
Sunday, March 14, 2021


Regular Fare:


Why JPMorgan's Chief Economist Thinks The $1.9TN Biden Stimulus Won't Spark Runaway Inflation

based on the fact that the fiscal package is not an immediate shot to the economy but will be disseminated over the next two years. $1.16T will be distributed in 2021 but this is overstated he believes that the $300bn for state/local governments will be spent more slowly… in addition, the extension of unemployment benefits will remove a near-term cliff effect—which is good—but removing a cliff effect doesn’t narrow the output gap, it prevents it from widening. … [also] those stimulus checks may see consumers save at least half of the payment, based upon last year’s behavior


Biden’s $4 Trillion Industrial Policy Faces Bigger Hurdles Than Politics

The price tag for the infrastructure and manufacturing push could be too high for Republicans, but it’s economic forces that are the real obstacle.

… The problem Biden will face, says Gagnon, is that the fiscal rescue plan he just pushed through Congress, and the promise of more spending to come, will be fuel for an economic boom of the sort America has not seen since the 1960s. That will bolster the dollar, which could act as a powerful brake on any industrial policy push.

It’s hard to feel upbeat about Biden’s odds of making good on his pledge to create millions of blue-collar jobs when you look at recent history. Since the 1970s, the U.S. has never managed to recoup the manufacturing jobs lost in each recession


Rabo: The Overton Window Has Not Just Shifted, But Has Been Removed... Taking The Wall With It

Nouriel Roubini --who has a villa in Gloomy Corner near my own little patch of grass-- is also pointing out that pouring money into a K-shaped US economy is unlikely to generate the traditional results. In short, people who are already doing well and saving will do better and save more; and people who are struggling will get enough help to get by for a month or two (from checks) or a few months (via extended unemployment).

Regardless, the traditional view that the US doesn’t do big stimulus packages “because America” is wrong. The ‘Overton window’ --the range of ‘acceptable’ political policies-- has not just shifted, but has been removed, taking the wall with it. Indeed, yesterday saw chatter of the next USD2.5 trillion four-year infrastructure stimulus package to follow. That could be a structural game-changer, depending on how it was implemented: imagine it alongside ‘Buy American’ policies and high-wage contracts; and spent on projects that are needed, not white elephants.


While we are watching fiscal policy, it is abundantly clear what monetary policy is doing. Yesterday I noted all central banks only have four choices: do nothing (or normalise rates! J); target bonds; target equities; or target data. So what did we see?...


What's Behind The Latest Bond Rout, And Where Does It End: BMO Explains

Treasuries are under meaningful pressure as the 1.624% yield peak in 10s comes into range. There was no definitive trigger other than the usual suspects of reopening optimism, supply indigestion, and SLR expiration jitters.

The tone of trading during the overnight session points to the vulnerability of the top of the yield range and leaves us less convinced the local peaks are in than we might have otherwise been given the comparatively uneventful reopening auction process. Stochastics are once again edging toward oversold territory, although our favored momentum measures remain just shy of the threshold where such extremes would be relevant.


Treasury markets and the SLR Exemption. When the financial plumbing gets political.

Right now the SLR issue bulks large in Treasury market talk. It has taken on totemic significance. Given the March 31 deadline, a decision by the Fed must be made soon. The markets are nervous.

… The trillion dollar question - no exaggeration - is whether one can safely reimpose the SLR cap without disrupting the Treasury market. The Treasury needs to sell a lot of debt and anything that limits demand could be a worry.

In March Cabana remarked to Bloomberg that though “the market has “assigned almost mythical powers” to the SLR exemption, in reality, banks’ share of the demand for Treasuries is “very marginal”.”

The upshot:

If Pozsar thinks it is incoherent as an overall strategy for G-SIBs, if JP Morgan doesn’t think it is risky, if Warren and Brown think it is bad politics and, if the FDIC would have to reverse itself, then, despite worries about Treasury market panics, the SLR exemption should be allowed to expire.

If the Treasury Issues Debt and the Fed Buys It, Should Bank Capital Requirements Go Up?


Yellen’s “Go Big” MMT Plan May Disappoint

I agree that we will likely see higher rates of economic growth over the next couple of quarters.… However, economic growth may wind up disappointing estimates.

The illusion of surging savings rates, or the decline in the debt-to-income ratios, obfuscates the real economic problems and fosters the belief that monetary policies are working. They aren’t.

The majority of Americans cannot increase consumption, the driver of economic growth, without further stimulus. As we saw in Q4 of 2020 when the stimulus ran out, so did the economic growth. Such will be the case after the next stimulus bill runs through the system. …

More importantly, even with the stimulus included, economic growth will still trend lower than prior to the last two recessions.

The lesson not learned by economists and elected leaders is that stimulus, derived from debt, gets used for non-productive purposes. Such only succeeds in further inhibiting economic prosperity in the future.

US Household Wealth Hits Record $130 Trillion As "Top 1%" Have Never Been Richer While Poor Drown In Debt

the oldest Americans - those 65 and older - have seen gains in their net worth by over 60% [over the last decade], while everyone else is either flat or down!


How to Bake a Hot Potato (Bank of Canada Edition)

With the Bank of England recently serving notice to its commercial banking sector that negative interest rates could soon be on its way, many analysts have recently gone on record stating that it’s likely only a matter of time before the Bank of Canada is forced down that path as well. Of course, the Bank of Canada has already gone on record stating that its current positive rate of 0.25% constitutes its self-imposed lower bound, so going negative would certainly represent a significant departure from the BoC’s previous communications. As the Bank of Canada has never explicitly taken negative rates off the table, an elusive recovery may be all the reason it needs to take rates negative in the name of further economic stimulus.

Inflation Keeps Not Rearing Its Ugly Head

It’s possible we’re getting all worried about the Covid relief bill for nothing.

