – all the money printing by central banks to finance government stimulus and fund QE is going to impact the real economy driving up prices sooner than expected and will slowing growth. Sell Bonds. Flat Equity. Hold Gold. (Not bitcoin.. that’s just stupid.)

·         Double Whammy – If the prices of financial assets go into mean reversion (ie a sustained crash), then the outcome will be massive inflation as the money currently in financial assets is cycled into the real economy and real assets, with massive post-covid recession: classic Stagflation (combined recession and inflation). Sell Everything except fundamental stocks. Buy Gold.

There are as many scenarios and outlooks as there are market participants.


cases in point:

The First "Global Inflationary Depression" Is Very Possible

as opposed to:

Almost A Full Year of Tomorrows


A Big Fiscal Push is Urgent, The Risk of Overheating Is Small

A Change in the Water

That water is changing today. It’s changing a lot. Increasingly, the common knowledge of our investment world – what everyone knows that everyone knows – is that inflation is a problem and you should be focused on it.

   Now, you might personally believe that inflation is NOT a big deal or a big concern. That’s fair. Reasonable people can disagree on this. You might also look at the consensus about inflation in this metric or that metric and similarly conclude that inflation is NOT a big deal or a big concern. Also fair.

Fair. But it doesn’t matter. At least not for making money. Neither what you personally believe (what Keynes called 1st-level decision making in the famous game theory example he called the Newspaper Beauty Contest) nor what everyone apparently believes (the consensus, or what Keynes called 2nd-level decision making) will make your investment decisions work out successfully for you.

The thing that moves markets – the thing that will make your investment decisions work out successfully for you – is what everybody believes that everybody believes.

It’s 3rd-level decision making. It’s common knowledge.

   [so we need] to understand what’s really happening with inflation in both real-world and narrative-world, and then figure out effective investment strategies to deal with it.


"Full Throttle Correction" - Tumbling Nickel Prices Lead Sudden Industrial Metals Slump



MMT Fare:


From the St. Louis Fed: Servicing the National Debt

·         Involuntary default is essentially impossible.

·         it seems more accurate to view the national debt less as form of debt and more as a form of money in circulation

·         The amount of the national debt held domestically can be viewed as private sector wealth.


US ‘Excess Savings’ Are Not Excessive

Excess savings are the accounting counterpart of ‘extra’ government debt. According to national accounting, the flow of private (i.e. household + business) saving must be channelled to one of three uses: it can finance investment, be lent abroad, or to the government. Over the past year, the US government spent roughly $2 trillion to fight the COVID-19 recession, most of it financed with debt. The $1.6 trillion in ‘excess savings’ is the accounting counterpart of this increase in government borrowing. As it is often the case with accounting, this observation has limited economic implications. It does not reveal why households accumulated the ‘excess savings’, nor whether they will spend them once the economy fully reopens. But it helps us to consider them under a different light – not as ‘extra’ resources ready to be spent, but as the flip side of the extraordinary fiscal effort to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. Excess savings are mostly held by… savers.


The real reason to worry about MMT is not the theory but the practice



(not just) for the ESG crowd:


‘Net Zero’? More Like Not Zero


Scientists describe 'hidden biodiversity crisis' as variation within species is lost.


check it out if only for the very cool graphics:

In the Atlantic Ocean, Subtle Shifts Hint at Dramatic Dangers


U.S. dams, levees get D grades, need $115 billion in upgrades

Heavier precipitation caused by climate change is straining the nation's aging flood-control systems.





Coronavirus crisis unlikely to be over by the end of the year, WHO warns

Dr Michael Ryan says Covid-19 is ‘very much in control’ as global infections rise for first time in almost two months


World on brink of fourth wave of coronavirus


The COVID-19 vaccine race – weekly update



Other Fare:

Tearing Apart the Universe


Tweets of the Week:

Two things can be true (and have been true for a long time):

1. Inflation is a risk.

2. There are bad inflation arguments being made.

One example of how complex these things can be. Take this chart. I've seen it everywhere. Textbook hockey stick:

Looks very, very bad. And yes, the Fed increased the money supply a lot last year. But most of this chart has nothing to do with that ...

