
Saturday, November 13, 2021


 Regular Fare:

*** denotes well-worth reading in full at source (even if excerpted extensively here)

China’s economic recovery set to slow further, with ‘worst yet to come’ for both supply and demand

Mitchell: When labour shortages just signal management caprice – case study

I have been researching the so-called labour shortage that business types are talking about relentlessly as part of their on-going strategy to undermine the conditions of work and make more profit. In the course of that enquiry, I came across an interesting juxtaposition between two US companies that illustrate a lot of what we have known about for years but have allowed this relentless, neoliberal, race-to-the-bottom to obscure. Well-paid workers with job security, work better and are happy workers. Companies that pursue the ‘race-to-the-bottom’ strategy and seek to build profits by trashing the conditions they offer workers eventually struggle to prosper because their bad reputation undermines their ability to attract productive workers. In the case we discuss today, the so-called ‘labour shortage’ is really just a signal of management caprice. Rather than being a shortage of workers, there is a shortage of workers who will tolerate the indignity of low wages, onerous conditions and capricious management.

Recapping the economic situation - the pandemic caused a global supply shock which led to higher prices. The initial response was for demand to INCREASE especially for durable goods, cars, and houses. The question is what happens next? Inflationists believe we are in a wage-price spiral that will continue to drive prices higher until the Fed is forced to move or the bond market spontaneously implodes. However, if they are wrong, then we are merely pulling forward consumption from the future and therefore on the verge of the largest demand shock in U.S. history, which is the deflationist view.

Other Charts: (links: zeroonetwothree, )

Bubble Fare:

Hussman: When Bubble Meets Trouble

Measured from current extremes, I expect that the unwinding of this bubble will drag S&P 500 total returns below Treasury bill returns for least a decade, and possibly two. Yet like other bubbles, I expect that most of the damage will come off the top, resulting in market conditions that are reasonably investable within a year or two. Presently, the valuation measures we find best correlated with actual subsequent market returns are at the most extreme levels in U.S. history. Moreover, as I’ve detailed before, the low level of interest rates does nothing to improve those prospective returns. For a review, see the section titled “The mapping between observable valuations and expected returns is independent of the level of interest rates” in Alice’s Adventures in Equilibrium.

Valuation review

The chart below shows the valuation measure we find best correlated with actual subsequent market returns in market cycles across history – the ratio of U.S. nonfinancial equity market capitalization to corporate gross value-added, including our estimates of foreign revenue (MarketCap/GVA). This measure is now 50% above levels that were never seen in history prior to last year.

Overinvested In Collapse

To be sure, the past 13 years of deflationary Japanification have been the longest uninterrupted debt accumulation cycle in U.S. history. Hyman Minsky never predicted the depths of deflation that would allow interest rates to remain pinned at 0% indefinitely.

Be that as it may, the bet right now is that this largest of all debt/speculation cycles continues forever.

It's as simple as that.

Those who are in the "inflation" camp are of the belief that there will be no Minsky Moment to pop this asset bubble and force mass de-leveraging. And yet ironically it's inflation that NORMALLY causes the Minsky Moment to occur. Were it not for the continuous importation of deflation, this runaway fusion reactor would have exploded a long time ago.

Delusion Is Transitory

Gamblers sitting on record unrealized gains at all time highs, now face the ticking time bomb of a Fed and Congress that will continue to remove monetary and fiscal stimulus until the market explodes.

The critical question on the table when recognizing inflation versus deflation at the macro level is: are debt burdens rising or falling? Inflation benefits borrowers at the expense of lenders. Whereas deflation benefits lenders at the expense of borrowers. We are clearly in the latter paradigm as liabilities both on balance sheet and off balance sheet for households are increasing

COVID-19 notes:

New vax science shows mandates unwise

The groundbreaking findings in Lancet show that fully vaccinated people who came down with COVID infected others in their household at the same rate (about 25%) as unvaccinated people did (about 23%). The vaccinated had just as much viral load in their upper respiratory tract, making them just as contagious.

How SARS-CoV-2 in American deer could alter the course of the global pandemic

(not just) for the ESG crowd:

*** Modernity is incompatible with planetary limits: Developing a PLAN for the future


This age of modernity is characterized by consistent growth in energy use, economic activity, and resource consumption, and a generally increasing standard of living—albeit inequitably distributed. All currently living humans, and most academic disciplines, have developed in this age, which appears normal and indefinite to us. But modernity has been enabled by the rapid and accelerating expenditure of our one-time inheritance of fossil fuels, and by drawing down the resources and ecosystems of our finite Earth—none of which can be sustained as we transition from a resource-rich frontier to a human-dominated planet. Climate change is often singled out as modernity’s existential crisis, but it is only one of a series of interlocking challenges constituting an unprecedented predicament that must be understood and mitigated in order to live within planetary limits. While energetic and technological challenges attract significant attention, arguably the greatest challenges are conceptual or even cultural. In particular, as we review in this Perspective, today’s political economy has been designed to value short-term financial wealth over the real treasure of Earth’s functioning ecosystems, to discount the future at the expense of the present, and to demand infinite exponential growth…which is simply impossible on a finite planet. Given all this, humanity should view its present overshoot-prone trajectory with tremendous suspicion, humility, and concern. We call for the establishment of a transdisciplinary network of scholars from across the entire academic landscape to develop a global understanding of planetary limits and how humanity can adapt to the associated realities. We present a set of foundational principles to serve as a starting point to anchor this network and drive a new area of focused inquiry to develop a shared vision of viable future paths

The Sponsors of COP26 Are Behind the Corporate Greenwashing Agenda

‘This Must Not Happen’: If Unhalted, Permian Basin Fracking Will Unleash 40 Billion Tons of CO2 by 2050

William Bernstein: The Intrinsic Futility of ES(G) Investing

As predicted by financial theory, stocks of companies with positive environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) records underperformed the market. But the problems for ESG investors don’t stop there.

Recently, Advisor Perspectives published two articles on the problems with ESG investing; both are well worth reading.

The first, by Michael Edesess, noted that the marketing of ESG funds smacks of cynical, and occasionally meaningless, jargon aimed mainly at asset gathering and fee optimization, as opposed to any useful social or societal objective. The second, by Larry Swedroe, like Edesess, noted the wild proliferation of these funds, and also cited academic work that found that ESG funds not only did a poor job of selecting companies with low carbon emissions, but rather seemed to favor those with high lobbying expenditures.

The financial markets should be kept away from the climate crisis solution

The Climate Fight Over Line 5, or the Upper Peninsula and Canada Versus Greenhouse Gas Absolutism

… as Doomberg indicates, if the Line 5 shutdown advocates prevail, it would represent a major precedent. And just as Biden revealed he’s only willing to protect the environment if it won’t cost him too many votes, Line 5 opponents can make the same case against Trudeau.

***** This 1985 Video Of Carl Sagan Warning Congress About Climate Change Is Sobering To Watch In 2021

Other Fare:

Largest psilocybin trial finds the psychedelic is effective in treating serious depression

Pics of the Week:

NASA and USGS Release Stunning First Images From New Landsat 9 Spacecraft

They Carry Us With Them: The Great Tree Migration

Are Regional Differences in Psychological Characteristics and Their Correlates Robust? Applying Spatial-Analysis Techniques to Examine Regional Variation in Personality

Contrarian Perspectives

Extra [controversial or non-market-related] Fare:

*** denotes well-worth reading in full at source (even if excerpted extensively here)

Regular Fare:

David Graeber’s Possible Worlds

The Dawn of Everything author left behind countless fans and a belief society could still change for the better.

Saker: The whitewashing murder day

Propaganda is easy to unpack once you get down a few basic rules. One of them is this: “the louder the slogan, the bigger the lie“.

That is also the case with Veteran’s Day in which US Americans thank their veterans for their “service”.

Help Us Celebrate Armistice Day 2021!

Over one hundred years ago the world celebrated peace as a universal principle. The first World War had just ended and nations mourning their dead collectively called for an end to all wars. Armistice Day was born and was designated as “a day to be dedicated to the cause of world peace and to be thereafter celebrated."

After World War II, the U.S. Congress decided to rebrand November 11 as Veterans Day. Honoring the warrior quickly morphed into honoring the military and glorifying war. Armistice Day was flipped from a day for peace into a day for displays of militarism.

Ian Welsh: Privatization Is Always A Ripoff

… As a rule, most privatizations are fraud, and the politicians who do them are corrupt, helping out friends and donors and doing well out of the process.