Secular Turning Point In Inflation?

… And unfortunately, we still have to work through the “hysteresis” of the previous low-interest-rate regime, particularly the overhang of public and private debt. The most compelling argument for a rise in r* is that governments are set to embrace perma-fiscal deficits, perhaps even a new MMT-regime. But are we sure about this? Massive fiscal easing was an absolute no-brainer when governments were forcing people to stay at home in 2020-21. Budget decisions will get trickier once the pandemic is over.

There is no doubt there has been a profound shift in monetary objectives over the past 12 months. But history suggests this a necessary condition for higher inflation, not a SUFFICIENT condition. It seems seriously premature to think we are on the brink of a new inflationary era.

The dismal decade

Persistent COVID-19: Exploring potential economic implications

When the COVID-19 crisis spread in early 2020, many economists who stepped forward with projections of its impact assumed that a one-time shock would be followed eventually by a return close to the status quo. Views have differed since then regarding both the time it would take to produce vaccines and the extent of potential economic scarring, but, until the last few months, few outside the public health community seriously contemplated the possibility that the pandemic could persist on a significant scale.

The emergence of new variants of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, has made this assumption questionable. While not the most likely outcome, worse scenarios can no longer be excluded. .. the periodic emergence of new, potentially dangerous variants will remain a serious threat so long as parts of the world lack access to effective vaccines.

If COVID-19 persists and keeps threatening lives, two scenarios then seem possible. The first is recurrent waves of infection, leading governments to oscillate between imposing and lifting sanitary measures in response to the ups and downs of the disease. The second is a “zero COVID” scenario: sharp and sustained containment policies at the start, followed by milder sanitary measures combined with systematic tracing and testing to maintain a very low infection level thereafter. While the evidence suggests that this second scenario would lead to lower long-term human and economic costs, geographic, human, and political realities within and across countries make it less likely to happen, at least in the case of densely populated, open, tightly integrated economies such as those of Europe. For this reason, this blog focuses on the implications of the first scenario.

Bubble Fare:


Third Bitcoin ETF Expected to Launch in Canada This Week


Let the Facts Speak: Q4 2020 Z.1

I received a friendly email a few weeks back from a reader inquiring whether my analysis is Fact or opinion. Well, it’s my opinion that the world is in the “Terminal Phase” of history’s greatest Credit Bubble. It is opinion that U.S. and global equities markets are historic speculative Bubbles, fueled by runaway Monetary Inflation and Acute Monetary Disorder. It’s my opinion that markets in U.S. stocks, cryptocurrencies, corporate Credit and derivatives have evolved into full-fledged manias. It’s certainly my opinion that this all ends very badly.

But this week’s CBB is about Facts rather than opinion. History informs us that money and Credit are critically important – ignore their disorder at your own peril (policymakers at all our peril). That’s a Fact. The Fed’s Z.1 “flow of funds” report is our quarterly glimpse at Credit and financial developments – where "the rubber meets the road". As far as I’m concerned, the Facts Speak for themselves. It was another quarter that corroborates Bubble Analysis. Facts provide the foundation for my analysis and opinions, and Z.1 data reflect monetary inflation spiraling out of control.

Total Non-Financial Debt (NFD) ended 2020 at $61.167 TN, or a record 292% of GDP…

… But inflationary pressures are now mounting rapidly and Trillions more Credit – including unrelenting fiscal and monetary stimulus – are in the offing.

The Facts support the view that a major bear market is unfolding in long-term Treasuries and fixed income securities.



Long Read:

Beware The Ides Of March



(not just) for the ESG crowd:


The Risk of Letting Big Finance Write Its Own Climate Rules

The industry is pushing for voluntary standards, but the stakes may be too high to wait and see if it that’s enough.


Big Market Delusion: Electric Vehicles


Tweet of the Week:

A new estimate of fossil CO₂ emissions in 2020 from Carbon Monitor, showing a decline in the full year of 5.4% (1900MtCO₂).

The dip was largest in the first COVID19 wave in ~April, but at the end of 2020, monthly emissions were similar to 2019.




Update on COVID-19 Projections (PDF) Covid 19 Advisory for Ontario


These Seven States Have Dropped All Covid-19 Restrictions


Explained: The 3 Major COVID-19 Variants

 Other Fare:


New Kind of Space Explosion Reveals the Birth of a Black Hole

A supernova-like explosion dubbed the Camel appears to be the result of a newborn black hole eating a star from the inside out



EXTRA [controversial or non-market-related] FARE:


ESG Fare:


Why a Green New Deal Is More Expensive Than Joe Biden Realizes

The concept of “net energy” illustrates why replacing fossil fuels with large-scale renewable energy is often counterproductive. In Carbon Shift, a 2009 book discussing peak oil and climate change, David Hughes summarizes it like this: “A two-megawatt windmill contains 260 tonnes of steel requiring 170 tonnes of coking coal and 300 tonnes of iron ore, all mined, transported and produced by hydrocarbons. The question is: how long must a windmill generate energy before it creates more energy than it took to build it? At a good wind site, the energy payback day could be in three years or less; in a poor location, energy payback may be never. That is, a windmill could spin until it falls apart and never generate as much energy as was invested in building it.”

This life-cycle accounting of “energy return on energy invested” (EROEI) succinctly describes multiple stages of intermediate capital within a hydrocarbon-based structure of production..





CDC vs. Common Sense

The CDC has again revealed itself to be a non-autonomous entity grifting on the illogic of pseudoscience with its recent guidance. … This once glorified agency has stooped to issue conflicting and at times illogical and frankly misleading guidance on Covid.. It is troubling that the reports and guidance being produced by the CDC are at times contradictory and very confusing and make no sense.