M1 is mostly checking accounts -- money you can access right away. Savings accounts are counted in M2.

But last April the Fed changed the regulations to allow banks to let customers have unlimited withdrawals from savings accounts (typical limit is 6 per month). They did this to let people pay bills during the Covid meltdown.

That rule change took savings accounts that used to be counted in M2 and made them look like checking accounts, which go in M1. 

It was not new money being created; just literally shifted from savings to checking. 

Thats why M2's yoy rise is waaaaay less than M1.

Back to the hockey stick chart: The headline is: "Money supply increases by $14 trillion." BAD! 

The nuance is: "$10 trillion of that already existed and most of what you're seeing is an accounting change that has no impact on money supply."

Can't sell newsletters with that!

This show how much the rule change affected things. The blue line is M1 under old rules; the black dashed line is what's been reported as a cause of the new rules.


Barry Ritholtz:

Happy to be on the other side of the Larry Summers / Niall Ferguson school of inflation.

Their economic models fundamentally misunderstand deflationary forces of today's economy.

It is not the 1990s anymore; it sure ain't the 1970s.

Experts' expertise is about the past.

EXTRA [controversial or non-market-related] FARE:


ESG Fare:


Chris Hedges: The Age of Social Murder

The two million deaths that have resulted from the ruling elite’s mishandling of the global pandemic will be dwarfed by what is to follow. The global catastrophe that awaits us, already baked into the ecosystem from the failure to curb the use of fossil fuels and animal agriculture, presage new, deadlier pandemics, mass migrations of billions of desperate people, plummeting crop yields, mass starvation, and systems collapse. The science that elucidates this social death is known to the ruling elites. The science that warned us of this pandemic, and others that will follow, is known to the ruling elites. The science that shows that a failure to halt carbon emissions will lead to a climate crisis and ultimately the extinction of the human species and most other species is known to the ruling elites. They cannot claim ignorance. Only indifference.

The facts are incontrovertible.

As the climate crisis worsens, the political constrictions will tighten, making public resistance difficult. We do not live, yet, in the brutal Orwellian state that appears on the horizon, one where all dissidents will suffer the fate of Julian Assange. But this Orwellian state is not far away.

The elites thrive in this system, as long as they serve the dictates of what Lewis Mumford called the “megamachine,” the convergence of science, economy, technics and political power unified into an integrated, bureaucratic structure whose sole goal is to perpetuate itself. This structure, Mumford noted, is antithetical to “life-enhancing values.”

the most glaring example of our suicidal folly, symptomatic of all decaying civilizations that squander diminishing resources in institutions and projects that accelerate their decline.

A decade from now we will look back at the current global ruling class as the most criminal in human history, willfully dooming millions upon millions of people to die, including those from this pandemic, which dwarf the murderous excesses of the killers of the past including the Europeans that carried out the genocide of the indigenous peoples in the Americas, the Nazis that exterminated some 12 million people, the Stalinists or Mao’s Cultural Revolution. This is the largest crime against humanity ever committed. It is being committed in front of us. And, with few exceptions, we are willfully being herded like sheep to the slaughter.

It is not that most people have faith in the ruling elites. They know they are being betrayed. They feel vulnerable and afraid. They understand that their misery is unacknowledged and unimportant to the global elites, who have concentrated staggering amounts of wealth and power into the hands of a tiny cabal of rapacious oligarchs.

The Biden administration will not carry out the economic, political, social or environmental reforms that will save us. The fossil fuel industry will continue to extract oil. The wars will not end. Social inequality will grow. Government control, with its militarized police forces of internal occupation, wholesale surveillance and loss of civil liberties, will expand. New pandemics, along with droughts, wildfires, monster hurricanes, crippling heat waves and flooding, will lay waste to the country as well as a population burdened by a for-profit health care system that is not designed or equipped to deal with a national health crisis.