WHAT IS ECOLOGY? What Economics Should Have Been

… As an academic discipline economics has actually been organized to have little use for the concepts of ecology (especially: population biology, systemic science, ethology, natural history or biogeography). With the rise of Neoclassical economics, it was specifically designed to be a sterilized, frictionless, and hermitically sealed void in which to suspend economic activity. But of course, this a-societal, a-political, a-historical enterprise was an epistemological impossibility and actually constituted an ideological agenda. This agenda became more pronounced following WWII and the rise of Neoliberalism. The static methods of Neoclassicism were rejuvenated by its clarified and enhanced ideology. It was especially rearmed to ignore the evolution of humans and their institutions, as well as their interactions with natural environment. Beyond the diaspora of intuitionalists to the backwaters of academia, efforts at securing policy respectability for a tangent known as “Ecological Economics” have been more difficult than mixing oil and water (literally). I suspect that much of the antipathy for ecology (or any systems thinking for that matter) was about the fear of having their fatuous (if not fascist) core assumptions and other soiled ideological linen flying in the breeze.

Many sustainability researchers seem to assume that their ecological findings would simply speak for themselves, and the sociology of knowledge would fill in the rest. After all, who could deny we live on a finite planet with obvious Limits to Growth? Well economists for one, and financial executives for another.

In the wake of continuing financial crises and the accelerating climate calamity, WEA scholars are once again touting a new economics which draws upon ecological theory and methods (including complexity tools) enroute to a post-Neoliberal world. In a recent issue of the Real-World Economics Review (#96) scholars and policy practitioners provided extremely useful insights into the necessity for a more ecological version of economics. Neoliberalism itself is a rapidly evolving target, however. Its pace of adaption (especially as a smoke screen for financialization) may have stalled a bit given the protracted transition and financial antagonism of the heir apparent to hegemonic power, China. It nonetheless has more frightening incarnations in store, I suspect (e.g., “The Great Reset”). To paraphrase Mark Twain, reports of Neoliberalism’s demise are greatly exaggerated.

Disparate Times and Desperate Measures?

Economics, as a policy enterprise, is already uniquely primed to exploit catastrophes, if not engineer them in the first place.

Policy research guided by an adaptive systems perspective could redress many an unfortunate evolutionary process. It could help us unravel the often-intractable Gordian knots of our institutionalized maladaptions. Institutional ecology could begin by recognizing that our economy is a highly unstable set of evolutionary processes and that certain elements and institutions fuel and exploit that instability, at the immediate peril of entire ecosystems. One man’s (actually several person’s) absolute ruin is another man’s arbitrage opportunity. That is, many powerful interests have institutionalized over-reliance upon an economy that acts in direct conflict with those adaptations that would make the system more resilient and dramatically reduce human suffering. This cannibalization of the economy includes, in part, the institution of the mainstream. It is not that they just cannot see it, they are it. Hence, merely classifying and patching certain flaws in stock and money markets or even the entire global banking system, will not necessarily address the deeper and darker evolutionary detours we have already taken. What were these systems originally designed to accomplish and how have they devolved to produce such immense reservoirs of “phantom wealth” and economic dislocation?

Don’t Believe The Hype — Less Really Is More

If we are serious about tackling inequitable social and economic outcomes, then degrowth needs to be part of the discussion.

Before COP26, Prince Charles revealed his eco credentials, stating that his Aston Martin is fine because it runs on cheese and wine — surely a climate Marie Antoinette moment?

Suspiciously absent from the COP26 talking shop was the word degrowth. But unless you’re actively talking about degrowth, you’re just peddling corporate, political and billionaire propaganda.

Michael Roberts: Twilight capitalism

As humanity faces impending disaster from global warming and climate change, Smith, Butovsky and Watterton pose what they call “a difficult paradox” for socialists. “In order to win a world in which we can truly realize our most authentic human capacities, we need to act in ways that are hard-headed, strategic and disciplined. Capitalism cannot be reformed, tweaked or reoriented. Rather, it must be replaced … and that, quite simply, will be no easy task. The existing capitalist ruling classes will do everything in their power to prevent the destruction of the system to which they are wed. We must be no less determined in our efforts to prevent them from having their way.”

Climate Crisis Fare:

Alex Steffen: The Transapocalyptic Now

It's not the end of the world, but it is the end of the world as we've known it.

… But this is not a fairy tale. This is the world, and the world is not simple. The fight cannot be won and yet all is not lost. We are heroic only to the extent we mold ourselves into people who can succeed with purpose on a planet in permanent crisis. We live in discontinuity. We will live in discontinuity for the rest of our lives. It is our home now.

Jacobson: COP-26 was a Civilization-Ending Epic ClusterF**k

Thomas Neuburger: On the Duty to Obstruct

If conflict is the only route to a truly moral outcome, embrace it.

According to Malm, the activist should say, “I am your investment risk. I am why your fossil fuel investment will fail.”

What are the odds that this tactic will succeed? Not great at all. The world is still the world, and the rich still run it.

But that's the wrong question. The right question is: What are the odds that passive resistance will fail? And the answer: Infinitely greater.

In both arenas we're watching non-violent non-obstructive resistance as we speak. No corporate infrastructure bill was harmed in the progressive surrender for the scraps they hope to get from the still-unpassed BBB bill. And the fossil fuel industry still calls the shots in the Biden administration.

It’s Going to Take Force

If it hasn't been obvious before, it's obvious now — it's going to take force to win back an equitable and habitable planet from the psychopathic hubris of the very very rich.

A Coal Mine for Every Wildfire

James Butler writes about Andreas Malm’s climate manifestos

Yanis Varoufakis: Polluters adore net zero targets

Free-marketeers would like us to believe that business has now yielded to science, and is ready and willing to step into the void of government inaction. We must not believe this for a moment. … This is why polluters adore net zero targets: because they are a brilliant cover for not restricting emissions. In exchange for non-verifiable offsets, they are allowed to continue plundering the planet’s remaining stored carbon, until the point arrives when their marginal private cost surpasses their revenue from the last unit sold. By cynically placing net zero at its centre, Cop26 became nothing more than an expensive cover-up for continued toxic emissions.

Jacobson: The Age of Aquarius

… Meanwhile, the environment is spinning more out of control every day. Between COP-26 sessions, I’ve been watching and reading about heat waves, bomb cyclones, floods, droughts, famine and dozens of other catastrophic effects of climate change. I’ve heard and watched the few voices I absolutely love and adore getting tired. They post less. They say the same thing over and over. Adaptation. Collapse. Extinction. Catastrophe. They are reduced to reporting on the latest ecosystem collapse, catastrophic weather event, climate change research paper or GHG data. These reports and commentaries can fill my days, but it’s that type of being full we all recognize as being empty. When all news is bad news there is no longer any news. That’s what it feels like right now. There is no news.

We are all facing emptiness and existential loneliness. There is nowhere to go to escape the coming collapse, no community to join, no side to take that will get us out of this mess. Climate change is the end. Humanity is doomed. We are doomed. There is just time to fill and the choices we make on how we fill it, hoping those choices are truly ours and not the consequence of some advertising or pushed video that got us to act according to someone else’s agenda.

We can fill our remaining days with grief, anger and loneliness or we can fill them with kindness, service, creativity, generosity, community and humanity. We can envision and work towards an impossible future or live in a fully possible present. We can make ourselves better — better educated, better at listening, better at being a friend or partner. And we can use the skills we learn as we become better people to make this inevitable path towards oblivion easier for others.

Go for a walk. Take a deep breath. Kiss a dog ….

Heatpocrisy: The ‘mining ban’ exposing Antarctica to Big Oil’s blind ambition

Taylor Energy Oil Spill: Stanching the longest-running oil spill you've likely never heard of

In 2004, Hurricane Ivan brought down a massive oil platform operated by Taylor Energy, in the Gulf of Mexico. For years, oil has been seeping into the Gulf.

Climate Tweets & Quotes of the Week:

Greta: #COP26 has been named the must excluding COP ever.

This is no longer a climate conference.

This is a Global North greenwash festival.

A two week celebration of business as usual and blah blah blah.

Karen Garcia: Nothing defines just who the designated "we" are better than the aptly named COP 26 U.N. confab in Glasgow. Although it stands for Conference of the Parties, the real function of this ostensible attempt to reverse and ameliorate global climate change and catastrophe has been to erect a preening, scolding venue for the same ruling and owning class experts, whose megatons of private jet fuel, endless wars and resource extraction are the prime cause of the planetary emergency in the first place.

Stephen Barlow (with whom I generally concur) concurs, and doubles-down: This is as evil as it gets. This is an orchestrated PR scam to carry on with business as usual. Where various elements like politicians, the mainstream media, billionaires, royalty and vested interests, combine to maintain business as usual, with fraudulent presentation.