We must look at these issues as a risk management question and balance (trade-off) the benefits versus the harms of alternative courses of action. We have to balance the risk and the reward and make our decision based on how the balance settles out. These concepts are mainstays of public health policy and science and yet do not seem to play a meaningful role in the development of the CDC’s and Dr. Fauci’s guidelines. In fact, we find it exceedingly difficult to justify the administration of an experimental vaccine into any population cohort that has virtually no disease risk.


Urgent Open Letter from Doctors and Scientists to the European Medicines Agency regarding COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Concerns

we are concerned that there has been and there continues to be inadequate scrutiny of the possible causes of illness or death under these circumstances, and especially so in the absence of post-mortems examinations.

In particular, we question whether cardinal issues regarding the safety of the vaccines were adequately addressed prior to their approval by the European Medicines Agency (EMA)

As a matter of great urgency, we herewith request that the EMA provide us with responses to the following issues:

1. Following intramuscular injection, it must be expected that the gene-based vaccines will reach the bloodstream and disseminate throughout the body [1]. We request evidence that this possibility was excluded in pre-clinical animal models with all three vaccines prior to their approval for use in humans by the EMA.

2. If such evidence is not available, it must be expected that the vaccines will remain entrapped in the circulation and be taken up by endothelial cells. There is reason to assume that this will happen particularly at sites of slow blood flow, i.e. in small vessels and capillaries [2]. We request evidence that this probability was excluded in pre-clinical animal models with all three vaccines prior to their approval for use in humans by the EMA.

3. If such evidence is not available, it must be expected that during expression of the vaccines’ nucleic acids, peptides derived from the spike protein will be presented via the MHC I — pathway at the luminal surface of the cells. Many healthy individuals have CD8-lymphocytes that recognize such peptides, which may be due to prior COVID infection, but also to cross-reactions with other types of Coronavirus [3; 4] [5]. We must assume that these lymphocytes will mount an attack on the respective cells. We request evidence that this probability was excluded in pre-clinical animal models with all three vaccines prior to their approval for use in humans by the EMA.

4. If such evidence is not available, it must be expected that endothelial damage with subsequent triggering of blood coagulation via platelet activation will ensue at countless sites throughout the body. We request evidence that this probability was excluded in pre-clinical animal models with all three vaccines prior to their approval for use in humans by the EMA.

5. If such evidence is not available, it must be expected that this will lead to a drop in platelet counts, appearance of D-dimers in the blood, and to myriad ischaemic lesions throughout the body including in the brain, spinal cord and heart. Bleeding disorders might occur in the wake of this novel type of DIC-syndrome including, amongst other possibilities, profuse bleedings and haemorrhagic stroke. We request evidence that all these possibilities were excluded in pre-clinical animal models with all three vaccines prior to their approval for use in humans by the EMA.

6. The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein binds to the ACE2 receptor on platelets, which results in their activation [6]. Thrombocytopenia has been reported in severe cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection [7]. Thrombocytopenia has also been reported in vaccinated individuals [8]. We request evidence that the potential danger of platelet activation that would also lead to disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) was excluded with all three vaccines prior to their approval for use in humans by the EMA.

7. The sweeping across the globe of SARS-CoV-2 created a pandemic of illness associated with many deaths. However, by the time of consideration for approval of the vaccines, the health systems of most countries were no longer under imminent threat of being overwhelmed because a growing proportion of the world had already been infected and the worst of the pandemic had already abated. Consequently, we demand conclusive evidence that an actual emergency existed at the time of the EMA granting Conditional Marketing Authorisation to the manufacturers of all three vaccines, to justify their approval for use in humans by the EMA, purportedly because of such an emergency.

Should all such evidence not be available, we demand that approval for use of the gene-based vaccines be withdrawn until all the above issues have been properly addressed by the exercise of due diligence by the EMA.


The Vaccines Aren’t Actually Vaccines

Is the world on the brink of a fourth wave of increasing coronavirus infections and deaths?

Based on the latest data, that’s a possibility that cannot be ruled out right now. Here’s why…

A traditional vaccine involves an injection either with a weakened form of the virus you are protecting against or a similar virus. Either one can produce antibodies that remain in the system and fight the actual disease if you get it.

These new vaccines are entirely different.

I don’t want to get too deep into the weeds here, but these treatments use experimental genetic modification to inject you with mRNA, which is a partial strand of genetic code.

That mRNA then enters your cells and orders the cells to construct a spike protein similar to SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID). This spike protein then precipitates antibodies that can reduce your reaction to SARS-CoV-2 if you get it.

But the “vaccine” does not prevent you from getting COVID, and it does not prevent you from spreading it to others.

The spike protein remains with you indefinitely. In effect, you have modified your own genetic make-up to fight COVID without actually gaining immunity and without reducing transmissibility.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, if you’re immune to a disease, “you can be exposed to it without becoming infected.”

But these vaccines do not prevent you from being infected or spreading it to others. Some have likened them to chemotherapy for a cancer you don’t have.

Vaccines of this type with respect to viruses are entirely new in humans. Studies have not gone on long enough to evaluate long-term side effects. These drugs are not FDA approved; they are being distributed under an emergency waiver to avoid the normal approval process. It’s almost like we’re being used as guinea pigs.

It is likely that most people receiving the drugs are unaware of these important differences between the new drugs and traditional vaccines, which raises questions about whether their “consent” is fully informed.


Dr. Tenpenny Explains In Simple Terms Some Of The Dangers of The Covid-19 “Vaccine” (with Transcript & Additional Links)

It takes at least 6 weeks from the time you get your injection for the spike antibody to start to develop.  So, somewhere between 3 months and quite frankly 20 years.  The immunologist I spoke to said that over the next 10 years we are going to see this go on in perpetuity, because it can take anywhere from 2 years to 19 years to get full blown auto-immune disease.  I think we will see massive injuries and a lot more deaths starting somewhere between 4 and 18 months from now.   This Vaccine will permanently alter your immune system.