The evil that makes this social murder possible is collective. It is perpetrated by the colorless bureaucrats and technocrats churned out of business schools, law schools, management programs and elite universities. These systems managers carry out the incremental tasks that make vast, complicated systems of exploitation and death work.

We cannot emotionally absorb the magnitude of the looming catastrophe and therefore do not act.




What's More Likely-- A 4th Wave Or A Quick End? Ask Conservatives Why They're Behind A 4th Wave

I have friends making travel plans and friends ready to go back to eating in restaurants. I don't only think they are out of their minds. I think they are going to be severely disappointed.


Number of Injuries Reported to CDC After COVID Vaccines Climbs by Nearly 4,000 in One Week

Between Dec. 14, 2020, and Feb. 18, 2021, 19,907 reports of adverse events were submitted to VAERS, including 1,095 deaths and 3,767 serious injuries.

The latest data made public by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) on deaths and injuries reported after COVID vaccines are in line with trends that have been emerging since the first data were released in December.

Between Dec. 14, 2020 and Feb. 18, 2021, 19,907 reports of adverse events have been reported to VAERS, including 1,095 deaths and 3,767 serious injuries.

About a third of the deaths reported occurred within 48 hours of vaccination, and 48% of the people who died became ill within 48 hours of being vaccinated..


CDC: Association of State-Issued Mask Mandates and Allowing Restaurant Dining with County-Level COVID-19 Case and Death Growth Rates

Mask mandates were associated with a 0.5 percentage point decrease (p = 0.02) in daily COVID-19 case growth rates 1–20 days after implementation and decreases of 1.1, 1.5, 1.7, and 1.8 percentage points 21–40, 41–60, 61–80, and 81–100 days, respectively, after implementation (p<0.01 for all) (Table 1) (Figure). Mask mandates were associated with a 0.7 percentage point decrease (p = 0.03) in daily COVID-19 death growth rates 1–20 days after implementation and decreases of 1.0, 1.4, 1.6, and 1.9 percentage points 21–40, 41–60, 61–80, and 81–100 days, respectively, after implementation (p<0.01 for all). Daily case and death growth rates before implementation of mask mandates were not statistically different from the reference period.


Stay-at-home policy is a case of exception fallacy: an internet-based ecological study

A recent mathematical model has suggested that staying at home did not play a dominant role in reducing COVID-19 transmission. …

With our results, we were not able to explain if COVID-19 mortality is reduced by staying at home in ~ 98% of the comparisons after epidemiological weeks 9 to 34.


Covid-19 Pandemic: Daily World Report

The virus V2 causes covid-19  … V2 continually adapts, primarily to facilitate infection and contagion. New V2 varieties keep being discovered.  … Vaccines are proving ineffective against the newly evolved variants of V2 – what is termed “viral escape.” Jabs will never stop V2: the virus is just too wily. V2 is an endemic virus. … The current global trend in new covid cases is tentative, especially considering that known instances are statistically dwarfed by viral spread of more contagious variants. … Not reporting from lack of testing or government incompetence is the benign cause of under-counts. Such is the case in the USA and much of Africa. Some countries fudge their numbers to make their epidemics politically less damaging. China reports covid cases, not asymptomatic V2 carriers. … Because of its surreptitious infectiousness (asymptomatic transmission), V2 has proven unstoppable. No country contained their epidemic. Lockdowns at best barely slow viral spread. A study of 149 countries found lockdowns and social distancing restrictions correlated with only an average 13% reduction in reported cases. … There is a strong correlation between covid severity and vitamin D level in the body. Restrictions which decrease sunlight exposure are counterproductive to countering covid. Covid death rates are 10 times higher in countries where most adults are overweight, such as the US and Britain. … Reluctance to be vaccinated is high among health care workers throughout Europe, who are understandably suspicious of side effects for vaccines which were hastily tested. … While those in the know are understandably squeamish about getting hastily tested jabs, the average fool is getting over it, thanks to all the publicity. … For healthy young people especially, the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is likely to cause worse symptoms than infection by the V2 virus itself. This is because viral loading in the body is gradual (if the virus is not defeated early on), whereas a vaccine is a viral shock treatment. Side effects are more common in those who have already been infected with V2. Adverse reactions to the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine abetted the deaths of the elderly in Norway and France. The official report is that the people dying were frail, which in no way denies that vaccination did them in, and still suggests that jab side effects are a significant hazard. It also raises the question of why vaccines are being given to people in such a parlous state.