Net zero 2050 explained

Re: COP26. The conference has just barely ended and yet people are already realizing that it was just another load of false promises. Which is more cynical, to NOT believe in man made climate change, or to believe in it but not do nothing about it?

Ikonoclast: I simply happen to think we need less cheer-leading and more realism. Over-optimism and lack of hard-nosed realism have been our real problem all along, IMHO.


The Experts™ Are Failing Everywhere

The Experts™ are failing.

Their commitment to failure would be almost admirable in its consistency, if it didn’t have such disastrous consequences.

It’s been an endless series of mandated mistakes, from “15 Days to Slow the Spread,” which was inevitably doomed to uselessness, to general lockdowns, curfews, capacity restrictions, school closures, closing beaches and playgrounds, mask requirements, masking two year olds, ignoring natural immunity, to now perhaps the most disgraceful and unacceptable of all “interventions,” vaccine passports.

Experts have rapidly pivoted from one “public health measure” to another as the key to controlling COVID and ending the pandemic. Unsurprisingly, none of them have worked.

Given their determination to avoid admitting their overwhelming failure, it’s not especially surprising that the latest interventions are being promoted relentlessly, despite their obvious inability to “control” the spread of COVID.

What’s truly remarkable about the inability of experts and politicians to accept reality is how deliberate their willful ignorance is — the data is easily accessible and incontrovertible, yet widely disregarded.

*** Toby Rogers: Pulling back the curtain at the FDA and CDC

The recent VRBPAC and ACIP meetings revealed that the vaccine approval process is all smoke and mirrors

If you have even 1 semester of college-level statistics, you can understand vaccine safety studies. If you have even the slightest bit of curiosity or capacity for critical thinking, you can likely spot some of the flaws in these studies as well.

The risk-benefit analyses from the FDA and CDC in connection with the vaccine approval process are even worse. Their work is so bad it’s cartoonish — as evidenced by the fact that they put a cartoon picture of the SARS-CoV-2 virus on the first and last slide of every presentation at the recent CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) meetings. These people are not doing calculus, nor econometrics, nor science. Instead they are making up numbers whole cloth and then using a bit of multiplication and division to make them sound more impressive than they are.

The regulatory process for vaccines in the U.S. involves ideology, a belief system, and a cosplay performance of things that kinda sorta sound like science. But this is simulacrum, a toxic mimic of actual scientific methods. The fact that the Biden administration, the Democratic Party, large employers, state and local health officials, school districts, the mainstream media, pharmaceutical companies, the FDA, NIH, and CDC are trying to force the entire society to march off a cliff when there is no proper data behind their recommendations is insanity. The fact that they have the audacity to beat their chests and yell, “Because Science!” every chance they get, even though their version of science is cartoon characters and 3rd grade math, is sickening and appalling.

You Will Want to Share This One. More Physicians Come Out Against COVID-19 Vaccination in Children

An article in the Washington Post by Larry Kwak, MD, PhD, Steven T. Rosen, MD, Idit Shachar, PhD should be read by every physician.

"As physician-researchers who have pioneered the invention of vaccines and other experimental drugs for over 30 years (against cancer), we feel compelled to highlight the need for caution and honest public debate about potential long-term consequences of the available COVID-19 vaccines. Operation Warp Speed successfully enabled rapid deployment of vaccines under emergency use authorization, but we believe there are urgent reasons to apply the brakes on mass vaccine mandates for children.

Disturbing short-term complications from COVID-19 vaccines in adults, including myocarditis, blood clots in the brain, and neurological disorders, warrant us to pause. But we must be transparent that the real threat to children is the unknown long-term complications..."

*** Dr Pascal Sacré: The COVID-19 RT-PCR Test: How to Mislead All Humanity. Using a “Test” To Lock Down Society

Official postulate of our managers: positive RT-PCR cases = COVID-19 patients. [1]

This is the starting postulate, the premise of all official propaganda, which justifies all restrictive government measures: isolation, confinement, quarantine, mandatory masks, color codes by country and travel bans, tracking, social distances in companies, stores and even, even more importantly, in schools.

This misuse of RT-PCR technique is used as a relentless and intentional strategy by some governments, supported by scientific safety councils and by the dominant media, to justify excessive measures such as the violation of a large number of constitutional rights, .. under the pretext of a pandemic based on a number of positive RT-PCR tests, and not on a real number of patients.

This is what underlies the sensitivity of the RT-PCR assay.

While it is true that in medicine we like to have high specificity and sensitivity of the tests to avoid false positives and false negatives, in the case of COVID-19 disease, this hypersensitivity of the RT-PCR test caused by the number of amplification cycles used has backfired.

This over-sensitivity of the RT-PCR test is deleterious and misleading!

It detaches us from the medical reality which must remain based on the real clinical state of the person: is the person ill, does he or she have symptoms?

That is the most important thing!

In the NYT, experts compiled three datasets with officials from the states of Massachusetts, New York and Nevada that mention them.


“Up to 90% of the people who tested positive did not carry a virus. »

If I have been able to gather this information myself, shared, I remind you, by competent people above all suspicion of conspiracy, such as Hélène Banoun, Pierre Sonigo, Jean-François Toussaint, Christophe De Brouwer, whose intelligence, intellectual honesty and legitimacy cannot be questioned, then the Belgian, French and Quebec scientific advisors, etc., know all this as well.


What’s going on?

Why continue in this distorted direction, obstinately making mistakes?

We cannot let our rulers, for whatever reason, organize our collective suicide any longer.

James Lyons-Weiler: Do COVID-19 Vaccines Still Qualify for Emergency Use Authorization?


Before we get to that, let’s remember a few facts
  • Moderna’s 95% efficacy was based on studies of vaccination of atypical American people with no health issues. No autoimmunity, no comorbidities. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. called them “Marvel Superheroes” regarding their health.
  • In all of the vaccine studies of the Moderna and Pfizer shots, the efficacy was and is overestimated due to the practice of excluding people from the calculations who received only one vaccine. People who died, or got COVID-19 before the second dose were simply dropped from the calculations. Putting them back in lowered the initial estimates substantially (Moderna’s 95% became 75%, for example) See "Discrepancies in Moderna’s FDA Report Demand Answers".
  • CDC now defines “Fully Vaccinated” as people who have lived to two weeks after the second dose of Pfizer or Moderna (5 weeks after initial dose), or people who have lived two weeks after the J&J. Therefore, the CDC’s calculations of breakthrough cases is a massive distortion. My study in April 2020 predicted immunodeficiency in patients exposed to COVID-19 epitopes via vaccination or infection. CDC knows this, and they are preventing discovery of near-term events, including breakthrough cases, adverse events, and deaths in the first two weeks following vaccination.
  • Estimates of efficacy in newly vaccinated persons have dropped dramatically in studies in populations more representative of the full population.
The durability of protection from the COVID-19 vaccines in people vaccinated early on is deplorably low. A collection of links are provided below on that issue. But that’s not the focus of today’s article.

The question we should be demanding answers to is “Would COVID-19 Vaccines Still Qualify for Emergency Use Authorization if new RCTs were performed on vaccine-naïve persons who did not have past COVID-19 infection?


Clearly, the media outlets are all going to push the official narrative distortion and say that vaccination is still your best chance to be protected from COVID-19 - right in the face of the evidence that this is not true. The true estimates of efficacy - those based on “vaccine exposed”, not those based on CDC’s bullshit definition of “fully vaccinated” (those who survive 5 week after their initial dose and who receive the second dose) show that we’re in for an epidemic in the vaccinated, that all of the data manipulations and semantics in the world are not going to be able to hide.

Kirsch: New VAERS analysis reveals hundreds of serious adverse events that the CDC and FDA never told us about

They missed hundreds of serious adverse events that are more elevated than myocarditis. A new VAERS analysis done by Albert Benavides blows the doors off the "safe and effective" narrative.

In a brand new VAERS data analysis performed by our friend Albert Benavides (aka WelcomeTheEagle88), we found hundreds of serious adverse events that were completely missed by the CDC that should have been mentioned in the informed consent document that are given to patients. And we found over 200 symptoms that occur at a higher relative rate than myocarditis (relative to all previous vaccines over the last 5 years). All together, there were over 4,000 VAERS adverse event codes that were elevated by these vaccines by a factor of 10 or more over baseline that the CDC should have warned people about.

James Lyons-Weiler: What Would Happen if the PCR Test Were Disproven?

James Lyons-Weiler: Pathogenic Priming in Belgium - 100% ICU Admissions are Vaccinated

When I published my study on pathogenic priming in April, 2020, it was meant as a warning. The evidence was in from past COVID vaccine development attempts: vaccination against coronaviruses had led to DISEASE ENHANCEMENT.