*  new type of shot that does not meet any of the criteria of a vaccine.

does not keep you from getting sick, does not change the death rate.

It is NOT like getting another flu shot, still have to wear a mask and social distance.

*  When you get this spike antibody in your system it will permanently and irreversibly change your immune system.  The messenger RNA is the spike protein to develop an antibody against that spike protein.  It means next time you come in contact with a virus the antibody should block you from getting sick.  However, not only does it not stop you from getting sick, the antibody itself is going to turn on your body and create havoc and massive auto-immune disease.

* It attacks your organs by molecular mimicry.

It is a genetic modification technology.

*  10 ways it hurts you:…

10 Mechanisms by which this Injection Can Cause Harm (Dr. Tenpenny can only cover a few in this video)

There are many folks who have taken the shot and say “Look at me, I’ve had no problems !!!”

Well, the problem comes when that person is re-exposed to any of the corona viruses

The anti-spike AB can then set up autoimmune disease

So the cytokine storm goes on and on and on

The OFF SWITCH has been deactivated – “There is an ON SWITCH, but NO OFF SWITCH”

a plethora of autoimmune diseases can take hold.


The Real Reasons Why Millions Of Americans Will Defy Covid Mandates And Vaccines

7) The Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccines are made with a brand new technology that has had limited testing. The NIAID used minimal animal testing on mice, but these mice were NOT a type that is normally susceptible to contracting covid the way humans are. These tests were completely inadequate, yet the mRNA vaccines were released for human use anyway.

8) The new vaccines do not contain the virus that triggers COVID-19, as a conventional vaccine might. Instead, Moderna and Pfizer researchers used a new technique to make messenger RNA (mRNA), which is similar to mRNA found in SARS-CoV-2. In theory, the artificial mRNA will act as instructions that prompt human cells to build a protein found on the surface of the virus. That protein would theoretically trigger a protective immune response. The entire Covid vaccine effort was essentially a giant shortcut. This is not an advantage, as the long term effects of any vaccine from 1 year to 5 years to 10 years should be understood before it is injected into human beings.

9) Multiple medical industry professional including the former VP of Pfizer have signed a petition warning about the new mRNA vaccinations. They say far more testing is needed before humans are exposed, and they warned that the vaccines may cause severe autoimmune responses or even infertility.


Another “Vaccine” Knock Out: Boxing Legend Marvelous Marvin Hagler Dead at the Age of 66

witness and a close friend Tommy “Hitman” Hearns who wrote on Instagram that Mr. Hagler was in the ICU fighting for his life as a direct result of receiving the “vaccine. If people have Covid-19 and die as a result of preexisting conditions, their death is lumped into the overall Covid count. However, if people die shortly after getting jabbed, their death is always filed under “unknown causes”. Enron did a better job of accounting than our ever obsequious corporate media.

Pfizer, Moderna, Biogen, Astra Zeneca and Johnson & Johnson have more bodies to their names than Snoop and Omar from the Wire combined. Instead of sounding the alarm and taking a pause to asses the safety and true efficacy of these unscientific and unproven boosters, the axis of greed that is our government, mainstream media and Wall Street are advising us to risk our lives and disbelieve our lying eyes.


EU’s Own Goal by Playing Politics With Russian Vaccine

The European public can see more clearly than ever that their unelected highly paid bureaucrats are risking pandemic recovery by playing politics with Russia’s vaccine.


Hat-tip Ilargi, who says: “Don’t let a virologist with large ties to Big Pharma run your country for a whole year.”:

Fauci was ‘blind to the harms of the lockdowns' that didn't work anyway, says Stanford doctor


Five-Day Course of Oral Antiviral Appears to Stop SARS-CoV-2 in Its Tracks


The variants don’t arise despite the vaccines, but because of them:

More contagious British Covid-19 variant has ‘significantly higher mortality rate’ than other strains, says UK study

Leon Danon, a senior author of the study and a professor at the University of Bristol, said that “there is a real concern that other variants will arise with resistance to rapidly rolled out vaccines,”


Covid-19 Symposium 2021: Dr Byram Bridle, Viral Immunologist, University of Guelph

“My prediction, in the future, is that the history books ... will document this as the greatest mismanaged crisis of our time, unfortunately”

"Those being vaccinated now are, whether they realize it or not - part of the phase 3 experiment. They're part of a vaccination experiment. And the companies have openly acknowledged this in their reports to the regulatory agencies."


Mass Vaccination Amidst A Pandemic Creates An Irrepressible Monster

This is a open letter by a virologist named Geert Vanden Bossche. It may well be the scariest thing I’ve read on Covid19 so far. It took me a long time to edit it, there were hundreds of spelling mistakes. If any are left (no doubt), blame me.

Core: the vaccination campaigns and “measures” presently employed are the worst thing we could do: they only serve to make us weaker and the virus stronger, “turning a relatively harmless virus into a bioweapon of mass destruction” that will “wipe out large parts of our human population”.

I am all but an anti-vaxxer. As a scientist I do not usually appeal to any platform of this kind to make a stand on vaccine-related topics. As a dedicated virologist and vaccine expert I only make an exception when health authorities allow vaccines to be administered in ways that threaten public health, most certainly when scientific evidence is being ignored. The present extremely critical situation forces me to spread this emergency call. As the unprecedented extent of human intervention in the Covid-19 pandemic is now at risk of resulting in a global catastrophe without equal, this call cannot sound loudly and strongly enough.

As stated, I am not against vaccination. On the contrary, I can assure you that each of the current vaccines have been designed, developed and manufactured by brilliant and competent scientists. However, this type of prophylactic vaccines are completely inappropriate, and even highly dangerous, when used in mass vaccination campaigns during a viral pandemic. Vaccinologists, scientists and clinicians are blinded by the positive short-term effects in individual patients, but don’t seem to bother about the disastrous consequences for global health. Unless I am scientifically proven wrong, it is difficult to understand how current human interventions will prevent circulating variants from turning into a wild monster.

So, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED for Covid-19 but a DISASTROUS SITUATION for all vaccinated subjects and Covid-19 seropositive people as they’ve now lost both, their acquired and innate immune defense against Covid-19 (while highly infectious strains are circulating!). That’s “one small step for the virus, one giant catastrophe for mankind”, which is to say that we’ll have whipped up the virus in the younger population up to a level that it now takes little effort for Covid-19 to transform into a highly infectious virus that completely ignores both the innate arm of our immune system as well as the adaptive/acquired one


More here:

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche on Vaccination Policy Risks

My initial reaction was to dismiss Bossche as yet another whack job / conspiracist / anti-vaxxer / pandemic denier. After reviewing Bossche’s credentials and thinking carefully about what he’s saying I concluded his concerns are worthy of consideration and may prove to be serious.

His message is a little difficult to understand because the topic is inherently complex, is not intuitive without some understanding of biology, and he speaks fast with an accent.

My objective of this post was to make it easier to understand Bossche’s key points, and to make all of his source information easily accessible.

In case any readers are wondering why I am distrustful of the authorities, it is because the biggest issue by far that we face, the danger of which far exceeds the virus, is human overshoot, the symptoms of which are climate change, non-renewable resource depletion, unsustainable debt, habitat destruction, and species extinction, which is completely ignored by our leaders, and the policies they have chosen are making much worse the future suffering that will be experienced when it is no longer possible to deny human overshoot. If our leaders don’t have a clue about the important issues, why would we trust them on lesser issues?


What does Bossche think individuals should do?

·        Promote a strong immune system with good diet, exercise, sleep, and some light exposure to the virus to train the immune system.

·        If you are young and/or healthy, delay being vaccinated until there is scientific consensus on Bossche’s concerns.

What do I think an individual should do?

·        Stay healthy as Bossche suggests, also take Vitamin D.

·        Have some Ivermectin on hand for self-treatment if required.

·        Prepare for the possibility in a few months of a more serious pandemic in which we might choose a self-imposed lockdown without access to grocery stores for some period of time.


COVID Tweet of the Week:

Can anyone provide an example of vaccinating the entire planet with a brand new never licensed before mRNA “vaccine” in order to fight a virus and what effect that had?

Just so I can check exactly what science we are following.



Orwellian Fare:


More from Brandon Smith: The Real Reasons Why Millions Of Americans Will Defy Covid Mandates And Vaccines

I suspect a large portion of the public is at least partially aware when they are being pushed or lured into a specific way of thinking. We have certainly had enough experience with institutions trying to manage our thoughts over the years.  Governments and mainstream media outlets in particular have made the manufacture of public consent their top priority… The media does not objectively report facts and evidence, it spins information to plant an engineered narrative in the minds of its viewers. But the public is not as stupid as they seem to think.

The establishment keeps telling us to “listen to the science”, but then they dismiss the science when it doesn’t agree with their agenda. When is the the mainstream going to finally acknowledge facts like these:…

Finally, as always the media seeks to gaslight anyone that disagrees with the prevailing agenda as “conspiracy nuts”, presenting strawman arguments while ignoring all legitimate arguments on the side of liberty. There is such a thing as conspiracy REALITY


Johnstone: If The Rich Were Propagandizing Us, We’d Have Heard About It In The News

The primary obstacle in getting people to realize that they are being propagandized by our rulers is their unquestioned assumption that if there were a mass-scale narrative management operation geared at manufacturing consent for the status quo, they would have heard about it in the news or learned about it in school.

And, of course, they would not have, because both the plutocratic media and the modern schooling system are designed to indoctrinate people into accepting the status quo. From the time we are children our minds are deliberately and systematically warped to psychologically align us with the interests of the ruling class, and then we are passed on to the news media to ensure that we are continually shaped and reshaped in real time throughout our adult lives based on the specific needs of the oligarchic empire from year to year. A brainwashing institution is never going to teach you to be skeptical of their brainwashing.


Our indoctrination isn’t just in what to think, it’s in how to think.

This is the first and foremost reason why it’s so difficult to get people to realize that they have been lied to about the world and the way it works. You’re not just arguing against their perceptions, you’re arguing against their means of perception itself. You’re arguing against the very system they have used since they were young to orient themselves to an understanding of truth and reality. … It’s hard to get someone to see the flaws in their means of perception for the same reason you can’t get someone to directly look at their own eye: you can’t directly perceive the means by which you are perceiving.

So what can we do? How can we ever hope to awaken people to the fact that an ecocidal, omnicidal oligarchic empire is driving us toward disaster while singing us to sleep using propaganda lullabies?

Well, we can create glitches in the matrix. We can draw as much attention as possible to the lies we’ve all been told and create enough dissonance with their means of perception that they begin wondering if something is wrong with the goggles they’ve been peering through. If you wear glasses and begin noticing strands of code running down your field of vision here and there, your first instinct might be to take off your glasses and examine if there is something wrong with them. Once you’ve got them examining and questioning their means of perception itself, there’s a chance that they may fall through that gap and wake up from the matrix.

That’s the only path to a healthy world: getting enough people to perceive enough truth with enough clarity. Until that happens real change is impossible. After that happens real change is inevitable.



Our freedoms are cancel-cultured one by one, and by now hardly anyone notices anymore, because the media is in on it. But this cannot end well. We better stop this now, or it will get awfully out of hand. It’s a sliding scale bouncing down a slippery slope that gifts politicians and “health authorities” the world over with ever more powers, which they really should not have


Curtin: You Know “We’ll Never Know,” Don’t You?