Fear is the New Smart

In essence the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA substances are a giant experiment, nothing else. If you can tell me what the logic is behind injecting -soon- hundreds of millions of people with something about which the WHO itself says: “we haven’t seen any evidence yet indicating whether or not they stop transmission,” try me. And how you get from there to issuing “vaccine passports” is as puzzling as the entire propaganda campaign. Who’s engaging in “science denial” here? In its core essence, an Emergency Use Authorization is unscientific.

A vaccine used to mean something that relied on -mostly- dead virus material to get your body to produce immunity “material”. What mRNA does -in this case – is force your body to produce an S1 spike protein, which is toxic to your body. Someone compared it to sticking a USB stick in your body, but one you can never take out anymore. Actually, it’s more like sticking such a USB stick into -almost- every single cell of your body. Forever.

Can it be successful? Maybe, but we have no idea. No research. No clue what mRNA does in the long term. There’s a lot of concern about what it might do to our immune systems. So lots of questions.

… And the press help shape this new world, and Big Tech becomes Big Brother.

… frankly, I’m more afraid of sticking a genetic USB stick that generates untested genetic material in my body for the rest of my life, than I am of a virus that is unlikely to kill me.


Whistleblower: 25% of Residents in German Nursing Home Died After Pfizer Vaccine


Russia’s 3rd vaccine: CoviVac developer tells RT new jab uses classic ‘dead virus’ technology

“Globally, almost 100% of vaccines contain either deactivated or live pathogens,” he said, adding that the one developed by his center contains an ‘inactivated’ (dead) coronavirus. This type of vaccine simulates a natural infection process, introducing the immune system to the virus and “teaching” the body to fight the pathogen without the risk of it spreading through the body and causing disease, he explained.


The inversion.

The official Covid-19 response is the apotheosis of inversion and probably the one that runs it off the rails.

There’s a model that has repeatedly erred predicting infection and death rates by orders of magnitude. Use it!

Politicians and bureaucrats, the two most power-hungry groups on the planet, are clamoring for unlimited powers to destroy jobs, businesses, economies, lives, and liberty. Give it to ’em, no questions asked!

Sunshine, Vitamin D, fresh air, and exercise prevent diseases and lessen their symptoms’ severity. Lock ’em up!

Lockdowns aren’t working. Lock ’em up harder!

Masks don’t prevent or hinder viral transmission, their packaging says so. Double, triple, or better yet, quadruple mask!

At high cycle thresholds, the PCR test throws off many false positives, inflating case counts. Crank up the cycle thresholds until Biden gets in office!

Cheap medicines hydroxychloroquine, and ivermectin both prevent and cure the disease, provided it’s not too far advanced. Discourage their use!

They work better than expensive vaccines. Make vaccinations mandatory!

Scores of reputable and eminent doctors and scientists are questioning and criticizing the protocols. Censor them and follow our shapeshifting science!

Death counts are inflated because hospitals have a financial incentive to attribute deaths to Covid-19 and anybody who has tested positive and subsequently dies of whatever cause is labeled a Covid-19 death. If they scare people into saving just one life….

The cure is far worse than the disease. Shut up or we’ll shut you up!