I had hoped vaccine makers would have paid heed and would have excluded the unsafe epitopes from their vaccines. I gave them a roadmap.

Now, in Belgium, 100% of ICU admissions are among the vaccinated. Only 40% of the Belgium population are vaccinated.

I’m ready to call it: The COVID-19 vaccination program causes Disease Enhancement, likely via numerous possible means: from molecular mimicry leading to autoimmunity, or antibody-dependent enhancement, Pathogenic Priming has Antwerp, Belgium in it grip

*** el gato malo: if "unvaccinated" were a drug to stop covid spread, you could probably get it FDA approved

It Seems Like Vaccinated People Are Dying of All Causes 6-1 Over Unvaccinated

Raw Covid-19 Mortality and All Cause Mortality Data from the UK Office of National Statistics (ONS) allegedly revealed that double vaccinated people were six times more likely to die of All Causes than unvaccinated people from the end of April to the beginning of July 2021, The Expose UK here and here reported.. That suggests the vaccine will save you from COV for a while but then you are more likely to die from something else.

The data can be downloaded from the ONS in Excel format here.

FDA Pfizer Doc Suggests Myocarditis From Shot Bigger Threat Than Covid

In Pfizer’s FDA briefing document prepared for the Oct. 25 meeting was an admission that even according to the company’s own unverified and misleading math, there is a scenario where there would be more hospitalizations among children for myocarditis — just one side effect — than from COVID. “Under Scenario 3 (lowest incidence), the model predicts more excess hospitalizations due to vaccine-related myocarditis/pericarditis compared to prevented hospitalizations due to COVID-19 in males and in both sexes combined,” states Pfizer in page 33 of the document. …

el gato malo: the french are correct to stop using moderna on anyone under 30.

they should stop using pfizer too. we all should. the evidence these drugs have negative risk reward for the young or healthy has become overwhelming.

THIS is the study they based this upon. honestly, reality is considerably worse than it reads and i see ZERO reason they did not pull pfizer for under 30’s as well.

NO healthy person under 50 should take either of these vaccine based on heart risks alone.

that by itself is a staggering statement.

but heart risks are a TINY part of the risk profile.


i really don’t know how else to say this, so i’m just going to say it:

this is an atrocity.

these signals are so blatant, especially among the young that having them crop up post approval is a staggering indictment of the process by which they were authorized.

there is just no way this should have happened.

these vaccines are not only non sterilizing, but they are incredibly dangerous in comparison to not only any other vaccine ever rolled out but, for the young and healthy, even compared to the disease they are supposed to help.

the “cure” is flat out worse than the disease.

these vaccines have clear negative cost/benefit for young people, especially kids, and for basically any healthy adult who lacks major comorbidities.

they never showed ANY all cause death benefit, even in their trials.

they not only do not stop spread, they likely make it worse.

they may well be making the virus worse by inverting it’s evolutionary gradient.

it’s shameful these were ever cleared for use and it ought to be criminal to mandate them.

this whole tawdry tale of regulatory capture, crony capitalism, medical malpractice, and health agencies as propaganda services is now unravelling too fast to hide anymore.

efficacy is dropping and covid is coming into season in the northern latitudes. by the end of december, this story is going to be in flaming tatters and if vaccines spread widely into school kids, the results are going to be too horrific to sweep under the rug.

Toby Rogers: All-cause mortality skyrockets in 2021

Data from Europe and the U.S. show increased all-cause mortality in everyone under age 65 after the introduction of coronavirus shots


This is quickly morphing from the biggest public health mistake in human history to one of the most egregious crimes in human history.

eugyppius: Bavaria Update: Exploding Cases and Containment Theatre

The more they vaccinate, the worse it will get, but vaccinating is all they want to do.

Almost 70% of adults in Germany are fully vaccinated. The rate in the most vulnerable 60+ age bracket is about 85%.

Where has that gotten us? Well, as of yesterday, in Bavaria, it has gotten us to 590 Corona-positive ICU patients across the entire state. On the same day last year, with 0% of anybody vaccinated, that number was 362.

Here’s the chart of Corona ICU occupancy:

… Vaccines, it is clear, increase transmission, and then slowly withdraw their protection against severe outcomes.

… These highly predictable seasonal and regional patterns continue to be totally ignored by the press.

It is worse than a joke, all of this. Nobody even pretends to believe that these interventions will do anything. Not even the people making these rules can possibly have any faith in them. Unvaccinated people with negative tests are a far lower transmission risk than vaccinated people without them. The vaccines do not impact transmission after week 20, remember, and ever greater numbers of vaccinated got their second dose more than 20 weeks ago.

Aside from their increasingly obvious desire to engage in empty theatre, our bureaucrats have exchanged the hopeless goal of optimising case numbers, for the somewhat less hopeless goal of optimising vaccination rates. What a deep irony, that expanding vaccination will in the long run merely enhance infections and make everything worse. No satirist could have dreamed up this absurd situation

Igor Chudov: Hospitals full of vaccinated patients

This article is a continuation of my thinking about vaccinated people having unusual amount, and unusual nature, of health problems. It is not a sound bite about “Joe Brandon” and is kind of long and thorough and some may find it boring. I wrote it mostly to provide fodder for other people who want to write about such things.

Everything in my article points to Covid vaccines somehow ruining general, innate immunity.

Chudov: Albuquerque hospitals at 140% capacity

And it is NOT from Covid

So, something happened since two weeks ago, that overflows UNM hospitals, and it is NOT a rapid change in Covid pandemic. What could it be?

Astute readers are probably guessing where this takes us.

… It is, obviously, a pure coincidence that UNM hospitals started overflowing and it coincided with the booster campaign. Boosters are safe and effective. Pfizer tested 12 senior citizens as part of its booster study.

el gato malo: seasonal expression, not vaccine prevalence is the driver of covid

winter is coming and it will not spare those many have claimed have vaxxed their way out of pandemic.

Ugo Bardi: The Age of Illiteracy: What Destiny for "Science"?

The problem -- the very big problem -- is with science. Science normally used the Catholic approach, in the sense that ordinary people were not supposed to read the original sources in the scientific literature. That may have been the reason why scientific "papers" are normally written in an obscure and hyperspecialized language -- accessible only by those who work in the same field as the authors. Not just that, but scientific papers are inaccessible to the public, hidden behind paywalls for the profit of publishers.

So, you need an interpreter, a scientific "priest" to tell you what "Science" (with a capital "S") says. This is a disaster because the "scientific literature" is so huge that any scientific priest with a veneer of expertise in a certain field can claim more or less anything without too much fear of being contradicted, just because so few people can really understand that field.

That does not normally happen with religions: Imagine that your local pastor tells you at the Sunday service that Jesus Christ recommended human sacrifices. You may not be a theologian but you know enough of the scriptures to suspect that something is wrong. That makes Martin Luther's approach viable: the Bible is a huge book, but its main points are understandable more or less by anybody.

But when the director of the Center for Disease Control (CDC), Rochelle Walensky, tells you that "Masks can help reduce your chance of Covid19 infection by more than 80%" how do you react? Would you believe that she invented this number from whole cloth?

Yes, she did.

There is not a shred of evidence in the literature that face masks of any kind can attain that level of protection, surely not the kind of masks that people buy and wear. I can tell you that from my own analysis of the literature. You may also check the opinion of Vinay Prasad (Epidemiologist at the University of California San Francisco) and of many commenters to Walensky's tweet.

Fine, but why should you trust me or Prof. Prasad instead of Dr. Walensky? In the Protestant approach, you would check the literature yourself. But do you have the capability to look up the relevant scientific literature? Do you have access to the literature without paying the exorbitant prices charged by scientific publishers? And even if you have the relevant papers, can you understand them, written in the kind of heavy, involved, purposefully obscure style, typical of scientific papers? And do you have the capability of filtering away the evident frauds resulting from corrupt scientists publishing to please their sponsors?

You see what is the problem. Science has become so huge that it has gone beyond the human capability to understand it. Outside one's hyperspecialized field, scientific truth has become little more than what you read in the slip of paper you find inside a fortune cookie in the Chinese restaurant. Maybe you read, "You have a secret admirer.” Oh, yes? And where does that come from? You are not supposed to know. It is the same problem you have when listening to your TV scientist in fashion appearing on the screen to tell you "wear a mask," or whatever. Where do those statements come from? You are not supposed to know that. Science has expanded itself beyond existence.

Kirsch: Do masks work?

No possible way says filtration expert Tyson Gabriel. He'd bet the farm on it.

Tyson Gabriel is the industrial hygienist that made this 1 hour video on mask wearing entitled “Just wear a mask or you’ll kill Grandma.” It’s in 6 parts, but all 6 parts are in the 1 hour video. It’s entertaining to watch.