… When he finally brings us into the present, Curtis tells us that COVID-19 “was a force that came from completely outside the systems of power.”  Of course!  Despite abundant evidence to the contrary, we are living in a world where the ruling elites are at the mercy of chance and we think they are in control.  No, that is our illusion.  Shit happens. After spending hours showing us how the world’s elites are corrupt and do all kinds of devious things to maintain their power – conspire to do so – we are also told there are no conspiracies.  There are and there aren’t.  We are trapped in an insane world of double-binds, “a world where anything could be anything because there was no meaning anywhere.”


Lockdowns Wrecked Democracy around the World


EU's 'vaccine passports' will only be valid with EMA-approved COVID jabs


Previews of Coming Attractions

How reassured were you by Joe Biden’s speech to the nation Thursday night? The more his managers pretend that he’s in charge of anything, the more unlikely it actually seems. So, they wound him up — Adderall would be my guess, to fortify the attention span — and rolled him out like the mummy of Amenhotep III, and one could just imagine the leaders of this-and-that foreign nation cringing (or cackling) in their seats to see this embodiment of collapsing America go through his spiritless ritual motions.


The rioting and looting season is upon us again, and the perfect stage-set for the opening offensive is Minneapolis, where the trial of officer Derek Chauvin just kicked off this week. Black Lives Matter is marshalling its troops outside the courthouse to intimidate jurors and threaten mob violence against an outcome they may not like.

The facts of the case suggest that former officer Chauvin has a sturdy defense, starting with Minneapolis Police training films that show officers how to apply the same knee restraint that Chauvin used on George Floyd. It was in their instruction manual, too. Add to that the forensic reports that show fentanyl levels in Mr. Floyd’s bloodstream several times above what would likely kill a normal person, plus meth, plus marijuana. He had an enlarged heart and was Covid-19 positive at the time of his death. And, of course, he was not complying with the cops’ orders during his arrest, which is exactly what led to him being physically subdued.

None of that will matter to BLM because the video of Mr. Chauvin kneeling on George Floyd’s neck was such a perfect poster for the white supremacy meme, whatever the reality of the situation was, and it’s just too rich in coercion value to let go of.  I’d predict trouble in the streets no matter which way the Chauvin trial ends up, just because energies are up and the weather is good.


Taibbi: The Sovietization of the American Press

The transformation from phony "objectivity" to open one-party orthodoxy hasn't been an improvement

… It doesn’t take much looking to find comedians like James Adomian and Anthony Atamaniuk ab-libbing riffs on Biden with ease. He checks almost every box as a comic subject, saying inappropriate things, engaging in wacky Inspector Clouseau-style physical stunts (like biting his wife’s finger), and switching back and forth between outbursts of splenetic certainty and total cluelessness. The parody doesn’t even have to be mean — you could make it endearing cluelessness. But to say nothing’s there to work with is bananas. The first 50 days of Biden’s administration have been a surprise on multiple fronts. The breadth of his stimulus suggests a real change from the Obama years, while hints that this administration wants to pick a unionization fight with Amazon go against every tendency of Clintonian politics.

But it’s hard to know what much of it means, because coverage of Biden increasingly resembles official press releases, often featuring embarrassing, Soviet-style contortions.


Democrats’ Revised Talking Points for the Biden Era


Chris Hedges: Bandaging the corpse

The established ruling elites know there is a crisis. They agreed, at least temporarily, to throw money at it with the $1.9 trillion Covid-19 bill known as American Rescue Plan (ARP). But the ARP will not alter the structural inequities, either by raising the minimum wage to $15.00 an hour or imposing taxes and regulations on corporations or the billionaire class that saw its wealth increase by a staggering $1.1 trillion since the start of the pandemic. The health system will remain privatized, meaning the insurance and pharmaceutical corporations will reap a windfall of tens of billions of dollars with the ARP, and this when they are already making record profits. The endless wars in the Middle East, and the bloated military budget that funds them, will remain sacrosanct. Wall Street and the predatory global speculators that profit from the massive levels of debt peonage imposed on an underpaid working class and loot the U.S. Treasury in our casino capitalism will continue to funnel money upwards into the hands of a tiny, oligarchic cabal. There will be no campaign finance reform to end our system of legalized bribery. The giant tech monopolies will remain intact. The fossil fuel companies will continue to ravage the ecosystem. The militarized police, censorship imposed by digital media platforms, vast prison system, harsher and harsher laws aimed at curbing domestic terrorism and dissent and wholesale government surveillance will be, as they were before, the primary instruments of state control.

This act will, at best, provide a momentary respite from the country’s death spiral

the elites collectively sold out the American public to corporate power. They did this by lying to the public about the consequences of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), trade deals, dismantling welfare, revoking Glass-Stegall, imposing austerity measures, deregulating Wall Street, passing draconian crime bills, launching endless wars in the Middle East and bailing out the big banks and financial firms rather than the victims of their fraud. These lies were far, far more damaging to the public than any of the lies told by Trump. These elites have been found out. They are hated. They deserve to be hated.

The Biden administration — and Biden was one of the principal architects of the policies that fleeced the working class and made war on the poor — is nothing more than a brief coda in the decline and fall, set against which is China’s rising global economic and military clout.


The United States of Oligarchy

It is still early in the Biden presidency but so far, his administration is in too many cases supporting policies that paved the way to Trump's ascendency to begin with. Biden's promise to "build back better" is teetering toward building back pretty much the same as before:

The multi-billionaire donor class is not sweating it out for the sake of the average American, and the very existence of such an economic class system bears the fingerprints of a government that systematically turned its back on its people. When we're not allowed to seriously consider a 3 percent wealth tax on billionaires, yet cannot raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour, the American people have a problem. Their needs are not being ignored; they are being assaulted.