There’s always germs out there and they constantly mutate, this horseshit could last forever. New Normal, Great Reset.

It will last forever, and it will get worse, won’t it? We’ll circle back on that…

… The danger to all this is individuals who think and act for themselves, those who are woke to the woke, so to speak.


The New Normal (Phase 2)

GloboCap is now making the transition from Phase 1 to Phase 2 of the “New Normal” roll-out.

Phase 1 was pretty much classic “shock and awe.” An “apocalyptic virus” was “discovered.” A global “state of emergency” was declared. Constitutional rights were cancelled.

But the “shock and awe” phase can’t go on forever, nor is it ever intended to. Its purpose is (a) to terrorize the targeted masses into a state of submission, (b) to irreversibly destabilize their society, so that it can be radically “restructured,” and (c) to convincingly demonstrate an overwhelming superiority of force, so that resistance is rendered inconceivable. This shock and awe (or “rapid dominance”) tactic has been deployed by empires, and aspiring empires, throughout the course of military history. It has just been deployed by GloboCap against … well, against the entire world. And now, that phase is coming to an end.

The shape of Phase 2 is not entirely clear yet, but one can make a few logical assumptions


the changing definition of herd immunity; pretty blatant:



Socio-Political Fare:


The Hidden Secrets of Neoliberalism


Scientific communication in a post-truth society


Within the scientific community, much attention has focused on improving communications between scientists, policy makers, and the public. To date, efforts have centered on improving the content, accessibility, and delivery of scientific communications. Here we argue that in the current political and media environment faulty communication is no longer the core of the problem. Distrust in the scientific enterprise and misperceptions of scientific knowledge increasingly stem less from problems of communication and more from the widespread dissemination of misleading and biased information. We describe the profound structural shifts in the media environment that have occurred in recent decades and their connection to public policy decisions and technological changes. We explain how these shifts have enabled unscrupulous actors with ulterior motives increasingly to circulate fake news, misinformation, and disinformation with the help of trolls, bots, and respondent-driven algorithms. We document the high degree of partisan animosity, implicit ideological bias, political polarization, and politically motivated reasoning that now prevail in the public sphere and offer an actual example of how clearly stated scientific conclusions can be systematically perverted in the media through an internet-based campaign of disinformation and misinformation. We suggest that, in addition to attending to the clarity of their communications, scientists must also develop online strategies to counteract campaigns of misinformation and disinformation that will inevitably follow the release of findings threatening to partisans on either end of the political spectrum.


"Did You Agree To This? Everybody's Locked Up": Ed Snowden On Power Of Silicon Valley Amid COVID Lockdowns

A new video montage of recent interviews with former NSA contractor and whistleblower Edward Snowden exposes how the global COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns – which have been particularly severe and far-reaching in Western countries like the UK, Canada, and in a number of major US cities – coupled with the already immense power of Silicon Valley and its allies in the national security state, has served to keep individuals and entire populations ‘gated off’ from one another. “This is just the beginning,” Snowden warns of these unprecedented times. “All of these things today have consequences which we are not informed about.” “I would say this is sort of unusual… we’re all spread all over the world in different rooms, everybody’s locked up… but for me this is how I’ve always lived.”

He narrates that so much of our life is “intermediated by the screens.” Increasingly our lives are “intermediated by these screens. We spend less time outside and more and more time staring into glass or through glass to connect with that larger world – something beyond ourselves.”Ultimately he poses the following questions as a warning in the video entitled, “Edward Snowden 2021: The Most VICIOUS HONEST 10 Minutes of your LIFE!”… “Increasingly it feels something distinct from us, something apart from us – something that we are witnessing rather than participating in. Ask yourself: Is this your will? Is this what you want? Did you agree to this? Is this consistent with the vision of the future you want to see?