The bottom line is Fauci was sort of right when he was originally asked about masks and he replied they are “useless, but if it makes you feel better, you can wear them.”

They are actually detrimental, especially for kids, because they trap bacteria and you then breath in that bacteria resulting in an increase in respiratory infections.

I inspired Tyson to make THE definitive video on showing the world that mask wearing is completely useless. He expects to have it done after Thanksgiving.

Until then, just remember that the CDC says masks don’t work for wildfire smoke and the virus is 25X smaller than a smoke particle. So it’s like trying to stop a mosquito with a chain link fence.

There are a lot of mask studies, but they are all confounded. There isn’t a good masking study funded by the CDC since they know they don’t work.

And the Danish mask study that was well done, showed masks didn’t work. The journal the researchers submitted it to said if they wanted it published, the authors would have to come to a conclusion that masks worked. So they re-wrote the paper so masks worked, and what do you know… it got published.

You can’t make this stuff up! Want proof? Read this article published in the BMJ which did a superb job of documenting how scientific journals dictate the scientific outcomes they want to see.

In short, today we adjust the science to match what the CDC says, it’s not the other way around like in the old days. Get it? In the Biden era, the narrative drives the science.

In other words, once again the CDC advice is terrible and it is harming people. People obey the CDC advice without questioning the science. It’s total mind control. The worst advice is not telling people about ivermectin and fluvoxamine.

Back to masks. It seems that nobody will have a scientific debate with Tyson. Nobody. That’s how confident they are in their advice: they are sure they would lose.

If there is anyone who wants to debate Tyson on mask wearing, please indicate this in the comments below. It will be fun to watch. Thanks.

In the meantime, remember, cloth and surgical masks are useless. They don’t stop COVID at all. It’s all political theater. You are basically showing your blind obedience government that, if they ask you to, you will do nonsensical things that harm your health.

There used to be a time in the US when we were entitled to liberty which is the ability to do what you want so long as you don’t deprive anyone else of their freedom. Those days are gone.

Identification of 3-chymotrypsin like protease (3CLPro) inhibitors as potential anti-SARS-CoV-2 agents

Computational molecular modeling was used to screen 3987 FDA approved drugs, and 47 drugs were selected to study their inhibitory effects on SARS-CoV-2 specific 3CLpro enzyme in vitro. Our results indicate that boceprevir, ombitasvir, paritaprevir, tipranavir, ivermectin, and micafungin exhibited inhibitory effect towards 3CLpro enzymatic activity. The 100 ns molecular dynamics simulation studies showed that ivermectin may require homodimeric form of 3CLpro enzyme for its inhibitory activity. In summary, these molecules could be useful to develop highly specific therapeutically viable drugs to inhibit the SARS-CoV-2 replication either alone or in combination with drugs specific for other SARS-CoV-2 viral targets.

No Significant Difference in Viral Load Between Vaccinated and Unvaccinated, Asymptomatic and Symptomatic Groups When Infected with SARS-CoV-2 Delta Variant

Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States

Filipe Rafaeli: Hydroxychloroquine: the world has lost the sense of risk and benefit

I will return again to the taboo subject. But this time it will all be different. Today I will accept everything that is being presented to me as science, without disputing anything.

I understand people reacting emotionally when someone says hydroxychloroquine works

You have been locked up at home for almost two years. You don't receive any friends. You avoid visiting your parents as much as possible, making them depressed. When you leave your house an inch, you put on a mask to protect yourself. You carry a bottle of alcohol gel and rub it on your hands every five minutes.

At the same time you open the newspaper and there it says: "Hydroxychloroquine is not scientifically proven". You turn on the television and see smiling experts saying the same thing. You consult the WHO - World Health Organization, and read that they do not recommend the drug. The famous medical association? They don't recommend it. The important, reference hospital in your region? They don't use it.

In this situation there are two possible situations: The first is that a person comes to you and repeats the statement that it doesn't work. By doing so, this person is saying that, despite the pandemic, the world is in a normal situation. It does not create any kind of disturbance.

But there is a second situation: it is a person coming to you and claiming that hydroxychloroquine works against COVID-19. In this case, it is perfectly human to have an emotional response. It's completely understandable.

Think along with me. On the off chance that the cheap, generic drug available on any corner is working, there are a lot of people, including governments, doing the evil thing of suppressing it from the population, leaving millions to die alone, breathless, intubated. It would be an action of official misinformation generating a legion of orphaned children, helpless grandchildren, and grieving families. Someone claiming that it works, therefore, represents something disturbing. It would be a horror story.

It is not difficult to understand. This person, by claiming efficacy, is saying that the WHO - World Health Organization, the NIH - National Institute of Health, the FDA - Food and Drug Administration, among several governments, are acting against their populations. At the same time, this person is saying that there are scientists working to sabotage, deceive, and defame the cure, and that doctors are letting patients die unnecessarily.

In other words, this person is saying that mankind is garbage, and that you, on top of everything else, are naive for having faith in human goodness, and that you have been made a fool of for almost two years, putting your life at risk. Maybe you lost your mother, your father, a relative or a friend and didn't even have the opportunity to say goodbye with a decent burial.

It is very heavy. To shake people's faith in human benevolence is deeply uncomfortable. It is perfectly understandable that there are jokes, sarcasm, or insults in response to those who say that COVID-19 has effective treatment. It's not hard to understand those who interrupt, most of the time in a rude way, people who dare to talk about the subject. I fully understand everyone who reacts in this way.

Berenson: Long Covid doesn't exist, volume one zillion

A huge French study shows BELIEVING you had Covid is associated with many later symptoms. But ACTUALLY having had Covid isn't associated with any (except loss of sense of smell).

The Journal of the American Medical Association has another stunning paper out, this one on post-Covid symptoms in almost 27,000 French adults. …

is "long covid" mostly a mental disease?

because it looks like "thinking you had covid" produces pretty much all the long term symptoms. having actual covid does not.

the results are not kind to the case for long covid being a mostly real medical syndrome. it’s overwhelmingly clear from this data that “belief about having had covid” absolutely swamps whether or not you actually had covid.


this table is, frankly, absolutely savage. (it’s just sufficiently technical that people are not getting what a brutal take down it is.) let’s look:

you can see here that not having had covid but thinking you did led to VASTLY more reports of “long covid” than having had covid and NOT thinking you had.

placebo effect is incredibly real. it’s WHY we do double blind studies.

clearly, belief mattered a lot here, far more than disease status. it’s difficult to even really identify a signal of real clinical long covid from this data.

Berenson: Taiwan blocks second Pfizer doses for teens

And they aren't even CONSIDERING allowing kids 5-11 to get Covid vaccinated at this point

Because of myocarditis.

Rare, mild myocarditis.

Except it’s neither of those things.

Imma say it again: if you let your healthy teen - much less your healthy child - get this vaccine, you are insane.

Senior NIH Doctor Pushes Back on COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates

A top infectious disease doctor has raised alarm about COVID-19 vaccine mandates despite top federal officials recommending them for businesses, schools, and other institutions. Dr. Matthew Memoli, who runs a clinical studies unit within the National Institutes of Health’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases—headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci—is scheduled to argue against COVID-19 vaccine mandates during a Dec. 1 seminar hosted by the agency, according to David Wendler, a senior NIH bioethicist who is planning the seminar. “There’s a lot of debate within the NIH about whether [a vaccine mandate] is appropriate,” he told The Wall Street Journal. “It’s an important, hot topic.”

Memoli had told Fauci in a July 30 email that he believes “the way we are using the vaccines is wrong,” adding that mandated vaccines are “extraordinarily problematic,” according to the WSJ. In comments to the paper, Memoli said that he supports COVID-19 vaccination in high-risk groups including obese people and the elderly. However, widespread vaccinations for people who have a low risk of death or severe illness from COVID-19 could hamper the U.S. population’s ability to develop more robust protection against the virus via previous infections, he said.

***** Eisenstein: Elements of Refusal

Psychiatrist Norman Doidge, MD, has recently published a long, four-part article entitled Needle Points, in which he examines vaccine skepticism in America. The author, who got vaccinated “early and voluntarily,” is solidly pro-vaccine, yet he displays what is in these divisive times an unusual willingness to see the issue from the perspective of those with whom he disagrees.

As that tagline suggests, an assumption runs quietly through Needle Points that Covid vaccines are by and large safe, necessary, and generally beneficial for personal and public health. Therefore, opposition to them must be explained in psychological or sociological terms, because we all know that, scientifically speaking, opposition is baseless.