The Miseducation of America’s Elites

Affluent parents, terrified of running afoul of the new orthodoxy in their children’s private schools, organize in secret.


Geo-Political Fare:


"This Is Hell": UN Food Chief Visits Yemen As Children Starve

the UN is warning 400,000 Yemeni children will starve to death in 2021 if conditions do not change.


Sixteen Countries Push Back Against US Sanctions at UN

“The world is seeing a growing resort to unilateralism, marked by isolationist and arbitrary actions, including the imposition of unilateral coercive measures or the withdrawal from landmark agreements and multilateral institutions.”


OPCW chief must ‘find the courage to address’ Douma coverup allegations, says group including 5 senior ex-officials of watchdog

The scandal surrounding alleged manipulation of scientific data in the chemical weapons watchdog the OPCW, ignored by both the organization and the mainstream media, is only getting worse with time, a pro-whistleblower group said.

A new statement from whistleblower-supporting organization the Courage Foundation complains that the leadership of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) has failed to properly address accusations of a coverup involving the alleged chemical weapons attack in Douma, Syria in April 2018


Consent That’s Manufactured By Propaganda Is Not Informed Consent

… Like pretty much everything ever said by Blinken, and indeed by every US secretary of state, this is an absolute lie.

Firstly, US military force is never used to protect “American lives” in modern times, unless you count the lives of US troops and mercenaries in foreign lands they have no business occupying in the first place. The US military is never used to defend American lives against an invading enemy force; that simply does not happen in our current world order. It is only ever used to protect the agenda of unipolar planetary domination, which would be the “vital interests” which Blinken obliquely refers to above.

… Thirdly, US military force is never, ever conducted with the American people’s informed consent. Literally never. Consent is always manufactured for US wars by lies and mass media propaganda, one hundred percent of the time, without exception. The bigger the military operation, the more egregious the deceit used to manufacture consent for it.



Tweet of the Week:

Ishi Nobu: The covid pandemic has shown the power of governments, which could eliminate poverty, hunger, inequity, environmental desecration, and save humanity from self-extinction - but choose not to.

Big Thoughts:


Ishi Nobu: Eusocialism

Humanity is in the midst of enduring unsustainable trends that increase the risk of a catastrophic future that can be avoided, but only by way of a collective response. ~ American law professor Richard Falk in 2017

Ideologies are obviated by a single indisputable fact: men have bungled so badly that they will wipe humanity off the face of the Earth within mere decades if concerted action is not. However admirable rugged individualism may be, it is rendered obsolete with that realization.

(Despite considerable press, that humanity is inexorably heading for demise through a self-generated extinction event is not generally acknowledged at the time of writing. Extreme weather events are already becoming a regularity. Other threats are in the offing, including an increasing lack of clean water and famine.)

The fruition of world civilization has been directly delivered via the application of technology, most notably the foolish consumption of fossil fuels. But the deeper cause owes to political economy.

The primary systems by which the world runs – capitalism and democracy – are based on a façade of competition which guise rapacious plutocracies. Democracy has been no check on exploitation at the expense of societal well-being. What may seem benign business-as-usual has instead been a grinding away at humanity’s future.

We have let money devalue the very characteristics that define our humanity and that enabled our species to survive: our universal capacity to care for each other, to learn from mistakes, to come together to act in concert. ~ American political scientist Edgar Cahn

The lust for material wealth drove the current extinction event – the marriage of materialism to political power, abetted by technology. Only by stopping the relentless environmental destruction and sociopathic disregard of others’ well-being does humankind have any hope for survival whatsoever.

Nothing profits the world as much as the abandoning of profits. ~ Nisargadatta Maharaj

As long as inequality is allowed, the body politic will be bent by those who prosper at others’ expense. If there is a single lesson provided by political history, this is it.

Ian Welsh: Colonization, Conquest and Our Unconscious Civilization

… At the civilization and cultural level we are not conscious. We do not make choices, much as we think we do. Instead we act like any other animal, driven by unconscious impulses and drives we apparently cannot control.

None of the evils we inflict, as a societies, on each other or the other species of the world, will cease for any significant amount of time, if we do not change that and become conscious.

If we can’t, we will likely go extinct. If not this time, then next. We will keep walking ourselves into forseeable problems and doing nothing about them till too late, and one of them will kill us.


Bill Mitchell: Alas, the window seems to be closing

There is a ‘model’ in political science referred to as the – Overton Window – (named after its creator Joseph Overton) which relates to the way that ideas in society change and in-turn influence policy and politics.

From the many on-line resources, we understand that the Overton Window is based on the core concept:

… that politicians are limited in what policy ideas they can support — they generally only pursue policies that are widely accepted throughout society as legitimate policy options.

In the normal business of government what the public see as ‘legitimate policy options’ is influenced by the dominant ideological narrative, which in the case of most modern societies is neo-liberalism.

We get a constant feed through the mass media and other channels about small government, responsible budgeting, individual responsibility etc etc.

If we read a bit more, we also find out that according to the model:

These policies lie inside the Overton Window. Other policy ideas exist, but politicians risk losing popular support if they champion these ideas. These policies lie outside the Overton Window.

But we also find out that:

… the Overton Window can both shift and expand, either increasing or shrinking the number of ideas politicians can support without unduly risking their electoral support.

And that:

… often, the window moves based on a much more complex and dynamic phenomenon, one that is not easily controlled from on high: the slow evolution of societal values and norms.

One of the factors that is said to shift the window is the emergence of a crisis.

Indeed, as Maxwell Maltz observed in his 1969 book – Conquest of Frustration:

Close scrutiny will show that most crisis situations are opportunities to either advance or stay where you are

Now whether you buy into the ideas of the Overton window or not, there is no doubt that the health and economic crisis that appeared in 2020 has shaken things up.

And shaken them up significantly.