Snowden continues, “The institutional powers of our day… which have assumed for themselves some mandate – whether to conduct business, whether its to govern the lives of others, whether it’s to make war, .. these institutional powers don’t seem to particularly care about your answer to that question: is this what you wanted? Is this OK? Did you agree to it?” The answer is frequently “you don’t have a choice” as to whether you agree or not… “because they have the gun, they have the baton. And Facebook would say ‘Click OK to continue’ – and if you don’t you can’t do anything…”.


All Of Humanity’s Problems Are Caused By A Lack Of Awareness

A lack of awareness is the source of all our major problems, whether we’re talking about war, poverty, ecocide, corruption, exploitation, authoritarianism, prejudice, or even much smaller-scale problems like abusive family dynamics or the psychological suffering of the individual.

Yes, from a certain point of view it is true and accurate to say that many of our large-scale problems are due to the fact that humans whose brains lack functioning empathy centers are most well-equipped to manipulate their way into positions of power and influence, and that the amoral nature of capitalism ensures that it will be dominated by those willing to do whatever it takes to climb to the top. From a certain point of view it is true and accurate to say that our problems are caused by the fact that things like war, oppression, ecocide and exploitation will necessarily continue as long as our world is dominated by a system where those things are profitable and human behavior is driven by profit.

But it is also true that underlying every single part of the dynamics I just listed is a fundamental lack of human awareness.

Why are psychopaths allowed to manipulate their way into power and influence? Because people aren’t sufficiently aware that it is happening.

If people were sufficiently aware of what their government is doing, what oligarchs are doing, what banks are doing, what the military is doing, those power structures would be unable to operate in the way that they do, because a sufficient number of people would rise up collectively to stop them. This is why so much energy goes into protecting government secrecy, circulating mass media propaganda, promoting internet censorship and jailing journalists who reveal too much: they are preventing awareness of the truth from spreading so that they can continue operating in the darkness.



Big Thoughts:


Finance as culture

Financialization is no longer purely institutional. It has seeped into our culture.


I agree with the first five.. which makes it harder to disagree with the rest of the list, with which I am less familiar; scary, if true:

If you were to climb around in my brain and make yourself at home for a bit, when you climbed back out these are fifteen concepts I’d want you to take away with you:

1. Power and wealth are becoming ever more concentrated.

2. The masses have been fractured by identity politics to take the pressure off a global billionaire class intent on continuing to run our world on war, debt, toxins, and extraction.

3. Information needed to make informed individual and collective choices is being suppressed.

4. Technological advancements have outstripped our ethical frameworks, though admittedly those frameworks were never all that robust.

5. Strategic investments have hijacked civic, academic, and faith-based institutions. These entities are busy repackaging surveillance capitalism as data-driven stakeholder capitalism. We’re to be good digital-citizen subjects of e-government solutionism run through public-private partnerships (or fascism).

6. The elite aim to remake the earth as a planetary computer under their total control.

7. That virtualization will be coded into existence with coerced, unfree labor: children, prisoners, refugees, people with disabilities, and the global poor.


More on Alison’s views on the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Great Reset here:

How Engineered Pandemics And Poverty Profit The Elite – Truthiverse Interview, October 2020


Quotes of the Week:


Caitlin Johnstone: There is only ever one news story on any given day, and it is always the same news story: wealthy and powerful people seek more wealth and power, and narratives are spun to advance these agendas.


Charles Hugh Smith: Those looking up from their "free fish!" frolicking will see the tsunami too late to save themselves.

… You know the Great Reflation Trade: the world has saved up trillions, governments are spending trillions, it's going to be the greatest boom since the stone masons partied at the Great Pyramid in Giza. It's so obvious that everyone has jumped in the water to scoop up all the free fish (i.e. stock market gains). Only an idiot would hesitate to frontrun the Great Reflation's guaranteed inflation.

Unless, of course, what we really have is a tale of reflation, told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.


Map of the Week:

Pic of the Week:

Satire of the Week:

Pics of the Week:

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