Dr. Doidge devotes a long section of the essay to cataloging the crimes and cover-ups that pharmaceutical companies have perpetrated over the last several decades. He also describes the “regulatory capture” of agencies like the FDA, CDC, and NIH, whose officials often rotate into lucrative positions in the very companies they had formerly regulated. As a result, he says, public trust in the pharmaceutical industry is extremely low:
As of a September 2019 Gallup poll, only a few months before the COVID-19 pandemic, Big Pharma was the least trusted of America’s 25 top industry sectors, No. 25 of 25. In the eyes of ordinary Americans, it had both the highest negatives and the lowest positives of all industries. At No. 24 was the federal government, and at No. 23 was the health care industry. These three industries form a neat troika (though at No. 22 was the advertising and public relations industry, which facilitates the work of the other three.

Given the track record of the pharmaceutical companies and their regulators, no wonder a large percentage of the public is “hesitant” to get their Covid shots. Dr. Doidge seems to be saying, “The shots are safe and effective, and society would be better off if everyone got them, but many people are quite understandably reluctant because of past experience.”

The obvious question here is, Why does Doidge himself trust the science promoted by the very companies and regulators whose misdeeds he so compellingly enumerates? He seems to take for granted that the vaccines have a low rate of adverse reactions. Are the agencies saying that, and the data they utilize, reliable? The article’s tagline implies that he knows it is; otherwise, he wouldn’t wonder “what to do about [vaccine hesitancy]”. He would be wondering instead what to do about vaccine credulity or vaccine naivete.

The willful manipulation, distortion, and suppression of research is the tip of an iceberg. The bulk of narrative maintenance is an organic function of the system, often unconscious or semi-conscious. The vaccine resistance movement needs to understand this, so it can understand the reasons for vaccine credulity. Too often people in the movement explain what is going on in terms of malice: evil politicians, perfidious scientists, greedy New-World-Order plutocrats. Such figures surely exist, but they play a role in a much larger social process.


I appreciate that Dr. Doidge does not join the chorus that labels vaccine skeptics as conspiracy theorists, white supremacists, granny-killers, psychopaths, or some of the other names I’ve been called. However, one detects in his article a tinge of paternalism. Isn’t it a shame that so many of the public aren’t listening to their doctors? What can we do about that? Sure we’ve made mistakes in the past, and sure there are some bad eggs in the carton, but we all know that the profession as a whole, and medical science generally, is sound, and therefore it would be better if people trusted us on the important issue of Covid vaccination.

It might be better to be pitied than scorned, patronized than abused. Yet pity, scorn, patronization, and abuse are all on the same spectrum of arrogance. Let me be clear; I don’t think Dr. Doidge is a particularly arrogant human being; he seems exceptionally fair-minded and generous. The arrogance, if any, is built into his profession.

This is not to decry all authority or to uphold an ideal of freedom separate from social relations. Human beings naturally trust authority, starting with the natural respect—even awe and gratitude—that children have for parents and other adults. In a healthy society, people gain authority because they have earned respect,. When respect withers and fear replaces it, the first question to ask is whether there was a betrayal of trust. Dr. Doidge makes it clear in his essay that there has been.

**** Kaia: What’s To Be Done about the Vaccine Hesitant?

…. We don't call people who haven't gone bungee jumping "bungee hesitant" nor do we call them "anti-bungee." There is no need for a category. It's just something some people decide to do, and some people don't. “Vaccine hesitant” sets up a Hegelian dialectic that implicitly assumes the regular thing for people to do is to take a vaccine. As such, we need words to describe those who don't, because they're so peculiar. The mere existence of the word “vaccine hesitant” creates and reifies an entire reality about what people are supposed to do or are expected to do.

We could disrupt this dynamic by adding categories for those who do choose to take the vaccine such as "vaccine credulous" or "vaccine obedient." But even that would still play into the narrative warfare in a number of ways:


All of this is an example of how a coordinated mass culture, propagated by mass media, creates realities in people's minds and experiences according to the designs of those with control over the mass media mechanisms.

Perhaps the best definition of conspiracy theory I’ve ever heard comes courtesy of Mark Crispin Miller: “something that if true, you couldn’t handle it.” The reason you couldn’t handle it is because it is too dispiriting for most of us to integrate. If true, it means that the government and the corporate press have been colluding together against the public interest on a number of issues for a very long time. This represents a heavy psychological burden. As such, the spell word of conspiracy theory provides us with convenient encouragement to remain comfortably tucked into the version of reality constructed for us by the official narrative.

… Prior to the promulgation of this spell, the proper word for what is now called “conspiracy theory” would have been “investigative journalism.” Investigative journalism seeks to uncover hidden truths and official corruption in order to expose the powerful and inform the public. The spell power of conspiracy theory ensures that investigative journalism into certain forbidden areas will never be conducted by corporate or state actors.

… Now put them together: “conspiracy theory” becomes “corruption investigation.” …. Rather than nervously laughing and dismissing these investigations out of hand, and saying things like “I don’t believe in corruption investigations,” we would probably start demanding official inquiries, hearings, and prosecutions, and we would also insist that our corporate news outlets conduct honest investigations into these matters themselves. The power of the spell word cannot be underestimated.

COVID Quotes of the Week:

Lambert Strether: In summary, Uncontrolled Spread gives a lot of insight into the United States’ institutional collapse in the face of the Covid pandemic. It’s quite disconcerting to find that the policy recommendations, the agenda, one might say, are utterly demented. But that’s life in these United States today!

Kunstler: Poster-boy for this epic debacle was Dr. Eric J Rubin, editor of the New England Journal of Medicine who, serving on the CDC’s advisory vaccine committee, actually said, “We’re never gonna learn how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it.” Giving it to children, that is, which the government authorized last week, even while that same CDC issued a safety advisory warning on vaccine-induced myocarditis (inflammation of the heart), especially in boys and young men.

Ilargi: “Isn’t it amazing that HCQ, IVM, and Pfizer’s PAXLOVID ($72per pill) all inhibit the same SARS 3CLpro enzyme to inhibit replication? Weird that two are “snake oil” and the expensive one will get EUA.”

eugyppius: One of the things that has been so hard about the last 20 months, is enduring the constant stream of garbage-grade lies that flow forth from the press and their scientific informants. Everything that is said about Corona in mainstream news outlets is just hopelessly broken.

el gato malo: is “booster day” the new snow day? because this sounds pretty significant. i also bet it’s going to get prevalent. they just generally won’t be this honest about it.

bad cattitude again: this has NOTHING to do with a virus. if it did, you’d trust acquired immunity and the medical judgement of doctors. these people are wreckers. they WANT these systems to break. they want a hospital crisis because that will create “an emergency” that allows them to step in and regulate or grab control … can you seriously believe that a system that will not allow doctors to make THEIR OWN healthcare choices can be trusted to let them help you make YOURS?

And, again, in shame the children until they comply: move over intersectional guilt trips, mask manipulations, and malicious malthusian moralizing, there’s a new sheriff in town to heap guilt upon your children and his name is “vaxx shaming.” …. every child in america should get a copy of dr seuss’s book on status signaling and ostracism “the sneetches” this holiday. and every parent should sit down and read it with them. … from CRT to hallucinatory gender studies to socialism and militant green cultism, schools have become such oppressive factories of dogmatic inculcation as to make pink floyd appear educational optimists.

Wittgenstein: Hundreds of shoes and handwritten notes at a California school representing the children who will be leaving if the vaccine mandate becomes a requirement to attend school.

*** Kirsch: Let’s be clear. COVID vaccine mandates are necessary because the protected need to be protected from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that didn't protect the protected. Get it?

Major Payne: I took my two shots and felt wonderful, invigorated, brimming with vitality. I will be taking my booster shot

just as soon as the bartender gets back from his break.

Berenson: I don’t want to spoil what happens next. You’ll laugh, you’ll laugh some more, you’ll cry (tears of laughter). I will say this, though: you won’t be more afraid of Covid when you’re done. But you might be more afraid for our future as a species.

COVID Tweet Vids of the Week:

Dr. McCullough explains how the Spike Protein has been shown to stay in the body for over 15 months and can be damaging the human body and its organs using its genetic code.

Data showed a 19 times higher rate of myocarditis among 12-15-year-olds, and the study was abruptly deleted right before the FDA met about injecting 5-11-year-olds? This interview with study author Dr. Jessica Rose is live now on my website:

*** Dr. Robert Malone: Safe and effective? Are these the vaccines that you want to have mandated for injection into your children, California parents?

Let's go Gavin!

COVID Irrationality Policy Fare:

Michael Tracey: US Government Kept a Ludicrously Irrational COVID Ban in Place for Months and Months, but Media Bashes the Supposed Irrationality of Private Citizens

For months, elected officials and ordinary citizens alike in both countries have been puzzling over the strange fact that Canadians were legally permitted to fly into the US via commercial aircraft — after having gone to a crowded airport and inhaling whatever particles happened to be in circulation — but barred from driving over the border alone in their private cars. Surely there must be some profoundly convincing epidemiological rationale for this policy, somewhere.