The events of 2020 have called for governments to step away, at least in some ways, from their business-as-usual approach understood in terms of neo-liberal frameworks of small governments, free markets and orthodox economics.

Politicians of all persuasions have readily admitted that the events of the past year have meant that they have had to look for guidance in different places.

In Overton window speak, for many of these people the window may have been shifting as they began to see a different way of doing things.

They were more willing to support policy ideas, that in the past seemed to be impossible.

While many are now becoming comfortable with the idea that governments can, if they make the political decisions to do so, finance massive programs that benefit those most in need, this will not result in the change that a shifting Overton Window might suggest.

Old habits will be hard to change and those with the most to lose will dig in.

I suspect that it won’t be too long until we hear more and more from the neoliberal doomsayers running around like Henny Penny shouting that the sky is falling, and we need to get back to responsible fiscal governance with budget surpluses, austerity and all the misery that it brings. NOT good!



The capitalist hierarchy absorbs what it needs by allocating special positions within it:  Natural resources, narratives, facts, history, people, political ideologies or anything that sits in time and space.  The kings and queens monopolize them— material resources as well as people with skills and knowledge are captured to serve.  Once monopolized, the valued items are commodified, to be distributed in ways that benefit those same kings and queens. Meanwhile such a process occurs in layers and layers, projecting myths, exploitative narratives, false history and erroneous facts onto our collective consciousness—a fake reality which covers our eyes while we push our mortal bodies around in the real world.

“The Great Reset” is packaged as a “great solution”.  Just like how the ruling class has marketed “green capitalism”—carbon trading, carbon capture, reforestation, and other resource exhausting green schemes and technologies for profit, it’s designed to prop up capitalism but it is also intended to transform capitalism to have more effective control of social relations while keeping the capitalist hierarchy intact.  Capitalism is getting a new OS, and it needs to be restarted.  Just as “green capitalism” has destroyed real environmentalism in the name of saving the planet, it is designed to destroy anti-capitalist activism in the name of “revolution”.

This has also contributed to the idea that it is no longer relevant to insist on being a part of systematic efforts in dismantling the capitalist system and building an alternate system which allows humanity and nature to prevail in harmony;  we are told that we don’t have time to build socialism anymore. We are encouraged to be a part of green solutions by the capitalists as a result.

We are being told that casino capitalism for profits must end to introduce “stakeholder capitalism”.  But of course, since the notion is coming from the profiteers who have colonized, corporatized, militarized and financialized, we can presume that they are talking about ensuring their own interests by directly guiding the economic decisions instead of continuing the show called the economy by the “invisible hand.” We are told that we should be provided with universal basic income, free housing and other social services as long as we follow the regulations and policies of public-private partnership.  What sort of conditioning will we be subjected to after being deprived of our inherent relationships to ourselves, to each other, to our communities and to nature, forced to be a part of destructive industrial farming, digitalization of everything with massive resource extraction, colonization of our communities with multinational franchises and enslavement of our souls in the invisible cage of indoctrination and propaganda?


Now, it must be clearly stated that what we perceive as the dystopian future of The Fourth Industrial Revolution—AI, blockchain, digitalization, financialization, green capitalism and so on—can’t be separated from the invisible hand and the invisible cage. It cannot be allowed to be defined by capitalist institutions as a “legitimate political topic” instead of what it really is. The newly built cage hasn’t been built, but if we fail to see it for what it is in its context, we will simply be forced to embrace some version of it as one of the “legitimate” capitalist trajectories. That’s how it works when our society is a theater of absurdity.


Johnstone: Finding Meaning Under A Meaningless System

How many of people’s mental health diagnoses are really just them struggling to function in a capitalist system that is amoral, destructive, overwhelming, overbearing, unsatisfying, and bereft of meaning?

Beyond that, how many people are pushed into mental illness by the madness of our current system? How many people suffer from very real depression or anxiety arising from the pressure to keep churning out pieces of future landfill in meaningless jobs which serve no purpose other than to turn millionaires into billionaires? How many people simply collapse under the weight of financial insecurity, food insecurity, housing insecurity, employment and insurance insecurity, combined with the effects of desperate attempts to self-medicate the stress?

How many of these stressors are exacerbated by being psychologically pummelled with mass media propaganda day in and day out, artificially twisting your mind into the belief that this is all normal, and that if you can’t keep up, you’re the problem?

So how best to respond to this depressing situation? How best to avoid drowning in the tar pit of a soulless, nihilistic political and economic paradigm? How to find meaning under a meaningless system which squeezes your psychological wellbeing in order to power its batteries?

Well, that question is much easier to answer. You find meaning under a meaningless system by working to destroy that system

So help wake people up to the injustices of our system, as many people as you can by whatever means you have access to. Wake them up to the abuses of capitalism. To the abuses of imperialism. To the abuses of mass media propaganda. Learn as much as you can about the madness of our current system, and share what you have learned with as many people as possible.

Quote of the Week:

Microeconomics concerns things that economists are specifically wrong about, while macroeconomics concerns things economists are wrong about generally.

~P.J. O’Rourke.



Satirical Fare:


CRAIG BROWN: 'Wh-what!? He cut off your mom's head?' Great Oprah Interviews From History - Queen Elizabeth I


Midnight Meme Of The Day!

With so many states throwing caution to the winds by dropping mask mandates and opening up while new COVID variants appear every week it appears that humanity has a death wish and simply lacks the intelligence and sense of logic to survive. I've always looked upon humanity in that way. We are our own extinction event. It's now a race between climate catastrophe and the plague as to how humankind ends. Place your bets folks! Who needs a wayward asteroid when we have our own selfishness and stupidity? 

Airplanes were already flying petri dishes. Now we might as well have the flight attendants inoculate us with COVID Cocktails served with a last bag of peanuts.


Pic of the Week:




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