But here’s the incredible part, which should be eye-opening even if you have no particular investment in whether the Canadian land border is open or closed: there appears to have never been any explanation for the policy. Nobody in a position of authority even attempted to justify the continuation of this ban until nearly the end of 2021. It just existed, months after there was any conceivable rationale for it.


She relayed the following justification apparently given to her by the White House: “They are fully guided by the assessment and the analysis of public health and medical experts.” But… that’s not an explanation of anything. That’s a vapid cliche to end all vapid cliches.


Or maybe Biden was diligently on top of it all along, and regularly assessed the ramifications of this policy over which he had complete unbridled control. Also, maybe the moon is made of cheese.

What’s more consequential: whether Aaron Rodgers personally chooses to get vaccinated, or whether faceless government agencies impose nonsensical policies, for months on end, that affect millions of people, without bothering to justify what they’re doing?

Today the Canadian land border is finally open — though only to “fully vaccinated” foreign travelers, which is a whole other can of worms. But sometimes it’s worth pointing out that even according to their own vaguely-stated criteria, US Government policy frequently makes zero sense and is barely scrutinized. Despite the eagerness of pundits and politicians to bash the supposed senselessness of private citizens making their own personal decisions. Just something to keep in mind!

When Will The CDC Correct Its COVID Death-Counts, As Italy Just Did?

The Italian Higher Institute of Health has drastically reduced the country's official COVID death toll number by over 97 per cent after changing the definition of a fatality to someone who died from COVID rather than with COVID.

There's more interesting material here, for the article discusses the ethics of overcounting to induce panic.

In America, however, counting COVID deaths is more of an art than it is a science (and that's not even getting into the way the government incentivized hospitals to count COVID deaths). You can see here the CDC's instructions.

COVID Conspiracy Fare:

*** eugyppius: Stupid and Evil in Equal Measure: II

Mass containment as conspiracy and as emergent phenomenon.

Continued from Part I.

Heavily bureaucratised Western governments are a recent development. They are a product of the Industrial Revolution and the mass society that it enabled. Before the modern bureaucratic apparatus arose, governments behaved more legibly, towards a much more confined set of purposes. Primarily, they collected taxes and waged wars. What the bureaucracy has brought us, is a wealth of ancillary government functions that nobody even 100 years ago could have imagined, together with a suite of bizarre and unpredictable behaviour that nobody can explain. Corona has been an object lesson in all of the truly crazy and destructive things a broadly distributed bureaucratic policy consensus founded upon false premises can achieve.

Kunstler: Medicine Wants to Kill You

Historians of the future, savoring ‘possum goulash around their campfires, will marvel that modern medicine squandered its authority, its credibility, and its sacred honor in the Covid Panic of the 2020s, when public health officials and doctors in clinical practice colluded to force mass vaccinations while suppressing news of the harms and injuries the vaccines caused — potentially sacrificing millions of citizens like so many experimental fruit flies.

Poster-boy for this epic debacle was Dr. Eric J Rubin, editor of the New England Journal of Medicine who, serving on the CDC’s advisory vaccine committee, actually said, “We’re never gonna learn how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it.” Giving it to children, that is, which the government authorized last week, even while that same CDC issued a safety advisory warning on vaccine-induced myocarditis (inflammation of the heart), especially in boys and young men.

Nota bene: myocarditis is not a condition you necessarily get over because affected heart muscle cannot replace itself; rather the inflammation leads to scarring of heart muscle and a shortened life-span.

Meanwhile, young vaxxed athletes drop dead of heart failure in shocking numbers on high school gridirons, soccer fields, cricket pitches, bike trails, and running tracks around the world, and ordinary civilians develop a bewildering array of post-vax cardiovascular, neurological, and thrombotic disorders of which only a small fraction end up being recorded in the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Recording System (VAERS). Those numbers now are at least roughly 10,000 deaths and 20,000 permanently disabled. The VAERS website is so kludgy and inadequate that doctors are discouraged from using it — to the degree that only an estimated 10 percent of adverse events are actually reported. Doctors are also threatened with disciplinary punishment for publicizing problems with the vaxxes.

In fact, the news can’t be completely suppressed. It is obvious now — due to the frantic push for “booster” shots — that the various vaccines stop working to prevent infection with Covid-19 after several months. What is only partially understood is the action of the spike proteins that linger in the body post-vax, but the evidence is not good, since they have a particular affinity for attaching to the endothelial linings of blood vessels generally, and in the capillaries of major organs in particular — especially ovaries and testicles, raising the specter of widespread infertility ahead.

On top of that, the vaccines are suspected of breaking down the immune system, leaving the vaxxed vulnerable to opportunistic infection, disabling the genetic mechanism that allows the body to routinely defeat cancer cells, and turning people’s immune systems against them in auto-immune disorders.

How are the doctors and public health officials behaving in the face of all this? Pushing ever more strenuously for the forced vaccination of everybody of all ages, no matter what, and vilifying anyone who militates for respecting informed consent to be vaccinated. The net result is that doctors appear to have violated en masse their Hippocratic oath of ethics which calls on them to first do no harm.

Everything about the virus and its countermeasures — from the murky origins of it in Dr. Anthony Fauci’s official funding of bioweapons research, to the patent trail of conflicted ownerships and interests in the subsequent vaccine developments, to the fierce suppression of news and debate — suggests nefarious motives, or else a mass psychotic panic among the very highly-trained people society must depend on in a crisis.

It’s also getting harder to tell how much of a crisis this actually is or ever really was. There’s no reliable way of knowing how many people really died as a direct result of Covid, or just tested positive for the virus (with a janky PCR test) when they were struggling with one or more serious illnesses (co-morbidities), especially when there were substantial dollar subsidies at stake from the federal government tied to Covid cases. Nor is it possible to determine right now how many deaths attributed to Covid are actually a result of reactions to the vaccines. Most troubling of all, it looks like the rate of deaths from cardiac disorders, thrombosis, and neurological damage in the general population is noticeably exceeding the normal range — as reported officially in the UK, Ireland, and other countries.

It bears repeating that whatever Covid-19 actually is or where it came from, it’s a disease not a whole lot more deadly in the general population than the flu in a bad season; that in the natural course of things, it would have probably only killed mostly the very old and already sick, and that the rest of the population would have soldiered through it and acquired a sturdy natural immunity superior to anything the vaxxes might confer (even in theory).

James Lyons-Weiler: It's Happening Here

Public Health has taken over every part of government - and they are following Hitler's blueprint. The evidence is available, for all to see.

Hotez wants to criminalize criticism - speech - under hate crimes laws and has the gall to quote Elie Wiesel on “neutrality or silence”. One wonder how his brain fails to recognize that he is using Wiesel’s calls to speak out to silence those who speak out.

What Hotez is ignoring is that Nobel Laureates, physicians and scientists are criticizing Public Health. And I have news for Hotez and anyone else in public health: If you can’t take criticism when you fuck up, you’re not a Scientist.


Anyone paying attention to what has happened in Australia knows that an authoritarian regime is emerging in Western countries that needs to be curbed.

Anyone not paying attention to what has happened in Australia needs to pay attention to what has happened in Australia.

I urge all Freedom-loving people everywhere to counter this slide into tyranny via administrative rule-making with grace, fierce resolve, and peaceful means of resolving disputes - conversations, communications, appeals, petitions, protests, speeches, lawsuits and legal protests if possible. Emphasis lawsuits.

el gato malo: at the risk of saying "i told you so..."

the purported party of “my body my choice” for reproductive rights and even gender is suddenly the oppressive imposer of “your body my choice” when it becomes time to submit to their dictatorial whims. they rage and rant and ever more forcefully coerce because they cannot convince. they vilify because they cannot edify. and they lie, twist, and change their story because the facts are not and have never been on their side here.

you’re being sold a pack of lies by a pack of liars whose story has changed more times than gwenneth paltrow’s dietary restrictions.

PCR: The Vaccine Is Killing More People than Covid

COVID Anecdotal Fare:

*** Real, Not Rare

"The Faces Of The Vaccine Injured"

e.g I am a fairly widely published epistemologist--that is, a specialist in the theory of knowledge. I have been astonished after coming into contact with other people injured by these same vaccines to see the independent reporting of similar symptoms. There are variations; these are not copied from one another. I kept track of my own symptoms for months before learning that there were others out there with such similar symptoms. This sort of independence with similarity is very important evidentially. I wish others knew that these very serious adverse events are much more common than they are being led to believe. When you receive one of these new Covid-19 vaccines, you cannot be at all sure that you will have only a mild or brief vaccine reaction. Please think twice and more than twice, especially when it comes to giving it to a child or to any person for whom you are responsible.

No More Silence.

The Testimonies Project.

Letter on Behalf of Physicians Regarding COVID Vaccine Injuries.

*** Kirsch: Why can't anyone explain how these 14 kids died after getting vaccinated?

Unless there is a business card implanted in the body saying “killed by the Pfizer vaccine,” they won’t find causality.

We know for certain the CDC is inept at finding causality. One of the world’s top pathologists, Dr. Peter Shirmacher, looked at people who died after vaccination and determined that at least 30% to 40% died from the vaccine and the number could be close to 100% (there is only so much you can definitively tell from autopsies done after death for these vaccines).

For the CDC, Pfizer, and Moderna not to admit a single death to date is absurd. They are lying to you.

After a lot of heroic effort, Ernest was able to get an autopsy done. The cause of death listed by the medical examiner was “an enlarged heart.” It was more than twice normal in size. Nobody reported the death to VAERS.

According to Dr. Peter McCullough who reviewed the autopsy report, the cause of death was vaccine-induced myocarditis that caused his heart to swell to double the normal size. This sort of size change can happen very rapidly, well within the 5 day window.

Ernest has been very public about the death. I learned about it nearly 2 months ago. But no one from the CDC called. Nobody from the FDA called. Nobody from Pfizer called. Nobody from the NY Times called. Nobody from CNN called. No mainstream media will cover it since the vaccine doesn’t leave a business card when it kills someone.

These kids died and the CDC didn’t even do an analysis to determine the chance of that happening by random chance. Why not? I know the answer. Because if they did the calculation, it would be an admission that it didn’t happen by chance. Then they’d have to explain what did kill those kids. By not doing the calculation, they basically sweep it under the rug. The press never asks. Problem solved.

Here are some of the hyperlinks friends have sent me. Please read their stories. ….

And this one:

Michael “Mike” Anthony Granata February 21, 1965 – November 1, 2021

Vax Mandate Pushback Fare:

Peter Doshi and Aditi Bhargava: Vaccine Passports: Institutionalized Segregation

UK Health Expert: Vaccine Passports Make No Sense

One of the UK’s most respected public health experts has called on the Scottish Government to scrap its “ridiculous and discriminatory” vaccine passport scheme.

“When you are imposing a measure which restricts liberty and undermines human rights, the measure should be necessary and proportionate. Vaccine passports are not.”

Courageous LA County Sheriff Tells The Truth About Covid Vax Mandates

… Keep in mind that the Sheriff is a vaccinated person, but he continues to defend the rights of his deputies to make personal informed decisions on the jab. Being anti-mandate does not mean a person is necessarily “anti-vax”. I think the sheriff did an admirable job presenting his case so I won’t rehash it here. However, what I do want to talk about is some of the INSANE rhetoric coming from the reporters in the crowd as they tried to confront and brow-beat him on his information and personal stance. …

If the vaccines work then the unvaccinated pose no threat whatsoever to the vaccinated. If they don’t work, then why are they trying to mandate them in the first place?

Vaccinated people still actively spread the virus. Highly vaccinated countries like Israel have the highest infection rates in the world. Vaccinated people make up the bulk of hospitalizations and deaths in majority vaccinated countries. Unvaccinated people who have natural immunity are up to 27 times more protected from covid than people who take the vaccines. These are the facts.

Furthermore, the media absolutely refuses to openly discuss the actual death rate of the covid virus. The median Infection Fatality Rate of covid is a mere 0.27% according to the medical establishment and numerous peer reviewed studies. Who are the unvaxxed a threat to? 0.2% of the population? Why don’t those people take the vax and leave the rest of us alone? Does the science not matter anymore?

I applaud his reserve and calm demeanor in the face of such rabid stupidity, and I applaud his bravery in standing for truth in an era when truth is vilified.

GeoPolitical Fare:

Paul Craig Roberts: New FBI report definitively proves ‘Russiagate,’ which dogged Trump’s US presidency, was fraud

Does anyone really believe that the Democrats and their media whores at CNN, NPR, New York Times, and social media did not know this from the start?

Aaron Maté: Russiagate has no rock bottom

The indictment of the Steele dossier's key source newly humiliates the Clinton campaign, FBI, and US media.

Moon of Alabama: A Look Back At Russiagate

The Steele dossier about Trump and Russia has now been fully debunked as a collection of made up stories that it had obviously always been. That it took nearly five years to be officially acknowledged as such points to undue power of media who had pushed it.

Orwellian Fare:

Yes, this is how the powers that be operate in this insane world of ours:

Military Jury "Disgusted" By First Detailed Public Account Of CIA Torture In Court

Branko Marcetic: Brian Williams Was Just the Face of Corporate News Lies

NBC’s Brian Williams didn’t just exaggerate one anecdote: He serially lied about nearly a dozen events he had covered, and continued to rake in millions after it. He was everything wrong with corporate news.

CaitOz Fare:

All US Elections Are Fraudulent; Shut Up About Nicaragua

New York Times correspondent Natalie Kitroeff reported that Ortega has been “arresting all credible challengers; shutting down opposition parties; banning large campaign events; closing voting stations en masse” and that “there were no billboards or campaign posters” for the opposition, all claims that have been squarely refuted by observers reporting on the scene like Wyatt ReedBen NortonMargaret KimberlyAhmed KaballoCaleb Maupin and others.

There’s a common misconception that nothing ever changes in the US political status quo because an ideological tug-of-war between two equal and opposing factions keeps things in a state of stasis where it’s impossible to advance changes which would benefit ordinary Americans. In reality those two “factions” are in complete alignment in all but the most superficial ways, the electoral contests between them are dominated by a donor class with a vested interest in protecting the status quo, the candidates who compete in them are pre-selected by a corrupt and meticulously vetted primary process to ensure the public only ever gets to cast votes for those who will preserve oligarchy and empire, and third parties are constitutionally prevented from ever becoming politically viable. All US elections for positions of real power are fraudulent.

It’s silly to call the US war machine the Department of Defense. The US military doesn’t do “defense”, it does nonstop unprovoked aggression around the world. Defense is what the nations who resist US acts of aggression against them are doing.

All you need to know about Russiagate is that it began with unsubstantiated claims made by the US intelligence cartel and ended in cold war escalations against a nation long targeted by the US intelligence cartel. All the rest was just unethical political and media opportunism.

Other Quotes of the Week:

Greenwald: Good morning. I'd like to make 3 points:

1) The vast majority of disinformation, propaganda and lies that flooded the country over the last 5 years did not come from MAGA boomers on Facebook or 4Chan teenagers but the largest and most influential liberal corporate media outlets.

2) These are not cases where media outlets erred. They deliberately lied. The way to know that is they refuse to acknowledge evidence proving they lied.

3) By far the best and most accurate reporting on all matters relating to Russiagate came not from the liberal corporate outlets that want to censor the internet in the name of disinformation or which shower themselves with Pulitzers for lies, but from the right-wing press.

Big Thoughts:

********** Raelle Kaia: How Would You Know?

If you were living in a totalitarian system, who would tell you?

Barry Brownstein: The Shining Silence Beneath the Noise

If the world is too much with you, this essay may help

Since Curb is all about perceived slights, like many of us, Larry has a superpower to hear and often misinterpret any slight directed at him.

Curb is funny because there is universality (however exaggerated) in the mindset of Larry’s ego.

In creating and defending our self-concept, we take personally what others say. And, we have a superpower that treats our thinking personally.

Consider this observation by Ben Hardy: “the average person has between 12,000 and 60,000 thoughts per day. Of those, 80% are negative, and 95% are exactly the same repetitive thoughts as the day before.”

As we become aware of our thinking, we notice that many repetitive themes revolve around our interpretation of what someone else did or said. Many of our thoughts are judgments of others or ourselves. What’s wrong with them? What’s wrong with me? Many of our thoughts are imaginings of the future, as we rehearse scenarios in our head.

Like Larry, often our thoughts involve a rule we have made up, known only to us. When someone breaks our rule, conflict unfolds in predictable ways as we defend the story of me, our self-concept. There is no peace in that self-concept, but its familiarity brings a dysfunctional comfort.

It is helpful to become more aware of the sense of constriction in our body that these thoughts create. With awareness comes an increased capacity to shift our mind away from our thinking and back to the present moment. It takes little thought to be present to this moment.

Our thinking can be a barrier to the life we want. When we are present in the moment, we can experience a state of flow; we experience more peace and accomplish more.

Pics of the Week:

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